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Everything posted by harbourside

  1. I am going on Vikings 32day Australian cruise which includes Bali 6 hours and Komodo 30 hours. I Cover has told me I have to include these to stops, don't count as stopover as is it is a cruise. The policy goes from $916.07 to $1804.52 nearly doubling the policy. This is NZ dollars . Any one have better luck with other Insurance companies
  2. Is seafood a rare treat on Azamara. I look forward to having Lobster, scallops, prawns, etc on a cruise. My favourite is the crab served on Viking buffet every evening. My husband does not eat crustaceans, so could not care less if unavailable .
  3. I have only ever been offered red or white wine as the included wine (except welcome drink and captains evenings which was sparkling). Should also offer Rose as included.
  4. Thanks. Sides sound like a step up. Hope we have this menu in January .Australian Circumnaviagion 32 days. Also, hope the hamburgers have reverted back to the ones you had, and not the cardboard discs others have complained about.
  5. What I was trying to find out if the #5 menu also others sides and if they differ from previous menu versions.
  6. I have. Not listed. Previous Mandredi's menus have always had a selection of vegetable sides.
  7. Do they still have a selection of side dishes, potatoes,vegetables ????
  8. Is this the new normal for burgers. No more thick juicy burgers. Looked forward to having a burger. Why dumb down the burgers. With the new price increases, food should be improving, not getting worse.
  9. Is it possible to see cabin availability on website. This function no longer seems to be available or I cannot find it.
  10. How does this work . It says up to $1000 per cabin. I have done a dummy booking and it does not show. I presume only the higher suites get this. No OBC for just Veranda cabins. No information of a sliding scale for cabins.
  11. How does this work. Are the prices on the website the new reduced prices?????
  12. Maybe there should be some sort of quality control if the food is only superior on World cruises, where they get the best chefs. Should apply to all cruises. Head or Executive chefs should be trained to set the required standard, as the food is now a hit or miss in the Restaurant on some cruises. My first cruise was good, second was not great, my 3rd is a 32 day Circumnavigation of Australia . For the high price of this cruise, I am hoping for improvement. This cruise is not sold in segments and at the moment is a one off. I am a Viking fan, but have not got my head buried in the sand. Oceania, Seabourn are now very competitive, when everything taken into consideration.
  13. I have heard that you cannot share drinks. eg. Cannot share with wife. Is this true. Sounds a bit weird.
  14. Viking Oceans is doing 32 day circumnavigation in January 2025 for the first time. Have booked for this trip.
  15. This tour is on our Jan 2025 32 day Circumnavigation of Australia. It looks a welcome change from the bus tours.
  16. Just checked my cruises for 2025 and for a DV6 cabin it has gone up $6200.00 per person. Australian dollars. This is a 32 day trip Circumnavigation of Australia. Just as well I booked on board our last cruise. Is Viking pricing itself into Luxury lines territory (Seabourn, Silverseas ), and it will compare badly with Oceania, which is now offering included wine and beer with lunch and dinner, and offering a excursion credit. A large number of wines are available, not the 1 red and 1 white with Viking. From what I have read, Oceania food is far better. My last cruise with Viking, the food in the MDR was lacking. I am hoping for better things with my next cruise, and for people paying the new price, they should expect a lot, lot more.
  17. Are the cooking classes free, or is there a charge.
  18. Our prices in New Zealand and Australia include all Gratuities. I have read that drinks have 20% charge added to them. So, in fact, we still have to pay extra gratuities. A bit misleading.
  19. Had them on my last cruise. Looked lovely but were very cold and tasted stale. My husbands almond pastry also was stale. Maybe warming them would have helped. Definitely not fresh. Disappointed as they looked so good.
  20. Had the wall bump in DV3046 but not in DV3038. Next cabin DV3041????
  21. Had the "bump" in DV3046 but not in DV3038. Next cabin DV3041 ???
  22. Would love to do Hawaii to Australia or New Zealand. May happen. Always asked why they did not do a Circle Australia tour, and now in 2025 they will do one. Already booked.
  23. Now $1000.00 Aust. per person. Non refundable. I have always only paid $500.00 but this had gone up when I booked my last cruise. I did query it, but this is now the new norm.
  24. Will be joining you on the Venus for the Circumnavigation of Australia.
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