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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. All the links given make interesting reading and I'm sure, a high percentage of it is fact but I can't see where specific emotive Cunard points I questioned eg slave labour wages/boosting profits, are addressed.
  2. Major Tom I have been cruising for many years, it's true and solely Cunard over the last decade. I have read 'definitive' information aired on this board which has been proven to be utter tosh but delivered in such an authoritative manner, it's hard to disagree with if you can't prove otherwise. Lots of information is aired on the media but until you provide an official link to all the *Cunard points you've brought up, it's still in the realms of hearsay. Sorry.
  3. We use that website as do many regular travellers. My husband was eligible for an exemption certificate and I jest that mozzies can't read a certificate and so aren't able to bypass those with exemption but in reality, what is the point of going to a country, where a disease is an endemic killer, and not being vaccinated against it. An exemption certificate is no good if you are dead. That was our thought process anyway. We are scrupulous in keeping up will all our vaccinations and would not have transited the Panama Canal, twice, if there had been the slightest Y.F issue.
  4. OK. I couldn't care less what folk do about their individual gratuity protocols as it's non of my business. Staff wages are non of my business either but as you seem to have your ear to the ground re all sorts of Cunard staff issues through your comments on this board, I will ask yet again, please provide official links to corroborate your comments. If it's a case of 'I have heard' or 'it's well known', then that is in the realms of hearsay. Provide the evidence and the hearsay is indeed, fact.
  5. I have tried just about every formula on sale over the years and no non DEET product is effective for me. My husband however has found a marvellous non DEET solution to mozzies. It just involves standing next to me. Given a choice of my blood or his, 9 out of 10 mozzies show their appreciation of mine!!😕
  6. Not ideal for sensitive skin. But as a mozzie magnet, I can put up with it rather than multiple mozzie bites.
  7. My other recommendation, apart from YF jab not required for a canal transit, is take a good Mozzie repellent spray and unfortunately, the best ones contain Deet 50% concentration eg Boots Repel Max.
  8. My contribution to the last paragraph is that there is a slight problem with any YF exemption certs. Mozzies can't read! Levity aside, the lack of YF jab led us to cancel a S.America 72 day cruise a few years ago. We were more than comfortable transiting the canal without YF cover.
  9. We have transited the canal twice. Neither of us have had the YF jab and for the actual canal transit, it's not on the recommended list.
  10. You could do what a fellow table mate did, to celebrate a special birthday. He shared a bottle of Chateau d'quem with the rest of us. No need to re-cork! It is served by the glass too, or it was in years past.
  11. I got the same email. Not that we would book any drink packages but it focuses on 'cover your bar tab in advance' and not 'buy now, it's cheaper'! 🙂
  12. Oh how I agree. With all of it. I mentioned knickers and twisting [and it wasn't any sort of Chubby Checker twisting] a week or so ago about the new ship. Why 'worry' over something which might/might not happen/be true. There are a couple of members here who if they come out with 'a fact', I will take their word for it, an example being 'the removal of grats list' sticky from years ago. Equally, there's a heck of a lot of 'it is acknowledged/I have heard said' etc but if sources can't be provided, it's unconfirmed and thus tantamount to hearsay but hey, it sets the board chattering! 😄
  13. I have no actual idea how the staff are paid or that grats are shared fleet wide etc. I asked Major Tom for his source in #20, so I ask you, where can I find all this information?
  14. Staff remuneration is a contentious issue for so many but until I see official documentation grats are used 'to boost wages to an acceptable level' my head isn't yet totally buried. As you say it's well documented, perhaps you will be so good as to provide the link to those documents.
  15. I am in complete agreement in airing one's viewpoint, but when comments like this are made as almost definitive, I need an indisputable source.
  16. Which is why the approach to such a subject is completely personal and each to their own but as long as there's no mud slinging either way, it's objectively interesting to read all viewpoints. I too would welcome grats. to be included in the holiday price.
  17. After all the problems the travel industry has had, we will willingly pay the extra and be thankful the ships are back in service and staff are there to enable our holidays.
  18. The alternative is to ask the TA to be quite vociferous with Cunard in saying his/her client is very open to an upgrade, paid for or not. If it's paid for, the amount is less then the original difference.
  19. We have similar tastes in cruises.🙂
  20. FDR sort of said 'there's nothing to fear but fear itself' and at the moment, that's true for some folk with respect to the new ship and to a certain extent, Cunard itself. IF, and it's a huge IF, Cunard changes out of all recognition, we will be among those who look to Regent or Silversea etc but we are willing to be QA newbies and hope the Maiden sorts out any potential teething problems.
  21. Apart from the fact my tipples all seem to come in screw tops, I always have a corkscrew in my luggage so you can borrow mine on that trip.
  22. I guess it depends how one uses the name. The traditional term describes ships of the Cunard fleet. Over the past few years, it seems to describe some Cunard passengers, as in the comment I quoted. So take your pick.
  23. I do wish folk would stop using words and phrases which are used in disparaging ways when describing issues which seem to be linked to some kind of 'evolving', for want of a better term. I like to think I'm a tad discerning. I am also fond of traditions.I am also looking forward to travelling on the new Cunard ship. Does that make me less discerning? Will I and all the others, be they newbies or 'old hands' who have booked the new ship also be classed as less discerning for doing so? No wonder I class myself a [very] loyal Cunard client and not a Cunarder.
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