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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. I have read that 70% of iPhone users have updated to iOS 17 but that is still a lot being left out. What is really problematic is making a new version that only works on iOS 17. I bunch of apps I use have been updated many times yet would still work on iOS 13 according to their developer notes.
  2. I overlooked that they might have a Canadian BC but just because they have a Canadian passport does not preclude them having a US BC. Or other documents. This all sounds complicated but it should not be since they have a valid US passport. Bermuda does not require 6 months if coming on a cruise and the US has no requirement at all except a valid passport. I personally have used a passport on a Caribbean cruise that had less than six months on it about six years ago because I had a combination of cruises and land trips so I didn’t have a six months window. No one batted an eye or said anything about the expire date.
  3. I don't think a Canadian BC would work. The BC is to prove US citizenship.
  4. Vintage means it can’t get replacement parts. Hardware can’t be repaired. The iPhone 8 Plus can be repaired. Software support has different dates. While it can’t get iOS 17 it still gets some software support. Celebrity has decided not to support earlier than iOS 17. But they could. What was in their last update that requires an iOS 17 feature? According to their release note for the version released a week ago Celebrity added a guest wallet to manage payment methods. It does sound like a major feature addition to their app. I don’t know why that would require iOS 17 but I am not an Apple developer so perhaps it does.
  5. Just so people don’t get confused if they have a iPhone SE there are 3 generations of iPhone SE. 2016, 2020 and 2022. iOS 17 will run on the iPhone 2020 and the iPhone phone 2022. So Celebrity is only not supporting their app on the 1st gen iPhone SE 2016 an 8 year old phone.
  6. If I might make a suggestion for everyone. When going on a cruise I have made it a habit to go to settings and under App Store toggle off App Updates because that was something I didn’t want to happen on very slow internet or without warning when away from home.
  7. You have more faith in Celebrity than I do. I think they don’t have a clue. That’s why they did it. I think it would be a simple fix. Probably a word or two of code.
  8. So true. The iPhone OS upgrades the last 4, 5 or 6 years have been incremental. The next os upgrade though is looking to be huge. I bet though it will still be recognizable and easy to pick up on the changes.
  9. Would be kind of stupid of them to deny boarding when you can use a birth certificate to deny boarding with a valid passport. The RCL call center people are brain dead. I don’t the check in people at the dock are brain dead, I don’t think they would deny boarding but bringing the Birth Certificate will give you peace of mind.
  10. App developers for smartphones put that info on their web sites but they don't send out notifications. You might get a notification when you open the app if the devolpoper still exists. As I mentioned in a couple of posts Celebrity could have continued to update thier app to updated versions that would still run on your phone. I have apps that support iOS 13 and maybe earlier, I only checked a few apps. Apparently they did not want to pay their developer to do that.
  11. You use the Celebrity app. Celebrity killed their app on your phone. I have apps that run will lon iOS 13 and are still updated. FaceBook for example. While your phone hardware is obsolete Celebrity decided to make their app obsolete.
  12. Apple still supports older versions of iOS 17 for security uodates and bug fixes. Celebrity has decided not to support older versions than iOS 17. I have plenty of apps that are years old and still run fine. iOS 17 did add features but 14, 15, 16, are not that different.
  13. The bad guys are constantly looking for ways to break in. Both on Apple and Android devices. Many of the bad guys are backed by China, Russia or Iran. With state power they have a lot of resources. They want to find a way to steal from you or steal your identity. When security researchers find a vulnerability they inform Apple and Google who then issue updates to stop the hackers.
  14. Six years is a long time. It really is time to get a new phone. As far as updating iOS those updates are usually security updates, not bug fixes.. It may be a pain but they need to be done.
  15. Calling Celebrity won’t make a difference. Your iPhone is no longer supported for updates past iOS 16 which is bad for your security and Celebrity only supports iOS 17 and beyond. A double whammy. Understandable that Apple no longer supports a 6 year old phone. Celebrity, well they could have supported iOS 16, it is not that old but they have choose not too.
  16. A valid passport is all that is required for Bermuda.
  17. You don’t say the itinerary. Have to have that to begin to answer your question.,
  18. From their other thread OP has taken responsibility and made an appointment to be safe and to get passports the same day as they don't want to encounter a problem at check in. Hopefully will happen.
  19. Why you do think they would give something satisfactory in writing? I think they will give a vague answer in writing.
  20. On a sugar plantation I got a short ride on a narrow gauge Railroad behind a small steam engine. That plantation was pretty interesting. Spice plantation in Granada was cool too. Brought back a few spices. They had to be sealed to bring back.
  21. I agree but OP is sailing from Boston.
  22. The giant toads were fascinating I still recall them. We got to pick them up. The banana plantation was interesting too. The banana pickers rode around on sort of zip lines from tree to tree. Not what I would have expected. Also a very high percentage of the picked bananas are rejected for export.
  23. Royal Caribbean's website has become vague about documents required which causes a lot of fear and uncertainty. I don't think they want to be competent. I think it is on purpose.
  24. i have been to banana plantations because the drivers stopped on the way back. The banana plantation was not even on the excursion itinerary. Have also had tours make an extra stop at rug sellers, leather sellers and ceramic workshops. The guides must have been getting some kind of kickback. Went on an excursion in Jamaica and they stopped at a plantation for lunch on the way back and there were gigantic toads. I never saw toads that huge before.
  25. FYI. The font you have switched to looks fine on a computer but is practically unreadable on an iPad.
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