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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. We also usually will not finish our bottle of wine at dinner so we either have them store it for the next night or we bring it back to our cabin. Am I assuming correctly that "leave a partial bottle on the table for staff" is done as a tip? Or was it just for the staff to clean up and toss out? I must admit I have never even thought of leaving a partial bottle on the table for staff as a tip. We usually will just use cash. If it was for a tip, is this practice popular or unpopular among cruisers?
  2. Mrs. Dawg keeps me heavily insured hoping my stupidly self inflicted wounds will let me bypass the Medical Centre altogether. 🙏 🤔 Did we marry sisters?
  3. Welcome to the club. All of us in the GTA are always glutton's for punishment! 😁 😉
  4. But doesn't that happen 365 days a year? 😉 😁
  5. Was Capt. Matt in for a makeover too? 😁
  6. Then I'm booking too. I have to see you on the Flow Rider and on those slides. I hear the new advanced medical centre is state of the art. 😁 😉
  7. Was I? 🤔🤔 I do actually like your Lazy River idea. It would like a nice relaxing experience on the upper decks. And it could be a great money maker for Royal. Just imagine a bunch of over imbibed drinks package customers passed out in their inner tubes going round and round ... and round the Lazy River for hours on end. And all the while Royal is charging $100 per lap. Heck Royal could pay off their billions in debt in no time! 😁 😁
  8. I just saw some of the artist's renderings. OK, lots of pools, slides and stuff but where's the copy of the Eiffel Tower and c'mon no Pyramid???? Royal, you are definitely loosing your touch. 😢
  9. Do you remember those old The Hide House radio commercials where the tag line was; "It's worth the drive to Acton."? I wonder if Fair's tag line could be:"It's worth the drive to KW." 🤔 Nay. Actually, Porter fly's from the Toronto Island Airport to Newark with connecting flight on Jet Blue to some Florida locations. Another option for someone who hates Pearson.
  10. If there were really a smoking Gestapo, you'd be gone already. It's more like the smoking Keystone Cops are out to get you. (Or should that be the Gazpacho police?)
  11. Buffalo is a lot closer to the GTA than taking Via to Montreal. And Hamilton is closer than Buffalo if you want a flight to Florida.
  12. I always felt sorry for those good looking 'Cool' kids in High School because you just knew some of them would not age gracefully. The best thing about being born looking like Elmar Fudd is there is nowhere to go but up! OK. OK. in some cases only a teeny-weeny little bit up. 😁
  13. I used to be in the business of selling watches to watch nerds. We sold watches to the others of course but it was the nerds I dealt with the most as I'm a bit of a mechanical nerd myself. I used too categorize watch buyers into three categories; 1. People who had the wealth and an expensive watch demonstrated that wealth / accomplishment / success, 2. The pretenders who needed an expensive watch to make people think he/she was already a number 1, 3. The 'an expensive watch for my wife will cover up some really big Boo-boo I just committed" crowd - I sold a lot of women's Rolex's to this group 😉. and 4. the nerds. Out of these four groups number 3 was the most fun to sell to, - the bigger the Boo-boo, the bigger and Faster the sale. Number 1 was also usually an easy sale. Just show the the most expensive and/or 'showy' watches and collect their money. Number 2 was a pain in the backside because, after a great sales job, their credit card(s) were declined a lot of times. The nerds were a fun and interesting sale because they needed to know all the details which I loved to talk about. But sometimes, man, some of you guys could ask WAY too many questions and spend too much time comparing the various merits, if it came down to their last two options. I was on commission so I knew what $ I was going to make on the sale, I knew the nerd was going to buy one of the watches they was considering, and they could afford the watch, but "make up your mind already, a number 3 just walked into the store!" 😁
  14. The shirt that go with the leisure suit has no tie but it will be unbuttoned down to my navel! (Psst. That was never me. Imagine Elmer Fudd in a white disco leisure suit. 😁)
  15. Welcome back to the inflation of the 1970's. But it's not all bad, also coming back are bellbottom jeans, corduroy, platform shoes, leisure suits and Hot Pants! 🥳 I wonder if my white leisure suit stills fits? 🤔
  16. But you have to admit, Formal nights and their dress codes do spark some of the most entertaining threads here on CC . 😁 Hey I also think watching NASCAR races is entertaining. They both go round and round ... and round again, and all the while I'm waiting for the "big one" (the big crash) because we all know it's coming. 😄
  17. More like Flin Flon or Medicine Hat. I forgot to mention I HATE those really bad cruise line comics. I've seen WAY better comics in St. Louis du Ha! Ha! than on any cruise ship. 🤣 (And yes, that's the town's name - including the !'s.) 🙂
  18. Mrs. Dawg and I do not wear matching outfits on a cruise. I assume this is unpopular from the amount of couples who we've seen do this on cruises. I also HATE most Cruise entertainment. For me, most of it is on par with your local amateur theatre. I actually don't mind sharing a table with strangers but only at breakfast in the MDR, not at dinner. Perhaps this is because the booze intake during the day turns some folks into ignorant blowhards by dinner time. This last opinion is not outside the mainstream out in the real world, but it might me here on CC in a few of the boards that I visit most often (not this one). There are other types of vacations out there and cruising is not the be all and end all of travel options. Sorry, if my opinion bursts anybody's bubble.
  19. Don't stop at poor underpaid car salespeople, University Profs deserve tips too! OK, maybe not all us do, but Economics and Finance Profs deserve a big tip at the end of each semester. Just like bartenders we provide excellent service, listen to a lot of sob storeys, and have to put up a rude and whiny customers; "Where's my A+, I worked really hard, Wah, Wah, Wah." 😭 And besides, we have lots of cruises to fund! 😊
  20. ONLY $20 bucks for 15 minutes of your time??? Man, you are WAY underestimating your worth. To waist 15 minutes of my time it would cost at least $100 bucks. And not one of these Bobby Borden's. One of these Benji's!! 😁
  21. That might cure the chair hog problems on Royal but might create a new problem. Roving bands of teenagers stealing towels to turn in for OBC. If they did this on Holland America it would be roving bands of octogenarians. 😁
  22. Woody, have you been sneaking around and posting on the celebrity board? 🙂
  23. "It's like déjà vu all over again." 🙂 Hey it's 2022, we LOVE to recycle things these days. 😉
  24. It's a signing bonus just like the $20 mil Bryce Harper got before he played his first game in Philly. Or the much, much smaller signing bonus my son got from his first employer after graduating from university. Hey, I sign up for the cruise and my favorite bartender (to be) gets a bonus! 😁
  25. It's Larry. Oh, and his brother Darryl is filling in as 1st Officer and his other brother Darryl is the 2nd officer. 😁 That's Captain Larry in the middle, just in case anyone wants to say Hi!
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