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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. My friend was scheduled for knee replacement surgery last Wednesday. She got to the hospital at 9am the required time. They had no record of her having an appointment! The whole day's appointments were messed up. They finally discovered that there was an error in the scheduling system. So, she had to wait in the hospital from 8am until 4 when the surgery was finally scheduled. I can't imagine the problems caused by canceling an entire month of appointments.
  2. Sorry, my first reply got all messed up. Tiger shrimp was good. Nice size shrimp.
  3. I do think it varies from ship to ship. I'm sure the many negative comments will make RCI tone things down. Hope your cruise is wonderful. Unfortunately, sharing our experiences is not to everyone's liking. BTW, on both our recent Adventure and Oasis sailings we were always asked if we wanted coffee at just the right time when dessert was served.
  4. That looks like a satisfying lunch! My go to meal there is the Asian salad. You were in my thoughts for a better diagnosis. Adding hugs and prayers for you. Caring and sharing bad news as well as good news in here is what we're all about. Sometimes I wish that there was an additional "thinking of you" button.
  5. On my Adventure cruise in Feb., no substitutions were allowed, not even when I asked for more broccoli with my entree since I've noticed they use broccoli sparingly as a garnish. Both shrimp cocktails I ordered came out one at a time with quite a wait for the 2nd one. What is the benefit of serving one plate at a time? Oasis waiter in March was fabulous. Served both my lobster tail and my husband's (he ordered 2 entrees, lobster for me the other entree for him) on one plate. When I told her how much I loved shrimp in conversation, she overloaded my plate with tiger shrimp. She even asked if we had a show to catch, to speed up service. No shows to catch and yet we finished dinner every night in 1 1/4 hours. A big improvement over the almost 2 hours pre new menu.
  6. Great photos of what looks like a wonderful concert. Seems every time I see a photo of Adam, he looks different. Hair change can do that.
  7. Same with our visit to El Paso. Beautifully spread out town on West side, with lovely desert landscaping. Then there is an abrupt end as far as one can see with the same barren, desolate desert you probably saw in LV. Mimi, thanks for trying to help anyway. I only use my kindle for reading as you do. I couldn't imagine my life without reading books in my kindle.
  8. I love the gefilte fish I make. Frozen formed loaves you just cook in water for approx. 1 1/2 hours. I love plain butter or cream cheese on matzo but not for 8 days straight. I'll pass on eating anything that will stick to my teeth. We're big pasta eaters and Jack has to have bread with his daily big salad (shades of Seinfeld) so this is not a great holiday food wise for us.
  9. Debi, I called the library and someone walked me through the confusing process. I now have "Libby" on my kindle and it works! I've noticed from previous posts that you are an excellent problem solver/resource maven (expert) ! Your wit and wisdom is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to meeting you on Bella 02!
  10. That tower really looks authentic. One Vegas visit, we took the elevator up to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel. The elevator operator who looked about 20, had on a fake mustache and a beret trying to look like a real Frenchman. Jack asked where he was from and the elevator operator said, "Long Island, NY".
  11. Four more days of Passover. Four more days of no bread, pasta, rice, cookies, corn chips, ice cream, cake and so much more. Four more days of eating matzo which runs havoc with one's natural digestion. Certified Passover pastries taste awful. Every year, about this time I long for any kind of sandwich on thick crusty sourdough rye bread. Looks up to heaven "mom, I hope you appreciate this"!
  12. Debi, thank you so much. I already have the Libby app on my phone. I click on the picture of the book I want downloaded to my kindle. When I click "download to my kindle" is when I am notified that I have no kindle registered. Sometimes I am able to download to my browser but as I previously stated, I hate reading books from my laptop. Maybe I need to reinstall the Libby app, I have a Kindle Fire and the instructions are way beyond my pay grade of understanding. Again, thank you for taking the time to help.
  13. @jagsfanMimi your phone issue reminds me of my kindle issue. Glad yours is resolved but so sad you lost your brother's message. For no apparent reason, my kindle is unable to download borrowed books from the library (21 days) anymore. I get a message that I have no kindle books registered. I do have my kindle registered and downloaded a bunch of books from the library just before our Bella cruise. I have been downloading library books for years. I did nothing out of the ordinary. I'm baffled and unsure of what to do. I'll call the library to see if the problem is on their end. My kindle account shows the books have been downloaded and shows when they are due back. I can download and read from my laptop but it isn't the ideal cozy method I like for reading books. Has this happened to anyone?
  14. Sometimes a camera shot doesn't depict the true color of food. I cringe when we eat out and Jack orders his steaks "no blood". I like mine medium rare. When we have them at home, I just leave his in the pan a bit longer.
  15. What a beautiful gathering of friends and family. So glad for a few brief hours you were able to enjoy a lovely evening. Your son with the blue top and glasses looks very much like Jack's nephew Alon. Good looking boys, both of them!
  16. I had cataract surgery a few months ago in both eyes a few weeks apart. Piece of cake. No pain, no complications and I see much clearer.
  17. Lenny, a terrorist opened fire on one of the busiest streets in Tel-Aviv. One killed, 7 wounded. No matter where an attack occurs, every Israeli is impacted. I had friends in Ra'anana years ago but lost touch. Dani, so sorry DH's relief came so late but at least now he's showing improvement. Same from me to @NHProud
  18. We were on a cruise where we were given 7:45 MTD seating. That was the only time available for the entire 7 nights. On another cruise pre-covid, we were waitlisted for both early and late seating. How is that possible? Isn't every passenger assured one dining time? Guess not. There was no way my DH and I wanted to be relegated to WJ every night. MTD was way too late for us. We finally got affirmation months later from our TA for early seating. On our Oasis cruise last month, we had early dining and were done eating on deck 4 at approx. 6:45. If MTD is only on deck 3, what happens to the empty tables on decks 4 and 5, waiting for late seating at 8 or 8:30? BTW, kudos to all who posted in here. I think this is the first multiple page thread that stayed on topic from first to last page so far.
  19. OMG can those cuties get any cuter? Kenzie is in the driver's seat. That VW is a British car with the steering wheel on the "other" side. 🤗
  20. Lenny, of course we worry, but we go about our lives as usual. They live in a nightmare every minute of the day. I hear that fear almost daily when I talk to my sister-in-law and family in Israel. I feel that fear when @dani negreanuDani posts. May they all stay safe.
  21. I do the same. His voice is magic. My favorite is "Time To Say Goodbye". His singing alone or a duet with Sarah Brightman.
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