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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. @Ozark_Kid I'm following along. Have a fabulous cruise. My time on CC will be very busy reading 3 Lives. Your's, Greg's and @John&LaLaJohn's. I'm not complaining! Carry on.
  2. Greg, so sorry this happened, but hope you won't be in much pain and can enjoy your cruise! Not sure but I think I read (on this thread maybe) that Kraken is good to drink for medicinal purposes!
  3. I can imagine how hard it must be to leave heaven on earth. Hoping for no more delays and safe travels home.
  4. I just can't keep track of all the shifting of ships to different home ports. Allure, Aventure, Ruby Princess and a host of others are coming to Galveston.
  5. So after saying we would never take a cruise less than 7 nights, we have a 5 night one on hold. Very favorable rate was the deciding factor PLUS Quality Inn is $80 per night and no charge to keep the car for the duration of the cruise. Adventure out of Galveston in Feb. Will be good to warm up for our March Bella cruise. No suit for Jack, no fancy shmancy outfits for me. We just want to relax. We probably won't leave the ship. We aren't seasoned cruisers but after multiple times in Cozumel, we've had enough.
  6. We've been in the Dallas area for 19 years and still have not made it to the Fair. Are we missing much? I posted my worry about Maryann @Luckynanaa few days ago. I hope all is well and she's just catching up on post cruise stuff. Hope your recuperating quickly! Just when I think those kiddos can't get any cuter, you post pictures like these! No doubt, Kenzie drove to the mall!
  7. Hope it all goes smoothly! Any target date for completion? Double WOW. I love your calendar. Doesn't sound good. Hope it's corrected soon. Uh oh. Debbie so sorry you got covid with all those symptoms. Hope you'll be feeling much better very, very soon. It seems as soon as they come out with a new booster, another covid variant pops up. Hope Eric stays healthy. Jack took the "covid pills" as soon as he tested positive and he thinks it helped keep the symptoms mild. I didn't take them because of kidney issues and I had very mild symptoms, just a runny nose. If Jack hadn't tested positive the day before, i wouldn't have tested myself thinking it was TX allergies.
  8. Beautiful! Also beautiful! My aids have a built in microphone. I can hear people clearly and they hear me as well. Mimi, my hearing aids are also Phonak. I have a phone app that manages settings but I rarely use it. Mine are 11 months old. I have no idea how it works since my Audiologist programmed bluetooth for my phone and computer audio. My previous hearing aids were not compatible for bluetooth technology.
  9. We took our daughter to Disney World when she was 5. She insisted rather strongly that she wanted to go on that boat ride "It's a Small World" as often as possible. Fast forward a few days later when we were back home and strolling in the shopping mall near us. Well we had to go into the Disney Store and what did we hear playing all through the store? Yup, "It's a Small World". The clerks greeted us with smiles and perky welcomes. I honestly wanted to puke!!
  10. Amazing photos and video. If I had a bucket list, Hawaii would be at the top especially your heaven on earth resort. Continue to have sunny skies and many more happy moments.
  11. I think I misunderstood? You were talking through your phone and not your hearing aids? I know with bluetooth in my hearing aids I can leave the phone quite a distance from where I phone chat. I also hear thru my hearing aids when listening to you tube online, instead of wearing earphones when Jack is next to me watching TV.
  12. One wonderful feature of my hearing aids in addition to...hearing, is that my phone calls come in through my bluetooth enbled hearing aids. I never have to hold a phone. Just press one button on my hearing aid to answer a call. If the person I am speaking to hangs up I need not press anything to end the call on my end.
  13. I am so sorry you couldn't be helped. How did the doctor end things? I'm glad you aren't giving up on other doctors. I hate to get personal and you don't have to answer but often you posted you're always in extreme pain. May I ask where your pain is? Nobody should have to live with excruciating pain especially sitting in a doctor office.
  14. Lenny, how disappointing. What did he have to say? He must have spent some time with you. Why would he think you would want to see him again?
  15. Your very moving post touched me on many levels. The one comment that resonates with me is: Whenever I think of my Dad, it is not as he was during those last years,but when he was a strong and vital man who loved my mother and me very much. I think of both my parents that way every day of my life since they've been gone. Sweet, gentle, kind and so loving it brought me to tears now. For those with parents, hug them a bit longer the next time you see them.
  16. What you posted above reinforces the comment I once made. You're the kind of doctor everyone wishes they had. With the ER doc, he was treating an "ailment" not a person. My x-rays came out negative for fractures so that's all he cared about. Onward to the next patient....errrr ailment. BTW I can't seem to quote multiple posts anymore. I hit refresh but that didn't work so now I have to quote each post individually.
  17. There was a time a few weeks ago (months ago?) you posted "Bonnie take it to the roll call". I shrugged it off and just thought of it when I responded to the mahjong comment. As you said, no worries. It's all good. One can dream!!!! If possible, would you consider making a stop in Europe for a few days first to break up that long flight?
  18. Just wanted to mention that I spent 4 hours in the ER today with fears that I broke something near my toes on the foot with the ankle surgery. I developed pain,, I mean extreme pain in that area. I could only hobble, not walk. I was thrilled at the results; no fracture but lots of inflammation. So, back to wearing the dreaded boot while walking and ice the area when I don't walk. Next week is a follow up podiatrist visit to see what will be next. ER doc said it's common with post foot surgical patients when they attempt to walk after being non weight bearing for 6 weeks as I was. BTW the ER doc never looked or touched my foot. I only took my shoe off for the xrays and put it back on immediately after. I guess the xrays told the whole picture. No more torture PT sessions until after the Podiatrist follow up visit.
  19. Did I read mahjongg??? I mentioned in Friends of Bella's thread, or the roll call thread awhile back that I would buy a mahjong set and bring it with me to play on the Bella cruise. The problem is this thread is the go to thread for practically all of us. Dani, I will try very hard to post all future Bella cruise comments either in the roll call thread or the Friend's of Bella thread as you once suggested. I just couldn't resist since I saw the mahjong comment in here.
  20. I received a text a few moments ago SUPPOSEDLY from Chase advising me to click on the link they provided to confirm or deny a charge made in Baton Rouge, LA. As if..................... At least, every word was spelled correctly. 😏
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