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Everything posted by sanger727

  1. what they do allow you to do, apparently - is book refundable and then switch to non-refundable right before final payment. However, the overall cruise price would have to stay the same or go down for that to be worthwhile. If the non-refundable rate went up by $900 it would be a wash.
  2. Your TA is correct. A refundable deposit fare is significantly more expensive than a non-refundable deposit fare.
  3. Seat assignments aren't guaranteed when booking through the carrier. Often seat assignments get changed because they change the size/style of aircraft. Every time we have booked flights months in advance we have had some amount of flight changes whether it be time changes or aircraft changes. And either of those can sometimes include seat changes.
  4. Unless you are cancelling for a covered reason, you would still have to pay extra for 'cancel for any reason' coverage and most likely not get the full amount returned.
  5. As long as they are consistently including or adding the gratuity, what does it matter if it happens when you book vs when you pay the bill?
  6. I wonder if has to do with liquor licensing regulations there. I know in Ohio, you can get beer/wine in grocery stores - anything up to 40 proof. But anything else you have to go to a state store. Not selling any hard liquor, but still selling wine and beer makes me think its not a tax thing.
  7. This is about weather... not your room temperature. It talks about how weather changes affect pollen and people with allergies - very true. Or that viruses spread better in cold/dry vs warm/humid weather. Again, not a thing to do with how your body perceives the temperature in your room. Lacking exposure to a virus, you cannot catch a cold from being cold.
  8. And then people wonder why some tours have age limitations. I had a similar experience on a land tour. The tour was of Peru with Machu Picchu. There was a couple in their 80s and the husband was clearly disabled and needed assistance walking. No idea what these two thought they were doing on this tour but we had to cut our first city walking tour short because he couldn't do it. Luckily, the tour agency added a second guide for the machu Picchu tours (because of him) so they could do the tour by themselves and not hold us back.
  9. Covering the medical bill onboard is usually pretty standard. Accidents occur. It's hard to say if more was deserved without know the extent of the negligence and the extent of the injury. Slipping in a wet bathroom is a pretty minor act of negligence and a condition the customer should have expected. A massuest using hot stones that are far too hot and burning him would be a much bigger issue.
  10. Expect that this was a platinum dinner, so at no cost and not gratuity charge to the OP. My guess is that the waiter was looking for a tip.
  11. Or if you have enough time to way for random internet people to diagnose you; you almost certainly don't have to go to the emergency room.
  12. Do you have any written notification from United that they cancelled your flight? Did they offer any options to rebook you? We had a similar situation happen once, booked a flight/hotel package through a TA with insurance. The day of the flight the airline cancelled it. They had no options to re-book the same day. We called and spoked with a booking agent and got them to send us that in writing. We were then able to successfully make a claim with our travel insurance.
  13. We went to ek-balam in Mexico. There were some ruins that you could climb to the top of. One of the highest ones we went up had a "guardrail" at the top. it was 4 wooden posts with a piece of string between them. Certainly wouldn't have been legal in the US. But as you said, different rules in different countries.
  14. This is common in the Caribbean but pretty rare in Europe. If you simply want to book transportation from the ship to the city to tour on your own, its best to research that ahead of time. You may be able to take a train if you don't want to book something private.
  15. If this occurred on the shore excursions boat or on NCL's ship due to unsafe conditions that they created or didn't remedy (unmarked wet spot on floor, flooring peeling up causing a trip hazard, etc.) then there should absolutely be a report made and an expectation that NCL should be aware of the problem and be responsible for fixing it. A rock on a natural path at beach - No one is responsible for fixing that. Natural paths on beaches have rocks.
  16. Since the question is about your partner - i assume that it's not just another "adult" on the excursion that can make their way back to the meeting point. In a place like a busy marketplace, my DH and I don't get separated. Holding hands if needed to work out way through a crowded section. As long as both people are able to focus on not getting separated, it shouldn't be that difficult. If one person is prone to walking off without an explanation, that should be discussed ahead of the street.
  17. It's possible that the friends were used to cruising Celebrity with the always included package - which includes gratuity. They may have found out on the NCL ship that they had to pay a $20 pp pd "service fee" and this was their interpretation of that.
  18. Obviously the cutting was wrong. The harder question is the etiquette of taking many more than 1 serving. I go to Sam's Club once a month and get 4 of their rotisserie chicken; which i go home portion up for salads for the rest of the month. Very often there is line for the chickens to come out of the oven. Most people want 1, or 2 a the most. So I feel quite awkard taking so many. I usually take two and wait for the rest of the line to go before I "re-enter" it and take 2 more. 4 people taking enough pizza for 21 people is alot. I find that rude if they didn't make special arrangements for extra pizzas to be made. If 21 people need lunch then they should all just go to the buffet - take turns if they need to hold seats; and grab what they each want. Not expect 4 people to load up plates with all the available pizza.
  19. Perhaps the waiter is padding the bill in hopes of getting a larger tip.
  20. An original birth certificate not accepted by the government for a passport seems very risky to try and travel with it. Clearly there was something wrong with it. If they live locally and want to chance it they can. I certainly wouldn't fly across the country on those odds.
  21. You can take anything you want through customs. You just have to declare them. No risks run. Either they will have you throw it out, have it inspected, or wave you through. If you declare your open pringles can they will wave you through.
  22. apple and pringles are very different thing. Every country I have ever been to has prohibited bringing fresh fruits and vegetables in. The pringles were purchased in the US. So at one point they were certainly approved for consumption in the US. The fact that they traveled on a cruise ship, doesn't make them less complaint with US department of agriculture. Have you ever tried to claim food at customs? First, the standard packaged snacks (whether opened or not) are not on there. They are asking for fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, nuts, etc. Things that could be agricultural issues. I've tried to tell them about chocolate or other snacks before and they just wave you through.
  23. The far more relevant issue here is that this birth certificate, that she has a copy of; wasn't accepted for her passport because it was the "wrong" birth certificate. So, likely it is also the "wrong" birth certificate for cruise travel. I'm guessing into the hospital certificate instead of the state certificate. No, you guys can show up and try but its very unlikely they will let you board.
  24. If you acquire pringles in the US and then take them back off in the US; even if you declare this I doubt very much that customs will have a problem with that.
  25. Nope. The OP clearly asked about bringing food onto the ship. Not off the ship. They asked about bringing food off the airplane.
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