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Everything posted by Hogbay

  1. Welcome , it's one of the most beautiful harbour's in the world ,enjoy cruising away or on your return.
  2. Plenty of WOW , pay more for less and the red wiggle will be available.
  3. Carnival Splendor last Easter 🐣 love the ice carving in the background.
  4. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ1st of may on Carnival Web site πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  5. I will give you a tip , this will go for three page's 🀣
  6. Wow at least the dog now can say woof woof it is the ship .
  7. So sad it's leaving Australia. Its going to Singapore to have a extension cord add so it can comply with L A environmental policy .
  8. Yes thats exactly how it is and here is a photo of the tv menu taken now , on Quantum now.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  9. Good for you πŸ‘trying to do my ESTA for USA, it seems that total price has a different meaning in Australia ? Us $21 + $4 + $17 and then currency conversion fee . This was been directed to third party web sites.
  10. A ETA is a electronically stored authority equivalent to a visa which is linked to a passport number . When Border Force scans your passport they can see it .
  11. Can you remove gratuities 🀣🀣🀣is that savin money .
  12. Quantum is back a sea for Australia Day . We got to anchorage and was deem un safe to commence tender service due to a nice righ had break and strong currents. Will remain a Mystery for some. 🀣 never seen this before
  13. have to post old photo because the one from Mystery Island was not possible today . Currents ,wind and sea swell . Quantum
  14. Here is the link πŸ™‚for Australian Border Force . https://www.abf.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/can-you-bring-it-in/categories/medicines-and-substances
  15. When you walk out of OPT turn left and go up in elevator to the top concourse where taxi rank is .
  16. Taxi, uber or shuttle service conexion .πŸ™‚ https://www.google.com/localservices/profile?spp=Cg0vZy8xMWZmbDExMzQw&scp=CgAaM0Nvblhpb24gQWlycG9ydCBTaHV0dGxlIENoZWNrIEluIENvdW50ZXIgKERvbWVzdGljKSozQ29uWGlvbiBBaXJwb3J0IFNodXR0bGUgQ2hlY2sgSW4gQ291bnRlciAoRG9tZXN0aWMp&q=ConXion Airport Shuttle Check In Counter (Domestic)&source=sh%2Fx%2Fuk%2Fm0%2F0&kgs=61af021b50f2f7aa
  17. Strandbags https://www.strandbags.com.au/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbZAIT9LspmGqaLPJtBlbn4m24vekuyi_GpqegTulmkdq0BayOnKcE0aApCUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  18. I turn off data roming and use wifi calling from old Samsung Ga30 . https://www.whistleout.com.au/MobilePhones/Guides/what-is-WiFi-calling Here is a guide to Australian telco and explains what is wifi calling. πŸ™ƒ
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