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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. First time we ever encounter heated seat was a car rental at MCO and headed to Disney. Could not figure how to turn them off. By the time we pulled into the resort we were both sweating bullets, seat of out pants was like on fire. We got someone at the resort to show how to operate them. Got to know someone at the car rental probably did that on purpose and turned them on sky high !! 😞
  2. @Rogueperson has there been any update yet on where you are going on the first leg yet? What day(s) were you suppose to be in Bermuda.
  3. There has been complaints of this all ready reported in people's reviews. It's loud, whether or not by now they have turned down the speakers will not be known until your sailing.
  4. Looks very nice, don't think there is much of a beach there, looks like they may be some steps there to walk down to the water. But the thought of only 30 people there sounds nice. I would book early if you are going to do it. I'm sure they can get the 30 people everyday with no problem. Please let us all know how it is if you go for it.
  5. It's funny they told you no balconies are available but I just checked right now and the web site I check for cabins shows a category 1B Guarantee available to book for your June 12th sailing. Also shows 10 Junior Suites and 1 Grand Suite available to book.............I would call and Bi$ch until they get you in a balcony.
  6. Much better ship though, might be worth the extra $$$. What was the original ship before being pushed to Enchantment, was it Brilliance? Have you checked on other cruise line's doing that same itinerary? Prices and such? Maybe Royal will give you a full refund since you really didn't get a like cabin by losing your balcony.
  7. Will do ! I will have to @xpcdoojk alert you then every time I post so you don't miss any then.......🤣 True ! With prices like that for parking, they are really wanting people to take the train I guess, I would think though parking is limited when the ball park is right in the city like Yankee Stadium is. Timeline looks like this, Cabinets delivered 2nd week of October.......1 week to install, rough electrical and rough plumbing should be done before then. Fireplace and bricks on wall, probably last week of October or 1st week of November...........painting should be done by then too. Brick Pavers will be the last thing done. Hoping everything will be done by the end of the second week of November if not hoping before Thanksgiving at the latest.
  8. You are so right, not sure how my Wife and I would be handling it without a second full kitchen downstairs. Previous Owner put in an in law suite downstairs so meals really aren't a problem. Some of the excess dishes etc are in one of the empty bedrooms on the main floor, pantry items I tranfered onto golf cart and took around back to our walk in basements and everything is located in my work shop.........Downstairs kitchen is about 10 ft through a door from my work shop. So right, on a FULL Wallet being needed 🙂 We have all the new appliances, the kitchen faucet is finally arriving next week...........all bricks are here for both fireplace, wall above cabinets and brick pavers for the floor, took 3 months for those to get here. Only thing we are waiting for are the cabinets which should be here 2nd week of October. They also will be painting the ceiling and walls and trim in that area.. We are having 2- 12' stained beams put up too. They are both all ready here too as is all like fixtures. This has been a long process.
  9. A few pictures before the heavier plastic walls go open. This view is from the Hallway where 2 bedrooms are located at. View from Fireplace toward the Kitchen. Could never see that far before because there was a huge wall there, see wires coming up through the floor where the wall was. This view is from coming in from the garage into the kitchen. This view from the front door. This view from the old pantry that was in the corner, could never see this before.......the new fridge location will now have this view. This view from fireplace to the kitchen area. This view from hallway when coming from the 2 bedrooms on this end of the house. This is going to be the "Money Shot" though, when coming in the front door , you can now see both the Fireplace, Sunroom and the Outside Deck . Before could never see the outside deck from the front door.
  10. I know your pain, we contacted a few contractors also for this job, had about 4 of them actually come out..........Some were like an hour away from us, gave us prices but really got the feeling they didn't want to do the job because of the driving distance back and forth to our house. Finally went we a contractor that is more local only about 15 minutes from us on the other side of Interstate #81. Only issue we have had with him is, we lost our original designer, she left the company for another job closer to her home.........What was a little dis concerning though we didn't find out she left until right after the contract was signed..............but really we had the total design done by then, but my Wife still wasn't happy about it. She said we need her here to over see things, I told her what do you mean, I'm going to be here watching them like a hawk!!! 🙂 You guys have more patience then me, I was almost ready to throw in the towel a few times on this project. First started out just wanting to get the Fireplace redone, that was March 2021. Then maybe around November 2021 we decided to redo the kitchen and tie in the price of the Fireplace into the reno. Then the fun began trying to find the design we wanted and here we are 12 months later finally going to get it done. All the Contractors are so backed up with work it was hard to find someone that had time to do the job.
  11. Dust has been minimal so far, They have a blower with a hose going out the front window. Also the return air duct for the Air Conditioner has 2 filters on it.............But the key thing is when they are working they have turned off the AC unit completely so not to suck any of that direct through the AC system. When they leave I have waited for about 1 hour before turning the AC back on............We set the AC on 70 degrees, Temps have got as high as 78 degrees when they leave. They are here for the 4th day today, today they are tackling getting off the glue that previous floor guy put on the underside of the backer board that is on the plywood...........Will need a clean smooth surface before installing our Old Mill Paver tiles 1/2" thick.............These bricks will not be put down until the very end of the reno. Today they also will take down ceiling fan, pendant lights we are doing away with and other can lights we are doing with out......With be drywalling various spots and putting up a NEW more heavier plastic walls, with zipper doors in a more defined smaller areas, to give us more room for us and the cats to move around on the main floor level.........mostly we are living out of the basement except to sleep. The backer board will be installed over the entire floor once all the old glue is taken off. New Cabinets will be installed on backer boards...............No bricks under the cabinets.......bricks will however be under the fridge. Last night was the first time our cats have been upstairs in the last 3 days since everything was ripped out. Surprisingly they all did very well.......I put down moving blankets over the exposed plywood where the kitchen floor was......one cat slept on our bed, one cat on the sofa, the other 2 cats slept in the middle of the kitchen floor. My Wife was very happy how fast they adjusted. Couple of the cats played under and around the plastic walls and got through in some spots but overall they all did fine. After today with the heavier plastic hopefully it will be harder for them and they can just travel through the zippered walls like us. If anyone is bored by my updates, please just let me know and I can stop.
  12. Detective research..... I believe their Enchantment date is June 12th from Rome. Time will tell if I'm a good detective or not. lol
  13. If you can't find anything on Enchantment where the cabins are close together maybe you can switch to June 11th 2023 and sail on Odyssey of the Seas where you can possibly find cabins close together.
  14. Passport Renewal Just noticed mine expires in July 2022. No rush for it, not going anywhere where I would need it that soon. Just like to have it updated and valid. Can you go in person somewhere to have it renewed or much it be done online. If online does someone have the direct link to the application I need to fill out? Do I need to get picture taken again?
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