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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Yes, I miss my Jersey corn for sure. But I found some seeds on ebay and plant my own here in Virginia now that is very close to Jersey corn. The seed comes from a farmer in Mississippi. It's very good https://www.ebay.com/itm/283816927555?var=585337953151
  2. Yes it is a perennial. Bought it at Lowes the end of the season. It was the last one they had, it was mostly dead when I got it. Didn't expect much out of it. Planted it the end of that summer. During the winter each year it dies down to nothing. You wouldn't even know it was there except I know where I planted it. This is the third year it has bloomed and each year it has more and more bloom the year before. Just had 2 ears of corn for lunch. Ate it right off the cob, it's very good. I don't cut any off the cobs until later in the season and freeze it. I'm hoping all the corn will be harvested before we go away on our cruise on the 11th of September. Pretty sure there will still be more tomatoes to pick, just going to tell the neighbors they are free to go in the garden and pick anything they like while we are gone.
  3. It's a kit, we have another one downstairs on the storage/utility room where the cat boxes are. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=purrfect+portal+cat+door&hvadid=590007511601&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1027260&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4271837217545839565&hvtargid=kwd-660252174431&hydadcr=10667_13501544&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_4ydybfve9i_e You are correct though we had our contractors cut both doors. The cut is a little tricky since the top of the door is round. I probably could have done it myself but those guys were here, took them like 5 minutes to do both doors. You need a jig saw to make the rounds cuts. One of our cats hates those flapping doors, so this one works best, you can also close the door and put it in the lock position to keep the cats downstairs if we want. We keep the cats downstairs at night otherwise they would be waking us up at 5am for food, during the day they roam upstairs and downstairs freely.
  4. One of our cats,Cody the one eyed bandit. My Wife says he thinks he is invisible when he sits behind the opening to downstairs.
  5. Will you be there Sunday Night, Philadelphia Phillies are playing the Washington Nationals there in Williamsport.
  6. Guess I missed it..............Here is schedules for the next arrivals and departures. https://cruisedig.com/ports/amsterdam-holland
  7. Ok, I cut up that large tomato. Alot of green throughout. It taste good but not much you can do with it. The green pics were taken on July 27th. It was kind of like 2 tomatoes growing together I think.
  9. Izumi.............What's the difference for the Lunch Menu to the Dinner Menu..............The Price is the same for each per person. Am I wrong to think the portions will be the same no matter when we go? Is the Menu the same across the fleet? We will be on Jewel if it matters? Anyone have pictures of their favorite selections there?
  10. To the OP........if you have to ask you shouldn't use that hole......
  11. Cool start, a little side trip. For our cruise next month, we are taking the train from Roanoke, Va to Newark Penn Station, NJ. We have a 30 minute stop in DC, guess there isn't much we can see in 30 minutes is there? 🤣
  12. I put it in the garage where it is warmer near one of the windows. It's finally turning red now. Will cut it soon and take some pictures again of the slices. I'm giving the produce away out front on a rolling cart. Actually some people are taking the strange looking ones too. Says it doesn't matter what they look like they still taste good. They are so large you still can get a pretty good slice of of them. The ones people don't take, the deer are sure enjoying them.😋 Put it this way we have some very happy deer in our backyard now. 😁
  13. Tomatoes pickings today was quite plentiful. Here is an Hibiscus tree that we bought this year. Last picture is another(bush like) Hibiscus we bought 2 years ago.
  14. Everything goes right it can be done, but if it doesn't have a backup plan.
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