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Posts posted by sailingdutchy

  1. We had the pleasure while on the Volendam cruising from Sydney, Australia to Singapore to land in Semarang , Indonesia on Dec. 5th 2015 and have an incredible tour with Holland America to the Borobudur  a day we will not forget .
    The day started off beautifully with a huge reception of about 3 large drum bands performing a great musical show and than give honours and flowers for our captain Jeroen Baijens and the first officers .
    With the help of the Tourist Police who with howling sirens and 4 policemen waving their
    arms to the sides to move over the very busy traffic to the sides of the roads sometimes almost into the ditch so our bus could drive fast through the middle of the road .
    A very exciting ride just to get to the Borobudur ! 
    This was not just a short run it took if I remember well over an hour , I can still hear the sirens ........
    A friendly wave when we arrived at the Borobudur  , job well done guys ! 
    We had to put on our sarongs while I wore my newly purchased Bali shirt to go onto the temple grounds . ( Temp 33 C or 92 F ) 
    DW thought these young ladies wanted her to take their picture but she was pulled in to the group to have a picture taken with them ! 
    Climbing higher and higher up the temple .
    Will follow up in a separate post with pictures of our return to the port including the train ride  .
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  2. When on the Zuiderdam Panama Canal cruise in 2017 we also visited Cartagena and made a similar tour as @StLouisCruisers to the monastery , the same shops and
    walked  possibly a few more different neighbourhoods so I will add some more pictures .  Will try not to duplicate ……….
    Suburbs of Cartagena seen from the Mount
    I did NOT touch , promise  ……….but you can see where people did …….!
    Had to get some Columbian coffee of coarse 
    Tony 😄
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  3. Hello Daily Friends hope you all had a great day ,  with a lot left over turkey , trimmings and hopefully you also had some pie left over.
    For us Canadians we just look at all the Black Friday specials something we never experienced until about 10 years ago  at this scale but with all the US advertising of coarse our merchants jumped on board to sell some more stuff , we can always use more stuff .
    We also indulged  and purchased another cruise plus I am also looking at another one while the Black Friday Special is still on, I just have to get it passed by the chief .
    Today we are had our first snow in the most Southern part of Canada so we can get use to white surroundings for the next 4 or 5 months depending on where you live . 
    I found some pictures of Suva  that I would like to share with you since I did not see many today . These are from our Pacific crossing in  April 2013 , it was a very , very hot day so we did not stay out too long 
    We also were “ Boosted Up “ today and received our third Moderna . Let's Go Canada , we need a little more than 76 % fully Vaxxed !
     Have a great evening everybody ,  Take Care and Stay Safe ! 
    Tony 😄😁



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  4. Good Morning all and thank you Rich for the Daily cruise news.
    I got up a little later today because I was searching for more cruises to book during the Black Friday Special and before I knew it it was 1.30 am last night .
    First of all a Very Happy 59th Anniversary to our good friends Ann and Pat  @VictOriann whom we have had the pleasure to cruise with for about one hundred days on the BHB’s I believe ! 
    Sorry Mr President ……….
    Also to @kazu Jacqui please wish Jose a Happy Birthday from Martha and Tony , we still talk about our good times together while on the Prinsendam , that was an amazing cruise.
    Tony 😍
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  5. Thank you Rich for giving us the Daily , day in day out and keeping us informed about where our favourite BHB's are . So happy today the 5th ship is coming into action .

    Thank you also to Roy and all other contributors , I might not post often but I like to read the Daily when possible .


    Now you probably all have been waiting " with bated breath " where the pictures are of the belly dancer in Istanbul  that StLouisCruisers was trying to find , well after some searching I found her in my thousands of  cruise pictures and luckily she slowed down a bit for me , here she is









    This was on the Koningsdam in 2016 when we made a 2 day stop . We were actually told that she was one of the passengers ........... never found her for the rest of the cruise ........

    All the rest of my pictures are almost the same as posted except for the players in them .


    Happy Sunday everybody ! 

    Tony 😁😁


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  6. 11 minutes ago, OVgirl said:

    Another question regarding the a la carte menu. Do 4* passengers get the 50% discount off those prices?


    Same discounts that 4* and 5* get as all the other specialty restaurants , don't remember if 4* is 25 or 50 % 

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  7. Few more pictures form Tamarind and Nami Sushi , this is a mix from the two menues some appetizers , mains and deserts IMG_5038.thumb.JPG.87a45ef077f318a54ba061489c454cbe.JPG

























    and of coarse 2 of the 9 ladies that have looked after us so well on the Eurodam 


    Tony 😁

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  8. On our Eurodam  cruise in October  this year we went to the Tamarind about 7 or 8 times as it has been our favourite  specialty  restaurant  for a while. 

    There are 2 different menues , the Tamarind (set price )  and the Nami Sushi  ( a la card ) and there are enough items on the menu to have something different for many visits , and you should try different things they will happily surprise you .

    As far as appetizers is concerned one evening I even had 4 different appetizers and no main , wonderful .

    We have always loved the service at the Tamarind mostly all the ladies are from Indonesia and  Thailand  , we also enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant itself .


    I tried to add a few pictures to give you an idea but it did not work tonight on CC . maybe later on ......


    Tony 😄

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  9. 2 hours ago, CHPURSER said:

    If you set your expectations low enough, just about anything seems like a good value.

    HAL and Carnival Cruise Line are proof of that idea.


    Wondering why you are taking part in this discussion about Holland America , just to spout this kind of stuff , wonder what kind of employee you were when you worked there Mr Purser and why you are not there any longer .

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  10. We were on the same cruise with Ann and Pat on the Eurodam in Europe and the Canadians received the PCR test on board ship which enabled us to return to Canada and to make our flight from Munich to Toronto . Our papers with the proof of being negative were from an Italian Laboratory which we received a day after our tests were taken . So everything went very smooth and there was not a problem once we arrived in Toronto . 


    But since we have booked another cruise from and to San Diego I would like to hear from Canadians cruising now and who arrive back in the US if they are getting the PCR test on board ship to be able to fly back to Canada with proof from a laboratory .

    Thank you @Florida_gal_50 for raising this question !



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  11. 6 hours ago, Altamira said:

    While I waited on hold the HAL agent asked someone, (possibly a supervisor?), to explain the discrepancy that I had brought to her attention. When she came back on she said that the reason was that the CDC guidelines for cruise ships allow for a small number of passengers (it’s 5%), to be unvaccinated and still have a sailing considered fully vaccinated. That’s why there were the statements about unvaccinated passengers in HAL’s website.

    I have no way to judge if these calculations are or aren’t perfectly valid for assessing likely risk of  viral transmission on a cruise ship. I’m sure that the CDC with the best scientific minds in the world in the field of virology, either know or are in the best position to make those judgements. 

    But 95% and 100% are two different numbers and I just didn’t like the statement on HAL’s website about the 100% vaccination requirement, applying now and through February, followed by comments about the unvaccinated passengers. Facts are important. They should absolutely make those crystal clear. 


    Sorry to read all of the statements that you are making @Altamirajust based on a phone call with one employee who is working from home , we were told there are hardly any people working from the main office  in Seattle at least none that work the phones.

    . We were on a Holland America cruise last month for 25 days  and I can tell you that everybody had to be 100% vaccinated and those vaccinations had to be either Pfizer or Moderna  .  Astro Zeneca or J& J  was not a valid vaccine to be able to get on board . There were no children on board because of these rules .  Masks were worn in all interior places on the ship , on embarkation and disembarkation  with the exception when you were in your own cabin , enjoying your meal or having a drink or on the outside decks. 

    Sometimes even after all the months and months we have worn masks we were almost immediately politely told  if we forgot in the Lido for instance when getting some extra food or a desert  to please put on your mask.

    We had to have a PCR test within 72 hours of getting on board , this is a rule NOT a recommendation we  than had an antigen test at the cruise terminal had our temperature taken a couple of times and another antigen test on the B2B portion of the cruise .  Because the Canadian government insists that we have proof of a PCR test before we enter our country  Holland America provided that test at no cost to us . 

    If people had a false positive you would get isolated for the required number of days , if you had to go to the medical centre for any reason you might get tested for Covid even more.  


    So please do not guess what the rules are or make statements or guesses about the procedures on board Holland America cruises .

    They are doing an amazing job in very difficult circumstances . 

    Can you imagine we were in 25 days in 8 different countries each having different regulations and guests were allowed to get ashore in each country . Mind you in Italy only on Holland America Tours .


    So I was not a teacher , as a matter of fact I am an immigrant to Canada and am not perfect in my English reading or writing  but I felt the necessity to make my statement and tell you about our experience on board of a Holland America ship which was fully vaccinated. 


    Holland America is taking this very seriously !  Sorry I did not read the Norwegian rules ........





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  12. As per the new rules there are NO more free bottles that you can bring on board at embarkation .


    If you are on a HAL tour where the tour might take you to a winery or have some wine tasting during that tour they will allow you to bring a bottle for your consumption on board without having to pay the corkage fee of $ 18.00 .


    During our Eurodam cruise last month I had organized wine tasting on a personal small group tour I purchased a couple of bottles of Croatian wines because they were so reasonable with the thought I had to pay the corkage . The bottles were scanned when we came back on board I heard somebody say ,  " bottles " and I was allowed to carry on and we consumed them in our cabin . 


    Sometimes it is also a toss up if the scanning machine is going on board ship and you might get scanned in the port  ( Naples comes to mind ) and other times there will be crew standing at a small table when getting on board and charging you for the corkage .


    Sorry for the long reply but this was our experience recently , 2 nice bottles for the cabin a Posip and a Grk ! 


    Tony 😁😁

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    And a good day to all participants in the Daily and in particular Rich , Roy , Debbie and Jacqui . 
    We are just getting back to our regular life at home after a great Eurodam cruise , too bad we were not allowed to go all the way to Florida yet but we had a very nice 24 days with our good friends Ann and Pat plus we met some new friends .
    We have been a number of times to Cadiz and when we were on the Prinsendam in 2019 it was a very special day Jacqui  @kazu  had set up a fantastic Flamenco show in the afternoon . After the show was over we heard the trumpets , flutes and drums of the procession  of Semana Santa for Palm Sunday in the distance and went over there.
    Glad to show you some pictures of that day  without too many comments :
    If you ever have a chance to get to La Cava go and see the show . We were extremely lucky that Jacqui and Jose have an in there with the owners to be able to go there . I have seen a number of Flamenco shows this was one of the best ! 
    This must have been a sign we were not suppose to sit there .........
    Sorry we took your table Jacqui , I was not aware of that  !!!! 
    And who do we see here  …..? 
    The scene of the “ Last Supper “ 
    We will never forget the sights and sounds we experienced on April 14th 2019 ! 
    Tony 😁😁





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  14. 1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

    Tony phoned Pat a little while ago to say that the FCC had called to advise him they could now book all the way to FLL.   Just a bit late….

    yes too bad this is just a little too late getting a call at 9.22 this morning . 
     I have already made some appointments for after we arrive home on Sunday otherwise we would have been very happy to go across the Atlantic to Florida and have a much shorter flight . 

    BTW the price I was quoted for the TA was not a special deal , which also was disappointing , I would have thought that they would have liked some Canadians on board ship . 


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  15. On 10/26/2021 at 1:27 PM, Vict0riann said:

    I can’t remember if I posted the Canaletto menu…


    We’ve tried a lot of the small plates, this time we added the veal meatballs to the antipasto, beef carpaccio and the mozzarella.  Then just two large plates, the spaghetti all’ astice ($18 for lots of lobster) and the braised beef short ribs.  Then Pat and I shared an orange blossom ricotta tart.  Think I overdid things?  









    we have been to the Canaletto a couple of times this cruise and I thought the the menu has improved a lot from a couple of years ago .


    Tony I 


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  16. On 10/26/2021 at 12:00 PM, Rooanna said:



    Enjoying this wonderful LIVE review/blog.  Loved the food tour you did in Zadar, Croatia and would like to know the name of the tour company/tour for future reference.  Glad you are having a fantastic time.



    Barb S.  

    hi Barb our group really enjoyed the itinerary and also the guide of the Pag Cheese Factory Tour and the visit to the Degarra Winery . The spread that Pag put on was delicious with lots so cheese and wine , olives and prosciutto . The guide is Sime Botica , he has some good humour is very good in his English , explains the area very well and the area that this is in is very interesting . You can reach Sime at simebotica (at ) gmail ( dot ) com . 

    Tony , sailingdutchy 😁😁

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  17. 11 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

    Did he say why he is heading out into the weather again?  Seems contrary to all good sense.

    Where is your next (planned) port?

    next port is Naples , Colin . You can see from the shape of the boot that there will be some open seas again . 
    we are now looking out to seeStromboli , see if there is any action going on there 

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  18. 13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

    Captain just came on again and said we now have 70 knot winds.  He has spoken with the Messina pilot and the winds are lower there, around 10 knots, so we will speed up and try to get there sooner.


    I definitely am hanging on tight, @0bnxshs,  things are beginning to slide around in the room…

    i had to place the extra bottles of wine on the bed so they would not roll away .  The glasses in the cabinet fell over …………and the drawer under the bed came all the way out . 

    a little motion of the ocean here near the straight of Messina .  Here on the aft cabin I can really see where the wind is coming from and how much we are leaning to the West . The stabilizers are not doing a lot with this kind of wind . 

    have to see where DW is hanging in out or hanging on ……. 

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  19. Greetings from the Eurodam and best wishes to all of you at home . We decided to get some wifi on board ship to get in contact with family and to let them know we are thanks to all the measures from HAL safe and well and are having a great time on board ship with our good friends Ann and Pat . We have had some nice independent tours in Croatia and Slovenia , tasted a lot of wine and cheese and saw some beautiful areas in these countries and also in Greece . 

    Today it is a sea day and we are on our way to Naples . Holland has decided that we can not have independent tours in Italy so we will be staying on board ship . I do not enjoy sticker tours , too many people on a large bus on a scripted tour for us .  

    So far we have had a fantastic time finally cruising again and if we are still not allowed to cruise into Florida , we are on a “ we will call you list “ if in the mean time this decision will be reversed . 
    Despite much better vaccination and Covid case figures in Canada it still much easier for our Southern neighbours to cross our border than we do theirs ???

    Have a very nice Sunday everybody , I will do some more posting again once we get back home . Tonight it will be Tamarind again after we had a delicious Sell de Mer last evening . Ann will possibly show you some nice “ food porn “ 


    Tony 😁


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  20. 1 hour ago, Florida_gal_50 said:

    I wish you a wonderful cruise and thank you for the live from thread.  I actually really like the Vancouver airport.  I’d rather take a bullet in my head than go through Toronto.  Toronto is easily the worst airport I’ve been through.  Good luck with your test on Monday!


    I agree 100% with you  , not with the bullet but with the worst airport part !  Another one is Ft Lauderdale where often you have to sit on the floor because there are not enough seats .


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