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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. Can't wait to sail again. A few photos follow taken at sea, on land, and during the day and very early (for me) or for some late in the evening as we sailed Crystal Cruises several times last year.
  2. Real or Painted Art Work. Just asking?
  3. Some of you know I can eat just one or even none. How about you?
  4. Yes. It wasn't the Homeric I was on. It was the second Homeric which Holland purchased from Home Lines (2 years young at the time) and the Atlantic from Home Lines in April 1988 and Home Lines ceased operation later that year. The one I sailed was built in 1931 and was part of Home Lines from 1954 to 1973. She was scrapped in 1974. At the time I sailed Homeric there was the Homeric, Oceanic and Doric. Eventually the newer ship was the Atlantic. As to the Big Red Boat is was part of Premier Cruise line and had an affiliation with Disney were it could use their characters. We sailed for four nights and had three nights at Walt Disney World or you could book a cruise with three nights and four nights at Disney World. You have to start somewhere and that is where we started cruising with our children. Just as was the case when we sailed Homeric we had assigned seating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The morning of debarkation I remember two things. The waiters were not friendly for breakfast maybe because they knew they already had our tips. And, we were not allowed to wait in our rooms to debark and I just remember it was standing room only in the corridors as we waited to debark. Back then we didn't plan vacations very far in advance. Two years laster we went to a cruising agency about two months before we wanted to cruise. She pushed us on Royal Caribbean but there wasn't much choice. As she was speaking with RCI reservation by phone, I saw she had this book called Ocean Cruising by Douglas Ward and as I am flipping through it I come to Celebrity Zenith and Horizon and the writeup was very positive so I said what about one of these ships. She seemed reluctant (I suspect they were getting accelerators from Royal Caribbean but in the ned we sailed the Zenith. After this we sailed at least yearly and went on Horizon for two cruises of Bermuda in consecutive years than we sailed Celebrity Century, Galaxy and Mercury in the year each ship went into service. They each had a Royal Suites which was perfect for the family. And yes the rest was history. Keith
  5. I would love to hear about your first cruise; when, where, cruise line, memories, etc. For me. 1967, not even a teen. Home Lines (Italian Line) Homeric 13 Night New York City R/T visiting Caribbean and Carribbean Memories: Visitors could board on embarkation day and there were all sorts of parties. We threw paper confetti before we departed NYC. Assigned table for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. The next day was the first time I remember seeing this beautiful blue water for the very first time in my life. On Long Island it was gray/green looking. Emphasis on Italian Cuisine. I remember having Pizza as an appetizer for dinner. Yummy. For whatever tip my father gave, we had our own set of deck chairs in a shady area. I remember the name of the crew member (Pino) who got everything set for us each day. Skeet Shooting. I remember my father participated. Not many kids on board but a couple of Junior Counselors. We would play what I think they called it donut tennis. You would throw something that looked like a donut which was rubber over the next and the other person had to catch it and throw it back. Costume Party. I wore a paper mache over my face with holes for the eyes. My mom drew a woman on my stomach and I guess covered neck down to that area. Yes, first place. We had a great time. Tried to convince Anne Marie to go on a cruise for our honeymoon in 1977 but not interested so we spent a week in Bermuda. Fourteen years later my wish cam true and we took the kids on the Big Red Boat. The Oceanic which was a sister of Homeric for Home Lines and we had gone onto the ship to get her mom settled for a cruise she went on. As they say the rest is history. I do still have the passenger list from the Home Lines Cruise. A keeper for sure. Keith
  6. Well I got the others right didn't I? LOL. Man if you thought 100 was hot 1001 is worse than an over. LOL. Please send us cooler weather from your end. And if you don't we are going to send you a lot of hot air and I'm not talking about CC but our air. 🤣
  7. This reminds me of the cruise director saying in the old days on ships "people ask what time the midnight buffet is?" I could go though. I would be waking up for the buffet. Do you think it would have breakfast. LOL. The last midnight buffets I went to was on Celebrity Cruises in the 1990's. I remember on one of the night it would be all the normal stuff and an extravaganza of fancy desserts. This was back in the day when we would come on for 7 days for our only cruise of the year with the exception of one year where we did three seven day cruises with different lines and in the seven days would gain 7 to 10 pounds. I would say those midnight buffets contributed to half of the weight gain. 🤔 Keith
  8. I prefer heat over cold when it comes to outside temperature and sometimes wonder how I ever grew up in the East Coast. But,.........While I like it hot we are on track to break previous records for the most days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and yesterday we hit 105, and starting today the forecast has highs of 106, 105, 103, 103, 1001 and 100 for the next six days. We get a cold front when the forecast says a week from today our high is only 99. So, for me to get all my miles in I have to go outside early when it is dark and it is me and the wildlife. After taking a break I go back outside in the daylight but I try to go on our trail system which in our community now total 17+ miles. While hot I get benefit of some shade from trees while enjoying its overall beauty. As Roy Rogers would sing Happy Trails................. Keith
  9. Who would have thought I would have had to sail all the way on Crystal Serenity to Montenegro to find a Beatles Album I am missing from my collection. The things we do when we are fans of a particular band. Keith
  10. I thought it would be helpful to post three pieces of information on one thread. Explora Journey Brochure: EXPLORA JOURNEYS_STORY COLLECTION_20220218.pdf Press Kit: EXPLORA JOURNEYS PRESS KIT 22022022.pdf An Additional Benefits Summary: One other suggestion. Check out YouTube. There are some videos on Explora Journey. One of them is an event they did with some Travel Agents which I would post but not sure if I can since Travel Agents are shown but it is close to 90 minutes and covers a lot of valuable information. Keith
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