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Everything posted by john91498

  1. Everything posted in this thread is an opinion. But, the Oasis is is a much better ship than the Venezia and that's a fact...based on my opinion...
  2. Staying at the Atlantis Resort for a week in July of this year. Looks like we're not leaving the resort 😒
  3. odd, no where in the article does it say the women blame carnival
  4. In all my travels, I've heard of upgrades. I've never heard of upsells in my travels except on this forum...😝
  5. in before the "upsell" people 🤣🤪😆
  6. Did you try the frog legs? Hate to say it, but they tasted like chicken...🤪🤣🤣
  7. I gotta give you mad props. You've done more work on this review then I would of done in 6-9 months of actual work...lol...🤣😂🤪😝
  8. It's only a loss if you sell. I've bought some stinkers over the decades and have held on hoping they would come back. Some have and some have not. You can always hold them until you sell some of your winners to offset the tax burden.
  9. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... I think some vehicles are butt ugly, but a Bugatti is around 3 million per example...
  10. I skip the cruise surveys since they don't offer anything. I did a survey for my Corvette and my wife's Lexus. We were compensated $600 for the Corvette survey and $250 for the Lexus survey.
  11. @mitsugirly since you're going to be on the Panorama, that ship doesn't have a bar in the casino. when I was on her, there were at least 4 servers in the casino. If the casino is packed, and it was every night when we were on her, it might be hard to get a server's attention. We got great service as we tipped for every drink brought to us.
  12. It's not always one person. Here's a current free room offer for us:
  13. Interesting, the Bonsai sushi went up to $26. It was $23 when we were on back in September. You review is bringing back fond memories of that cruise 🥰
  14. Looking forward to the mega ships. We won't sail on anything smaller than a Vista class ship anymore.
  15. Nice upgrade. On one of our 2022 cruises, we got an offer from balcony 8D to an Ocean Suite for $350. Literally one of the best offers we ever had. 😎
  16. I have 2 RCL cruises this year and zero CCL. Wife just wanted to try another line. Enjoy your cruise!
  17. In hindsight, I had a huge lunch with a few drinks. Probably not the best time to tackle a physically demanding rope course after that...lol...
  18. I had no problems with the Sky Ride, but that Rope Course was a bear! Darn little kids made it look so easy...lol...
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