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Everything posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. Yes, very strange. Maybe it was just Alaska Airlines. Guess I will find out tomorrow morning.
  2. My niece-and next door neighbor-just finished the Rotterdam New Year's cruise and is sitting at FLL. She said planes weren't landing there so no planes to leave. She was supposed to arrive in Seattle around 8 pm, now she's scheduled for 3 am. 2 problems with that-1st, she can't check her luggage yet and not many food options before security. The other problem is the 1st ferry in the morning isn't until after 5 am so more waiting. We'll be up early to meet the ferry. She tried to leave from Miami but planes were delayed there too. Her cabin was very near where the refugee rescue occurred, so she did get some good photos.
  3. The adventure continues-thanks for the continuing reports. I’m just sorry that Kathi isn’t able to join you for trivia 😢. Have an amazing voyage.
  4. WOW! Amazing amount of time you’ve put into your blog and You Tube videos-thank you so much. Looking forward to reading about all your adventures.
  5. Oh no, so sorry to hear this. Hope a solution is found quickly.
  6. Yesterday was a Long day-finally home and in bed by midnight (3 am Atlanta time) . Of course, for once we weren’t rushing for a ferry and it was 30 minutes late. DDIL is also home. We stopped at the hospital on our way to the airport and the nurse came in to say DDIL would be discharged in an hour or so. Just time for us to get to the airport and DS to return to the hospital. Phew! And the biggest shocker was when I got on the scale this morning. Either it wasn’t correct before we left or I lost 7 pounds-24 days on the ship and a week at DS’s house. Happy dance! Happy cruising everyone and have a great day.
  7. @kazuOn the cruise we just got back from, one of my trivia teammates was going to final bingo. I "took any hex off her" and sprinkled good luck dust on her 😇. She won over $325 so no hex and good luck to you!!!
  8. Well, the waiting game continues. DDIL is still in the hospital-the 1 pm test was finally finished about 4 pm which made it too late to get results and discharge her. I had hoped to celebrate Christmas, her discharge, and our 53rd anniversary today but I guess that won't happen. Looks like their anniversary trip to St. Augustine isn't going to happen either. The good news is there is a treatment plan and she'll be home tomorrow-just in time for our flight home. It has been a good visit in spite of everything.
  9. He said "I'm 81, almost 82, how long does it have to last?" LOL The correct answer is a very long time!
  10. On our TA a couple of weeks ago, we stocked up on fresh papayas for our morning breakfast. I can't tell you how many people would stop and ask us where we got them, even the crew would ask. We also found some in Jamaica when we ran out. YUM! I buy flowers for the cabin too.
  11. We're still haven't celebrated Christmas. DDIL is still in the hospital waiting for 1 last test. All day they were told it would happen soon and now they were told that the specialist that needs to observe the test isn't available so one more night. Hopefully she will be released tomorrow. At least with the treatment so far, she is feeling better. After taking us to the airport on Wednesday, they are supposed to leave for St. Augustine for their anniversary trip. Fingers crossed. Stay well and warm everyone!
  12. Hi Kathi, I've tried to post on your blog but I'm not doing something right so thought I would try here. I'm just catching up after returning from our 24-day cruise from Rome. I'm so sorry to read about the struggles you've been experiencing. I certainly learned the value of a walker (love that you named it "Holly") while waiting for a hip replacement. I hope the new treatment plan is a success. As usual, I'm enjoying the addition of the trivia questions to your reports. I just wish I was there to join you-hopefully no "Artichokes" around!! Thanks so much for continuing to report on your adventures. Susie
  13. Just booked a TA yesterday-28 days starting in Athens, for Nov. '24. The details showed more than the blurb on the 1st page. We ended up with $200 OBC, 3 specialty dinners, crew appreciation, wi fi, the premier drink package and $300 shore excursion credit. They stated that it was an added $50/day/person.
  14. Just got off the Island Princess from Rome. There were a couple of bumpy days but had the same on HAL's Eurodam last fall. I liked that there was a bit more entertainment on Princess but food variety is much better on HAL. It's always somewhat of a toss-up as to which I would choose. Itinerary will top the list.
  15. Merry Christmas Everyone although it’s not turning out quite as planned. DS had to take DDIL to the hospital last night because of a severe Crohn’s flare. They’re still waiting for a decision on the best treatment. Hopefully they’ll be home soon.
  16. Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Hanukkah to all. Finally catching up after getting off the Island Princess Thursday. After several days of hot weather in Costa Rica and the Cayman Islands, this cold weather near Atlanta (11 degrees this morning) is really cold! Isn't it supposed to be warm in the South 😲? But glad we 're not dealing with the ice the Seattle area has had. For once I planned ahead and dragged a couple of flannel shirts around Europe and the Caribbean since a couple of years ago it was 28 degrees outside Atlanta for Christmas. Enjoy tomorrow with family and friends.
  17. We were on the Island Princess and Cartagena was a port stop Dec. 16. There was no mention of any covid test needed.
  18. @rafinmdThe morning of my hip replacement surgery, June 8, they did a PCR test which showed positive. When I told them I had been positive on May 13, all was good and had the surgery-worried for a minute though.
  19. On our tour yesterday it felt almost like being “home”. We shared the Panama Canal Visitor Center with the Eurodam. But still too hot and muggy!
  20. Good Morning from hot & humid Cartagena. We’re docked next to the Eurodam, which we were on last November when we visited Funchal. Thanks to Jacqui @kazuwe had a fantastic tour with Daniel’s Taxi. We missed the port last week because of the tropical storm brewing. Off to our emerald jewelry making adventure.
  21. The port has one pier so just 2 ships at a time-Odyssey of the Seas was here when we docked and it’s HUGE-so that may be the reason for the change. Lots of people in a small town.
  22. @StLouisCruisersSandi, I’m waving across the island to you from Falmouth. Too hot and muggy for us to be out for long. Enjoy the rest of your cruise.
  23. Hot cocoa is good, even better with the addition of Bailey’s-and the best is when you’re onboard ship. Enjoy your day!
  24. @rafinmdRoy, thanks for the inclusion on the Celebrations list. And we’re still celebrating-another 10 days on the Island Princess. @kazuJacqui, fingers crossed you can fly to San Diego. Had a long walk from Pier 2 in Fort Lauderdale to Publix and back. It was a bit too warm for me but the steps sure added up!
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