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Everything posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. Great idea. Wonder what TSA would think when they saw it in your luggage?
  2. Did you check fares out of Seattle or Vancouver, BC? It’s strange that I had so many flexible options.
  3. I appreciate the article. We just pulled the refrigerator out to unplug it. I had written on the back the date it was installed-July 2018. Not top-of-the-line but close so it seems like it should have lasted longer.
  4. HELP, please. Appliance gremlin hit today so we need a new refrigerator. We have a Samsung which has been a piece of junk, even after the 1st one was replaced under warranty. I know it was mentioned a few months ago a brand that repairmen recommended but can't remember the name. I'd appreciate any feedback. And of course, timing couldn't be much worse-we leave Friday morning for Hawaii. Glad we have the big freezer (which just was cleaned out because DGD left the door open while we were gone for a week😢) and a small fridge in the basement. I hope everyone else is having a better day (although I know there could be other issues much worse than this).
  5. Forgot to mention, I added a bit of cumin to the soup one night for different flavor and rosemary another afternoon. Both were good-just not at the same time.
  6. @dfishDebbie, the chicken stroganoff was very good. Used all broth because I didn't have any white wine, and no mushrooms. That would have been good but after 50 some years of cooking with mushrooms DH has decided he really doesn't like them. But next time he can pick them out! Thanks! And we enjoyed beef barley soup last week too.
  7. I've never seen Southwest offered. And yes, there are times when you can change your cities. We're near Seattle but opted to fly to Atlanta from Rome for a visit with DS. Flight Ease doesn't show any flights until the entire round trip is available. We just dealt with that on flights to and from Singapore. Had to wait an extra 28 days-seemed like forever.
  8. It was my understanding that the word "fanny" was not acceptable in many parts of the world. And even after @AV8rix's explanation, no way am I ordering it! @grapau27my thoughts are with you and your family. @57redbirdToo bad we're going to be on different islands next week. It would have been fun to meet up. Take care everyone and have a good weekend.
  9. DD has a spinal injection every 4 months and that little vial of medication is $125,000. Luckily, the drug company is required to supply it because of the aid they received developing it-all she pays is her normal co-pay for the procedure. And cataract surgery was a breeze-except when my cornea was scratched. The worst part is the drops that seem to go on forever.
  10. Oh my! So many good choices. Start with the Market salad, hard choice between the spiced pork chop and prime rib, crepes for dessert along with Bailey's. Thanks so much for your wonderful cruise report. Have a safe trip home.
  11. @StLouisCruisersI’ve felt we were almost related-married the same year, at least one child the same age and now, the same middle name! 😅
  12. Thanks for your reply. We do have a group organized and I think it’s a go but still waiting for an answer from the tour operator. At least we have a few months to be organized.
  13. @IWantToLiveOverTheSeaWhat time did your ship arrive in the port? And what was your all-aboard time? Most tours I've looked at don't seem to fit our time frame (8-5). Thanks for the information.
  14. BBQ looks fantastic-I think we'd all enjoy it. And I loved the watermelon fish and birds carvings!
  15. HALfacts.com will give you a glimpse of areas of each ship and cabin photos.
  16. Italian Antipasti, Tikka Masala, can you get the green beans without the carrots? and Panna Cotta. Maybe just Bailey's tonight without coffee. Thanks!
  17. @Seasick SailorDid any of the venues offer a much better lobster than the others? If you had to pick one, which one would it be? Thanks!
  18. I would like to start with the beef sirloin wrap, then the pork schnitzel with steamed veg. and end with the pear streusel with vanilla ice cream. And of course, coffee with Bailey's. Thanks again!
  19. @Vict0riannMy carrot cake is very similar but adds 2 tablespoons of finely grated orange rind.
  20. Some ships have outlets behind the bed. I think it’s mainly the older ships. We plug in the cpap machine but lose the bedside light. It is a European style plug.
  21. Beef Wellington, market salad, steamed veg, carrot cake and I’m not forgetting coffee with Bailey’s this time. Thanks!
  22. Fantastic news hearing Baby Murphy is home. Thanks @bennybear for the fabric store location. In less than 2 weeks we’ll be staying half way between Kona and Hilo for a week so will definitely check it out. @ger_77 wow on the snow. It snowed off and on all afternoon here yesterday but it was 41 degrees! Weird!
  23. @bennybearThe fabric store sounds interesting. Where is it located? Thanks!
  24. I'm not sure but from some of the reports on steaks from the Pinnacle Grill, that butcher knife may be needed. (Sorry, couldn't resist when I saw that item)
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