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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. One of the major selling points for us is the door to door transport. On our only Saga cruise (so far) we had a people carrier and a merc E class to ourselves in the post-covid period. It was an ideal way to start and end the trip. I have no real issue with sharing transport as long as it is comfortable for the 3hr+ journey to and from the port; certainly beats self-drive or relying on the vagaries of public transport especially as we would have to change trains in London - never a rewarding experience. Our next trip is in May where we will be using the shared transport. We are 3 hrs from Dover on a good day and I'm happy that someone else drives. However, I have one reservation: I can suffer from uncontrollable claustrophobia in certain circumstances one of which is being in a vehicle where I don't have a door - I simply could not sit in the rear seats if there is no adjacent door. I know it's pathetic but can't help it. (By claustrophobia I mean the real thing - not just not liking something. On the very rare, and now non-existent, times I've been confined as described I get panic attacks, hyperventilation, tachycardia, sweating, the lot.)
  2. According to many that know me, I'm not a wit, but I'm half way there.
  3. Now then, JB, you really must tell us more about why you were disappointed with Saga. We need that sort of balance.
  4. Am I allowed one of my periodic rants against BA? No? Well, I'm having one anyway. Booked BA Heathrow to Dublin for past Tuesday early afternoon and return today early afternoon. Outbound flight cancelled and transferred to one 2 hrs later. Offered the option to cancel but would lose my car park payment, hotel and transfers not to mention the dogs' kennels. Ah well, its only 2 hrs. Now sitting in Dublin Airport because our early pm flight back is now 19.45! I'm livid. Extra time parking, another night in the kennels for the dogs (thankfully they had space to keep them another night) and won't get home until the wee small hours. Once, just once, it would be nice to book BA flights that left on time and arrived on time. I shall, of course, as usual, write a snottogram to their PR dept. It will have no effect but will make me feel better. Travel is painful enough without the "World's Favourite Airline". You'd really think I'd have learnt by now.
  5. If it's any comfort, the Northern half of the UK has had nearly an inch of snow and has ground to a halt. Oh yes, we know how to deal with mildly unusual weather in Britain. Close down.
  6. We don't do trivia but tried it out one time on the Spirit. On one team of 8 a woman was "reading" her ipad then would surreptitiously type on it after certain questions. A few seconds later and she would angle the screen towards a team member. Would you believe it - they got every question correct! Sometime you just have to wonder at the mentality of people.
  7. What I am about to write is totally unhelpful to the poor OP. Wind back 5 years or so. Was SS the penny-pinching, over-priced line so often illustrated on threads like these? I find the subject of this thread quite shocking. No way to treat a paying customer. I presume it's the RCL influence but, whatever, it's wholly unacceptable. What with P2P/D2D nonsense, air booking catastrophes, altered itineraries and ambitious pricing, what has happened to our favourite cruise line?
  8. Probably the same sort of person who puts a book and towel on a pool lounger just in case they might want to use it sometime that day. Self-entitled, sociopathic, arrogant, narcissistic morons can be like that. Not that I have any strong feelings about this, you understand.
  9. At last. After 65 years I've entered paradise:
  10. Had a look at the 2024 listing. Nothing too exciting. Maybe a couple of interest if the price is right.
  11. Thanks for that. It won't open, though. This is the file in downloads and it's not openable: Saga2024.pdf 2.57 MB content-restricted.invisioncic.com Thanks for trying.
  12. Sadly, that won't open on my phone. Anyone able to post a copy that's not security protected?
  13. Now you've put your foot in it...
  14. That's the problem with survival rations...
  15. Mr Singhtelli and Mr Khanelloti?
  16. Although we shall sadly not benefit from Mysty's tips on this thread 😔, I think a round of applause is in order for taking time to produce this meticulous resource. https://media.tenor.com/_kBHclUREHcAAAAM/çrpik-kurdî.gif
  17. After flying half way round the world on an oil powered jet, taking a diesel coach to the port and boarding my ship powered by whatever petrochemical the auto industry spurns I'm not sure ditching the Chronicle will totally assuage my eco-guilt.
  18. The tour does include a pint of the good stuff. But it's another €6 per pint after that. That's the credit card maxxed out, then.
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