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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. So pleased you’ve had a (mostly) great cruise Kalos. John and I have just had a lovely overnight break in Sussex. We stayed in a golf hotel so our room was over the course which meant it was so peaceful and we had a great sleep. The first photo was our view when we woke up this morning We had a cream tea when we got there. In the evening I really fancied a cocktail but they didn’t have any so I had to have wine! Today we went for a bracing walk in Bexhill, then stopped in Lewis on the way home for lunch.
  2. Thank you for such a detailed and balanced review. So pleased you had a great time.
  3. Gorgeous! I saw the other day a weatherman said sand from the Sahara has been blowing up and that’s why we’ve had vivid sunsets and sunrises lately!
  4. This Freedom dining is odd. I actually thought about having fixed dining and having a table for two for my cruises this year but you can’t guarantee a table for two can you? Plus we’d choose 6.30 and as we’re going on Aurora I expect it will be booked up. Then my Britannia one I’ve only just booked so I probably wouldn’t get first sitting either!
  5. How lovely to see blue skies in your photos Selbourne. Good thing Lady S wasn’t on that bone shaking bus with you! I hope your cold doesn’t get any worse and you’re soon back to full health.
  6. Afternoon all, I’m very excited to say I’ve gone for it and booked a week’s cruise on Britannia! I was talking to people at work about how ridiculous it was that our manager won’t authorise any holiday until April and they said they just checked with each other! So I’ve asked everyone in my team , no clashes so I’ve booked it! Our first 1 week cruise since 2019!! Due to you know what then my parents health. We would have booked a 2 week one this year but still a bit nervous of leaving my mum even though I know she’s ‘safe’
  7. P&O does a shuttle into Blibao. I know that doesn’t help you but if you did find your ship put on a shuttle it went to a square. From there it was a straight easy walk to the Guggenheim of 10 minutes or less. The second time we went we went into the main town, just walked about, found another square and had a delicious lunch sitting outside. We then found we were near the river so walked along it as we knew it would bring us to the Guggenheim and then it was easy to find our shuttle bus again!
  8. Welcome home Eddie, thanks for your great report and photos ☺️
  9. Also welcome home to the Pestos, looking forward to your review.
  10. Morning all. A belated Happy Anniversary to Avril and Frank, hope you had a lovely day 🍾🍾🎂 Welcome home Graham and Pauline, glad you had a great time.
  11. So pleased the weather has improved! Onwards and upwards!
  12. Thanks again for your reports Mrs goggins! I feel the same about the Beach House and haven’t been for a while because of it.
  13. Your comment made me laugh Selbourne about the singer! I really thought you were going to say he was fabulous! I really hope the weather improves for you.
  14. Morning all, haven’t got any interesting news,John in at work today so I’m just pottering about.
  15. Thanks again for your continued adventures. Enjoy your last couple of days.
  16. We did the P&O tour but we did the ‘on your own’. I reckon it was a good 20 minutes from the coach park. The guide walked us into the main square and gave lots of information on the coach journey. Perhaps if you did the on your own tour you could rest when you want. We found a lovely park where we sat and had an ice cream. I walked back to the coach stop a couple of times to use the toilets as I knew where they were 😆
  17. Morning all, Been having trouble phoning my mum lately, she keeps saying ‘I can’t hear you’ and slams the phone down! So yesterday we took her to get a new phone, exactly the same as her old one as she needs a basic one. It seemed to be better. This morning I’ve rung her and she could hear me clearly - phew what a relief! Just been watching ‘George Michael at the BBC’ while ironing. Enjoyed it very much, especially the Wham bits, I was 18 again 😁
  18. I’m sure he is very competent at ‘driving’ the ship but I do like the personable ones!
  19. Just catching up Mrs Goggins, thanks for taking us along! I like the Metropolis bar, I went with my friend on the first night of a cruise and there were quite a few of us there. The lady singer said people didn’t normally find them up there til near the end of the cruise!
  20. Thanks Eddie, sounds like you’re having a fairly chilled time. Not jealous of your weather at all 😁
  21. Thanks again Selbourne for your reports. It’s a shame about your captain, my favourites have been Camby and Turnbull and they give great updates every day. I’m on Aurora on a short cruise end of March so will be interesting to see how we get on although sounds like its a different captain then. I agree the attitude filters down from the top.
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