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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Aah hubby and I stayed there in 1989! It was fine and we had fantastic weather but I believe they’ve added more pools etc since we went!
  2. On the blood pressure discussion I went for a blood pressure check with the nurse at my surgery ( after the appointment had been cancelled twice!) and all was good. To my surprise I was offered a pneumonia vaccine! So I had that too, had a bad sleep though, headache and a sore arm! Still, apparently I won’t need to have one again.
  3. Afternoon all. I’m a bit miffed today as I have my eye on a one week cruise in June on Britannia just to Spain and France, I’m still not comfortable going away for longer at the moment. I mentioned it to my sister and she said she’d book the same week off so I could really relax. Anyway our work does 1st April to 31st March for our holidays. I have a new manager from last year (the old one was really on the ball with holidays) Anyway they were putting our allowance in the system today and my manager said she wouldn’t accept any requests until April 1st!! Finial payment will be March for a June cruise! This will be a stressful wait, we’re only allowed 2 off at the same time so I can’t really book it until I know I can get the time off. How disappointing 😔
  4. They have those at my local hospital and some are even staff!!
  5. Me too, most weeks I just have a glass of wine with my Sunday dinner 😁
  6. we really need a 😱 option when we click on reactions here 😁
  7. Thanks for doing this Eddie, I will be very interested to see what you think as I can not decide whether to try Iona or not! I love those outside cabins with the window seats. I wonder why you got a drinks package ? Lovely surprise though. Enjoy your cruise!
  8. Morning all, John’s been on his phased return to work of 4 hours, today is his first 6 hour day! He’s got another physio appointment Monday and I think that might be his last one so he’s getting there! Very dull and cold here, I hate January! Still virtually half way through now, glad it’s John’s day off tomorrow as he can give me a lift to work, I do hate walking in the dark!
  9. I don’t think so, we’d been to see her the day before and taken her to the local shopping centre!
  10. Oh my Sarah, what a worry for you. Parents,eh? I’m still just as worried about my mum even though she’s ‘safe’ in her home! She phoned me last week and we had to go up there as she thought she’d lost her glasses! We found them straight away 🙄
  11. @Adawn47 what fabulous news about Frank. So pleased for you and lovely to hear from Frank too. 😘 I’m not afraid to say my eyes are quite moist!
  12. Enjoy! We did a wine tasting tour in Vigo with Olly Smith, he’s really engaging and not snobbish about wine at all.
  13. Glad to hear this as I’ve been tempted to do the four night Hamburg one. I didn’t think Cunard had freedom dining so it’s interesting to hear as we don’t like sharing tables.
  14. Just had to catch up on a few days Selbourne, sorry for all the notifications you’ll get now with my ‘likes’ 😂 Still a great read, thank you.
  15. So true! I went to the theatre for the first time in a couple of years last year. This was a musical but I was shocked how much talking was going on in the audience! So rude. Luckily in the musical numbers they were drowned out!
  16. Yes this all started with my mum because she tried to use her card in M&S when we took her out Saturday and it was declined. We then went to her flat where I phoned and asked why her card was declined. It was because her bill had been returned’ unable to gain access’ or something! I’ve said before it’s a nightmare at her flat for post. So I asked if they could amend the address to mine, she wasn’t keen even though she spoke to my mum. Then I told her I did have Power of Attorney and so she said she’d email me to upload the documents. Still haven’t heard back but they phoned my mum today and she couldn’t express herself!! The woman Saturday expressed surprise she was buying something in M&S when she’s in a home! Cheek! She got some shower gel and sweets she likes! I have tried to persuade her to use her debit card but she used to work in M&S and likes her points!! 🙄
  17. After a couple of calm days more annoying things today. Trying to register my Mum’s Power of Attorney with M&S and it’s a nightmare! I spoke to someone on Saturday she said she’d send me an email link to upload a copy. Instead of emailing me back they’ve phoned my Mum !! And she can’t talk well. The bank was easy I don’t know why they’re being such a pain! Argh!
  18. Bless you @Adawn47 you keep venting here if you want. Hope Frank gets his full diagnosis soon so you can get on with the treatment. We’re all rooting for you both xx
  19. Yes it does, in the Cruise Personaliser. If you look now it will probably say ‘coming soon’ and that’s the place to look.
  20. Morning all, very cold here too. John is still on his reduced hours so he’ll be home about 10.30 then we’re going to collect my Dad’s ashes,have lunch out and visit Mum! Busy day.
  21. Bookings normally open about 2 weeks before your cruise. Some entertainers put on their social media if they are performing but normally you don’t find out until about 2 weeks or so before the cruise.
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