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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Yes this all started with my mum because she tried to use her card in M&S when we took her out Saturday and it was declined. We then went to her flat where I phoned and asked why her card was declined. It was because her bill had been returned’ unable to gain access’ or something! I’ve said before it’s a nightmare at her flat for post. So I asked if they could amend the address to mine, she wasn’t keen even though she spoke to my mum. Then I told her I did have Power of Attorney and so she said she’d email me to upload the documents. Still haven’t heard back but they phoned my mum today and she couldn’t express herself!! The woman Saturday expressed surprise she was buying something in M&S when she’s in a home! Cheek! She got some shower gel and sweets she likes! I have tried to persuade her to use her debit card but she used to work in M&S and likes her points!! 🙄
  2. After a couple of calm days more annoying things today. Trying to register my Mum’s Power of Attorney with M&S and it’s a nightmare! I spoke to someone on Saturday she said she’d send me an email link to upload a copy. Instead of emailing me back they’ve phoned my Mum !! And she can’t talk well. The bank was easy I don’t know why they’re being such a pain! Argh!
  3. Bless you @Adawn47 you keep venting here if you want. Hope Frank gets his full diagnosis soon so you can get on with the treatment. We’re all rooting for you both xx
  4. Yes it does, in the Cruise Personaliser. If you look now it will probably say ‘coming soon’ and that’s the place to look.
  5. Morning all, very cold here too. John is still on his reduced hours so he’ll be home about 10.30 then we’re going to collect my Dad’s ashes,have lunch out and visit Mum! Busy day.
  6. Bookings normally open about 2 weeks before your cruise. Some entertainers put on their social media if they are performing but normally you don’t find out until about 2 weeks or so before the cruise.
  7. I’ve been twice on Britannia, in 2017 and 2022. The first time we saw Eric and Ernie, they were really good and they posed for photos afterwards with everyone. Not everyone’s taste but we all enjoyed it. Lots of young people said they’d enjoyed it too! Food was really good and as I’d booked early we got seats right at the front. Second time we saw Ray Quinn and he was brilliant. Now they don’t seat you by what order you booked it but we had a decent enough seat. Ray sang swing songs mostly and also talked about his life a bit ( I loved him on Dancing on Ice!) and enjoyed quite a bit of banter with the audience. The food wasn’t quite as good this time but good enough. It’s nice to have your meal and entertainment all in the same place.
  8. I’m still not entirely sure what day it is after Christmas etc so I genuinely worried I was looking at an old thread 😂
  9. Hello all, I’ve just skimmed read the last few pages I’m afraid, I got sidetracked by Selbourne and Mrs Goggins reports 😁 I’ve been looking for news of Frank, so I know it’s worrying Avril, but hopefully they can sort him out now. My Dad was under the heart failure team for about 10 years they can do wonders now. My mum has been in her nursing home for just over a week now and it’s still stressful! She phones me up telling me she’s lost things 🙄 Meanwhile my sister is in the Canaries…. ho hum! hugs to all x
  10. Yes that annoys me too, I’m sure there’s loads of people walking round with higher levels than me! I’m around 3. Years ago my mum’s was 8!! 😱
  11. Oh no, hope she recovers well. What a sad ending to her cruise.
  12. Gorgeous Selbourne. Im following with interest as usual. Thanks for taking the time to do this and I hope you manage to miss the storm. By the way, you really confused me dating some of your posts as March!!!
  13. @mrsgoggins I’ve just come across your report, really enjoying it thank you. Look forward to reading more.
  14. I was on Ventura in June and we had our crepes made by our table, loved it!
  15. Only just seen this Avril, big hugs to you both, hope he’s improving today.
  16. Morning all, I was steadily catching up and then this forum went down! I’ll have to catch up later. We had a nice two days with the family, although obviously missing Dad. We went to our son’s Christmas Day and our DiL did her usual huge spread! My sis and bro in law and mum came too.Our grandson was the star of the show and very excited. Boxing day we went to our DiL’s sister for their mad Boxing Day they always have but we’ve never been invited to before! They have a daughter two years older than our grandson and they’re very close and there were other cousins there (some I’ve met before some I hadn’t!) we had to take Mum of course and a great time was had! Friday 29th we took Mum to her nursing home. She’s got a nice room but so far she hasn’t been to the lounge. They’ve got a party this afternoon so hopefully she’ll enjoy that. We took her to the local pantomime yesterday which was very good. My sister is coming up to see her today . We do have some issues at the moment but hopefully it’s just settling in issues. John went back to work this morning!! Very odd for me being alone in the house! He’s doing a phased return so 6am-10am and is due home any minute so I’ll sign off for now. Happy New Year to you all!
  17. It’s funny you’ve all said the same thing, i remember my mum and dad both saying they didn’t know how they had time for work after they retired!
  18. Yup even me at just turned 59 haven’t got a final salary pension. I think I did in my very first job in the bank but I left to have my son and didn’t want to leave him with a stranger! When I went back to the bank when he was 11 it wasn’t a final pension scheme.
  19. Morning all, after today I have 5 days off. I’m looking forward to Christmas Day itself as we’ll be all together at our son’s. Mum, John and I, my sister and her husband. Then we have the task of getting everything together for mum’s move on the 29th! I’ve got some stick on name labels from good old Amazon! Hope everyone has a lovely day spent the way they want to.
  20. Wow, I’m surprised they’re still in school. Round here most schools broke up Tuesday/Wednesday.
  21. After 30 years in teaching my sister now works part time in a library! She loves been able to holiday outside of August! She’s also got involved with teaching adults to read arranged by the library.
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