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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. I saw that ☺️ Gary and Olly Smith, quite a P&O gathering! Gary was very knowledgeable with the wines.
  2. At least the passengers can eat and explore the ship. And, hopefully, not have a bumpy night!
  3. Ooh I’m looking at the Ageas Bowl for March, I wanted to go before but there was cricket on so it was fully booked! I fancy a room with the view over the pitch ☺️
  4. Oh I do know Avril and it was regularly checked at the surgery before you know what. I’m more angry that they had raised cholesterol flagged but weren’t asking me to get it checked. I’ve had to instigate every year a cholesterol check - after I had my stent put in I was left to my own devices! How many people don’t bother? It seems to me diabetes is being pushed by the government at the moment, I suspect surgeries are given extra money for it. John at his recent health check (never had any issues) was given his diabetes likelihood ‘score.’
  5. Disappointing! If you’re like us you won’t want to leave your luggage in your car while you go exploring. Perhaps try and drop your luggage off early.
  6. I have another grandson story for you - his sports day should have been yesterday but postponed til Monday because of the rain. Joshua was quite pleased he said it sounded ‘hard work’ 😂😂 Hope you will be posting more when you’re on Ventura soon 😊
  7. It has been quiet on here lately. Personally I only had a short time to look yesterday so I focused on Selbourne’s ‘live’ thread ☺️ My GP keeps sending me texts to send them my blood pressure readings but I don’t have my own machine so I haven’t bothered. Since I’ve started taken BP tablets in 2018 it’s been fine. Anyway yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and phone them. I waited half an hour to get through. I started at no 6 in the queue. Anyway she offered me an appointment with the nurse on 31st July, sooner than I thought! I told her they hadn’t asked me to get a cholesterol test this year (only sugar, they seem obsessed with diabetes) She said ‘ahh yes it’s flagged up!’ Then why hadn’t they contacted me?! Trouble is the wait on the phones puts me off phoning! John had a text to book his ‘well man’ check but tried for three days before he got through. Anyway, happy that’s sorted!
  8. I’m so pleased you were able to give feedback, let’s hope they listen! Formal night on Britannia for us last year was frustrating with about an 80 minute wait.
  9. Thanks for the detailed report! We went to Oslo in 2019 (on Princess) and we went to the sculpture park on the HoHo bus. We had an experience too as when we waited for a bus afterwards the heavens opened and two buses came round and we couldn’t get on either of them - no one got off because of the weather and several people pushed in 😡 When we finally got on the third bus we had intended to get off at the Viking boat place but we were so wet we just went back to the ship!
  10. View from the Metropolis a couple of weeks ago
  11. Re the buffet, they often have one side closed at times but not both?! We’ve developed a habit of going to the Glasshouse for lunch on sea days ☺️
  12. l’ve been on Oriana once and loved her. Especially the lovely stern which, of course Aurora has!
  13. I was very happy with my Ventura cruise recently. No problems for us, the best Epicurean I’ve been in. Love the Glasshouse not being in the Atrium. The balcony rail was a bit tatty but that’s being picky. The staff were friendly and we had a lovely time.
  14. Thanks for this Gill, I’m on Aurora for the first time next year- was going on her in 2014 and the cruise was cancelled!
  15. Not right beside your table though? The bit that amused me was the lady moved her cart around a bit to make she wasn’t under the sprinklers!
  16. Thought I’d share something my four year old grandson said today. He wanted me to carry him down my stairs - he’s quite heavy now - and he said ‘please, you’ll be my best girl’ 😂😂 How could I refuse?! I told his Mum later, she said to him ‘oh I thought I was your best girl’
  17. It certainly was and the Iberian Ham was carved at the table too.
  18. What a fabulous little grandson you have Harry, and your granddaughter too. Great credit to their parents.
  19. I think perhaps this is what we did, I don’t really understand it all 🤷‍♀️
  20. Funnily enough I booked the first night in Epicurean because of people such as yourself saying how hit and miss the first night in the MDR is!
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