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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. Excellent news Debbie! Sounds like it was an easy decision and I’m sure you’ll be very happy in your new position. So glad to hear your ankle is fully healed. I hope your DD & SIL feel better soon and the kids avoid getting sick. We discuss pretty much anything & everything here! @A&L_Ont glad to hear your Mom is doing so well.
  2. We still haven’t watched at all. I’ve been reluctant because I really can’t stand “reality” TV, but so many of you like it I guess we should give it a try.
  3. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity Debbie. I hope it ends up being an easy decision for you and wish you the best of luck 🍀.
  4. Thank you! After the earlier posts about Come From Away I was thinking this would be an interesting story to read. My friend Google didn’t find any book by that name and I hadn’t yet searched the more generic “book about Gander 9/11”. I think I’ll be ordering this from Amazon.
  5. I picked this up at B & N today. In addition to the classics it has some interesting cocktails. I also like that it’s arranged by type of liquor - vodka, rum, etc. I’ve never had one of these before so who knows, maybe they’re all set up that way and I’m just easily impressed LOL. Some posters here seem to have gotten me interested in expanding my drink repertoire!
  6. FYI for the readers here, I stopped in at Barnes & Noble to browse around. They currently have Buy One Get One 50% off on all hardcover books (a/k/a 25% off two LOL). Our closest friends just won a free NCL cruise from their gambling at Foxwoods. They’ve never cruised before and asked me to research the options from a list they were given. They also want us to go along, probably sometime next year in late spring or early summer. So that’s what I’m doing today-cruise research. Not a bad way to spend the day!
  7. Market Common is a very cool little eating & shopping area. We stayed there back when the condos on the upper levels could be rented out,like air bnb’s. I think that was in 2010 or 2011. I looked into it a couple of years ago and I don’t think you can rent them any longer.
  8. No kidding! Just being away for a day can put one behind by many pages. I’m finally caught up and like you, won’t list all. I do want to say I’m happy to hear about those who are recovering, I’m praying for those who are having procedures done soon or waiting for test results, I’m glad to read that wandering cats came home, I’m clapping for the young man with the awesome report card, and I love hearing about and seeing pics of travels. Whew! Isn’t that what grandparents are for??! So sorry this happened. Thank goodness he didn’t hit the vanity or floor tile, it could’ve been so much worse if he did. Hope he feels better soon.
  9. How are Owen and your Mom doing? Will keep her & your family in my thoughts and look forward to pictures. I can see the green in her eyes now.
  10. Feeling good. He has exercises to do four times a day and is a little tender after doing them, but that should also improve with time.
  11. Andy had his stitches removed yesterday and some new X-rays done showing his “hardware”. He now has just a removable brace and will have a second surgery in about 8 weeks to remove the hardware.
  12. Yeah, I’m not a skittish driver but I wouldn’t drive into the city. Plus I’d have no clue where to park. We’ve taken the train from West Haven several times. Also loved taking the ferry from New London to Orient Point when our daughter lived in Long Island.
  13. Back from our little getaway and finally caught up reading. We left PA ( about 20 min west of Philly) at 6:55 am today and were home at 11:20 am. If you’ve ever driven I-95 in CT, or tried to cross the George Washington or Cuomo (TappanZee) bridge on a Sunday during the summer, then you know why we got on the road so early. @BonTexasNYglad you’re doing well and learning some tricks from OT. @A&L_Ont also glad your Mom’s surgery is in the rear view mirror and all went well. How’s she doing today? Just relaxing today, it’s been a busy few days. Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Generally I don’t sleep great away from home, except on cruise ships - go figure!
  14. Thank you. My preference would also be a newer ship but we were interested in this one because we’ve never done a repo. The Boston departure is easy for us too and we’ll spend an extra day or two in San Juan before flying home. Another bonus for me also - I don’t like flying and this requires only one.
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