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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. It’s doing okay. He goes to PT once a week and the therapist measures the range of motion with his fingers (ability to make a fist, etc) which shows improvement. The issue is he has fluid in the bursa (elbow), not uncommon after this type of surgery, but his is not getting any better. It may have to be drained. He has another follow up with the surgeon Monday morning before we leave for FL so we’ll see what he says. The Dr had said he shouldn’t be babying the wrist, but Andy takes that to the extreme and IMO is doing more than he should. I’m hoping the 10 days away in FL where there’s no yard work to be done, sheds to be organized, etc. will help. I hope Eric’s back is getting better.
  2. So true Dani. Our closest friends 29 yr old daughter somehow survived an amniotic fluid embolism, placental abruption, and a stroke when her first baby was born via emergency C-section. Baby fine as well. She can’t have more children but it’s a miracle they survived.
  3. Congrats to you and your family! She’s a good size for a 37 week baby but if memory serves, the gestational diabetes may have something to do with that. I’m just glad everyone’s healthy and doing well.
  4. Busy weekend and days ahead. We have our two granddaughters for the weekend (along with the dog) while DD & SIL go to a wedding in Portland ME. All while trying to pack and get ready for our road trip to Disney with two grandsons. We leave Monday for PA, overnight at their house and then hit the road to FL Tuesday morning. Some days and weeks it seems like there’s nothing going on and then BAM, everything happens at once!
  5. Great job by both your grandsons, with special mention of Ryan being asked to join the high school band! I took lessons & played piano for many years. I lost interest in high school, thinking it wasn’t “cool”, and I regret that now. My oldest started on flute in elementary school, then moved on to clarinet and eventually saxophone in high school. Middle DD played clarinet and was in her HS marching band. Youngest had zero interest. My two oldest grandsons play clarinet and violin. I think music is great for kids. Prayers and thoughts for both! I agree with OB, the top one is more Caribbean, maybe it’s the sea in the background. Great looking vegetables! I think we all wish we were close enough to stop by your farmers market.
  6. I booked our one-way return flights from San Juan at the end of our Voyager repositioning cruise. The only nonstop option was JetBlue into Boston which was $360 pp before adding luggage or upgrading to have it included. I was able to get Southwest into Providence with one stop in Baltimore (and bags included) for $160pp. The cruise departs from Boston on a Sunday so we’ll have one of the kids drive us up. If we had flown back to Boston, getting home on a Tuesday would’ve been sticky. Flying into Providence, we can just Uber home - a whole 6.9 mile trip. I also booked the Hotel Casablanca for our one night stay in Old San Juan before flying home. Thanks @Sea Dogfor the recommendation. Bonus points: I have enough travel rewards on our everyday credit card (CapitalOne) to redeem the airfare & hotel so that part of the trip is “free”!
  7. I’m having trouble keeping up with commenting to everyone but I try to catch up on reading at least once a day. Just a few general comments… - I loved all the cat pictures today! - Marietta I’m so glad to read that your daughter decided to go on the cruise and they found a cabin that works. - I really need to give Below Deck a shot. - Hope @Ourusualbeachand @John&LaLahave a great cruise.
  8. @dani negreanu Postponing sounds like the right call. You all remain in my thoughts. AND…. I see we have a new title!
  9. I first bought the 5 qt but as soon as I took it out of the box I realized it would not do for chicken wings during football season, especially if the kids are here! Returned it & bought the 7 qt. I’m enjoying researching recipes & look forward to trying a bunch. I’ll have to try the hard boiled eggs too.
  10. Yes Power XL 7 qt. I got a really good price, 69.99 at Target and I think it’s still on sale. This was a 5lb chicken. 50 minutes at 350. Start it breast side down for 25 minutes, then turn it over to breast side up for another 25 minutes. Other than the buttermilk marinade, the only seasoning is a sprinkle of kosher salt on each side.
  11. I bought an air fryer a few weeks ago. Last week I tried making sweet potato fries and they were just okay. I’m pretty sure it was user error, me putting too many in the basket at one time. Tonight I made this whole chicken which was marinated in buttermilk for 24 hours prior to cooking, then 50 minutes in the air fryer. It was delicious. Can’t wait to try more recipes after this success.
  12. We finally pulled the trigger for January, ended up booking Harmony on Jan 7th for the 8 night Southern. We’re very excited for Aruba & Curaçao as they’re both new to us. I know someone here is also on that cruise but can’t remember who?
  13. You need your coffee to keep up with the grandkids adventures. Also want to add my positive thoughts for your daughter. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful trip!
  14. Happy Anniversary to you both! Looking at the pictures you posted of the ship I can’t imagine sailing through a storm, let alone a hurricane in something that size (compared to modern ships). How did the ship handle it?
  15. Talk about ridiculous, on the cc thread where it’s talked about, someone stated the Pearl sailed right over the top of the fishing boat 🙄.
  16. Beautiful car Andrew. That would sure entice me to come home sooner (if possible)! Maryann, hope you have a safe trip and a great visit with your family. Glad to hear Eric’s not in too much pain. Also, good luck on your first day tomorrow! This makes me happy and it’s not even my stuff! Yes, I’m an organization junkie. @grapau27 I love the garden lights. Pauline did a nice job setting them up. @Ocean Boy I don’t know if you saw it mentioned but Stevie Nicks is in concert Sept 28th at Xfinity Center in Mansfield. I know you’ve mentioned how much you like her. I’d be all over getting tickets for it but we’re committed to babysitting the grandsons. We had a busy weekend with two of our girls & our granddaughters visiting for the day and swimming. Yesterday we had friends come over for the day with their grandkids to swim. Today has been cleaning up from the entertaining. We also started talking about that January cruise - Jewel vs Harmony. I think we’re leaning towards Harmony. Even though it doesn’t go to Bonaire like Jewel does, we like the longer port day in Curaçao. Andy’s also more interested in the newer ship. Also narrowing down transportation & pre cruise hotel options.
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