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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. I came here this morning to see how the FL people made out (thankfully it seems not terrible - or at least not as bad as it could’ve been) and to my surprise, I see that @John&LaLa John is posting again. Welcome back. We’re in PA until Sunday, babysitting our youngest grandson. Our oldest DD & SIL are taking the two older boys to Washington DC for a little educational trip. I just made final payment on our January NCL cruise. We were supposed to cruise with friends next June on NCL Getaway, but NCL cancelled it due to redeployment of that ship. The only time that worked for our friends was January, so we’re all on the Encore 1/29/23. It meant cancelling the 1/8 Harmony cruise as doing both just wasn’t feasible. But the consolation is we’re scheduled for a Tortola stop which means Jost Van Dyke - I booked the NCL catamaran excursion there this morning. @Sea Dog I’ll provide a full report for you, with pictures. I’ll be checking back for more updates from our FL residents & hoping for good news.
  2. Excellent! I hope you have a great cruise with beautiful weather and smooth seas. I want to add my wishes for safety to all our FL residents here and those who have friends, loved ones and/or property there.
  3. I’m very glad to hear Micheline is on the mend. As someone said earlier, your next cruise should allow more time for R & R.
  4. I’m having more trouble than usual keeping up here. Actually, that’s not exactly true. I’m keeping up with reading along, but between this thread, Bella’s, Bob’s Alaska/Hawaii adventure and Greg’s Symphony 🎼, I can’t keep up with commenting on all the posts I’d like to. I’m also following a thread over on the Celebrity board by Norwaylady who’s doing a similar cruise to Bob’s (Alaska, then TP to Hawaii). Her writing is quite entertaining. Plus laundry, cooking and housework keep getting in the way - I guess I’ll have to give those up 🙂!
  5. Wow Greg, great start, thoroughly entertaining. I can’t wait for the rest of your report!
  6. We spent the weekend in Portland Maine with Andy’s best friend & his fiancé. Portland is such a fun, funky little town. There were two cruise ships in port yesterday, Celebrity Summit which we could see from our hotel, and an NCL ship. The port area was packed. We ended getting a quick lunch, NE clam chowder & cocktails standing at an outdoor bar area. On our way home now, giving me time to catch up here before I head over to start @Sea Dog Greg’s much anticipated report.
  7. So sorry this happened but glad she won’t need surgery. Here’s hoping it heals quickly. I agree, looking at his photos gives me a headache. Too bad he didn’t make the team but he certainly has a great outlook on it.
  8. I'm with you 100%. I’m also hooked on remote start. Anything to help me get through winter with as little discomfort as possible. Other than the first snowfall (“oh, look how pretty it is!”) and maybe some snow for Christmas, I HATE winter & the cold weather.
  9. Happy Birthday to this handsome young man! Looks like the perfect birthday breakfast. I’m not a Starbucks fan, coffee is too strong for my taste. I prefer one or two cups of home brewed in the morning and that’s it for me for the day; any more than that=no sleep. Happy birthday to Ava Jude and congrats on getting her license as well as being captain of not one, but two teams! You’re making want a hot tub right now! Heated seats and heated steering wheels are magical. It would be hard to decide which is better.
  10. Really nice picture Greg. Looks like you had a great day there. Can’t wait for your review (but also don’t want to wish your cruise away)! I feel the same. You have it backwards OB. Y’all need to retire so you can keep up 😉!
  11. My feast tonight. We shared Short Rib Quesadillas as an appetizer and I had the house burger & fries. I finished the burger but didn’t make a dent in the fries. This is at a local pub type restaurant about a mile from our house, we sometimes go here on Thursday nights for trivia.
  12. Re: the fast food wars (instead of the Sorrento’s wars LOL)… I’ve never had White Castle. We did have Whataburger while visiting Andy’s brother in Dallas, they were good. I’m not a fan of Olive Garden, probably because we have so many good Italian restaurants here. We don’t have WaWa around here but there are plenty where our oldest DD lives in PA. I haven’t had any food from there, it’s usually just a gas/coffee stop. I know I’ve mentioned our oldest went to college In Roanoke VA, middle went to West Virginia Univ & youngest started at Virginia Tech but transferred. Having said that, we’ve visited many a Sheetz, which is similar to WaWa. They have good coffee & breakfast sandwiches with fun names - a bagel sandwich is a Shmagel, an English muffin sandwich is a Shmuffin, etc.
  13. Well I wanted Andy to stop at Dunkin Donuts and get me a pumpkin donut, but at discharge they said I should eat light for the first several hours. And no alcohol tonight - how rude! So instead of a donut I came home and had some toast, then my nap. I’m snacking on goldfish crackers now. But tonight we’re going out to dinner and I want a nice juicy burger & fries.
  14. Such joy on your faces! Happy Anniversary 🥂 That’s quite an accomplishment! Andy goes every 3 years due to polyps, while I’ve been on a 5 year schedule. I guess now that I’ve had one removed I can look forward to this fun experience more often 🤪.
  15. My procedure went well today. One very small polyp removed, Dr said it didn’t look like anything to worry about. Should have the results in about a week. I’ve just woken up from a 3 hour nap after very little sleep last night. Looks like I have some catching up to do here.
  16. I’m not prepping 2 days before. Procedure is Tuesday. Tomorrow (Monday) I fast all day (except clear liquids and jello) and begin prep at 3 pm. I’m grouchy now in advance of tomorrow’s fasting & prep.
  17. He definitely is! Yes, he does but it’ll have to wait a couple of days. We went apple picking with the local kids & grands today, then went out for a big late lunch so tonight we’re just snacking. Tomorrow is fasting & prep day for my colonoscopy on Tuesday so the only thing I’ll be making is jello & chicken broth - yuck. ( I have leftover beef stew from last night for him). I’m already grouchy about the fasting & prep!
  18. My handyman is the best! Washing machine appears to be fixed, I have a load running now. The drain pump was clogged with dirt, sand, etc from the rug I washed ( it sits just inside the garage door to the mudroom where everyone wipes their shoes).
  19. I agree with this @BonTexasNY. We stayed there a few years ago and it was a one & done for us, unless the rooms have been renovated. As mema said, the lobby is nice. They also have a very nice included full breakfast buffet as well as included cocktails & snacks in the evening, but still not worth staying in a run down room.
  20. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you’re having a great day celebrating!
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