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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. I have a system going that works well for me with using the collapsible tub. Soak small loads for 20 minutes in the tub sitting in the shower, agitate, rinse in the sink. Roll in towels until drip dry, hang from magnet hooks on the ceiling. Gives me something to do on a sea day. 😉 Pair that with "Boil and Fry" and occasional dry cleaning...I am good to go...and smelling better. 😄
  2. We just came off B2B two days ago. Yes, rust...thread bare couches/furniture...mattresses in need of replacement (which I believe they will do) and stained carpets.
  3. LOL...it was that very brief "post Covid" type promo that gave me OBC for price drop AFTER final payment. Ended up with 1600 non refundable. 😮 Needed a new watch anyway. 😉
  4. Giving some competition to "Diamond's International". 😄
  5. We are in same GS cabin again for B2B in October. 🙂 Love...love the GS set up on that ship.
  6. Coffee machine in DL on Serenade...same thing. Always out of milk in the morning, half the time shut off (supposed to be 24 hour) and the rest of the time...broken.
  7. An abundance of OBC on Harmony a few months ago gave me a beautiful watch I am wearing. Love it! Does Laura use the ones on board...or just the ones on shore? Love...love that new ring she bought at Curacao. 🙂
  8. Hi Ellen! Are you enjoying the Wonder? We really loved that ship...with great memories. Have three more booked with her in the future. 🙂
  9. We disembarked as well on Saturday. We don't use the lounges for happy hour drinks, preferring other venues, using our vouchers. We love that program. The frustrating thing was the coffee machine in the DL. It was always out of milk for my Latte in the morning, and half the time either turned off (supposed to be 24 hour)...or broken. As a Pinnacle in a non full suite...I did not have the alternative to use the CL for my coffee...or to run for espresso for my espresso martinis I brought to Joel in the VCL lounge where we spent our happy hour. We were on for two weeks, and always noticed when we walked by the CL...that it was empty. That is sad for the concierge, bartender, and wait staff in there. The tips are not lining their pockets.
  10. Nice...have heard of several using them. I don't like not being able to fully dry it, and it's too bulky. I use this. I carry this collapsible wash tub, fits well in suitcase...dries completely.
  11. That's nice. Though I still would not have used it...in a suite or not. Except for coffee in the morning. We use other venues for happy hour drinks. Which of course....frees up two seats in the lounge for availability. 😉
  12. Not really difficult at all. All the ships know how many Pinnacle guests are due to board, by at least the week before. They all have a threshold of the maximum amount of Pinnacles that may be allowed into the SL or CL, which is different with each size of ship or lounge capacity. On recently disembarked Serenade that number was 30. Sadly the beautiful CL on that ship was empty every night.
  13. Great idea my friend! 😄 Yet another use for the miracle Duck Tape product!! 🤣
  14. If it makes you feel any better....Pinnacles in a non (full) suite were banned from the SL/CK on our Wonder cruise in Oct. and November. Pinnacles in a non (full) suite have been banned from the CL for weeks on Serenade that we just disembarked from yesterday. I don't expect to find they will have access to CL on Jewel we are about to board next month. The trend is going the way you prefer it...though that will not ban the gold badges in SL/CK. So you will need to wear your dark sunglasses to avoid the glare. 😉 This Pinnie actually prefers other venues for happy hour around the ship. Far less politics, chair saving, and attitude at those venues.
  15. We enjoyed our time in the SL and CK for four weeks on Wonder of which we just returned from a few weeks ago. Yes, we wore our Pinnacle badges in that venue. The same as we did on Harmony a few weeks before that. Did you ever consider those of that are in there (while you are judging us), may actually be in a full suite? Grand Suite on that deck is a perfect location we adored. If you did not go up and ask those Pinnacles wearing those badges if they were in a full suite...why are you assuming they are taking up "your" suites seats?
  16. Any idea how much Pinnacles that cruise in suites paid over the years?
  17. Have had Diamonds brag to me many times about their status.....I just smile and say "Congratulations"....and of course I was not wearing my Pinnacle pin at the time. 😉
  18. The crew members on our B2B we just disembarked from on Serenade in Tampa really enjoyed the cherry flavored candy canes I put out in a little Xmas stocking on a magnet hook we had on the door the last few weeks. 🙂
  19. On twin sister EX last year (route out of PR that Voyager is now doing this winter)....there were 10 Pinnacles on one week, and 11 the next week we were on board. Not enough numbers to even do an event, and in fact they tried to put it into the library at first on that ship, but no one showed up. They finally closed it down, so I am assuming Pinnies will be allowed into the SL if low numbers like that again. Currently on Serenade for example with over the threshold of 30 Pinnacles, the ship has closed off one half the VCL roped off for Pinnacle event. Still leaves half available to everyone.
  20. No walkers or cane yet!! 😄 But have looked a lot better when I was still 112. 😅
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