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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. We have Viking (3 week Euro river cruise) and Pearl Seas (3 week St. Lawrence Seaway cruise) booked. Am looking at alternative for Australia...since Royal cancelled our Aussie/NZ/South Pacific adventure...twice! First time, Covid...second time...for no real reason at all. 😠
  2. Yup...me too. Every time. Kind of redundant there. 😐 The only difference I saw, before I was able to download the app....was at check in at the terminal, they had to ask those health questions if I hadn't done so on the app. That is about the only thing the app does to save time...IMHO. But I do check in online at the 45 days...and do the app check in couple of days before now. Now...lets just hope we can skip the Covid tests pre-cruise soon. 😉
  3. No irons...no candles...no knives...no drones...no shotguns...no grenades....the list goes on. And even worse...no booze!! 😮 OK...you can bring on your two bottles of wine. 😉
  4. They probably will again anyway. 😉 Actually many times, they have to redo the photo for us...as even their first photo did not work well.
  5. I have had the app with correct information...and the cruise compass with wrong info. Works both ways I guess.
  6. Add me to the "I never post picture" on check in app. They take it at the port check in.
  7. I read of an interesting study done once...I think it was a school project. One student went into McDonalds and collected ice in one container....and water from the toilet (flushed and "clean" of course). The water in the toilet tested cleaner than the ice water. Eww...
  8. Obviously there were complaints. And since she did turn some away...it was needed. Someone was taking wrongful advantage.
  9. Yes...for full suite (GS and above) and Pinnacles. Must show sea pass card, and then will be issued a wrist band. Will need that, since the bathrooms are outside of the area. But the bar is inside. 😉
  10. Agree...And was the same for us the last seven times...over the last six months.
  11. Our lovely and attentive waitress told us "let me take care of the menu items"...you just pick from beef, chicken, or fish. It worked "wonderfully" that way. 🙂 Though next time I would go with the chicken. Each dish was an art form and a surprise with each item. The apps are small, so a bite (or two if you still like it)...is more of a tasting thing.
  12. That is all we do. Show up at the TAD meeting, give them our name, and they hand us the envelope with our new cards in it. Easy peasy.
  13. It's a very popular option. Enjoy your cruise! 🙂
  14. I have never checked in on the app for the second one. The actual check in is done at the TAD meeting in the morning. I do make sure I am on the consecutive cruiser list, but will only head to GS if I don't get the TAD instructions the day or two before. Once I had to laugh at myself when I printed the 2nd leg set sail pass at home before I left for the first leg. 😉 Now I DO bring my paperwork (printed confirmation) for the second leg. As a CYA thing.
  15. We adore our picture with the Captain and the LA (whom we got to know quite well) on Harmony in the Aqua Theater. It was "sunglasses, shorts, and standing in the sun" type picture...no fancy stuff. Perfect for us, and now the framed picture is sitting on our "cruise corner table" with the Stratum. Works for us, and I smile each time I see it when I pass by it. 😉
  16. Bucky loves his glass of Oberon Cab at dinner. In both the MDR and in CK...the glass of wine is 15.00. Thus...a charge of 2.00 plus tip, ended up on our Sea Pass account as 2.36. Every time. And yes...we still tipped in cash as well.
  17. We are Pinnacle...and sail in suites. But the SL on Harmony still chocked them onto our vouchers. No biggie though, did not take issue with it since we would never go above our six vouchers. To me: Free is free..no matter how they want to rack it up. 😉
  18. OMG...Grills makes one heck of a delicious Bloody Mary! 😋🍹 We adore just standing there on the dock/deck with our drinks, which looks right at the aft of the cruise ship...and getting our cruise mode on early. 😉
  19. Yes, you may. I asked the porters one time a few months ago at Port Canaveral, how early they start accepting luggage for drop off. I was shocked when he told me 7:30 am!! Now, that would not be the case at all terminals...but it works for them there. And to your question...absolutely, you can drop off your checked (and tagged) bags ahead of time with the porters at any cruise terminal with RCI. I know of friends that will drop them off, then head out to get supplies (wine, etc.) or simply return the rental car in advance. It then leaves you with just your carry on bags...quite the "freeing" feeling. 😉 And indeed...relaxing.
  20. Was featured on the local news show up here in Maine this morning, with pictures. In my elegant opinion.... 🤢
  21. I tried to tell her that as well. Myself, local and have been on 7 cruises out of Port Canaveral in the last six months. Always...always a line by 10 am. Pax with later boarding times had to wait in sectioned off gates. Simple: Wait to check in when your scheduled time is. Though I have to admit...I arrive earlier than my check in time, just to drop off luggage...leave carry on bags in vehicle....then walk over to Grills for a wonderful "way to start the vacation" Bloody Mary on the dock. 😄 At my scheduled check in time...collect the carry on bags...waltz right in through check in with a pleasant frame of mind. 😉
  22. Nothing wrong with that.....they are not in it for charity. 😄 😄
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