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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Hey at twenty if you decide to do it you can. To curl up anywhere with a good book is bliss!
  2. At least it doesn’t add up to Triple six only double.
  3. At my age now I completely agree with your mother. In the past I’ve negotiated huge airports including those two on my own but definitely not now.
  4. Vikings North American payment terms don’t wash in Europe due to our R & R/s nothing to do with filling a vessel or not. It does seem to work overall it’s a suck it and see situation if you don’t like it go with another company.
  5. Good one never heard it called the basement room, aquarium class or swans view yes. Any other expressions to add to the list?
  6. Been there done that Kristal just shows you’re enjoying yourself. It’s a drippy day here today and we’re off to our friends wake so reading everyone’s holiday antics is just what I need.
  7. The protected geographical origin is a really good idea but there is no way you could now introduce it for say Chedder Cheese. 🤔
  8. It’s heartening that companies are still investing in the river cruise business they’ve had a hard time overall the last couple of years and then the low water levels this year at least some have still got the gumption to invest fingers crossed it proves profitable for them and not to over the top for us users.
  9. Interesting it’s not built in Portugal, I wonder where it will be fitted out? Could be interest following its route to the Douro.
  10. There back on page one of this thread Franski happy baking.
  11. A little U.K. WW2 waterways history because most of the men were otherwise engaged women were recruited to operated the canal fleet. The canals were operated by a government agency whose name included Inland Waterways. They all had to wear badges and the acronym got corrupted to ‘Idle Women’ which of course they certainly were not. In WW1 the war ministry used the Kennet & Avon Canal to train soldiers and horses to work boats so their newly acquired skills could transfer to the rivers and canals of Europe.
  12. So glad you liked them, we’re off to our eldest daughters for Christmas this year and it’s on the list of things to bring.
  13. We were at our place in Scotland when the Queen started her final journey to London and watched her pass by I can just say even in the most out of the way places the sides of the road were full. What an amazing lady.
  14. I have a great uncle who’s name is on the Menin Gate and his brothers name is on the memorial on Southsea Common he went down on HMS Shark at the battle of Jutland. Wherever we’ve been in the world we've visited the War graves looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and other count groups - Lest We Forget.
  15. I’ve been convinced several times that I’ve seen people half way through a river cruise that I’ve never seen before, some are very good at keeping themselves to themselves or there again is it me, eyes and no eyes. I’m all for live and let live but react to some who when there is a seat shortage get huffy and occasionally rude if you sit anywhere near them (maybe they don’t like my delicate perfume).
  16. Sounds like the one to me it could be called your loyalty number.
  17. Such a pity Steerpike58 I hope your snuffles and coughs clear up quickly. It’s such a pity. Covid has caused other challenges because of it people now seem to have forgotten the straight forward precautions they took prior to it. We had a similar experience this year and the main culprit in my eyes said well we’ve not got Covid I took a test. Get well soon and look after yourselves.
  18. Nooooo don’t give up the wine! I’m pretty sure that river cruise vessels have grey water tanks and these could not be emptied into the rivers but on one low water year our Captain did admit to lowering the fresh water tanks overnight to get through a tricky section of river which we did at stealth speed in company with two huge trading barges. I’m still trying to work out what the benefit was to us being the filling between the sandwich of barges, but it certainly worked.
  19. Sorry I really thought I’d checked it I’m getting a bit fed up with tech at the moment heaven help when AI takes over. Another poets name we forget is Laurence Binyon who wrote - For the Fallen and Burning Leaves.
  20. https://www.I’m.org.uk/5history/why-we-wear-poppies-on-remembrance-day This is the Imperial War Museum site interesting how many nations were involved in this little red flower becoming a symbol.
  21. It is said that necessity is the mother of invention in this case it’s we want it bigger so in the words of an Captain of the Starship Enterprise ‘Make it so’ - fantastic.
  22. Wow now what a sight seeing that when you didn’t expect it. Looks like the water displacement along the banks. Thank you very interesting.
  23. As many of you will know I have only ever cruised with Scenic but and this is a big but I have read a lot about other cruisers experiences with other lines on cruise critic and for example River Cruise Advisor. In the U.K. we are lucky to have vastly different payment requirements (not often it’s this way round) so payment way up front is not required. Regardless of what anyone says on similar length vessel more passengers means the space has to be found somewhere. Like Franski I can only admire how Viking coped with my dearest friends DH when he fell ill on board I will be forever grateful to them. I know Scenic has had a few knocks and Viking has many more vessels but they sport the ubiquitous blue tarpaulin in many instances. I agree a night light in the heads oops bathroom is a really good idea but heated floors what a breading ground for unmentionable germs. I also agree about the Viking decor but all it is, is what everyone expects from a Scandinavian company so very Scandie. I’ve decided to troll through the other companies websites to get a better idea of their decor I’ve seen a couple first hand when breasted up and walking through but then you don’t get the full effect. On our recent Seine cruise we had a Viking vessel moored outside of us as we were on the top deck enjoying my DH’s birthday bottle of Champagne the returning Viking passengers had to walk over the top deck to get back to their vessel we talked to several of them and I suppose it’s up to the CD but many had no idea or how to cope with the situation. Im sure that each of us could compare several companies vessels and the design their favourite but still each would be different. Happy cruising whoever you decide to go with.
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