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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Technically the obc is for anything on board that would cost extra as Kristelle has said you automatically get a bag of laundry included in your cruise cost which means the obc can be used for extra laundry, maybe really high end from the bar, that extra something from the on board shop or a little bit of pampering from the wellness team. I had a leg and foot massage so decadent, I really enjoyed it. Apart from the various Steiff teddy bears I’ve never left a Scenic vessel having opened my purse.
  2. Notamermaid I’m now envisioning you wearing that essential researchers hat that all archivists have close to hand. Researching is a bug you catch it and it’s then really difficult to get rid off. Thank you for all of your fascinating finds.
  3. We’ve sailed on the two top decks on Scenic but never in the Swans view cabin, had enough of them peering through the Swans hatch on our narrowboat when you don’t realise they are there it can scare the life out of you. We’ve also sailed on both port and starboard side mainly starboard but I agree with ScottVan and Kristelle it’s swings and roundabouts. Wherever you are and want to know what your passing take your info system used to be tailormaid now on your phone the info you get from that is phenomenal albeit a slight surprise when it suddenly bursts into life about a passing point of interest, do you jump up and have a look, ignore and carry on with your conversation or sit back and finish your cocktail of the day, so many choices. Although most of all enjoy your cruise.
  4. Hello namesake - Lilly Maid of Astolat - we’ve got our sixth C vaccination in a few weeks time. Although not required on our recent Scenic Seine cruise we were asked to be vigalent and take care. Someone asked if we had face masks and I realised that I seem to have one in handbags, pockets you name it I found one.
  5. On our Croft visit with Scenic 2018 we were introduced to Pink Port excellent out of the fridge on the sun deck. Mind you the Portuguese do seem to find some inventive ways to use Port in their recipes.
  6. I’m feeling a little like a pin cushion at the moment recently had a shingles vaccine next week flue and Covid booster, the powers that be are sure to think up another one soon.
  7. Ural Guy that Amtrak Rocky Mountains trip sounds interesting before we discovered river cruising train trips were our preferred getaway. Through Europe the States and Africa.
  8. Raise a glass to Scenic Azure for us please jazz enjoy it’s a beautiful ship crewed by lovely people I hope you enjoy as much as we did. It got a little tight at this lock and our CD was the measuring stick.
  9. I can imagine approaching this temperature on the Rhône we’ve cruised it with temperatures in the very high 30’s, the air con on board worked extremely hard and the extremely hot weather ended with the mother & father of all thunderstorms. The Seine is in a bit more temperate area of France. This year has been just a bit warm across Europe we were on the Seine in early July and although over 30 on a few days certainly not oppressive. If it had been I’d have been prostate.
  10. Kristelle thank you so much you brought back so many memories, we’ve done this cruise twice okay sounds weird but Scenic change and add excursion’s so it’s possible to do the same cruise, as it were completely differently. Our first Scenic cruise was a short one DH decided this was not enough so yours was our second we’ve just finished our ninth or was it tenth and three were copies of others, I hope to do more as we haven’t been towards the Black Sea yet. Thank you for your reports really interesting. 👌 👍
  11. If a crane can be cute then that one really is, so many different types.
  12. Whoever thought millstones could hold so much history both French and the before mentioned German millstones have been imported into England for hundreds of years. Just by the sheer weight of them they must have been mostly transported by some of our favourite water routes.
  13. In Vienna it really depends on the coffee/cake establishment you stopped at.
  14. Many moons ago on a land trip with our friends, he having been an air vice Marshall’s driver at the end of WW2 in Vienna, we toured all his remembered sights then took the super Vienna transport out of the city and just by chance happened on a smallish towns wine festival. An absolutely super time was had by all many new friends made and how we got back to Vienna is a mystery to this day.
  15. Shawski we enjoyed it so much we did it again. So much to see, so many beautiful places my DH decided that if he moved to France or bought a French bolt hole it would be in Viviers so really enjoy your experience. Avignon you could almost touch the bridge from the boat.
  16. Pontac I was attempting to encourage the questioner to search for your input and as I was not then privy to your now obvious expertise but thought that from your previous inputs you had some maybe more than others and about Viking. Hopefully it was helpful at the time so really won’t worry again.
  17. All three are less than 2mtre draught so they are fairly shallow, and especially if they lighten their water load their Captain’s will have no challenges getting through. Hope your still enjoying yourself Kristelle.
  18. Look out for Pontac’s input he’s an avid Viking aficionado and just a bit of a wine expert. If he should see your question I’m sure you will get a full answer.
  19. Narrowboat on the Soane a few years ago, quite a few have been transported across to the continent mostly into Holland but many to France as well. The Canal du Nivernais is twinned with the Kennet & Avon Canal in England. French locks are in the main shorter that the rest of Europe hence the different lengths and therefore capacity as for instance on the Seine. French Canals are bigger than ours so barges are a good way to see France on the canals.
  20. Duracell what has happened with them they used to be renowned for not leaking now they do quite a lot, not a good example for battery technology, sorry for going off piste my little rant for the day.
  21. Yes loads of fun for my DH as were in the U.K. one in his car - with us and one in mine - at home. Keeps him happy. 🤣
  22. Look for a book entitled Narrowdog to Carcassonne, a couple took an English narrowboat from England through the rivers and canals of France to Carcassonne and beyond. The narrow dog was a whippet (a little greyhound).
  23. We’ve cruised the Seine twice albeit with Scenic but in July no depth problems it’s a wonderful cruise.
  24. Took all my Districts Guides and Brownies to Cadbury World one Christmas and insisted that they put all of their ill gotten gains into the coaches luggage hold for the return journey. Our coach drivers said that I was a spoil sport and I informed them that the didn’t have enough buckets, it was over a two hour drive!
  25. Just a small glimpse behind the scenes here to all of German origin, you would be surprised as to how many British speak or at least understand to a certain degree - German. In fact my grandson just entering senior school requested German as his second language and was put into the French class because the German was full, he knew his Grandad my DH spoke German and wanted to copy him, still another chance for extra grandson - grandad relationships. My DH will say he only speaks restaurant German but I know he understands an awful lot of technical. Must just try to get my head around the Gallic now but Welsh sorry no way.
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