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Everything posted by 1ANGELCAT

  1. Passport to Fitness program, I still have the jacket.
  2. Good warm and sunny afternoon. Another beautiful day here and more to come. I’m planning on grilling tonight for dinner as tomorrow is a busy day. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow morning she sent a message to the patient portal with some concerns about the bloodwork. I’m wondering if the Botox had any impact on the changes. I guess I will find out tomorrow. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  3. Good beautiful Sunday evening. It was 80 degrees here today and even warmer for tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday. I could live with the for the rest of the year. I’m not sure what happened but Stephanie’s surgery was delayed until tomorrow. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  4. Good cloudy and humid afternoon. I read on the Cunard forum that Roy made it onboard but sail away is delayed until 11pm Also read on a separate thread that 2 carts of luggage went overboard when the ship was unloaded this morning. Some floated and some didn’t. Supposedly, there are pictures on The NY Times of them floating down the river. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  5. For the you can’t make this up category. The Philadelphia Phillies denied entry yesterday to a fan with an emotional support animal named Wally. Wally is a 5 foot alligator who was on a leash.
  6. Good afternoon all, just back from Hershey. The appointment was for 2:00 and actually went back early. This one was a little more painful than the first one, but he upped the dosage and said he can increase it again. The third one is scheduled for December 22, he said as long as there’s progress Medicare will keep paying. He wants to hear from me in 2 weeks for a progress report. It’s amazing that this time I don’t have to negotiate for an appointment time that works for me. I really like this doctor, he really takes time to explain everything. @Quartzsite Cruiser, glad to hear it went smoothly. @rafinmd, I hope you have a great cruise.
  7. Good cloudy and cool morning. I’m not a beer drinker but will celebrate the fact that the oldest brewery in the US is about an hour away from me. DB Yuengling is located in Pottsville Pa and is still family owned. I am not fond of Swedish meatballs but buy them occasionally at the IKEA store. We are leaving for Hershey around 11:30, hopefully no traffic , the appointment is for 2:00. I wish it was over. 🤞 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  8. Good evening, it was a nice sunny day but it will not last. Rain is expected tomorrow night and part of Friday Next week is supposed to be beautiful and warm. Picked up the first cans of special food for Houdini, 6 cans were $10, he better eat it all. I’m going to see about ordering online for a discount. Tomorrow I have an appointment at Hershey for the second round of Botox, 🤞 it works better than the first round. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  9. Good afternoon, just had a phone call from the vet and Houdini’s bloodwork came back with mixed results. The thyroid is back to normal. 🎉 However, there is some kidney issues and he needs to go on a special diet and cut back on his favorite food chicken. They want to recheck him in 3months. So tomorrow we can pick up the new food.i hope he will eat it, he won’t be happy about the chicken cutback.
  10. Good rainy and miserable afternoon. Tomorrow is supposed to be better. I’ve been to Freeport twice, one time by ship and stayed there back in the 70’s at what was then the Princess hotel. It was a beautiful place at that time. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  11. Just a quick update on my church member Stephanie that fell while hiking on her birthday getaway. Her husband just sent an email that they met with the surgeon today and the swelling has gone down enough to be able to operate on Thursday. They will put plates and screws in and upon further examination also discovered that the fibula is also fractured at the top. She expects to go home on Friday. I ask for prayers for her and her family.
  12. Good evening, I hope everyone had a good day. The rain has finally stopped .It’s supposed to be drizzling again tomorrow and cloudy Wednesday. I just saw on the news that David McCallum (Ducky on NCIS) passed away today at the age of 90. His birthday was just last week. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  13. Good still raining morning . It’s supposed to be raining off and on all day. I like cherries jubilee and remember when they were done table side. I had an email this morning from our former church secretary that a member Stephanie fell and fractured her tibia while hiking on vacation. She’s home now but will need surgery later. This was her birthday celebration. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  14. Jake, I just wanted to give you a heads up. New Holland fair is Oct 4-7th It takes up the main street of town.Not sure if this will affect your plans.
  15. Good rainy and windy morning. Ophelia has arrived. It’s supposed to last until Monday. I feel bad for those who had weekend plans at the beach and elsewhere. @Crazy For Cats, Happy birthday to Jasper. Houdini’s trip yesterday went good, now we wait for the results. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  16. Good sunny last day of summer morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be the arrival of Ophelia, heavy rain and high winds. Not a good time to be at the beach. I feel sorry for the people at the shore especially those in WildwoodsNJ for Irish weekend, a really big event. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  17. Good sunny afternoon. We’re back from the vet and Tux has been given the all clear. Back tomorrow with Houdini.
  18. Good cool and sunny morning. It’s supposed to be sunny and nice today and tomorrow then rain on the weekend. Tux goes back to the vet today for a recheck on his eye. It’s all healed up, then tomorrow is Houdini’s nurse appointment for bloodwork. I haven’t played mini golf in years, just not a fan anymore. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  19. Evening all, @Crazy For Catsand @ger_77, I just came across a website called: pastrymade thar has a cat lovers rolling pin and cookie cutters. Looks pretty cool 🐾
  20. Good sunny morning. It’s a beautiful day here and again tomorrow. I plan on having steak on the grill for dinner tonight along with corn on the cob and baked potatoes. Yesterday was a beautiful day for a visit with our former pastor and his new friend Sue. A lovely lady Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  21. Good cool and sunny morning. It’s going to be a beautiful day, in the middle 70’s and again tomorrow. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  22. @smitty34877, I’m sorry for your loss. May cherished memories and love surround your family. 💔🙏
  23. Good cloudy and humid morning. The rain has stopped and it’s supposed to be sunny this afternoon. I have a box of Rice Krispie treats on the counter, I will have one later today. @Crazy For Cats, Jasper looks so innocent 😇 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  24. Good cool 50 degrees morning. Showers are expected later today. Church service this morning is outside on the front lawn followed by a picnic. The cats are enjoying the cool weather and are really frisky this morning. Tux is back to normal, but still on meds till Thursday. Today would have been my dear friend Mabel’s 97th birthday. I lost her in February 2020. I took a small pot of mums to the cemetery. She loved cruising and we did several together.❤️🙏 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
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