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Willdra’s Majestic Carnival Magic October 15-22 Cruise


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Looking so forward to reading more of this as its posted.

Thanks for taking the time to write it.




Thank you for reading and I will be posting more very soon! [emoji106]🏾[emoji4]



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Part 3


After we unloaded our carry on crap, we bounced up to the Lido. We ate and took lots of pictures up there.











I decided at some point that it was time for a nap. A long, long nap. The kind of nap where you wake up and don't remember where you are! Total hibernation. We got up when we heard Rev. Dr. E. telling us it was time for the muster drill, which was around 3. Somehow we collected ourselves and set out for the very important drill. It was strange that there was no one in the halls directing traffic so we found our muster station ourselves using good ole common sense. Turns out we were really early! No biggie, the drills on the Magic are inside, so we were comfy. We sat and waited. And waited. And waited some more as people were still trickling in at 3:30. The drill took almost an hour and people were still coming in looking confused at the end. Where had they been this entire time?? W is so much better at minding his own business when it's just the two of us so he sat quietly until it was over. I was very proud of him. Yes miracles do sometimes still happen! As soon as we were released we went to the Lobby Bar with everyone else in the whole entire world! That place was teeming with people! Where did they all come from and FOR WHY??? Next, we decided to do another intelligent thing, which was to catch an elevator back up to Lido. After 10 minutes of this exercise in futility, we abandoned the idea. On the bright side though, we just won the gold star award for getting nowhere fast!! Fist bump! Whoop Whoop! #Winning!

Now we really wanted to get back up to Lido for sail away, so we both took a big deep breath and humped it slowly up the stairs. All the way up to 10 from 3! Real talk, I almost died. Twice. Then one more time after that.


Whew, that is a huge climb!! We finally make it up to Lido where we wait for sail away which is always fun, and very much worth the struggle to get back up there!


Here's our escort:



Our luggage arrived right before the drill, so after sail away, we went back to start the tedious task of unpacking. I let W go first because you know. Balcony time.


W left after he unpacked to go and do manly things, which is always good for him to do while I'm unpacking because I need the whole cabin to myself to organize my life for the week. I got most of the way done then I started feeling really tired again so I took a short break. The next thing I know, W was waking me up, because I was knocked out! Again! Oh Lord, please don’t let me sleep this whole week away!! That was not a part of my PLAN!!! It’s not in the binder for heaven’s sake!! I checked and I did not see “fall asleep at sail away and don’t wake up until debarkation day”! Sheesh, I gotta get it together.


When I woke up it was time to get ready for dinner, and the Captain must’ve had a case of the lead foot, because he was flying like the straight up mafia was after him!! Thank God for motion sickness meds! Take them, this is not a drill!



To Be Continued...








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Part 4


After we teetered and tottered our way to the main dining room, we met our servers- Arman, Megan, and Nyoman. We had the 8:15 pm assigned seating in the Northern Lights Dining Room. We were at a table for 4, so we asked if there was another couple eating with us. Arman checked and confirmed that indeed another couple was assigned to dine with us. Sweet! We were really hoping to interact with other humans on this cruise. He told us their names, and I immediately nicknamed them Mork and Mindy just because they weren’t there yet, and I could.


We placed our orders for appetizers of Calamari, Strawberry Bisque, and Chicken Quesadilla. Of course we had the Bacon Mac and Cheese which is a party for your mouth, and a sin to miss. For entrees we had Mahi Mahi and Flat Iron Steak.






Flat Iron Steak with the Bacon Mac and Cheese




After waiting awhile for my entrée’ Arman told me that my order of Mahi Mahi had met its untimely demise. It was dropped on the floor of the kitchen. Even though I told him not to worry about it, and that this was prolly a sign from heaven that I didn’t need those calories, Arman really felt bad about it. So they brought an extra calamari along with the sweet and sour shrimp to hold me over until I got the Mahi Mahi. OMG when I got the Mahi, I was done! I ate a little and moved some of it around on the plate like a little kid to make it look like I ate some, and not hurt Arman’s feelings.


Sweet and Sour Shrimp



Mahi Mahi




For dessert (yes we still ordered dessert. because priorities) we had the Nutella Tiramisu. I could only eat about 3 bites then I was done with that as well. Everything was delicious, and we were both stuffed to the gills. They should’ve charged us extra for all of the food at our table! We were so busy eating and talking, we didn't realize until the end that Mork and Mindy never showed for dinner. W said they just skipped the first night because it’s a hectic travel day. Hmmmm ok.


Nutella Tiramisu



I was armed with my digital Funtimes on the Carnival App, which I loved, and on it there was a lot to see and do! Side note, the printed version of the Funtimes on the Magic this time was not as big as usual. It was very compact with lots less paper and less inserts that I always immediately placed in the trash. I really did like the new travel version. Now, since I took all of those naps earlier, it was PARTY time!!!!


Smaller Funtimes




NOT!!! I was so sleepy after all of that amazing food, I was slipping into a food coma at the table. At one point, I almost nodded off into my dessert dish. After careful consideration, we made a beeline for the cabin to prepare for a long day of not doing anything tomorrow. Before I fell asleep, I said a quick prayer and thanked God that he gave us teeth for obvious reasons, and sweaters because it was freezing in the dining room!
















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For some crazy reason, I sleep so much better on a cruise. It could be the gentle rocking, the fact that I’m on vacation, or that I’m just incredibly lazy. Whatever the reason, I slept like the dead all night. We woke up late, and got up slow. Again. Man, were we ever going to recover from our pre-cruise Adult Disney Deviation? It really didn't seem like it at this point!


Of course we went to Sea Day Brunch, that’s a must! Service was pretty quick, and nothing special. I swear they pick the servers who are not morning people to work the Brunch. I imagine they go "Are you happy in the morning? Yes? Then this job is not for you! What about you, are you happy in the morning? No? Then you're hired sir!". I can definitely identify with them though, because I am a less than friendly before I’ve had my coffee. People who know me tread lightly. Very lightly.


W had his steak and eggs, I had, guess what? Cheddar grits and Chocolate Chip Pancakes with a side of bacon, in case you missed my first review.

Yep yep! Add some coffee to that combo and I am starting to resemble a functioning adult. W has to take baby steps with me though, I’m not quite fully functioning yet!


Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Bacon



Cheddar Grits



Me after having my favorite breakfast at sea!



W after his breakfast (he should've had what I had, because he doesn't look as happy!)



We ate to our hearts content, then we walked around to scope out a spot to camp out on deck. It was really really windy everywhere even on The Lanai, so we headed back to the cabin to see if our balcony would be better and yes, it was indeed. So glad we had that option.


The view from our balcony





Our neighbors must've had the same idea, because they were also on their balcony talking loud and having a good time. They were maybe even having a low key family reunion over on their side, because I heard lots of peeps talking. Earplugs? Check! Soon they were gone but our cabin steward came to service our cabin so we got kicked out.



To Be Continued......


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Day 2 Part 2


We headed back to Ocean Plaza, and this whole area was super crowded because the famous Guys Pig and Anchor was on and poppin. Word has gotten out because it was busier this time than when we went in July. Most of the tables and chairs on that side were taken. No problem, keep it moving! This is a huge ship with lots of space! You just have to know where to look. We walked outside of the Red Frog, where it was nice and quiet, and we mostly had the area to ourselves. Tada!!!


W enjoying the almost empty deck











We stayed out there for a little while then I started feeling sleepy (big ole shock) so we went back to the cabin. We started out on the balcony, and it was very welcoming. We camped out there for another hour or so reading and relaxing. The sandman came thru again and I didn't even try to fight him this time. Plus he fights dirty by giving me nice big fluffy beds and pillows to lie in, and I really don’t stand a chance! I always bring a spork to that gunfight! Needless to say, we went into full nap mode. I’m talking all the way in the bed, under the covers, with a pillow over my head nap mode. When we woke up we just bumped around the cabin, then W went to the deli and got me a turkey wrap and himself some salmon for our pre-dinner. Don’t act like we are the only ones who eat pre-dinner on a cruise!


After enjoying our pre-dinner “snack”, we hung out until time to get ready for Elegant Evening dinner. 8:15 came faster than I expected and soon we were out the door dressed in our Sunday best. Not soon enough though, because we were running a tad bit late, which W is not fond of! It was totally all my fault tho. What had happened was.....I couldn't find my shoes because they were all the way at the bottom of the shoe pile in the closet. Next time I will start digging out my shoes earlier because W was giving me the stank face, and I was a little frightened!


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Day 2 Part 3


As soon as we got to the dining room, Megan looked at me and said “You look beautiful”. At first I was kinda paranoid, like did I look like a disaster last night??? Then I decided that she really was sincere, and that was very nice! Let me find out Megan is my new B.F.F.!


Here we are! Was Megan right or what???







Arman was ready for our order since W had already told him what he wanted the night before. I wish you could see me rolling my eyes! He doesn't mess around on Elegant Evening! I had the Shrimp Cocktail and Prime Rib (I know predictable), and W had Shrimp Cocktail and Lobster. W refused to stop eating so I could take a picture of his food. This is what I managed to get, and please enjoy the picture because real talk I almost lost my pinky!


Shrimp Cocktail



W still cutting his food while I was trying to take the picture!



Prime Rib



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Day 2 Part 4


We overstuffed ourselves but we still ordered dessert because we came for it! The waiters danced to "Celebration" then brought our desserts.


We had Warm Chocolate Melting Cake and Crème Brulee. Megan said she was going to also bring us a Hazelnut Cake because she thought we would like it. W said "I don't like hazelnut, so don’t bring it", but I gave him the side eye and told Megan that was really nice of her, and I would love to try it! Plus, we don't turn down desserts! That's a crime.


Creme Brulee



Warm Chocolate Melting Cake



When the Hazelnut Cake arrived, I tried it, then looked at W and said “eat the cake Anna Mae”, he laughed and tried it too. I'm really glad she brought it out, because we both really liked it, she was right! #DessertsRock!!!


Hazelnut Cake



Mork and Mindy didn't show up again so we had the table to ourselves. We finished up and checked the Funtimes on the Hub App. Comedy was at 10:30 so we had just enough time to change and run to the Punchliner Comedy Club, which was held in the Spotlight Lounge.


Back at the cabin, our platinum gifts had arrived, and even though I knew what the gift was, I still wasn’t ready for how hideous it was! Why is this even a thing? Head Crocs? Nope! I am officially unable to can on this one (I can’t)! I really would love to see what other items were rejected in favor of these. We had a huge belly laugh about this gift. After all, it's still all about having fun, and who knows, maybe that was Carnival's intention!


The Hideous Head Crocs




We made it up to get in line around 10 and it was already passed the piano bar. I can't stress enough how you have to be there around 30 minutes early if you want a seat in the Comedy Show. Once we were in and seated, W got a Blue Moon and I got The Punchliner which I thought was just ok. I think I meant to get The Jokester so I will try it tomorrow night. Maybe. The comedian was John McDonnell and he was good especially at the end. After comedy it was night night time cause sleep is now my part time job! Laying around all day doing nothing and all of those naps had me worn out! Life and vacation is hard!


Tonight I said a quick prayer thanking God that we have heads. This way, if we actually wanted to wear the Head Crocs, we could. I also thanked God that W didn't take my pinky off when I was trying to take a picture of his lobster! #Blessed!!


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I remember your first review and how funny you really are but this one is killing me. The head crocs are the new word for those that cruise, omg......you described them perfectly! WTH is Carnival thinking on this one, although it makes for great conversation! :eek:

Edited by Drazil65
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OMG, this review!

I very rarely read reviews, but if they were written like yours, I'd be reading them all!


My wife and I will be on Magic December 3rd, and it'll be the first time we're sailing on one of the newer ships.


Looking forward to more of your review, you are killing it!!! :D:D

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I remember your first review and how funny you really are but this one is killing me. The head crocs are the new word for those that cruise, omg......you described them perfectly! WTH is Carnival thinking on this one, although it makes for great conversation! :eek:



LOL thank you!! [emoji1]I was really expecting Ashton Kutcher to pop out at any minute and tell us we were Punk'd!! [emoji12][emoji23][emoji23][emoji24][emoji33]



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Magic is my most favorite cruise yet :) Im on board! Looking forward to more! LOVE your writing style!



I'm so jealous of you!!! [emoji6] I would totally karate chop someone for a Guy's Burger [emoji488] right now!! [emoji847]



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I am loving your review. We sail on the Magic next September.


I wonder if the person who came up with the Croc visor still has a job?

Nothing good ever comes from wearing Crocs, especially your head :D


Looks like I will embarking on Magic the day you disembark. I cant wait to get back on this ship!

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