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Our First Seadream Cruise!


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looking out our window she is here. Thanks to Jim there will probably be more time needed for restocking this time but at least he didn't hijack it. More when I can get to a computer.


Didn't we look good! What a pretty morning and we have had the view from the Sheraton with a beautiful blue ship arriving right on time. Did you notice how slick Captain T slid her into the berth? I can tell you from experience with ships, it ain't as easy as he makes it look. I considered trying to take over and turn us around but Captain Tysse is definitely in charge. Yesterday I was at the Top of the Yacht-- today it is 40s, rainy and nasty. I hope you are really enjoying kicking us out.:D Say hello to the Dimitris (Jim & Maria) for us. Hope you have a wonderful time as we did.

All the best,

Jim & Lois (will start on our review shortly on the other thread)

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Ok. at the computer on board. Day one behind us, bummer. I will try to address our thoughts for first timers as well as you SD junkies!!


We have taken 8 or 9 cruises before, all the mass market type. Last year on Celebrity which we did like a lot. Well, forget all the other, for us this is magnificent! After waiting and pacing for hours they finally kicked Jim off kicking and screaming (I can understand now completely Jim) and allowed us on. Funny, with the other lines you are one of hundreds and hundreds coming on board at the same time. Here. it was about 8 couples lined up. Captain Tyresse welcomed us on board and we were given a glass of champaigne and asked to wait in the main lounge. Of course there were snacks available, but somehow I resisted as we had lunch prior to boarding as part of the time killing process. Maybe 5 minutes later we were escorted to Concierge where we had the pictures for our charge card/room key made. The first ones were wrong as I became Mr. Suzanne and she became Mrs. Art. Haha -- quickly corrected and our stewardess lead us to the room.


The room is small to be sure (aren't they all on board a ship) but fine. The bathroom is VERY small but soo nice. Taking that first shower with the three heads was very cool. And many have commented on the Bulgari products and indeed they are great. As Cammiem had suggested we quickly headed up stairs and began the process of insurring that the champaigne left behind was drinkable. Fortunately it was. We tested one of the absolutely incredible Balinese beds and stared at Old San Juan and the Sheraton we had left behind. It took only a couple of minutes for a crew member to offer an adult beverage and of course we didn't want to offend him so we accepted. Those beds are just incredible. They sit up higher so when looking out there are no rails to interfere. I had read about them and have heard many of you talk about themk, but it is just not the same as seeing them yourself. Holy Cow.


The lifeboat drill was a breeze as we all walked to our stations with our orange necklaces and it was over quickly. We returned to 416 and unpacked. Interesting that we had booked GTY2 and ended on the fourth deck. I just assumed it meant we would be on 2. We met along with most of the passengers (there are 94 this trip) and Merideth gave us a welcoming talk and overview of the tours available. We are much like our internet friend DisneyJen in that our interest is in SD and not the islands. For some that may seem awful and I apologize for that, but this is all about recharging our batteries and this is such an amazing yacht why would you get off??!!


At around 8 we went to dinner and sat alone. So this was our first real experience with the food. I wondered if I had built up my expectations to high based on all I had read. I stated with Celery soup with nutmeg. I wasn't sure about ordering with the nutmeg but I figured I would be adventurous. Suzanne had Ceasar saldad. The soup was simply amazxing. I could have cancelled everything else and just keep eating the soup. I follwed it up with the ceasar and it is/was really good too. Some of the best I've had and I order it a lot. We both had the filet and it arrived beautifully plated on some thinly sliced potatoes in a veal reduction sauce with some other secret ingredients. Trust me, we eat out a lot and this was very, very, good. After the first bite we both just kind of started laughing and shook our heads. Desert was Grand Marnie souflee also very very good. Now food is subjective I realize and what is good for us may be les good for others so I realize that. But based on our first evening aboard we were extremely impressed. How is it possible to have surpassed expectations set so high by many of you previous cruisers?!


We met a great couple, Bill and Lori, and after dinner we shared drinks at the TOY bar and waited for the yacht to leave SJ. What a great gathering place and all were having fun. Finally a little after 11 we pulled out and began our journey. No sooner did we round the corner from the famous fort than the yach began rocking and rolling. We all sort of hearded for our new home and got to bed after a long and exciting day. The yacht rocked all night, quite heavily, and I couldn't wait to ask Bill (a 5 time return veteran) if this was unusual, and he assured us it was the worst he had experienced. We had not gotten sick but the fear did cross our minds.


This moring when we woke up we were just arriving to St. John's. I'll write about today later as I'm going to use up my 70 minutes in one setting.

More to come.

Sorry about typos as I am trying to go fast. :


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Thanks so much for such a thorough first day report Art!


Also appreciate your commenting on the experience as a first timer to SD with mass market experience. Sounds like we have a SD convert ... on the first day:p


Caesar salad, Grand Marnier souffle, Bali Beds and the yacht as a THE destination sounds a whole lot like DJ'sDH and my trip reports:D


Glad that your expectations are being met ... if not exceeded:cool:


Looking forward to more on the scenes reporting!

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Day 2


Woke up and went to breakfast outside on deck which is where it is always held. The view is spectacular and the omelette delicious. There is a small buffet line with fruits, cheese, cold cuts set out and then you order from the menu. The typical egg dishes, pancakes, and other typical breakfast foods are all available. Also lamb chops, which everyone seems to get a real kick out of. I am not a lamb person so not a big deal for me. They already know our name!! I read about that, but still find it amazing Even with a group of 94 -- 47 couples that is still a lot to remember. No problem for them evidently. We sat by the pool for the morning and stared at the view. No loud music. No announcements. Only an offer to clean our glasses, and have a drink. Since it was still earl, Suzanne decided to add a little orange juice to her champaigne --at least the first one. The water was refressing and it was not crowded at all. In fact we were the only ones in the pool when we were in. Around 11:30 they bring some small sandwiches and fruit just in case you can't make it until lunch at 12!! Around 12:30 we had lunch, agaqin outside with the beautiful view. Suzanne had a healthy salad (I thought of you Carlicat) and me not so much. I had an oriental spicy chicken with cabbage and rice. Think of chicken wraps from PFChangs only spicier. The afternoon was spent by the pool until 2 when we each had a massage. I liked mine, Suzanne loved hers. She still had enough strength to go on deck and enjoy some more sun but I took a 1 1/2 nap. A quick trip to the TOY bar for pre dinner drinks and then we changed for dinner. We had been invited to join Meredith, the cruise activities director, for dinner and we were a table of 8. She was very gracious and went out of her way to make everyone feel welcome. She is a sweetheart. I had a chicken dish, Suzanne had the lobster. She said it was the best she had had in a long time. I asked her how long and she answered,"since I was born." Coming from Massachusetts where she spent most of her life, I assume that is high praise. After dinner, 10:30 I was tired and my stomach was not quite right so we went to bed. I had stopped to get some Dramamine at the consierge (free of course) and took them as the Captain said it may be aq little rough for the night. A great day on board SeaDream2.

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Hi Artlee...Hope you have your sea legs today. I, unfortunately, still have mine and my darn house won't stop rocking. I was green day 1 San Juan - Saba, and one of my traveling companions had it day 2. The little pack of pills seemed to do the trick for us.

Have fun!

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Hi Artlee...Hope you have your sea legs today. I, unfortunately, still have mine and my darn house won't stop rocking. I was green day 1 San Juan - Saba, and one of my traveling companions had it day 2. The little pack of pills seemed to do the trick for us.

Have fun!



Glad you managed to check in. Where is your review on our trip? It is required, you know, or we send our enforcer, Frequent Traveler, to "visit" with you.:eek:


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Jim - I knew you were a shady character, but geeeezzzzz....I feel like I'm gonna get my legs broken. Carole requested that I send her a pro/com SeaDream vs Seabourn on return. I did that yesterday and posted a copy of it on a thread here on CC this morning.

I'm definitely SeaDreaming for 5/29 trip already! The question is, can I make it that long? I wish that you and Lois would join us on that one and I may just nag you in submission yet! Even though the two of you could have been stone statues parked by the pool, you were a highlight of the trip!


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Thanks again artlee! Those of us who aren't sailing on SD until almost the end of next year sure need those live from fixes:p


Sounds like you are definitely into the SD groove:cool:


When in doubt take those magic sea pills!

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Well it seems that we have some real rock stars on these boards. Most seem to know DisneyJen (almost expected to see a cardboard cut out of you like the KC one you had). Capt. T stopped and chatted with us as we had lunch at one os those little nooks. He asked how we decided on SeaDream and of course I blammed all you clowns for getting me into this, lol. Oh yea, I know DisneyJen, and Frequent Traveler, and now Jim Avery. I'm assuming that throwing your names around is a good thing, but if things go south I'll know why.


Breakfast today was eggs bennie with a side of bacon. Fruits of course. Sitting outside looking at the unusual island of Saba was something else. That was our planned stop today but it was deemed to rough to tender and soon we were off to StBarts. Not a problem for us as we may not get off this yacht until someone kicks us off. I'm still amazed at the service and how many folks know your name. Capt T is very accesable as is

Christoffe (sp?). The chef is Joseline or something like that. He is awesome obviously. We arrived here in St Barts for a 2 day stay. It looks beautiful. Maybe we should venture off? It's really hard to understand for those of you that have not cruised Seadream and maybe like us, had done the mass lines. It is not the same at all. Yes those are nice too, but the level of attention and service here is really not near the same. They know your name. They know what you like. The food is excuisite. The views are amazing. When you go to an island you seek out the restaurant with the views to dine. Here you have it every day and night. Most people are very nice. The two little people on board have presented no problems from what I have seen.


Just finished lunch of something light (spaghetti carbanara LOL) with a delicious blackberrt tart for desert. Louie always seems to have our table outside and he is fantastic. Always smiling. Always attentive. Suzanne is having her afternoon session of sipping and dipping and here I am in the library. She gets brown, me not so much. More like blistering.


What a great vacation. I am so glad it is 9 nights. BTW, the special this week (maybe all the time, I don't know) is book while on the cruise and get 15% off the next cruise. Book the BTB and get 15% plus the BTB discount on the second cruise. I may have to book again right now. I don't have enough vaca time for BTB, but the 15% might be pretty good.


Thanks to all for assisting me in making this choice.


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Capt T is very accesable as is Christoffe (sp?). The chef is Joseline or something like that. He is awesome obviously.


Actually in my humble opinion, those three gents (and their colleagues) are the Rock Stars. In fact, I believe that DJ, FT, and Jim would be quick to agree with that!


Josselin would be the Chef's name. Thanks for that news, Art. Glad you're enjoying your time on board. The good thing is that it just keeps getting better and better.

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Actually in my humble opinion, those three gents (and their colleagues) are the Rock Stars. In fact, I believe that DJ, FT, and Jim would be quick to agree with that!


Josselin would be the Chef's name. Thanks for that news, Art. Glad you're enjoying your time on board. The good thing is that it just keeps getting better and better.


Agree ctbjr (who is even better known on board than little old me:p)!!


Seriously the staff and crew, from Capt. T to Christophe and all the way down the line, are the real ROCK STARS!!


Thrilled that you are having such a wonderful time Art!


Ctbjr is correct that just when you can't think it can get any better on SD ... it does!!


If you haven't been to St. Barts I would suggest venturing off to say you have been there:p Seriously it is worth checking out.


Glad that we were able to help you make the right decision:cool:

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Agree ctbjr (who is even better known on board than little old me:p)!!


Seriously the staff and crew, from Capt. T to Christophe and all the way down the line, are the real ROCK STARS!!


Thrilled that you are having such a wonderful time Art!


Ctbjr is correct that just when you can't think it can get any better on SD ... it does!!


If you haven't been to St. Barts I would suggest venturing off to say you have been there:p Seriously it is worth checking out.


Glad that we were able to help you make the right decision:cool:

I also agree with Charlie. As for ST. Barts. Walk through town, drink a Carib at Le Select, go to shell Beach (semi nude:eek:) and people watch. All walking distance. I wanna go back!

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Another great day. We have been anchored off St Barts since around 11:30. We think we will get off tomorrow morning and see the sights. We WILL be back for lunch for sure!! I have been thinking about the 15% off the next cruise and we'll have to go get the brochure to see what the schedule if for next Nov/Dec. Is that the typical offer while on board? I seem to remember something about 10%. We asked about the recent crossings as we had given that some thoughts. I think the ones in April were rough but November was good.


Just a comment for newbies, as I sit in the library I must say that they are correct that it seems small but well stocked. Again, comparing it to mass market cruise lines some of the things like the casino or boutiques, or hairdressing, etc, are not up to theirs. For us it is of no consequence, but if you like to shop on board and get your hair done, and play slots etc. then you may be disappointed. They also mention in their brochure that they have plenty of DVD's to borrow, and certainly that would be the case. But for us, we aren't using them. Soaking up the sun and relaxing is really the order of the day. What you cannot measure is the level of service. In todays world many talk the talk but don't walk it.


We notice that we seem to get the same waiters. Is that a planned thing? Chris for dinner and he is great, and Louie for breakfast and lunch. He's great too. We told him not to call us Mr. and Mrs. but it seems as though it is preferred they do. We're just not that formal.


Tonight we dine under the stars with our new friends Bill and Lori. Coctails before outside. Then there will be a concert showing weather permitted outside after. Tough night, eh? I have taken lots of pictures but I am afraid they qare going to pale compared to my friend Cammien. I loved her pictures. Of course I am using a digital. If I can figure it out I will post some when I return. I'm not sure how interested you will be in the "here is Suzanne drinking her champaigne at ...." but I'm sure many of you previous cruisers can relate.

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Actually in my humble opinion, those three gents (and their colleagues) are the Rock Stars. In fact, I believe that DJ, FT, and Jim would be quick to agree with that!


Josselin would be the Chef's name. Thanks for that news, Art. Glad you're enjoying your time on board. The good thing is that it just keeps getting better and better.


100% Agree, can't wait until next week.

Opened . . . and finished a bottle of champagne this afternoon to prepare for SD next week. :D


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Hi Art!


I'm just now checking-in on CC and am so impressed with your daily updates. Would've been here sooner...stupid broken ribs. They're cramping my style. :( :)


I'm so glad to hear that you & Suzanne are having a fabulous time! See, I told you she'd have nothing to worry about when it came to drinking champagne all day. Sounds like she's enjoying the mimosas, too. We must be cut from the same mold. :D


Continue to enjoy every moment. Looking forward to hearing more. Cheers!

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100% Agree, can't wait until next week.

Opened . . . and finished a bottle of champagne this afternoon to prepare for SD next week. :D



Now that is dedication indeed!


I admire your training regimen. What dedication.:D


It's a a tough life but someone needs to lead it ...


The best way to start off a day is to have Christophe the younger as your waiter for breakfast . .. all the staff are wonderful, but he's such a sweetie . . . I hope he doesn't escape before we board on the 13th. Give him our regards. :D




Art if you are at the TOYBar early (meaning breakfast) you can find Christophe the younger. He took such excellent care of us in March!


And of course you will find the other Christophe all over the yacht!!

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Artlee -


Glad you are having fun and I am very impressed you are posting every day


If you need a change of scene or some celeb sightings go have lunch at Eden roc at St Bart's today


World class hotel with a great beach. The dining room is basically a tent on the beach with long tables so you end up siting with everyone else but the food is amazing and the view is unreal


We ended up having lunch and sat next to and joined up with Emmit Smith (Dancing w/ Stars and The Dallas Cowboys) and his wife and kids last year ... our kids table hopped over to sit with Dane Cook and his group...


Even if you cant recognize these folks (like me, someone always has to tell me who the famous peope are, everyone made fun of me because emmit and I chatted for 20 minutes and I ended up asking him where he was from and what he did , my dad got a big chuckle out of that for the next few nights) it so cool to watch them avoid the picture takers hanging out behind the wall of the hotel...

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What a great night in the harbor of St Barts. Dinner under the stars after cocktails under the stars. How good is that? Dinner was potato/leek soup (ok, full admissions here, I asked for seconds), caesar salad, sliced filet, banana sorbet. And for our taste buds these wines are just fine, and always flowing. After dinner we watched the David Foster (is that the right name) concert with all the folks he's written or produced songs for. Amazing concert (Buble/Celine/Andrea/a bunch of others that are currently whirling around in some lose memory card. Brian the waiter, is so funny. He just loves that concert and it is all he cvan do to keep frokm dancing his way through it. I mentioned to him that several on these boards have commented on how nice he was and he seemed very appreciative. We talked to him for a while and he is very nice. You can tell he loves his job and wants to please his guests. So sitting there on this wonderful yacht watching a great concert on a big screen over the pool, sipping champaigne. It's a tough life and somehow we must make it through another 6 days. We off to breakfast and then a trip ashore, our first.

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Another great report Art!


The DVD is indeed "David Foster: Hitman." We have it here at home along with the CD. It is amazing how many songs he has written and produced!


I bet you saw some beautiful yachts during cocktails and dinner under the stars.


Is SD2 decorated for Christmas?


Have fun walking around Gustavia. I just love walking around the islands in shorts while Christmas music is playing:D

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