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Non cruisers that hate cruising...what???

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We will soon be sailing on our sixth cruise and we love cruising! We are sailing the 10-day partial canal transit on the "Z". What I find interesting is many of my co-workers who have never cruised love to tell me how much they would hate cruising. The crowds, the buffets, the seasickness, the tourists, the small cabins, etc. Huh? They have never cruised yet they all hate cruising and they seem to think they know all about what it would be like. When I try to make some positive comments cause gee I have actually been on a cruise ship, they cut me off with their endless "facts" of why cruising is so awful.


Well I love meeting the people, love the food, love not cooking, love not cleaning, love the service, love the comfy beds, love seeing several counties in the span of 7 - 10 days, as a matter of fact I can't think of one thing we don't love about cruising. I just stare back in silence as I listen to their long rants of how much they hate cruising. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest with the only people that would understand how insane these conversations are.

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I agree! Although most of the people I know would love to take a cruise, we do have a neighbor who says it would be "boring" (his wife would love to cruise though!)


He also says that he's "too active" to take a cruise and lie around all day :rolleyes: no matter how often I tell him there are things to do besides "lying around".


The good news is, I think his wife may be slowly convincing him. Now he doesn't say "never" like he used to!


I know someone else who says she couldn't do it unless she could see land at all times. :eek: She gets anxious out on the water. Now that IMO is more of a valid reason!

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Cruising is not for everyone. Some folks are afraid they will get seasick and some say they have. The only folks I know who have tired it and did not like it booked an inside cabin because a TA told them they would not spend any time in their cabin. So I generally try to encourage anyone booking for the first time to at least book an ocean view.

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We will soon be sailing on our sixth cruise and we love cruising! We are sailing the 10-day partial canal transit on the "Z". What I find interesting is many of my co-workers who have never cruised love to tell me how much they would hate cruising. The crowds, the buffets, the seasickness, the tourists, the small cabins, etc. Huh? They have never cruised yet they all hate cruising and they seem to think they know all about what it would be like. When I try to make some positive comments cause gee I have actually been on a cruise ship, they cut me off with their endless "facts" of why cruising is so awful.


Well I love meeting the people, love the food, love not cooking, love not cleaning, love the service, love the comfy beds, love seeing several counties in the span of 7 - 10 days, as a matter of fact I can't think of one thing we don't love about cruising. I just stare back in silence as I listen to their long rants of how much they hate cruising. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest with the only people that would understand how insane these conversations are.


LOL.... Many times people ask where we are going on vacation & we say we're going on a cruise..If they express negative thoughts & say they hate cruising, hate crowds & buffets, small cabins, or get seasick, then we just stop talking about our cruises..


I have friends & family members who are afraid to fly & say they hate flying..I've flown all over the world, with my job, but I stopped talking about flying to them..I know people who would never get in an elevator..:eek:


Perhaps your co-workers can't afford to cruise, or are afraid of getting seasick..Many people get seasick or are claustrophobic & cruising would not be for them.. Or as Canadianbear said, they just might be jealous..;) You have to remember that cruising is not for everyone! We take long cruises & many of our Friends would never go for as many days as we do..Others would never book anything other than a veranda cabin..We book outside cabins.. :D


Don't understand why your co-workers would be ranting about hating them, unless you are talking too much about your cruises..:confused:


Another thought, could it be that they believe you are bragging (even if you are not) & are saying those negative things just to get you to stop talking about them..;)Maybe you should not discuss your vacations with them at all..People like that will never be convinced...


JMO..Happy New Year & hope you enjoy your cruise!:)



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I do not think that the conversations are "insane". If you went on a camping board, you would get the same comments from the committed campers. If you went on a sailing board, the sailboat owners would not be able to figure out why everyone else in the world does not love sailing.


Just because we all enjoy cruising does not mean that everyone has to like it.



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Another thought, maybe we do it to ourselves.


We had a friend who had no opportunities to travel when growing up and as an adult until retirement. She was one who could not understand why so many friends loved to travel and cruise. She kept saying that all kinds of bad things happened to folks on cruises and/or land trips overseas. We would disagree, but to no avail.


One night at a beach party she suddenly said - "You see, this is why I don't travel, all these bad things happen." We stopped our conversation for an instant and realized we were having a typical conversation about rough water, each trying to outdo the bad experience of others. (Same thing happens on this board sometimes, sort of one ups-man-ship in terms of cruising experiences but frequently about difficult situations and/or scary experiences.) We tried to convince her that really rough water was unusual, but we could not convince her. That is what she heard about (as well as other shipboard experience we take in our stride but then talk about.)

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Enjoy the Zuiderdam and your 6th cruise. Come back to this board and we LOVE to talk about cruising :) You're right about some people and their opinions-they really don't listen to the good and exciting events about a cruise, and probably won't change their opinions unless they take a cruise and have a perfect time.

Just think, this board is a service not only to cruise lovers, but to non cruisers, so they don't have to listen to us.

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Well we were those people. We never had gone on a cruise and used to say we never would. We are beach people we like having our own place in the sand to relax every day, stay as long as we want, no crowds, walk to restaurants in the sand every night. We don't like to go on day trips and just want to relax with a book. We go to a small place in Mexico and love it.

Then we decided to vacation with my DB and SIL and they love to cruise so we thought we'd try it. We went on NCL and had a good time and did get off thinking you know, there is something about this.


We went back to Mexico last year and then after that thought it was time to cruise again. So this time we wanted more of a traditional line. We rented a retreat cabana for the week so we will have our own place in the sand. Picked an itinerary where we could just get off and find a beach nearby if we wanted but maybe we'll just sit in that cabana and look at the beach from there!


So slowly this is trickling into our veins and I can see becoming a cruise addict. There is something about being on that ship and sailing along every day. It just took us trying to figure out how to bring what we like about land vacations into a cruise. Plus if you are traveling with other which we are again, it is so wonderful that everyone has options.

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We will soon be sailing on our sixth cruise and we love cruising! We are sailing the 10-day partial canal transit on the "Z". What I find interesting is many of my co-workers who have never cruised love to tell me how much they would hate cruising. The crowds, the buffets, the seasickness, the tourists, the small cabins, etc. Huh? They have never cruised yet they all hate cruising and they seem to think they know all about what it would be like. When I try to make some positive comments cause gee I have actually been on a cruise ship, they cut me off with their endless "facts" of why cruising is so awful.


Well I love meeting the people, love the food, love not cooking, love not cleaning, love the service, love the comfy beds, love seeing several counties in the span of 7 - 10 days, as a matter of fact I can't think of one thing we don't love about cruising. I just stare back in silence as I listen to their long rants of how much they hate cruising. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest with the only people that would understand how insane these conversations are.



They know not of what they speak.:)

When they start listing all their negatives just smile nicely and say "Well it's darn good thing then, it's me that's going and not you."

A little passive aggressive I know ,but should stop negativity :D



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We have close,close friends who we have repeatly asked to cruise with us...and they always blame not wanting to go on the other one:D Finally got the husband to admit it was a control issue...excuse me:confused: Not exactly understanding the control excuse..maybe for flying but....guess he means he can't get off the ship when HE wants to....


Anyway...we have given up on them...perhaps hoping that some day a family member will talk them into cruising...meanwhile we try to keep our traps shut about past cruises, upcoming cruises, and our future dream cruises:D know they get tired of hearing about it... But then I think...I just know they would love it...and feel bad that we cannot talk them into a cruise,


Thank goodness for cruise boards:):):)

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I think I know what you mean. How can someone know they "don't like" something they haven't done. It's like saying "I don't like broccoli" when I've never eaten any.


I'm sure for some people anything outside their comfort zone can be scary so their reaction is to say they don't like it or wouldn't do it - I feel sorry for them. They're probably missing out on a lot of things.


DH and I went on our first cruise to Alaska in 2008 - loved it. Just booked a Caribbean cruise for February (our Christmas present to us) :) and we're looking at the Panama Canal in spring of 2011. So I think we're hooked.

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I do not think that the conversations are "insane". If you went on a camping board, you would get the same comments from the committed campers. If you went on a sailing board, the sailboat owners would not be able to figure out why everyone else in the world does not love sailing.


Just because we all enjoy cruising does not mean that everyone has to like it.



I think the OP's point is they are receiving comments about how awful cruises are from people who have NEVER been on a cruise. It would be different if the people making the comments had been on a cruise and had some personal experience for why they dislike cruising.


I've been camping a couple of times. It's DEFINITELY not my thing. I dislike the sleeping arrangements and do not sleep well in a tent. I'm not fond of doing my business behind a bush when in the wilderness or walking 1/4 mile down the path to the facilities when in a campground. I like having a hot-water shower every morning in a private bathroom. I guess I'm just not a "roughing it" kind of person. I've got friends who love camping. I'll make the occasional disparaging comment about their love of camping (usually in fun), but at least I've tried it and know WHY I'd rather take a cruise.

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We are friends with a couple where the wife loves cruising, but the husband (who is an avid environmentalist) is adverse because of all the 'waste' (particularly of food). I don't particularly buy into this since food demand supports the farmers and other producers, and food can be recycled well.


I feel that cruising is great for environmentalism because it helps many influential people enjoy the environmentally pristine areas of our planet, as well as see the effects of pollution in other areas (particularly port areas).

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Many people where we live have never been on a cruise --and when we got home they would ask where we had been -- if I mentioned a cruise -- they would make a face -- not a good one -- one that indicated that they didn't approve.


As a result we just never talk about our cruises any more.


Really do believe that the majority of those people are just jealous.

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We have a friend who hated a partial passage of the Canal when he discovered he didn't like sea days, we love them.:D

Another friend who only likes big ships, we like 200 to 2000 pax.:)

We just see them somewhere else.:cool:

But to just say you don't like something you've never tried is stupid IMHO.:eek:

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Everyone has their own travel style. If you enjoy taking time and getting to know a location--and do not enjoy being stuck in a large resort situation, then cruising would not be for you.

I personally enjoy being at sea--but to be honest much of the cruise experience (like the lido and the shows) is something I don't care for. For us it is simple--we enjoy the parts of the cruise that appeal to us.

We know people who are true travelers--always going off the beaten path--cruising for them would be a nightmare.

For us a combination of cruising to test a place and then a followup on land to get to know a place is the best solution.

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What we have found amusing among our friends who travel but have never cruised is the comment that the husband does not want to wear a tux and they don't want to have to eat with other people each night. At first we tried to explain anytime or as you wish dining where we get a table for 2 each night and that a tux is no longer essential on the cruise lines we have used, but they don't hear it. So we just gave up trying to convince them!

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Well we were those people. We never had gone on a cruise and used to say we never would. We are beach people we like having our own place in the sand to relax every day, stay as long as we want, no crowds, walk to restaurants in the sand every night. We don't like to go on day trips and just want to relax with a book. We go to a small place in Mexico and love it.

Then we decided to vacation with my DB and SIL and they love to cruise so we thought we'd try it. We went on NCL and had a good time and did get off thinking you know, there is something about this.


We went back to Mexico last year and then after that thought it was time to cruise again. So this time we wanted more of a traditional line. We rented a retreat cabana for the week so we will have our own place in the sand. Picked an itinerary where we could just get off and find a beach nearby if we wanted but maybe we'll just sit in that cabana and look at the beach from there!


So slowly this is trickling into our veins and I can see becoming a cruise addict. There is something about being on that ship and sailing along every day. It just took us trying to figure out how to bring what we like about land vacations into a cruise. Plus if you are traveling with other which we are again, it is so wonderful that everyone has options.

I was a non-cruiser, as well, thought it wouldn't be what i wanted in a vacation....not enough activity, boring, too structured, etc., etc. That was in '98, it will be #14 on the next one.

It's my favorite way to vacation - most everything is taken care of, there are many, many activities (or none at all, if you so choose), you unpack the bags, and the destination is brought to you. And, I love the "destination" most when I'm just staring out at a sea of blue!

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Of all the people I talk to about my cruises, (50+) the only one who screws her face up is my sister. Married to a man with a sailboat, she cant make it out of the harbor without getting seasick!:eek:

All my friends and co-workers always want to know where I'm headed next, what ship, etc. I've even become known as "BoatBoy"!:D

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No, I don't think those people are jealous or can't afford a cruise - they just prefer other types of holidays which often turn out to be more expensive than a cruise.


I sometimes hate getting back on board and wish I was doing a land-based tour when leaving interesting places. Other than Alaska and possibly Hawaii (when I'll combine one week cruises with land tours) I probably won't be doing another cruise.


I'm not keen on sea days and I don't do "entertainment" I'm not a big drinker and don't gamble so find the evenings on board rather boring. I can go see a show or to the cinema at home (or anywhere else for that matter).


So just accept that other people have different views and ideas to your own. The world would be very boring if we all thought the same.

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Since I live only 10 minutes from the port and work is even closer, I would say about 1out of every 5 people I know have cruised.The majority who have love it.DH and I think it is by far the best cost efficient vacation.My MIL is deathly afraid that she will be sea sick as she has inner ear problems.Also a group of her co workers went on a cruise and they all came back sick.Oh well more cabin choices for me.We will be doing cruise #18 this summer first time on HAL Counting the Days

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Thank you all for your comments, insights, suggestions, and making me laugh. I knew this group would understand where I was coming from. I don't mention my cruises unless asked. One co-worker just returned from ten days in Cabo and went on and on about the "cruise ships" that "invaded" Cabo and practically ruined her vacation. I mean the nerve of all of those people to get off the ships and cause the stores to be crowded! Also many comments regarding the people on cruise ships that I shall not repeat. Needless to say non-complimentary comments. Oh whatever!


Perhaps cruising like politics and religion should not be discussed unless I am talking to the true believers on the CC boards.


Next time asked about my upcoming time off, and what I am doing, I think I shall respond I am involved in a CIA mission and can't reveal any details. Then they can attack the CIA.


Happy sails!

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