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Tattoo's.Do you cover them or not?


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Tattoo's have been mentioned as of late on these threads. I have them.some on my feet,and one on my back. For you ladies that have them, do you cover them up for Formal Nights? To me, tattoo's arent tacky and something that does NOT need to be covered up. So I was wondering if anyone else felt that way.


And by all means, post tattoo pics too!

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OK, well I believe I'm part of that "tattoo" talk. I have 7 tats, one on each shoulder, one breast (thats a Star Trek comm badge in the appropriate place) one large forarm tat of my dulcimers, one charm bracelet tat I designed myself with my family as charms on it. One lily on the front of my left leg, and one on the back at the ankle.

Here's a pic (I hope) of my forarm dulcimer tat.



Yes, I do love mine, but would like the option of covering/concealing them on formal night. I do think mine are kinda tacky, but I'm a kinda tacky kind of lady. lol


I almost never wear short sleeves (never no sleeves) mostly to cover my 60 year old arms, and hide. lol


Of course all bets are off in the hot tub, since all are showing..lol

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Yes, actually, talking over there about your shoes,and you emntioning your ink got me thinking. I love the one you showed! It must have hurt like Holy H! lol.


Youve got more life on me {28},But I really think my age group is more accepting of tattoo's and piercings. Forgot to even mention them!:cool: I know there are times,when I feel like I NEED to cover mine. Like around my Memaw b/c she hates them and its a respect thing.But she also knows they are part of me. As Im sure yours are with you!


After seeing that dress,you aint no tacky lady! lol.


I got my first one on my foot at 26. I began with a flower,but yes,like potato chips,sometimes you cant stop with one. So I added a bee and another flower and in Nov I added the 3 lady bugs. The flowers are my boys,the bee my passed away grandfather and the bugs, my 2 nephews and niece.


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I've been tattooed for 26 years and no, I don't cover mine up on formal night...they're part of who I am. Are mine tacky? Not to me, as most have a story.


I know that not everyone likes them, and I respect that...I just ask that 'you' respect my right to wear them. :D

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Oh Tnmama, I love your foot! Great tattoo, and no, it didn't hurt that much.

I always say, if tattoo's hurt men wouldn't have'em. After all, I've birthed babies in the years of the hippies sans meds..lol


nope pain don't hurt.


p.s. I live in Tn do you live there? I'm in east Tn east of Knoxville


p.s.s. I love checking out other tats, and yes, I might ask about them if there interesting or particularily well done.

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Oh Tnmama, I love your foot! Great tattoo, and no, it didn't hurt that much.

I always say, if tattoo's hurt men wouldn't have'em. After all, I've birthed babies in the years of the hippies sans meds..lol


nope pain don't hurt.


p.s. I live in Tn do you live there? I'm in east Tn east of Knoxville


p.s.s. I love checking out other tats, and yes, I might ask about them if there interesting or particularily well done.


TY very much. Yes,mine all have stories too. I too birthed a 9lber with an epidural that did NOT take. So yes Ma'am, if I can do that a tattoo is a breeze. I will admit,the one on my back hurt. I don't drink too often,but I was drinking Hunch Punch to get my magnolia. NO ITS NOT A ROSE.

Its a half opened Magnolia b/c Im from Mississippi, I got it on my 28th bday too.So, the petals that are open are the things Ive done,and the ones that arent are the things left to do. I do plan to add some leaves to it,for my parents, here when we get our refund. ANd a brach signifing my family that gave me my life....Sappy,but its my story.


I agree with you,Grey's. 100%. and TY CB!!!


DUL~ Im in West Tn in a county that borders the river, Dyer,its near the KY,MO line. Im on one side and youre on the other. Ive lived here right at 3 years. Met this hottie on eharmony from Tn and here I am.


The other ink in the pic os one of my BFF's. She got her aunt,who passed away's name with a halo. we both cried over that one.


P.S. In case anyone is wondering about my obssesion with feet pics, its "My Thing" when I travel. It started in San Deigo in 06,and Ive just gotten a lil crazy with it. I have a whole album on my FB.lol



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For those of us who are of a certain age (and then some) life's scars and broken veins can be truly ugly. Covering those up is no issue for me. I don't consider 'how on earth did that happen to you?' as a compliment.


Tats are another issue all together. In fact I've been considering having an old and ugly scar turned into to something more attractive is such is possilbe.

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LOL my biggest problem is I forget I have them. I have a large fairy (my kids call it my "f'angel" it is a fairy but looks like an angel because the guy who did it only had a pic of an angel so he changed the wings and gave it some flowers in it's hair and put a drape over it. Looks great. I love it. It is on my back the one wing kinda goes into my side. Then I have a bumble bee on the other side of my back (my sister and I got matching bees for her 40th b.day). I also have what my kids call the "note book" it's a heart with flowers in it (well thats what it is now. The flowers cover up a name that covered up a name...LOL).

I don't see them much becasue the 2 are on my back and the other is on my lower stomach. So when were on the beach I got to feeling like people were looking at me funny (I always think I am too fat) and I said to my husband "why are they looking at me like that?!" he looked at me like I had a 3rd eye and said "Well you do have a great big fairy on your back!" LOL I don't see it so I actually forget it's even there!

My clothing hides them all but if they are out (I have some dresses where the fairy's wing shows) I don't worry about it. I love my tats they aren't manly and they don't cover my whole body. I waited until I was 30 something to get them.

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I'm a female and have a few tattoos - including half an arm sleeve.


Personally they are now a part of who I am so I don't see a reason to cover them up, even on formal nights.

If people don't like them or don't find them attractive thats fine. I'm the same person with or without my tattoos, I just wish more people would see that. But to each their own! :)

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The only time I can imagine someone wanting to cover up a tattoo (unless thay are required to by job dress codes, etc) is if they regret having it. And in that case the person should seek permanent removal.

Though at one time tattoos may have been considered tacky or offensive, I think they have become an acceptable fashion choice today, and have really become a true art form. I have seem some really beuatiful tattoos, and, as was mentioned earleir, most of them have interesting stories behind them.

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I'm a female and have a few tattoos - including half an arm sleeve.


Personally they are now a part of who I am so I don't see a reason to cover them up, even on formal nights.

If people don't like them or don't find them attractive thats fine. I'm the same person with or without my tattoos, I just wish more people would see that. But to each their own! :)


AMEN!!! Youre braver than I am with the sleeve. Fortuantly my DH says, if you wanna ink your whole body, go ahead.He does not have any,and does not want any. I know Im not done yet. {yes,I asked him before I got them if he would have a problem with it since he has to look at my body,but hes a very cool man!}


Yes on the sunscreen!!! the ones on my feet have already faded b/c of not using it! Did that hurt on your back? Mine hurt a bunch,thats why I stopped at just the magnolia,but will be adding to it before too long.


Thank you for posting your ink pics! I love looking at other ppls work. Its a way to connect sometimes!


AND to those who've responded who dont have them,but dont gasp at them either, thanks! This aint that kind of thread. No negativity!:D

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LOL my biggest problem is I forget I have them. I have a large fairy (my kids call it my "f'angel" it is a fairy but looks like an angel because the guy who did it only had a pic of an angel so he changed the wings and gave it some flowers in it's hair and put a drape over it. Looks great. I love it. It is on my back the one wing kinda goes into my side. Then I have a bumble bee on the other side of my back (my sister and I got matching bees for her 40th b.day). I also have what my kids call the "note book" it's a heart with flowers in it (well thats what it is now. The flowers cover up a name that covered up a name...LOL).

I don't see them much becasue the 2 are on my back and the other is on my lower stomach. So when were on the beach I got to feeling like people were looking at me funny (I always think I am too fat) and I said to my husband "why are they looking at me like that?!" he looked at me like I had a 3rd eye and said "Well you do have a great big fairy on your back!" LOL I don't see it so I actually forget it's even there!

My clothing hides them all but if they are out (I have some dresses where the fairy's wing shows) I don't worry about it. I love my tats they aren't manly and they don't cover my whole body. I waited until I was 30 something to get them.


YOu cracked me up!!! I forget I have the one on my back too.Ill catch myself in the mirror,like after a shower and have to look twice,lol.

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If you dont' think they are tacky then why are you asking?? I don't understand. Sorry.


Why would people even bother getting them in the first place and then cover them up??



Tattoo's have been mentioned as of late on these threads. I have them.some on my feet,and one on my back. For you ladies that have them, do you cover them up for Formal Nights? To me, tattoo's arent tacky and something that does NOT need to be covered up. So I was wondering if anyone else felt that way.


And by all means, post tattoo pics too!

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AMEN!!! Youre braver than I am with the sleeve. Fortuantly my DH says, if you wanna ink your whole body, go ahead.He does not have any,and does not want any. I know Im not done yet. {yes,I asked him before I got them if he would have a problem with it since he has to look at my body,but hes a very cool man!}



I am glad I have a boyfriend who thinks the more the better! I like his frame of mind ;) It was a harder decision than the other few I have that can be covered, and I'm sure they will look beautiful when I am old, but the way I see it, you only live once! Seize the day!

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I'm glad I found this thread. My boyfriend and I are doing our first cruise in April and he's been concerned that my tattoo's may not fly for formal night. I have 2 pin-up girls on the backs of my legs, both are classic peices of art and I adore them, but he was afraid that I might have some problems if I have anything but a floor length dress for formal nights. I love showing them off because they are amazing peices of art, but I have had to cover them a couple of times out of "respect" for either people or places we've traveled to (bah on being a bridesmaid in a catholic wedding..) Thanks for giving me something to show the boyfriend and stick my tounge out of him.. I really wasn't sure how I was going to get a floor length ball gown into my suitcase and to the ship without a steamer. :)

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Nope. If mine show in what I'm wearing, then they show in what I'm wearing. Now, mine are small and one is on my thing and one is on my ankle. If I'm wearing a full length dress on formal night, they're covered anyway. But I don't wear a full length dress with the intent to cover them. I may wear a short cocktail dress with hose. If I do, I don't wear the hose with the intent to cover them but because I feel the hose completes that specific outfit. If I wear a cocktail dress without hose because I think it looks better that way, then I'm happy to show off the one on my ankle. The one on my thigh only really shows when I'm wearing a swimsuit.

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AMEN!!! Yes on the sunscreen!!! the ones on my feet have already faded b/c of not using it! Did that hurt on your back? Mine hurt a bunch,thats why I stopped at just the magnolia,but will be adding to it before too long.


Only the color really hurt, and that really only a little. Nothing a little Lamaze breathing couldn't handle.


And Seanzie, what lovely, one-of-a-kind work!

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I'm glad I found this thread. My boyfriend and I are doing our first cruise in April and he's been concerned that my tattoo's may not fly for formal night. I have 2 pin-up girls on the backs of my legs, both are classic peices of art and I adore them, but he was afraid that I might have some problems if I have anything but a floor length dress for formal nights. I love showing them off because they are amazing peices of art, but I have had to cover them a couple of times out of "respect" for either people or places we've traveled to (bah on being a bridesmaid in a catholic wedding..) Thanks for giving me something to show the boyfriend and stick my tounge out of him.. I really wasn't sure how I was going to get a floor length ball gown into my suitcase and to the ship without a steamer. :)


TOunge stuck back out at him too.:p But with all due respect.;). I bet your pin-ups are great! I LOVE those! Like they say about other various assets we have "If you've got it Flaunt it!" Wear whatever you feel comfortable in,is the advice seasoned cruisers have given!!!


And Seanzie, THANKS for posting your ink. Those are way cool,man! I noticed youre in the sand box, say Hi to my BIL and lots of friends from Hernando,Ms will ya! Thank you for your service!:D

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Only the color really hurt, and that really only a little. Nothing a little Lamaze breathing couldn't handle.


And Seanzie, what lovely, one-of-a-kind work!


TOunge stuck back out at him too.:p But with all due respect.;). I bet your pin-ups are great! I LOVE those! Like they say about other various assets we have "If you've got it Flaunt it!" Wear whatever you feel comfortable in,is the advice seasoned cruisers have given!!!


And Seanzie, THANKS for posting your ink. Those are way cool,man! I noticed youre in the sand box, say Hi to my BIL and lots of friends from Hernando,Ms will ya! Thank you for your service!:D


hey! thanks for admiring!

I think Ive seen a MS National Guard unit around here somewhere. Are they Trans?

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