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SD II: May 23 - June 5, 2010

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Chef Josselyn continues to make his mark - tonight was the first introduction of a new entree - I can't spell it correctly now - but it was a stuffed chicken breast in a very thin pastry shell. DELICIOUS. So new that much of the wait staff had not yet sampled. But I can definitely recommend. ZQ Vol can provide the correct Greek pronunciation.


Had the wonderful asparagus appetizer. Surrounded by sparkling dialogue as was fortunate to dine at the Captain's table tonight. Another SD wunderkid as he's a mere infant in arms notwithstanding his 26 years of experience at Sea. Captain Johan leads a Renaissance life - has experience with a construction company back in Norway, including design of the Oslow Opera house - fascinating story; great travel in Chile; a young son plus a teenage daughter (good luck there); a bicyclist - was daring enough to tackle Kusadasi today and returned unscathed. He's driving us to Mykonos as I type.


We decided to take the beaches and monastery tour tomorrow in Mykonos - then have lunch on shore. Have fun. We continue to do so.



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thought I would add a note this morning about the change in guest mix on a back to back. I was chatting about it with Amy (the lovely and talented CAD from Yorkshire England) a couple of days ago. She commented that "Guests In Transit" as B2Bs are referred to often bring up the "different feel" or "culture" from week to week. this week there doesn't seem to be quite as much intermingling. A bit more staying in groups. Perhaps its just our perception - maybe because there's much more international diversity with larger groups speaking a multitude of languages. All of the guests are very polite and still speak around the pool but you don't see the different pairing up at dinner that last week brought. Just a thought.


Oh, and DJ - on the new English speaking spa manager, seems it was done for a bit of consistency. Sometimes as new spa ladies are added, some speak very little English and it has caused some problems in the recent past. This was designed to make things run smoother. No reductions in numbers of Thai therapists. And the move to Prairie products should not increase the price of massages (my initial concern since we know the outrageous cost of Prairie in the US).


I can't remember if I posted this earlier - so please forgive me if I'm repeating - the days are starting to blur - but over thirty of this weeks guests are repeat SD guests and we definitely have received some ideas for our next voyage. Too bad ZQ Vol doesn't know next summar's class schedule. Apparently, he has to be on board to get the 15% discount. I will only get for myself if I book on the crossing. And I'm not a big fan of letting SD hold on to a deposit until I know when we can go.


have arrived at Mykonos for day 2. Another gorgeous blue sky - a few wisps of clouds. Daniel told us last night that we are the only ship in port until a Costa ship arrives at 6::)



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Bet you will cover lots of ground today in Mykonos since SD is the only ship in port for most of the day:)


Appreciate the update on the spa as I too was wondering if the change in products would mean higher prices in terms of treatments.


Also appreciate the info on the new captain. Have you heard anything on who will place Capt. Berg on SD1?


Any hints on the new itineraries?

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Quite a treat being the only ship on the island - very different from last week. The Beaches and Monastery tour was top notch - our guide Amaryllis was excellent. Her story is straight out of Mama Mia, except as she told us - her mama knew who her father was from day 1. Her mother is English, came over in the 70s, married a handsome dark Greek man, and you know the rest of the story. The church at the monastery was the most ornate we've seen on this whole trip. Fantastic. One of the monks in residence came out and said a few words - ZQ Vol says that would not have happened in the US - and gave ZQ Vol his blessing. The icons are beautiful -- silver and the stories are amazing. So glad we did a back to back and could do both Delos and this excursion.


Very unique weather on Mykonos - warmer than average and the prevailing winds have made the usually calm southern beachs very rough today while the northern beaches (with no facilities or restaurants, etc) were very calm. So the windsurfers were at the southern beaches and yachts that never are seen at northern beaches were anchored there today.


Actually waded in the Agean and swam in the Med today (if I have my seas right - assuming we are anchored in the Med - I know Amaryllis said the gorgeous beach we stopped at the southeast corner of the island was in the Agean). Also kayaked for a short bit, but as the currents seemed fairly strong, only managed about 20 minutes. Thought I would swim a bit off the back of the yacht - since the water supposed has gone from 17 Celsius last week all the way up to 21 this week, ha ha, but with the clouds, 5 strokes out and 5 strokes back was enough.


Lunch menu today was quite nice -- soup was garlic parsley. Salads included the bowtie pasta with ham and peas. Normally I try to stay away from dessert at lunch - but the chocolate mousse was quite delicious. Could be an evening featured dessert. Have to thank Peter for getting one brought up from the kitchen without strawberries.


Another you know you are on SD moment this morning. I fiddled around in the cabin this morning - actually checking in on office e-mails so I was running a bit late for breakfast and was grabbing something quick before leaving on the excursion. It was about 10 minutes before scheduled departure and I was checking the buffet. Jamie and Sean could tell I wasn't finding what I was looking for - so when they asked - I said any hard boiled eggs - and there weren't any on the buffet this am. Jamie said he get would but, it would take a few minutes to make - and I said, thanks, but I have to leave - maybe tomorrow. I sat down to finish my chocolate croissant - and a few minutes later, here comes Sean - with two warm, fresh hard boiled eggs - there had been a run to the downstairs kitchen to get before I left.I can't figure out how they did it - there is no way in my kitchen I would have gotten hard boiled eggs done in that short of time, but I had my two eggs and made the excursion.


Oh, and this Sean is not the Sean from SD I, - he is very new to the SD organization, but I hope he is with the organization for a long time.


the dreaded disembarkation form showed up today. I think its rather early but I guess we do have to get off sometime.


I haven't been able to get a single hint about the new itineraries - just that they are forthcoming. Somehow, I don't think I'm trusted to keep my mouth shut. Wonder why?;)


Going into Mykonos for dinner tonight. Dinner's menu is pretty close to a repeat of last week's where I had the goat cheese salad as a main course and this is the one night we are in a port long enough to have dinner without having to rush.


have a great day.



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FT, I am really enjoying all your detailed posts - it will be sad when they come to an end.


Thanks also for explaining who "Sean" is... sounds like he's a great addition to the SDII family. Also gives me some hope that "our" Sean might be on our cruise.


Enjoy the rest of your cruise and thanks again for all your detailed reports.



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Back from Mykonos and being overrun by hordes of tired sunburned Italian tourists on their umpteenth stop of the day determined to see all of the town in less than four hours and heaven help anyone who stands in their way. Not one, not two, not three - but four other ships docked by 6 pm this afternoon creating wall to wall chaos. :eek: By time we got back to SD, Little Venice (the area near the windmills) looked like ants were teeming over the walls, it was so crowded. I can't imagine being anywhere near the island, when the record 11 cruise ships docked here last summer!


had a great dinner at a little restaurant - up the hill from the taxi square. Imagine being shaded by a lattice trellis' covered with pink bouganvilleas. surrounded by White tables and chairs, with pink cushions. One waitress was a young blond Julia Roberts look alike. Meal included fresh grilled calamari, octupus, mussels, huge shrimp, a whole grilled fish that the waitress beheaded and filleted tableside; cold marinated vegetables, rice and bread with a creamy yogurt spread. lVery nice to eat early and very picturesque until the tenders from the large ships started disgorging the hordes. Then it felt like we were eating in a fishbowl. We had to escape the chaos that Mykonos town turned into with the thousands of cruise ship visitors.


tonight's on board entertainment is Elaine Page concert under the stars. We have a short sail to Paros. Tomorrow night's entertainment will be a special performance of the Liar's Club with Daniel, Jamie, and the Captain being our Liars. Should be interesting.




P.S. - thanks CDreamer -- i too will be sad when the postings stop as it means we will be getting off SD, entering that dreaded withdrawal stage.

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High five FT for finally swimming in the Med:D


That SD service is incredible, isn't it? I just smiled when I read your hard boiled egg story... only on SD!


Will be interested to hear about dinner on Mykonos.

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Yes, definitely a high five for FT swimming in the Med. My friend aboard Seadream I is reporting cold and rainy weather, and reports that the seas are on the rough side at their first Grecian stop today (I believe they are in Cephalonia), so I am glad SDII is enjoying the beautiful weather Greece is known for.

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I have returned.....some days ago and I miss everything. I am reading frequent traveller review, and I do agree with everything. I am printing it to read it carefull and living everything for the second time. I have had a delightfull time, not only for the nice people I have met but the SeaDream experience itself.


Being in the area a few times, I have been impressed about the crew. I want to mention how remarkable they anticipate to their passenger needs, how they remember how we drink our capuccinos, and how they take care of all of us. All of them have been really professional, but I want to mention Chris, Enmanuel, and Collin.


It´s a question of details of making people to feel special: cleaning people glasses on deck, gifts on the stateroom, and many details. I found the food to be particularly stunning. French chef made a great job with all the dishes. I can´t remember of any particular dish, but some of them are remarkable as the Earl Grey Pudding, the Chocolate Silk Cake and the Olive Ice Cream on wild strawberries. I really loved the wine selection and the champagne brand was absolutely perfect. I would only appreciate a wider selection in the room service. No in suite dining.


The ship is really cozy, smart and charming. Really versitile outside decks which allows you to enjoy the pleasure of the sea, sun and wind. The noon was full in the Aegean and the wind usually mild. I was impressed about the marina deck and it´s sport facilities. In fact I do want to come back in the Caribbean to make a good time of the weather, landscape and so on. And Caviar Splash (we can´t had it over here).


I am already a real addict, and I know why. SeaDream people which makes you fell special. I have felt a really welcoming atmosphere and people eager to socialize with each other. While other luxury companies makes you feel a little bit isolated when travelling alone, I want to thank anyone which has made my holiday such a wonderfull experience.

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I have returned.....some days ago and I miss everything.


Glad that you made it home safe and sound - we miss you this week. Not quite the same fun this week with you, and the 3Ms and Greg gone.


Actually felt a couple of waves this monring and my closet door swung open - first time that's happened the entire trip. Looked out and saw - gasp- the beginnings of a whitecap. However seas are still less than a meter. Skies are overcast as we approach our stop for the day - Paros. Right now its overcast - since we are approaching the end of the trip, think I'll risk an accident and attempt another first today - a bike ride to the light house. See you later.



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Actually it was great sharing a tour with this couple from Alabama in Istambul. The tour was a little bit dissapointing, since they just took us to the airport 45 minutes before the scheduled time. The flights were quite uneventfull, although the pilot made a great job circling a storm in the vicinity of Istambul airport, with no turbulences at all.


I was fun for me too meeting you as well. Keep us informed please. I am sure, despite the little swelling, the ship rides well the waves. Have fun.

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Another beautiful day in Greece. Should be getting repetitive – but this is a “GroundHog Day” I could repeat say for another 60 days or so. Heard a loud “thunk” this morning. Couldn’t figure out if it was a large wave or perhaps the tender with a port agent arriving very early. Turns out it was the anchor being pulled up. We later learned that due to high winds we had stayed anchored within the harbor all night at Mykonos and hadn’t left until this morning (it’s a very short distance to Paros).


Arriving on time at Naoussa, winds were from such a direction that seas made it unsafe for tender operations. The Captain announced we were repositioning to the capital – Parikia. So after a short sail, we make it around 9:30 or so. First off was the tour group. About 22 went this week. I was on the next tender, along with the bicycles and the group going with the Captain and Daniel (the CA Manager) for a lengthy ( to Naoussa and back) bike ride – so I wimped out. However, Daniel said it was a “fantastic ride” I believe it took almost 3 hrs as he made it back to eat lunch as I was making my way down to kayak around 2 pm. Instead, I wandered the village. Very very scenic – white washed buildings, blue windows, doors, marble and stone streets – but not touristy. Vegetable and fruit stores intermingled with clothing and souvenir shops. Clear that this village doesn’t shut down in the winter like Mykonos. You should visit the Church of Ekatontapyliani (Our Lady of a Hundred Doors) – I think I called it 1,000 doors in a posting last week (ZQ Vol has accused me of butchering Greek history, names and geography – so please forgive me). It’s the 3rd most important Christian building in modern Greece and beautiful. Ornate icons and you can actually see the altars here - not always the cases in many Greek churches. The monk’s cell on the far left was overlooked on the tour ZQ Vol was on last week, so don’t miss it. There is a small museum on the right corridor of the monastery with some beautiful garments.


The city also has a Frank castle at the top of a hill overlooking the waterfront and the adjacent orthodox church has a cross over the entry with the original tile mosaic.


If beaches are more your style, there are several within walking distance – no more than 15 minutes each direction of the tender. I don’t recommend the one on the right as you face the beach while standing on SD, While it has umbrellas and numerous cafes the beach gets a lot of debris washed up on it.


Lunch back on SD included what I think has become ZQ Vol’s favorite soup – Kohlrabi. The buffet had crab legs and a very delicious shrimp and pasta salad. I had the calamari as an entrée. Afterwards, was about to make about 40 minutes in the kayak. Water had calmed down and it was a very quiet harbor. Actually spent almost 5 minutes in the water swimming at the end of the day. Several people made it in – but the water is so cold still, the sensation was almost stinging and it was difficult to breathe consistently to swim any distance. But hey – with the salt – you sure can float. And the sapphire blue color can’t be equaled in any pool.


The afternoon pass around was decadent – cookies and cream ice cream between two homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. And this is before another degustation menu tonight!



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headed to Liar's Club - and Captain J is threatening Amy with extra safety training duty since she talked him into signing up for this before he know what he was doing. Last time I saw Jamie he was looking for green tights and if he didn't find a suitable costume Amy was going to make him wear one of her dresses - I think know who really runs this yacht!


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A very full and fun day for you (FT) and zqvol!


Was the degustation menu different this week compared to last week's menu?



no, degustation menu was identical this week. Liar's club was hilarious. Jamie came as a Drunken Santa, Amy as the host was a UK soccer player, complete with tattoo, Daniel was Batman, and the Captain was a Rastafucian from Jamaica. All new questions and even with googling, the Brazilian team did not win. Overwurked's team - the "Sea Dream Addicts" did.


Will be with SD I tomorrow - sharing a tender, in Santorini. Cooking excursion is fully booked this week after not going last week due to lack of interest. Windstar will also be there. Unfortunately beginning at 4 p.m. , so will 4 other cruise ships - for a total of 7 at Santorini. Going to make an early start on the day. Head to the beach and then back on board to avoid the crowd on the island later.



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Googling during Liar's Club??? Is that even allowed:confused:


I think your plan for tomorrow in Santorini is a very good one! I can't imagine 7 ships calling after 4 p.m. Thank goodness you covered a lot of territory when you were there last week.


Seems from your posting that you have been staying up later than normal ... I would think you would be exhausted with all that you are cramming in during the day!


Storming here in NC ... again!

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Liars Club eh - no surprise there. It's a very talented team.


So how was my BoB? It's a team sport, so ask Mr. Overwurked (would that be Mr. UnDErPaID?) who else participated on my behalf. Were many bevvies consumed?


Still vacationing vicariously,


FlashyShoes (wore my purple pradas today)

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FT: there are at least 4 more very nice Tide fans from Alabama on Seadream I and I hope you have a chance to meet them while at anchor in Santorini. Waiting for a photo (zQ Vol) and lots of reportage (FT) from the day. xxxRolltide1

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Googling during Liar's Club??? Is that even allowed:confused:


Seems from your posting that you have been staying up later than normal ... I would think you would be exhausted with all that you are cramming in during the day!


Storming here in NC ... again!


yes, I will need a holiday when I return to recover from this holiday! On board, we are all talking about the difference between a SD voyage in the Caribbean and in the Med. Several people enjoyed lounging pool side yesterday afternoon taking the chance to rest up a bit before today's long day at Santorini. I think I'm going to actually "hike" the steps this morning . . . assuming I don't find a reason to back out again! :rolleyes:



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Pictures are very difficult for me to do on board but at the request of FT, the attached is for your viewing pleasure:





This size does not do it justice, as it is only 10% of the original size, but for all of you who know the twins see if you notice anything different.

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Thank you ZQ Vol!!! That's what I have been waiting for. Beautiful photo even if not the clarity you will show us later. We can only see that one looks at anchor and the other appears tied up to the shore.

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