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What to do about drinking age


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^^^^The cruise line will consider him 20-i.e. a minor for drinking purposes. I doubt he will be able to purchase alcohol on the ship as his S & S card will have his age available to the bartender. You could buy him his drinks, but you would have to be very discreet and if he can't hold his liquor and causes any problems at all, there could be trouble.

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Couldn't someone who was over 21 just order 2 drinks and bring one to you? I'm sure if you dont act like you just got away with murder and act all giddy nobody would think anything of it.. Just look at it as a husband getting his wife a drink or something.. or visa versa depending.


Honestly, from people's experiences (or from experiences from people they know) if someone on the ship went and ordered a drink for someone else whether on the lido deck or what, would it honestly be a problem if you don't look insanely young?


On my first I ordered a drink when we were in the theater and it went on the S&S card of the person I was with.. didn't use mine that showed I was under 21.


I'm not looking to cheat the system to get trashed I was just curious if it really is a big deal if you just wanted one. Like someone else pointed out... they kind of just want your money and if you aren't being a pain in the ass no big?

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So what does one do with a DS who will be less than three months shy of his 21st when we do our first family cruise at New Year's? Where we live, it is legal for him to drink (18) and it is also legal for minors to have a drink while in the company of their parents. So if he wants a drink will he only have the option of drinking while on shore? BTW he is 6'1 and would pass for older.


Snow bunny


What is legal is legal - what is not is not. We are legal at 19 but on the ship it is 21 so we abide - in Mexico it is based on height - so he drinks. What is legal in port - he can drink. Don't really know what the big deal is. We buy for our son on the ship - we are comfortable with that - are you. If so do it - if not - don't.

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I can safely say that I was one of those young adults who DIDN'T want to go out and get sloshed when I came of age or before. I wasn't very old when I downed a full glass 16oz of sparking wine. I got as sick as a dog and to this day, at the age of 40, I have yet to get drunk again and have no desire too. I will have enough to get happy, free, and always aware, but never past that stage...that is when I stop and start drinking water.....


At 18, he is old enough to drink in Mexico, but leave it up to him if he ask you if it is OK to get a drink or not...you may find he isn't comfortable drinking around you yet....


What they say about men is that they peak earlier than women and at 18 are as horny as they can be...so yes, all about bagging a babe and perhaps booze....

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Couldn't someone who was over 21 just order 2 drinks and bring one to you? I'm sure if you dont act like you just got away with murder and act all giddy nobody would think anything of it.. Just look at it as a husband getting his wife a drink or something.. or visa versa depending.


Honestly, from people's experiences (or from experiences from people they know) if someone on the ship went and ordered a drink for someone else whether on the lido deck or what, would it honestly be a problem if you don't look insanely young?


On my first I ordered a drink when we were in the theater and it went on the S&S card of the person I was with.. didn't use mine that showed I was under 21.


I'm not looking to cheat the system to get trashed I was just curious if it really is a big deal if you just wanted one. Like someone else pointed out... they kind of just want your money and if you aren't being a pain in the ass no big?



Reasonable people doing reasonable things are not a problem. Its when things or people become unreasonable that problems start. Carnival's drinking age rule includes this message. If someone buys drinks for a person under 21, they can both be put off the ship at the next port of call without any compensation. And that HAS been done. The likelihood of that happening when no trouble has happened is remote. But that is the rule.

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We are taking my 18 year old on his first cruise in October. So... my question is, do you let your kids drink in Mexico? We know the age on the ship is 21. But, my dh and me have differing opinions about letting him drink in Mexico. My dh feels that it may teach him about responsible, social drinking... having 1 or 2 drinks during the day and not needing to get drunk. I am not really sure what to think... I don't want him to think that drinking is okay with us when we get home since legal age is 21. What do you all think? I am probably opening myself up here to LOTS of opinions. Not trying to start a fight.


I think you are a very responsible parent. He/she probably has already had a beer or two with a friend or not... but I think he knows he has 2 very caring parents in his life. Just from reading you know there are 2 sides of the coin on the issue and of my friends also. I think you have probably already taught him responsiblity, because kids his age are already drinking and you are not having problems with him. So letting him have a drink with Mom and Dad and letting him know that one or two is different than going out and getting wasted, I think is different.. and that you never drink and drive.. there you walk or take a taxi. I do think having a small taste is better than going hog wild when getting by yourself in college for the first time. But, I know also what you mean, you will just have to talk to each other and decide by knowing your son/daughter.

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Another thing, isn't it possible for someone over 21 to buy 2 drinks and just bring them back to the room? Especially if your room is on a deck that isn't too far from a bar.. possible option? I'm nearly 20 and curious haha

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^^^Keep in mind that my husband is in his 40's. I'm not saying that they wouldn't question it if a 21 y/o was making a habit of buying 2 drinks every time they visited the bar, nor am I saying this is advised.


BUT I do believe that 20 y/o who are drinking but bring NO attention to themselves through their actions will PROBABLY not be thrown off the ship for drinking. Note the word PROBABLY.

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Let him have a few drinks!:p We let our daughter drink on our last cruise. She was 19.

The important thing is that you will be with him, and can control the amount he drinks!!

Remember it is legal on the Islands.;)

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Speaking as someone who has never been drunk in his life - because I don't like the taste of alcohol, not out of any moral issue - I don't understand why the US has such a high drinking age anyway. Back home in Australia it was 18 and despite what shows like "The Simpsons" might tell you I've seen a lot more irresponsible drinking among 18-25 year olds in my time living in the US than I did back home. I don't think an age limit difference really has any real effect except being draconian against those 18 year olds responsible enough to indulge sensibly.


And after all - the kid is 18. I'd have told my mum to go jump in the lake if she told me I couldn't do something when I was an adult.

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Speaking as someone who has never been drunk in his life - because I don't like the taste of alcohol, not out of any moral issue - I don't understand why the US has such a high drinking age anyway. Back home in Australia it was 18 and despite what shows like "The Simpsons" might tell you I've seen a lot more irresponsible drinking among 18-25 year olds in my time living in the US than I did back home. I don't think an age limit difference really has any real effect except being draconian against those 18 year olds responsible enough to indulge sensibly.


And after all - the kid is 18. I'd have told my mum to go jump in the lake if she told me I couldn't do something when I was an adult.


So your prime minister doesn't spend all day floating around in an innertube? And The Boot isn't really used for punishment?

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Another thing, isn't it possible for someone over 21 to buy 2 drinks and just bring them back to the room? Especially if your room is on a deck that isn't too far from a bar.. possible option? I'm nearly 20 and curious haha


I sure hope so.....otherwise I wouldn't have a dog in the fight about how Carnival is not just a bar but a floating hotel.......

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Speaking as someone who has never been drunk in his life - because I don't like the taste of alcohol, not out of any moral issue - I don't understand why the US has such a high drinking age anyway. Back home in Australia it was 18 and despite what shows like "The Simpsons" might tell you I've seen a lot more irresponsible drinking among 18-25 year olds in my time living in the US than I did back home. I don't think an age limit difference really has any real effect except being draconian against those 18 year olds responsible enough to indulge sensibly.


And after all - the kid is 18. I'd have told my mum to go jump in the lake if she told me I couldn't do something when I was an adult.



When and where I grew up [Centuries ago] in the US, we had a choice. The state line had 18 on one side and 21 on the other state. Our high school wasn't all that large, maybe medium large for that time. In 3 years of school we lost 27 kids in traffic 'accidents.' 9 one night, and 6 another night, all drinking and racing. And the 1's and 2's that lost their lives also all involved drinking and driving. I was as guilty as any of them, but luckier, NO SMARTER, just luckier. A few years later, the drinking age was 21 in both states and the driving age was raised as well. That kind of history might be part of the higher drinking ages.

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What is legal is legal - what is not is not. We are legal at 19 but on the ship it is 21 so we abide - in Mexico it is based on height - so he drinks. What is legal in port - he can drink. Don't really know what the big deal is. We buy for our son on the ship - we are comfortable with that - are you. If so do it - if not - don't.


I just don't want to cause any issues. He will be in a room with his 25 year old brother and they both look very much alike. I'm not sure about when they scan a card as to if a photo pops up because it wouldn't be hard for one to pass as the other. We are comfortable with our kids drinking around us and they are all very aware of drinking and driving which was alluded to by another poster. Both of my boys lost people they knew in the same accident due to a drunk driver so they are very well aware of the problems associated to this issue but neither of them will be guiding the ship!


Snow Bunny

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I just don't want to cause any issues. He will be in a room with his 25 year old brother and they both look very much alike. I'm not sure about when they scan a card as to if a photo pops up because it wouldn't be hard for one to pass as the other. We are comfortable with our kids drinking around us and they are all very aware of drinking and driving which was alluded to by another poster. Both of my boys lost people they knew in the same accident due to a drunk driver so they are very well aware of the problems associated to this issue but neither of them will be guiding the ship!


Snow Bunny


There will no be a picture popping up but if the youngest tries to order a drink with his ss card it will be flagged as under age - if older sons card is used it is okay. Our daughter was actually refused last cruise - she was 23 and looks 16 - they thought she was using someones card. After verification they must have put something on her card as she had no problem. We have to do what we are comfortable with and not what others think - we were quite comfortable and they never over did it. I am sure your sons will be fine - make sure they pay for their own drinks and they will not like paying 5 bucks a pop believe me.

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There will no be a picture popping up but if the youngest tries to order a drink with his ss card it will be flagged as under age - if older sons card is used it is okay. Our daughter was actually refused last cruise - she was 23 and looks 16 - they thought she was using someones card. After verification they must have put something on her card as she had no problem. We have to do what we are comfortable with and not what others think - we were quite comfortable and they never over did it. I am sure your sons will be fine - make sure they pay for their own drinks and they will not like paying 5 bucks a pop believe me.


I've explained to them that getting drunk on a cruise ship is probably the worst and most expensive place to do so! Not only are you paying a premium price but the idea of feeling nauseated on a moving ship likely won't be the greatest thrill of their life! As we are cruising over New Year's it is highly likely that there will be many "adults" on board who over indulge in the spirits. I won't be one of them but I am not going to refuse a cocktail if one is offered to me however I know my personal limit and will just sip it!:D


Snow Bunny

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My two cents is (cant resist) : :) I suspect that you and your husband have raised your son to be a responsible young man. I would imagine your son would appreciate having a drink or two with his mom and dad and Favortite Aunt on your cruise and would understand that when he is back in the States the laws of the United States. And when he is off to College or the Far East serving his country you might wish you would have had that drink and conversation with him. :cool:

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As you have raised him for 18 years, you likely know what's best. In my opinion, allowing him to drink socially in a controlled setting is perfectly fine. If you allow him to drink, don't make a big deal about it. He shouldn't feel like he's "getting away" with something. I can't tell you how many kids in college got completely drunk, some to the point of putting themselves in danger, because it was the first time they were free from their parents' oppression. Allowing him to see drinking as a social activity, in a responsible manner, will likely make him a more responsible drinker. Keep in mind that your experience may vary.

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  • 3 months later...
At 18, he has 'known' about drinking for 4 or 5 years now. If he doesn't already know, Mexico probably isn't the "best" school. Places like Carlos & Charlie's and Senor Frogs are more akin to a bunch of Navy sailors getting their first liberty EVER, than they are to "responsible" drinking. The drunken crowd trying to re-board the ship is some of the best entertainment in the Caribbean. I know, I've been a star of that show!! Also have been a spectator of it. Fewer headaches the next day!:D


I don't know if the son "knows" about drinking or not. As someone else said, he's already learned a lot from observing his parents drinking behavior (which to me sounds reasonable & responsible). A couple thoughts:


1. The parents aren't abdicating their parenting to the message board--they will still make the decision.

2. Asking the board's opinion may help them with their decision--let them see the question from different sides, and may bring up ideas that hadn't occurred to them. Obviously they will follow some people's advice, but not other people's advice!

3. C & C's or SF's probably aren't much worse than some of the karaoke participants on board! Our older teens frequented karaoke nights, didn't drink, of course, but observed how truly stupid people can behave--in contrast to how they would see our family (immediate & extended) behave around alcohol. Based on their comments at the time, they didn't sound eager to behave in a similar way, and haven't appeared to after reaching 21. Keeping fingers crossed for #4 (just turned 17) . . . .


Just my 2-cents worth.


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I am always confused on how many people say that the "let" or "don't let" their adult kids do something. As much as I don't "want" my 18 year old to drink, it is completely irrelevant to what he will do. Does not matter who is paying for the trip, you are no longer in any country legally responsible for them, and their actions, and decisions are theirs to make.

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I dont know what 'you should do'

I can tell you what we have done.

On our last cruise the excursion we did in Progreso included 'one beer' for those (over 18) who wished to partake at the conclusuion of the excrusion.

Our daughter is (was)20--(will be 21 next week) she does not drink at home. (yes we do know this) I told her if she wanted the 'included beer, since we were in Mexico and since it is legal there, that she could have it...(guessing she would say no) she said she 'might' and would decide after the excursion. So we did the excrusions and returnded to the cantina where we all ordered the beverage of choice (water, soda, or beer) --she followed us and ordered a Sol. (ok, I had said I would not mind) well, we took a a picture "Syds first beer in Mexico" She drank about a third of it and handed it to Doreen and said, "here you can have the rest, Ive had my first legal beer in Mexico" then she turned to me said "Thanks for letting me, now will one of you buy me a soda"

lol. Thats the suff vacations memories are made of!


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3. C & C's or SF's probably aren't much worse than some of the karaoke participants on board! Our older teens frequented karaoke nights, didn't drink, of course, but observed how truly stupid people can behave--in contrast to how they would see our family (immediate & extended) behave around alcohol. Based on their comments at the time, they didn't sound eager to behave in a similar way, and haven't appeared to after reaching 21. Keeping fingers crossed for #4 (just turned 17) . . . .


Just my 2-cents worth.



Ummm no those bars are nothing like karaoke nights on board.....not even close;)

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