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Do you order at home as you do on a ship


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Virga, I'll sit near you, ditto to what you said. I'll not be wasteful of what I've ordered and indeed, I did pay for my meal and service. Thanks to Carnival I have now tried lobster, escargot, pumpkin soup, chocolate melting cake, smoked salmon (lox), prosciutto, bitter and blanc.... I doubt I would have tried these things if in a restaurant setting - Sheesh, a lot of the things I eat on a cruise I wouldn't even know where to find it in a restaurant near me without paying another fortune.

Anyone who turns up their nose at me while ordering a second serving of whatever I want has more issues than I care to handle while on a well deserved, hard earned vacation.


I am not turning my nose up at anyone who orders things and eats them. I don't care if someone orders two of everything and eats what they order. I know it is human nature to order/eat more on vacation just as it is to drink more on vacation. I don't have any problem with that. I guess I just hate to see all that is wasted.


I know that I don't eat the same on a cruise, as at home we don't have appetizers, salad and an entrée. Most nights we don't have dessert.(Not that I need to have dessert as I am already too fat). I was only asking if those who order many things eat them or if they try them just because they can and then waste them.


I guess I just don't want to see things taken away because so many things go to waste. An example of things have changed is that in the Supper Clubs, people used to order two entrées and they were covered by the up charge. Now, at least it is my understanding, is that if you order a second entrée, there is an additional charge.


I guess I didn't explain why I was asking the things I did. Those of you I have upset, I apologize. That really wasn't my intent.

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I agree with not intentionally overordering but I also don't really see it as a waste to order something and then not eat it if you don't really like it. The "clean your plate so you don't waste it" thing has never made sense to me. How is it any less wasteful if I force myself to eat something I don't want than to throw it away. If I don't like something I'd rather put it in the garbage can than in my stomach.

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I am not turning my nose up at anyone who orders things and eats them. I don't care if someone orders two of everything and eats what they order. I know it is human nature to order/eat more on vacation just as it is to drink more on vacation. I don't have any problem with that. I guess I just hate to see all that is wasted.


I know that I don't eat the same on a cruise, as at home we don't have appetizers, salad and an entrée. Most nights we don't have dessert.(Not that I need to have dessert as I am already too fat). I was only asking if those who order many things eat them or if they try them just because they can and then waste them.


I guess I just don't want to see things taken away because so many things go to waste. An example of things have changed is that in the Supper Clubs, people used to order two entrées and they were covered by the up charge. Now, at least it is my understanding, is that if you order a second entrée, there is an additional charge.


I guess I didn't explain why I was asking the things I did. Those of you I have upset, I apologize. That really wasn't my intent.


The point is, as I said before, the food is going to either be eaten or thrown out at the end of the cruise anyway. If they have 5,000 pork chops and serve 4,000, the other 1,000 go in the dumpster when they get back to port. So it doesn't really matter if someone orders it, takes a bite, and they throw it away-- or if a passenger doesn't order it, it sits in the fridge and they throw it away when they get back to port. So the whole 'don't be wasteful' argument doesn't really have legs.

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Absolutely not. I order substantially less at home. I don't like doggy bags. I order more courses and selections on a cruise. It's one of the things I like about cruising. If how I eat bothers you, please feel free to move to another table.

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The point is, as I said before, the food is going to either be eaten or thrown out at the end of the cruise anyway. If they have 5,000 pork chops and serve 4,000, the other 1,000 go in the dumpster when they get back to port. So it doesn't really matter if someone orders it, takes a bite, and they throw it away-- or if a passenger doesn't order it, it sits in the fridge and they throw it away when they get back to port. So the whole 'don't be wasteful' argument doesn't really have legs.

Kind of agree with one small caveat. If they consistently threw away food under your scenario, then they would order less (theoretically).

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Kind of agree with one small caveat. If they consistently threw away food under your scenario, then they would order less (theoretically).


Certainly, in a best case scenario that would be the case. But obviously the load of food they carry is what they consider average (with a little overage I'm sure) to take care of all the passengers for the duration. Good luck getting every cruiser across the board to start eating less consistantly, that would take an act of God:)

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I only order things I think I will like, but I order way more than I would at a restaurant paying. I wouldn't order an appetizer, soup, salad, entree, dessert, cappucino at a restaurant. Too expensive! But on a cruise, I'll order what ever I feel like. I try not to be wasteful though.


I do the same thing, and it is a great time to try something new. Last year I had strawberry ( cold )

soup for the first time. I would never order it in a restaurant for fear that I would not like it and had to pay for it.

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This is a good question. For the most part, my main entree pick is always something I would pick at a restaurant at home. Normally we do not order appetizers at restaurants as its costly and we dont need the added calories. I do enjoy the shrimp cocktails on the ship though, I order those if available because I do love shrimp.I also like the fresh fruit if its available as an appetizers. I only get what interests me, not just because its there.

I do get dessert every night on the ship, and not at home. Dessert/chocolate is my guilty pleasure;)

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Looking at this a different way, how many times have you heard from your waiter, this is the time to try things you are not sure you will like, experiment a little. Also most always when I am deciding between 2 items, if the waiter knows this, you get both no matter which one you actually ordered.


On our last cruise, I ordered shrimp cocktail the first night and received one every night for the rest of the cruise in addition to what I ordered. Plus he always brought extra desserts saving they were for an emergency...

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I do not order multiple entrees on the ship, nor do I order every course. I can not believe people think the serving sizes are too small, they seem like normal sizes to me. Although, in the states , restaurants do give much too large portions.

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When you decide to go on a cruise, you do so with the understanding of how the restuarants work. why stress over this topic? The cruise markets the food as mostly an inclusive eat what you want experience.


People are different and they will enjoy their cruise differently. They will dress, behave, and eat differently. That is what makes cruises popular, something for every one. If you get hungup watching what others are eating, you may have the same problems watching their fashions and their behavior. I tend to eat a small breakfast and lunch and very big dinner, that is my choice.


The secret is to enjoy your cruise. Live and let live.




Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want.


This statement is the one the OP made that got folks riled up. Yes, we should be able to to eat whatever we want.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


First of all, you're making a judgement when you say people are "wasting" food by ordering more than one entree. Someone can order just one entree and not finish it. Would you criticize them for wasting food?


Secondly, whether you order one entree or a dozen entrees on a cruise ship, you've already paid your fare and it's included in the price. In a restaurant, it's not. So no of COURSE people don't order like that in restaurants. Why would they?


Thirdly, it's your vacation. Do what you feel comfortable with. My husband, son and I often order our entree and then one more to share between the three of us. And on lobster night I also order a steak and make surf and turf. I don't consider myself a pig nor do I consider myself wasting food if I happen to leave a morsel over. If you don't want to order more than one entree, then don't. Nobody will judge you for it.


I hope that answers your question.

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I do not order multiple entrees on the ship, nor do I order every course. I can not believe people think the serving sizes are too small, they seem like normal sizes to me. Although, in the states , restaurants do give much too large portions.


I cant believe people think that everyone thinks and or should think the way they do.


Sometimes I can eat like a bottomless pit and others regardless of the food Im full after a few bites.


Im sorry you cant believe that there are people out there that are different then you.

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The point is, as I said before, the food is going to either be eaten or thrown out at the end of the cruise anyway. If they have 5,000 pork chops and serve 4,000, the other 1,000 go in the dumpster when they get back to port. So it doesn't really matter if someone orders it, takes a bite, and they throw it away-- or if a passenger doesn't order it, it sits in the fridge and they throw it away when they get back to port. So the whole 'don't be wasteful' argument doesn't really have legs.


Sure it does. If everyone started being less wasteful, Carnival would notice that they're only using 4000 pork chops a week now vs 5000 and they'll stop buying 5000 pork chops for a sailing. It's the "Everybody else is doing it so, why should I stop" mentality that makes it so that will never happen. There is no issue with people eating more food than normal, but those that order a bunch of entrees when they only want a few bites of each truly disgust me.

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Sure it does. If everyone started being less wasteful, Carnival would notice that they're only using 4000 pork chops a week now vs 5000 and they'll stop buying 5000 pork chops for a sailing. It's the "Everybody else is doing it so, why should I stop" mentality that makes it so that will never happen. There is no issue with people eating more food than normal, but those that order a bunch of entrees when they only want a few bites of each truly disgust me.



i tend to agree with you, but good luck convincing the masses about waste. i hate to throw out food from my own refridgerator. i was always taught "waste not want not." but not everyone feels this way. it's a personal peeve of mine, but one i keep to myself while on vacation.

one would think carnival could find a use for all the leftover food that's thrown out. pending it's still edible.

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Sure it does. If everyone started being less wasteful, Carnival would notice that they're only using 4000 pork chops a week now vs 5000 and they'll stop buying 5000 pork chops for a sailing. It's the "Everybody else is doing it so, why should I stop" mentality that makes it so that will never happen. There is no issue with people eating more food than normal, but those that order a bunch of entrees when they only want a few bites of each truly disgust me.


You SERIOUSLY think that EVERYONE that cruises is going to start eating less. I think you are fooling yourself if you think there's ever a remote chance of that happening. Lets try to be realistic here.

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When we order at home the majority of the time my family will order 3-4 appetizers and share them. This usually fills us all up as we eat as much as we want with rarely any left overs (DH & DS usually eat 3/4 of it with DD and I eating about a 1/4 or less). If anyone is still hungry we will order a desert to split, but that is rare. On occassion, when we order seperate meals, we usually do not order appetizers or deserts. I can normally eat less than 1/2 my meal and give the rest to DS or DH or have it boxed up for them to eat at home later.


On a cruise I always have 1-2 appetizers, eat 1 roll, eat 1/2 my entree and 1/2 my desert. DH or DS normally finish my entree and DD normally finishes my desert (she has the sweet tooth). I usually walk away feeling great...Everyone else is too stuffed to move. I am overweight and try hard to monitor what I eat but the majority of my problem is lack of exercise (who has time?) Too those of you who judge people by their weight...appearances can be decieving. DS(16) is 6'7" and weighs 165 lbs. He eats 3-4x what I do and his ribs stick out like he's starving (which he definately is not). Maybe you should just pay attention to what you are eating and not worry what anyone else has on their plate or plates.

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You SERIOUSLY think that EVERYONE that cruises is going to start eating less. I think you are fooling yourself if you think there's ever a remote chance of that happening. Lets try to be realistic here.


Maybe one day people will start to frown on this sort of behavior more and just maybe shame those people into not being wasteful jerks.


If nobody was ever willing to be the first to say "enough", then nothing would ever change.


Maybe I'm too much of an optimist!

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First of all, you're making a judgement when you say people are "wasting" food by ordering more than one entree. Someone can order just one entree and not finish it. Would you criticize them for wasting food?


Secondly, whether you order one entree or a dozen entrees on a cruise ship, you've already paid your fare and it's included in the price. In a restaurant, it's not. So no of COURSE people don't order like that in restaurants. Why would they?


Thirdly, it's your vacation. Do what you feel comfortable with. My husband, son and I often order our entree and then one more to share between the three of us. And on lobster night I also order a steak and make surf and turf. I don't consider myself a pig nor do I consider myself wasting food if I happen to leave a morsel over. If you don't want to order more than one entree, then don't. Nobody will judge you for it.


I hope that answers your question.


I think OP was more asking about people like the person who said her husband ordered 21 lobster tails. That's wasteful, not matter how you slice it. And some people on that same thread said they order 1 of everything, take 1 bite, and send the rest back. That's also wasteful. I don't care if they throw it all away at the end of the cruise anyway. As someone else said, maybe if so much food wasn't wasted by the pax, not as much would need to be ordered in the first place.


Most reasonable people wouldn't think someone was being a pig for ordering 2 or 3 entrees or apps. It's the "I can do what I want because I'm on vacation" mentality that can get disgusting.

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Maybe one day people will start to frown on this sort of behavior more and just maybe shame those people into not being wasteful jerks.


If nobody was ever willing to be the first to say "enough", then nothing would ever change.


Maybe I'm too much of an optimist!


I certainly agree with you that the waste we generate, on ships and in our society in general, is obscene. I DO think you'er being overly optimistic thinking that will ever change, especially on cruise ships. Our society as a whole is driven by consumption.


What's the first thing people say to you when you get back from a cruise? 'How was the food? Did you gain any weight? I bet you ate a ton!' Its just the nature of the industry. And by the way, if the cruise line ever did start cutting back on how much food they stock, can you imagine the outraged that would be unleashed by passengers the first time the MD comes out and says "Sorry folks, I know it's only the 5th night of a 7 night cruise, but we just ran out of shrimp. Sorry. You'll have to order something else, we're also low on Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. We have like 10 left, first come first serve." See how that works out for everyone.

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I only order things I think I will like, but I order way more than I would at a restaurant paying. I wouldn't order an appetizer, soup, salad, entree, dessert, cappucino at a restaurant. Too expensive! But on a cruise, I'll order what ever I feel like. I try not to be wasteful though.


This is what I do... but I am more willing to try new things on a cruise because if I don't like it I can always get something that I do like. Never tried escargot until I sailed... and certainly wouldn't have tried it in a restaurant paying for it out of my own pocket. Now I love it. :D

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Maybe one day people will start to frown on this sort of behavior more and just maybe shame those people into not being wasteful jerks.


If nobody was ever willing to be the first to say "enough", then nothing would ever change.


Maybe I'm too much of an optimist!


No one is going to be able to shame me into eating something I don't like the taste of. What's the point of holding my nose and gagging something down just to appease someone else. :o But if you are sitting at my table you are welcome to eat it if you don't want to see it go to "waste".

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