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Will all foods with Splenda be noted as "Diet"


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I have a sensitivity to Splenda (it causes a rash and headaches) and have been hearing that Carnival offers "Diet" desserts that have Splenda in them. I don't eat anything diet because I don't like artificial sweeteners of any kind but Splenda is my main concern.


My question is, if I avoid all "diet" foods will I be able to avoid Splenda or is it in some foods that are not marked "diet"?


Thanks in advance,


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I have a sensitivity to Splenda (it causes a rash and headaches) and have been hearing that Carnival offers "Diet" desserts that have Splenda in them. I don't eat anything diet because I don't like artificial sweeteners of any kind but Splenda is my main concern.


My question is, if I avoid all "diet" foods will I be able to avoid Splenda or is it in some foods that are not marked "diet"?


Thanks in advance,


I would think if something had artificial sweetner in it, it would say so, I also do not like artificial sweetners because of the funky aftertaste that seems to stay for a long time, hopefully someone here knows for sure, or maybe you can get the answer on the Carnival site in faq's

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I would think if something had artificial sweetner in it, it would say so, I also do not like artificial sweetners because of the funky aftertaste that seems to stay for a long time, hopefully someone here knows for sure, or maybe you can get the answer on the Carnival site in faq's


I agree about the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners. So gross! Some people swear they can't taste it. And besides the taste, research is showing that stuff is really bad for you and is associated with all kinds of illnesses like Fibromyalgia, MS, Alzheimers, etc. The symptoms are so widespread and it's often difficult for doctors to determine the cause so unless you're familiar with the dangers of 'excitotoxins' most people have no idea they're harming themselves by eating the stuff.

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I have a sensitivity to Splenda (it causes a rash and headaches) and have been hearing that Carnival offers "Diet" desserts that have Splenda in them. I don't eat anything diet because I don't like artificial sweeteners of any kind but Splenda is my main concern.


My question is, if I avoid all "diet" foods will I be able to avoid Splenda or is it in some foods that are not marked "diet"?


Thanks in advance,



You need to let the special diets area know. More an more restaurants are replacing at least part of the sugar in many recipes with artificial sweeteners. You cannot be sure that any food, including sauces does nto contain Splenda.

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Ok so my sister can't eat gluton, it was an easy thing. You contact guest services before the cruise, they make sure there is a person assigned to going over the menu with you the night before to make sure you avoid that which you can't have.

They are really awesome at it.

Another thing I suggest is that since you never know, don't leave home without benedryl, and maybe you should be carrying an epipen. Allergies (rash would be a huge clue that you do indeed have an allergy) can worsen, so an epipen would be a good insurance that in case of the worst you will be ok.

Cheers, Carole

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It will say SF ... nothing else will be noted.


If you dont want artifical sweeterners, just dont eat the SF desserts. simple.


I cant imagine myself calling to tell them this ... I would simply not eat SF desserts??!!

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I have a sensitivity to Splenda (it causes a rash and headaches) and have been hearing that Carnival offers "Diet" desserts that have Splenda in them. I don't eat anything diet because I don't like artificial sweeteners of any kind but Splenda is my main concern.


My question is, if I avoid all "diet" foods will I be able to avoid Splenda or is it in some foods that are not marked "diet"?


Thanks in advance,



If not, I hope anything spiked with that poison are marked. My family thinks I'm nuts, because I insist Splenda does a number on my digestive system. "It's natural, it couldn't cause that" they say. No, it's not. It's poison, just like aspartame & saccharin.


Sounds like you're more sensitive to Splenda than I am, & I'm sorry to hear that, but I am glad to find out that I'm not the only one who reacts negatively to it.


It's better to avoid anything marked "diet" &/or "low/no fat" & just eat less of food that has the real thing in it.


on edit: someone posted the 7 day menus & I noticed on the Spa Carnival menu that desserts made with artificial sweeteners were marked.

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It will say SF ... nothing else will be noted.


If you dont want artifical sweeterners, just dont eat the SF desserts. simple.


I cant imagine myself calling to tell them this ... I would simply not eat SF desserts??!!

Maybe true firefly but a rash indicates a allergy, why take a chance something might have splenda in it that you don't even think of? Not all things are labeled, I'd rather be sure than sorry.

If it just gave you a headache, or you simply couldn't stand it, that's one thing, a rash is a harbinger of other possible reactions. There is a reason why doctors don't prescribe something again if it gives someone a rash.

Contacting guest services gives her an extra cushion just in case.

I'm a better safe than sorry person :-)


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I don't recall ever seeing any food on board listed as "diet". They do have the "spa" menu that is prepared to more healthy standards. I asked the head chef on the Fantasy (Behind the Fun Tour) about the foods prepared "sugar free" and was told that they are using Granulated Splenda in all the sugar free dishes. I have been using Spenda for several years and cannot stand the taste of the other brands.

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If not, I hope anything spiked with that poison are marked. My family thinks I'm nuts, because I insist Splenda does a number on my digestive system. "It's natural, it couldn't cause that" they say. No, it's not. It's poison, just like aspartame & saccharin.


Sounds like you're more sensitive to Splenda than I am, & I'm sorry to hear that, but I am glad to find out that I'm not the only one who reacts negatively to it.


It's better to avoid anything marked "diet" &/or "low/no fat" & just eat less of food that has the real thing in it.


Your family is wrong and you are right, Splenda is NOT natural.

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You need to let the special diets area know. More an more restaurants are replacing at least part of the sugar in many recipes with artificial sweeteners. You cannot be sure that any food, including sauces does nto contain Splenda.

Well if that is true I think people should be made aware of this.

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Well if that is true I think people should be made aware of this.


Very true, because it isn't just Splenda that causes problems. Aspartame can be even worse to some people. I don't know what it would do to me, but since I can not only taste it, but smell it, in stuff like Diet Coke, I don't want to find out. :eek:

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I also have a reaction to Splenda (plus I think it tastes nasty - way worse than aspartame.) I get an awful metallic taste in my mouth followed by shaking for several hours. Scary stuff. I have to read labels constantly as they are slipping it in darn near everything now. I bought whole wheat English muffins a while back and sure enough - Splenda of all things in them (also listed as sucralose on labels.) Have also found it in a lot of low-fat salad dressings.


I've never had an issue on the ships but have stayed away from the diet desserts.


LOL on the "all natural" thing. When Splenda first came out my mother raved over it and told me "it's all natural - only one molecule away from sugar!" I looked at her for a minute and said, "Hydrogen peroxide is only one molecule away from water. Would you like a glass?" :p

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....they are slipping it in darn near everything now. ......(also listed as sucralose on labels.)


No kidding. I tried switching to another form of my allergy nose spray and noticed it seemed to "taste" sweet. Sure enough, exactly the same ingredients but they added sucralose! Aggghhh!!


I don't have the immediate reactions that you all have mentioned but when I tried a few years ago switching to Diet Coke with Splenda, after about a month I was having extreme joint pains, almost to the point of not being able to get out of bed in the morning. I did some research and found that others had similar reactions. Stopped the Splenda and was back to normal in a week. It is NOT for everyone!



LOL on the "all natural" thing. When Splenda first came out my mother raved over it and told me "it's all natural - only one molecule away from sugar!" I looked at her for a minute and said, "Hydrogen peroxide is only one molecule away from water. Would you like a glass?" :p


ROFLMAO!! I am going to steal this!:D

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No kidding. I tried switching to another form of my allergy nose spray and noticed it seemed to "taste" sweet. Sure enough, exactly the same ingredients but they added sucralose! Aggghhh!!


I don't have the immediate reactions that you all have mentioned but when I tried a few years ago switching to Diet Coke with Splenda, after about a month I was having extreme joint pains, almost to the point of not being able to get out of bed in the morning. I did some research and found that others had similar reactions. Stopped the Splenda and was back to normal in a week. It is NOT for everyone!





ROFLMAO!! I am going to steal this!:D


Steal away! :D People fall for the all natural crap way too much. Plenty of "all natural" things out there that will kill you. Or at least hurt. Poison ivy anyone? Splenda was using the "one molecule away from sugar" thing to market it when it first came out. It sounds good, but if you have any basic chemistry knowledge you know that one molecule is all it takes to make a VERY different substance. :p

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The thing is Splenda is NOT natural. Not sure where that misconception came into play but for some reason many people seem to think it is.


Maybe confusing it with Stevia?? (I've not tried that but it is an apparently an herbal sweetener.)

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I agree about the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners. So gross! Some people swear they can't taste it. And besides the taste, research is showing that stuff is really bad for you and is associated with all kinds of illnesses like Fibromyalgia, MS, Alzheimers, etc. The symptoms are so widespread and it's often difficult for doctors to determine the cause so unless you're familiar with the dangers of 'excitotoxins' most people have no idea they're harming themselves by eating the stuff.


When you have a child or a loved one that has diabetes, you are thankful that those products are available for them to enjoy. I would like to see some scientific studies and medical reports stating that Splenda or any other artificial sweetener causes those diseases you mentioned. If it were so, I am sure the Feds would be on the manufacturers like crazy. If you're sensitive to those products and not sure of what's in the food you eat, best to steer clear.

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I very rarely use artificial sweeteners, but when I do, in home-made Mojitos or iced tea, I have been using Truvia packs, which is the brand name for the leaves used from the Stevia plant. It is actually quite good.

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SF items (desserts) are marked on the menu and on the dessert tray if you ask they will tell you which one is SF.


Just dont order those. Carnival isnt putting splenda in regular food to save on calories.


People sound so paranoid here. .. just dont eat it if you dont want to. At home read the package before you buy it. Splenda is usually marked on the product too, not just in the ingrediants.

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When you have a child or a loved one that has diabetes, you are thankful that those products are available for them to enjoy. I would like to see some scientific studies and medical reports stating that Splenda or any other artificial sweetener causes those diseases you mentioned. If it were so, I am sure the Feds would be on the manufacturers like crazy. If you're sensitive to those products and not sure of what's in the food you eat, best to steer clear.


The food manufacturers have lobbyists that enable them to get FDA approval even with studies that indicate a possible problem. There are many examples of this. And if you go to Splenda's website you will see all of the answers regarding the safety of the product have a disclaimer that's says no "known" problems. Of course, they are the ones doing the research and their objective is to NOT find problems with the product so when they find indications of a problem they go in the other direction rather than pursuing something that will PROVE there's a problem and thus they have to take their product off the market. And no one else has the funding to thoroughly research it to PROVE there is a problem. These are fake substances engineered to fool the body into not being metabolized so they will provide zero calories. But with re: to diabetics there are studies that indicate artificial sweeteners, while not metablized the same as sugar, they do still have an affect on blood sugar and insulin levels because they trick the pancreas. Trying to fool the body with these fake foods is not the best plan imo.


But hey, I'm not going to try to convince anyone of this. The info is out there, research it further if you're concerned and if not, feel free to eat the stuff. I'm not. But if you ever have an imflammatory disease like Lupus, MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, etc. I strongly recommend you read more about it. My Mom has Lupus and cutting out artifical sweeteners caused the disease to go into remission and allowed her to get off all medications. There are lots and lots of examples of other people having the same results.


Thank you so much to everyone for the great suggestions on how to handle the Splenda situation. I will contact Carnival to check and see what's safe for me to eat. I appreciate everyone's help.


Francie :)

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Many years ago the F.D.A. banned sacciren from the USA because of rumors like the ones some people our using on this thread,only to reverse themselfs 20 years later; when they addmitted that there was nothing in any tests that upheld the claims that were made about sacciren

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Many years ago the F.D.A. banned sacciren from the USA because of rumors like the ones some people our using on this thread,only to reverse themselfs 20 years later; when they addmitted that there was nothing in any tests that upheld the claims that were made about sacciren


Monsanto owns the rights to saccharin and Nutrasweet. And Saccharin does cause bladder cancer in rats. But they did further research and found that humans are different than rats (duh) and now they know it doesn't cause bladder cancer in humans. But that still doesn't mean it's safe. Since it's been proven it causes bladder cancer in rats but not in humans it makes sense that it could cause other types of cancer in humans that doesn't show up in rats because again rats and humans aren't exactly alike. Yet we take these substances that have been proven safe in rats and we assume it's safe for humans.


Also, Monsanto also spent over $8 million dollars on lobbying last year and over $8 million lobbying in 2008. Ever wonder why they need to spend so much money lobbying??


Anyway, like I said, your choice but if you run into health problems down the road it's something to consider.

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SF items (desserts) are marked on the menu and on the dessert tray if you ask they will tell you which one is SF.


Just dont order those. Carnival isnt putting splenda in regular food to save on calories.


People sound so paranoid here. .. just dont eat it if you dont want to. At home read the package before you buy it. Splenda is usually marked on the product too, not just in the ingrediants.


It's not paranoia if you react poorly to it. And no, sadly it isn't always marked as Splenda. More and more i find that I start getting the shaking after eating something, go check the ingredients and discover sucralose hidden in there with no mention anywhere of artificial sweeteners or Splenda. This isn't just sweet stuff, either.


I'm not saying don't eat it for others. My mother and MIL are both diabetic and love the stuff. But for those of us who react to it we have to be very careful because it's being used more and more in regular, everyday items like bread, salad dressings, I even discovered it's now in Listerine. Thankfully I don't ingest that. I've also found it in some juice drinks like the V8 fusion drinks. And it's not just a matter of reading labels once and thinking you are safe - several products have changed the formulation and I realized it when I reacted. Checked the old package I had of something and no sucralose, new one had it. :(

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Splenda doesnt give me any adverse reactions, so as a borderline diabetic, I am happy to have the option of a sugar free dessert, especially when on a cruise, where one tends to overdo the calories. I do understand however if a person has adverse reaction to it, that they would want to avoid it.


I cant imagine why they, ( Carnival ) would want to make food on the standard menu's with splenda. The only reason would be to make it lower calorie or low/zero sugar, therefore, should only be found on the "spa" menu. My advice is just to avoid the spa menu, and anything labled low calorie, or sugarfree at the Lido buffet. If you are very concerned then I would address my concerns to the cruiseline directly.


Have a great cruise.:)

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