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Is it ok to share a beverage package?

Mr. Luckytoo

Is it acceptable to share a beverage package?  

399 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it acceptable to share a beverage package?

    • It is never ok, it's theft
    • It's not right but sharing a drink a few times is ok
    • Its ok because I don't drink that much everyday
    • I know it's probably not ok but I'll probably share with my spouse
    • It's ok because Celebrity makes enough money
    • I never reall thought about it

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Yes I do. I've broken the speed limit.


There you go. And some people might consider it much worse to break speeding laws than to share a drink on someone else's drink card. After all, your speeding to work could endanger someone else and even result in an accidental death of an innocent bystander. And it's doubtful anyone will die if someone uses their card to get their spouse a drink. Again, I'm not condoning sharing I'm just pointing out that all of us may want to examine our own actions and perfect ourselves first before riding around on a moral high horse judging others.

Edited by paulandfran
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Question: At what point does the beverage in question stop belonging to the cruise ship and begin belonging to my husband? They say that possession is 9/10 of the law.


What belongs to my husband is his to dispose of - right? Can he pour it in the drain? Can he leave it on the table untouched? We have a marriage contract and his is mine too! Likewise, I am sure :D

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There you go. And some people might consider it much worse to break speeding laws than to share a drink on someone else's drink card. After all, your speeding to work could endanger someone else and even result in an accidental death of an innocent bystander. And it's doubtful anyone will die if someone uses their card to get their spouse a drink. Again, I'm not condoning sharing I'm just pointing out that all of us may want to examine our own actions and perfect ourselves first before riding around on a moral high horse judging others.


Fran I won't dispute with you that certain 'law breaking' activities are worse than others. I also won't get into another more analogies either.


What I can say is that comparing one wrong to another wrong leads down that gray slippery slope. Bad behavior doesn't justify bad behavior - even on a relative scale.


Now back to the issue at hand - the alcohol package. [Disclaimer] I won't be purchasing a package simply because I don't drink more than 2 glasses of wine with dinner and my wife can't drink alcohol (medical condition). So for me this has been an academic/interest thread. However I want this program to be successful for =X= and I want it to continue for passegers who like it.

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What I can say is that comparing one wrong to another wrong leads down that gray slippery slope. Bad behavior doesn't justify bad behavior - even on a relative scale.


Now back to the issue at hand - the alcohol package. [Disclaimer] I won't be purchasing a package simply because I don't drink more than 2 glasses of wine with dinner and my wife can't drink alcohol (medical condition). So for me this has been an academic/interest thread. However I want this program to be successful for =X= and I want it to continue for passegers who like it.


I think labeling someone a thief based on your own judgment of what is and isn't acceptable (ex. some think one sip makes you a thief, someone else half a drink, someone else 2 drinks and so on) this is what leads to the gray slippery slope. And that has been my point all along. Let Celebrity manage and monitor their program and let us cruisers refrain from labeling and namecalling. jmo.


I also won't purchase the alcohol package because even with hubby and I sharing (which I wouldn't do anyway) but even if we shared we wouldn't get our money's worth.


But it does bring up an interesting point. So many here are worried that sharing will cause Celebrity to pull the plug on this. Well, I think you should also be worried about those who order a lot of drinks. Because in the end Celebrity would rather have a person who buys one drink card and shares with their spouse if they drink say 2 drinks each per day (28 total on a 7 day cruise) vs. someone who buys a drink card and doesn't share but drinks 12 drinks a day (84 drinks total on a 7 day cruise).


Celebrity isn't worried about the morality of sharing drinks on a drink card. They care about the bottom line and will pull the program if it hurts profitability. Period.

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I really am starting to regret booking my first cruise with Celebrity.....I think life is too short to be worrying about what everyone else is up to........ I came on this site for imformation and ideas.... not to be preached to by what was stated above ' the better than the norm people'

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I remember back in the early 90's when soda, tea, water, and coffee were free on the ship. If my husband sips my drink, or I his, I don't see the problem. We will, of course, both have different packages.


A Question for the panel of judges...


Would this scenario be considered stealing too? Or would this be ok since they both have packages?

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I really am starting to regret booking my first cruise with Celebrity.....I think life is too short to be worrying about what everyone else is up to........ I came on this site for imformation and ideas.... not to be preached to by what was stated above ' the better than the norm people'


Just remember, not everyone on here preaches:D:):D ..and don't

have regrets...its a message board and there are always differences

about every topic. Happens on every forum.

And once you get on board? You will have a blast;)

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I really am starting to regret booking my first cruise with Celebrity.....I think life is too short to be worrying about what everyone else is up to........ I came on this site for imformation and ideas.... not to be preached to by what was stated above ' the better than the norm people'


Of all of the posts on all of these boards, you pick this post to stop you from thinking about a good time on your cruise??? There are just too many positive posts to dwell on;)

Edited by FinelyCruising
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I really am starting to regret booking my first cruise with Celebrity.....Celebrity is a good choice


I think life is too short to be worrying about what everyone else is up to........ I agree.


I came on this site for imformation and ideas....You'll find lots of information and ideas here.


not to be preached to by what was stated above ' the better than the norm people'.....there's an ignore feature you can use to block individual posters and you'll also learn which threads suit your tastes so you can skip ones that don't.



Happy Cruising!

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  • 7 months later...
Question: At what point does the beverage in question stop belonging to the cruise ship and begin belonging to my husband? They say that possession is 9/10 of the law.


What belongs to my husband is his to dispose of - right? Can he pour it in the drain? Can he leave it on the table untouched? We have a marriage contract and his is mine too! Likewise, I am sure :D


I agree with you. I just graduated from the Police Academy and am currently looking for a job:) However, I know many people disagree with our feelings pertaining to the "sharing" beverage packages but I do not think it is right for cruise lines to charge people $224/PERSON for a 5day beverage package deal. I think you bring up a good point by stating "what is his is mine". I'm not saying it is neither the right thing or not the right thing to do by sharing but I don't think it's to big of a deal and WILL NOT effect the prices of the packages or the cruise line a bit to dish out a couple extra drinks (which they still profit from). I know this is a highly debatable topic and creates much drama, but have you ever shared a package? And if so how did it turn out? Also I wonder what people feel about if someone was to order a drink package and not like the drink they received whether it is better to dump it down the drain or give it to someone who does not have a package and utilize the drink? I myself would rather see it be put to use (same with leftover food from businesses), however in the business case it is not allowed do to the health laws. Please leave some feedback. Thanks and HAPPY Cruising!

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My feedback-- did we really have to dredge this chestnut up again?:eek:


IMO, it's all been said, but if anyone has anything new to add, go for it.


BTW, welcome to Cruise Critic!


Kelby08, sorry that my comments above came off as a little harsh. This topic was very contentious back in August, and my first reaction was, "Do we really want to go there again?" I didn't realize this was your first post.


Anything is a legitimate topic for discussion, I just don't think I want to get back into this one for a while.

Edited by PartyAllDaTyme
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Kelby08, you may not think it's right for Celebrity to charge what it does, but that's the price they have set. If you pay it, abide by it.


In my town there are a number of "all you can eat buffets". One charges twice as much as the other. When we go there, we don't try to share our plates, we each get our own plate. That's the deal. If we didn't want to pay the price, we would go elsewhere. Maybe they charge too much, maybe not. But there's a convenience factor, location, opening times, other services, and we choose to pay it. Others don't, and they eat in other locations.


That's kind of what's happening here. They have an offer. You may think it's too expensive. Don't buy it. Pay by the drink, and at the end, you will know if the package would have been a bargain or not.

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I agree with you. I just graduated from the Police Academy and am currently looking for a job:) However, I know many people disagree with our feelings pertaining to the "sharing" beverage packages but I do not think it is right for cruise lines to charge people $224/PERSON for a 5day beverage package deal. I think you bring up a good point by stating "what is his is mine". I'm not saying it is neither the right thing or not the right thing to do by sharing but I don't think it's to big of a deal and WILL NOT effect the prices of the packages or the cruise line a bit to dish out a couple extra drinks (which they still profit from). I know this is a highly debatable topic and creates much drama, but have you ever shared a package? And if so how did it turn out? Also I wonder what people feel about if someone was to order a drink package and not like the drink they received whether it is better to dump it down the drain or give it to someone who does not have a package and utilize the drink? I myself would rather see it be put to use (same with leftover food from businesses), however in the business case it is not allowed do to the health laws. Please leave some feedback. Thanks and HAPPY Cruising!


It's not highly debatable. There's right, and there's wrong.


I don't go to an all-you-can-eat buffet and pay for one person, then let my husband eat the food I can't finish because I didn't like it or I took too much, or whatever excuse exists - and giving him the food is considered theft by the justice system.


If you graduated from the police academy, are you saying that if a restaurant owner called you because someone stole food from them in the manner I described above, you'd refuse to arrest them? The DA might want to discuss that with you.

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Isn't the recent police academy graduate the same posted who likened the sharing of a beverage package to a Robin Hood analogy of robbing the rich?


It's odd. It says this was his first post today but his SN was ringing a bell for me, too.

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I got off the Solstice a couple of weeks ago and yes I'm guilty of it. Whoops. Hey they still HIT you with a gratuity every time so the bartenders and servers are not being effected by it. How is it stealing? I grab a drink then run to a different bar and get one for my family member. I still have to run all over the ship, which is a pain in the tail. I paid the classic package and when all said and done I paid like 360$ still the package was like 270$ So 90$ in gratuitys. But its still better then when i paid by the drink and my bar tab was 430$


Whats stealing is how many people buy the drink package and end up drinking half of what I did and the Cruiseline pockets the money. Its how you look at it. And I gurantee you that happens 10 times more then when I did it 3 times because its such a pain to do it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Kellix
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I would like to point something out too those who seem to condone this.


2 European lines have had packages a lot longer than all the american ones. They have now gone to only selling packages if everyone in the cabin has the same one simply because they found too many people were sharing. End result the packages not only became more expensive but now EVERYONE in the same cabin or on the same booking number has to have the same package. The only difference they allow is that children pay less since they don't include alcohol. They won't even allow adults to opt out of the alcoholic package anymore simply because some bought one package with alcohol and the other without and shared.


Bottom line is the lines are not stupid and since all packages are swiped and registered (yes I had several pages of 0000 on my last bill) They will notice who shares and if this gets out of hand then there will be some sort of sanction be it indivídual (make you pony up for the extra package) or all of us in that they drop the packages completely or they become even more expensive.


This is perhaps a thought to bear in mind when contemplating such a step.


@ the person who pointed out all you can eat buffets - it isn't really the same thing because you cannot pay for one at such venues and bring your partner along to eat from your plate can you??? I assume you are presented with a bill for who ever sits at the table and eats.

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I got off the Solstice a couple of weeks ago and yes I'm guilty of it. Whoops. Hey they still HIT you with a gratuity every time so the bartenders and servers are not being effected by it. How is it stealing? I grab a drink then run to a different bar and get one for my family member. I still have to run all over the ship, which is a pain in the tail. I paid the classic package and when all said and done I paid like 360$ still the package was like 270$ So 90$ in gratuitys. But its still better then when i paid by the drink and my bar tab was 430$


Whats stealing is how many people buy the drink package and end up drinking half of what I did and the Cruiseline pockets the money. Its how you look at it. And I gurantee you that happens 10 times more then when I did it 3 times because its such a pain to do it. :rolleyes:


This is surely a wind up. You can't even get your math correct. Did you really pay 33.3% gratuity!!!



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I am so sick of Celebrity cruisers who say it's OK to smuggle in alcohol and irons or share a drink package when paying for only one. These same people who are dishonest in these matters are dishonest in other aspects of their lives you can be sure. It's the complete lack of a moral compass, not to mention a lack of class.


These are the folks I stay away from when I cruise Celebrity.

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@ the person who pointed out all you can eat buffets - it isn't really the same thing because you cannot pay for one at such venues and bring your partner along to eat from your plate can you??? I assume you are presented with a bill for who ever sits at the table and eats.


Nope. There are a few places by me that are price-fixed & pay before you sit down. So if I go through the line to get my initial plate/tray and pay before I sit, then theoretically my husband could walk in and just sit down with me and start eating.


Or maybe he's ordering from the menu & I'm getting the buffet - he orders a coke and then eats off my plate from the buffet.


It's absolutely doable, and absolutely theft. I just don't understand how people can justify it to themselves, but that's just me.

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I grab a drink then run to a different bar and get one for my family member. I still have to run all over the ship, which is a pain in the tail.


..........and you still enjoy your holiday?


Just chill and relax, don't spend your whole life trying to cheat the system.



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Kelby08, you may not think it's right for Celebrity to charge what it does, but that's the price they have set. If you pay it, abide by it.


In my town there are a number of "all you can eat buffets". One charges twice as much as the other. When we go there, we don't try to share our plates, we each get our own plate. That's the deal. If we didn't want to pay the price, we would go elsewhere. Maybe they charge too much, maybe not. But there's a convenience factor, location, opening times, other services, and we choose to pay it. Others don't, and they eat in other locations.


That's kind of what's happening here. They have an offer. You may think it's too expensive. Don't buy it. Pay by the drink, and at the end, you will know if the package would have been a bargain or not.


Yes, I see your point of view and agree. I myself wouldn't condone sharing the packages (I have only created discussions explaining how those who do feel towards the subject and wanted to hear their opinions but have only heard responses back as to how its not right), but I respect the opinions of those who chose to do so and believe it comes down to a persons moral judgment. Anyways, I purchased the classic package for myself, and my buddies have purchased their own individually. I believe I will get my moneys worth of it and I am satisfied with that. However, if I do see someone sharing a package I would be reluctant to even say anything to them due to the fact that it's not my job to regulate that (on the cruise) and see it as a small petty theft. As to the sharing a buffet at a local food place I would never even consider doing that due to the fact that its wrong and that I would most likely have MANY other choices as to other places to eat nearby (possibly for cheaper) unlike on a cruise where if you want a drink you either have the option to pay an outrageous price or not be able to get a drink at all so I think this is why people see this type of sharing different (more righteous). I read a comment the other day that also brought up a good point stating how nobody says anything about children sharing a soda packages. I remember when I was younger my parents bought me and my sister a refillable cup at the beginning of the cruise for $28 and we shared that for the next 5 days and never thought anything of it maybe because it was from the same glass and was so expensive (I'm not sure)?

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