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Norvo Virus on QM2


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Germs will go where they want to go and some are unlucky to be infected and i have every sympathy for them, but if it is true that some did not stay quaranteened then they do not get my sympathy, they are thoughtless and if rumours are true (does anyone know?) that some were removed from ship in port then so be it.



Hi welshgirl. Yes, Shorebilly's original post #1 regarding some passengers being disembarked for violating quarantine was later confirmed by a Cunard spokesperson to Cruise Critic Editor (see post #67). -Salacia

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My wife and I are onboard and have had a wonderful cruise. This is our last at sea day, traveling at 25 knots on smooth seas. The code red has been over for the last two days as we have had no new cases of the virus!

We understand the number of cases were under 200 -- the problem, in no way, effected our cruise. The service and food have been outstanding!!





Perhaps I spoke too soon?

This occurred before we went into a code Red situation, so it could have been related to the outbreak??


Okay, this just happened to us on the last cruise of Queen Mary 2:

(19 Dec 2010)


We were the first to arrive at Todd English, the upscale alternative restaurant and were seated at nice table for two. Soon after, a couple arrived to celebrate their anniversary; the husband was in a motorized wheel chair, and we gathered from their conversation, that he had had a recent stroke. It looked like they had hired two assistants, and paid for their cruise, in order to provide service to this gentleman. They seated this couple next to us at a table for four in order to accommodate the special chair. The two assistants left soon after they were seated, but were "on call" from their special communication device--a walkie-talkie.


The maitre' d asked if we would like to move to another table, but we felt that would be rude, as this couple seemed brave to tackle a cruise so soon after this gentleman's misfortune. (huge mistake on our part!)


The man and woman (in their 70s--maybe) both had hearing issues, so we were exposed to every word in their conversation. From the start, the man requested special variations of food from the menu--no salt, no fat, fresh made chicken broth. The waiters and kitchen staff tried their best to provide something that would work, but everything was too fatty, or too salty, or too whatever. He complained of not feeling well several times during the meal. We tried our best to enjoy our meal, but their conversations were loud and tedious.

When our dessert arrived, the man said he was going to be sick...he retched loudly several times, tried to move his wheelchair and ran into their table, knocking dishes and glasses everywhere. After several moments of dry heaves, he released the contents of his stomach all over the table. At this point, my wife (who had a clear view of everything--my chair was off to the side, so I was able to keep them out of my field of vision) picked up her dessert (my empathetic wife was in tears at this point--feeling sorry for his inability to remove himself from the situation) and walked away.

The man was eventually removed, and yellow CAUTION tape was put up around their table. Soon after, they brought us the check, and they said they were sorry that the evening hadn't turned out as planned.(this interesting story cost us $100) Needless to say, we cancelled the second reservation that we had placed for Todd English. That restaurant is so dead to us! (Just can't get all those images out of our heads!)

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Interesting story; what should the staff had done differently?


Apologize for the upheaval (pardon the pun), not charge for the meal or invite the passengers to return for a complimentary meal and offer to have any clothes that might have be in the line of fire, cleaned.


But on the bright side, at least Todd English didn't add a surcharge for the additional pre-digested food 'delivered' to the table.:eek:


(My sympathy to all those involved, especially the sick passenger.)

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Interesting story; what should the staff had done differently?


I guess nothing? The staff did warn us (sort of) -- perhaps this couple had a history?? The staff was great! It just seems strange to be half way through dessert and run for cover, only to regroup in time to pay the bill. The whole scene was surreal as we were ushered out the door with "our sincere apologies", "we are very sorry"..., I called the next day to cancel our next visit.



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It sounds most unfortunate, especially for the man who was so ill, and perhaps for good customer relations it would have been good to have received no bill or at least the offer of another evening.

However, the situation was not of Cunard's doing (or Todd English staff ).

Had this happened in a restaurant in London or New York, would the result have been any different?

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It sounds most unfortunate, especially for the man who was so ill, and perhaps for good customer relations it would have been good to have received no bill or at least the offer of another evening.

However, the situation was not of Cunard's doing (or Todd English staff ).

Had this happened in a restaurant in London or New York, would the result have been any different?


Hi heywood. I confess once again that my experience is limited. I have never been in a restaurant in NY when either I or someone else barfed. But these things happen. Quite frankly, if I became ill and ruined the meal for those near me, I would have offered my apology (had I survived) and offered to pay for their meal. Hopefully, they would have accepted my apology. Picking up a check for a $100 lunch would have put a real crimp in my budget...perhaps that's why I avoid TE in the first place :)


But in answer to your question, yes, I believe the result would have been different had this happend in those restaurants in NY that I know well. That is, if they wanted the patron to return.




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The Queen Mary 2 is now entering into her seventh year of service. I would think the time has come to change bed spreads, decorative pillows, drapery, and carpeting in all the staterooms.


Please keep reporting here if you know of these changes on any of the decks.


The Queen Mary 2 is headed for dry dock in December 2011. Usually during this time major work is done on the ship.


Thanks again.




Hi Terrance. I share your concern and interest regarding refurbishing QM2. But, with respect, the topic of this thread is "noro virus". May I suggest you start a new thread please?




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I was on that cruise as well last week and I do have to say that I saw quite a few women in the ladies room leave before washing their hands, yuk. But it doesn't surprise me, I used to work in a medical school and I'd see the students do that all the time. People today are nasty, or they think that they are too busy to wash.


BTW, I contracted what my doctor said was the Noro Virus AFTER I got off the ship, and it's a nasty thing. I'm still nauseous. :eek:

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This Noro Virus was also just reported on the RCI board.

The Radiance of the Seas arrived in Tampa this AM with 150 guests affected (per CDC).

Todays boarding & sailing delayed until this evening for deep cleaning of the ship.

Again ,like the QM2 , a small % of guests but if that guest is you it's a terrible thing.

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Hi Terrance. I share your concern and interest regarding refurbishing QM2. But, with respect, the topic of this thread is "noro virus". May I suggest you start a new thread please?






I dont think has to be done, all the threads on here change the topic slightly it doesnt hurt to that, in fact i think it is good to just alter things a little and go back to the topic-also sometimes we all ask a question or say Hi to someone we have cruised with just because they posted on a thread, I am sure you understand:)

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This Noro Virus was also just reported on the RCI board.

The Radiance of the Seas arrived in Tampa this AM with 150 guests affected (per CDC).

Todays boarding & sailing delayed until this evening for deep cleaning of the ship.

Again ,like the QM2 , a small % of guests but if that guest is you it's a terrible thing.



it would interesting to know just how many ships and resturants on land etc are really affected by the virus, I think much more should be done, more pirell etc in shops resturants and supermarkets, we should be more aware of better hygene

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I dont think has to be done, all the threads on here change the topic slightly it doesnt hurt to that, in fact i think it is good to just alter things a little and go back to the topic-also sometimes we all ask a question or say Hi to someone we have cruised with just because they posted on a thread, I am sure you understand:)



Okie dokie. I just didn't want to add to the noro thread and create the idea that the virus was growing. But I'm also interested in the topic regarding refurbishing, which now seems to be one with the noro thread...


My cabin (A2) had a new flat screen TV. Nasty old rug; matress like a board; sunken sofa cushions; drapes, curtains and bedspread that have seen better days and one weirdly stained lampshade;chipped countertop on the sink in the bathroom and mold growing in the tiles near the faucet. Rust on the inside of the balcony door. Balcony table showed rust emerging through several coats of white paint. Furniture in the cabin chipped and worn.


Bathrobes supplied were threadbare. Towels were more like bath mats.


But there was a flat screen TV. Rah Rah.

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I was on that cruise as well last week and I do have to say that I saw quite a few women in the ladies room leave before washing their hands, yuk. But it doesn't surprise me, I used to work in a medical school and I'd see the students do that all the time. People today are nasty, or they think that they are too busy to wash.


BTW, I contracted what my doctor said was the Noro Virus AFTER I got off the ship, and it's a nasty thing. I'm still nauseous. :eek:


Sorry Neurochick, hope you are feeling better. How long does it take for the results of lab tests to confirm diagnosis of noro?


Best wishes,


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Okie dokie. I just didn't want to add to the noro thread and create the idea that the virus was growing. But I'm also interested in the topic regarding refurbishing, which now seems to be one with the noro thread...


My cabin (A2) had a new flat screen TV. Nasty old rug; matress like a board; sunken sofa cushions; drapes, curtains and bedspread that have seen better days and one weirdly stained lampshade;chipped countertop on the sink in the bathroom and mold growing in the tiles near the faucet. Rust on the inside of the balcony door. Balcony table showed rust emerging through several coats of white paint. Furniture in the cabin chipped and worn.


Bathrobes supplied were threadbare. Towels were more like bath mats.


But there was a flat screen TV. Rah Rah.



The TV is start then, I agree the other stuff should be changed and It is slowly but surely,when it has its next refit I hope

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I wasn't overly impressed with QM2 but to be fair I don't think it is Cunards fault they have norovirus onboard. Right now there are many cases all over the UK especially in the region that incudes Southampton. Many hospitals have closed for visitors. Possible that quite a few people boarded carrying the virus.


I had norovirus last year (not from a ship) and it would certainly interfere with the rest of your cruise. Even when recovering the nausea lasts for days and you don't want to eat.

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Okie dokie. I just didn't want to add to the noro thread and create the idea that the virus was growing. But I'm also interested in the topic regarding refurbishing, which now seems to be one with the noro thread...


My cabin (A2) had a new flat screen TV. Nasty old rug; matress like a board; sunken sofa cushions; drapes, curtains and bedspread that have seen better days and one weirdly stained lampshade;chipped countertop on the sink in the bathroom and mold growing in the tiles near the faucet. Rust on the inside of the balcony door. Balcony table showed rust emerging through several coats of white paint. Furniture in the cabin chipped and worn.


Bathrobes supplied were threadbare. Towels were more like bath mats.


But there was a flat screen TV. Rah Rah.



Hi Salacia,


I know that I did wander off the Noro Virus topic somewhat with the refurbishing topic.

I did that, because another member made a entry in this thread, and I would not have been able to ask my questions.


As far as your entry here is concerned, is it possible that the television in your stateroom had to be replaced, because it came down with the Noro Virus. All the other rot in your stateroom evidently did not pose a health problem.


I have been in Staterooms 4119, 5156, and 5158 since 2004. I have to say they were not in the condition that you encountered in your A2 stateroom. To all that read this, write this kind of information on your Comment/Questionnaire provided.


The news media loves to report a Noro Virus outbreak on a cruise ship. No one pays any attention to restaurants, department stores, food markets, schools, hospitals, etc. that have made many of us sick. That is considered just a normal part of life.



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Hi Salacia,


I know that I did wander off the Noro Virus topic somewhat with the refurbishing topic.

I did that, because another member made a entry in this thread, and I would not have been able to ask my questions.


As far as your entry here is concerned, is it possible that the television in your stateroom had to be replaced, because it came down with the Noro Virus. All the other rot in your stateroom evidently did not pose a health problem.


I have been in Staterooms 4119, 5156, and 5158 since 2004. I have to say they were not in the condition that you encountered in your A2 stateroom. To all that read this, write this kind of information on your Comment/Questionnaire provided.


The news media loves to report a Noro Virus outbreak on a cruise ship. No one pays any attention to restaurants, department stores, food markets, schools, hospitals, etc. that have made many of us sick. That is considered just a normal part of life.




It depends on where the Tvs came from, as I understand it and indeed saw with own eyes the Tvs came from southampton, the Virus as were told came on in NYC . so i dont think we can blame the Tv,s .


on the other hand the worn out fixtures and fitting have seen many ports and they could have had the virus and indeed may still have it.


i am please however that Salacia have a good cruise and did have a new TV to use,



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Hi Salacia,


I know that I did wander off the Noro Virus topic somewhat with the refurbishing topic.

I did that, because another member made a entry in this thread, and I would not have been able to ask my questions.


As far as your entry here is concerned, is it possible that the television in your stateroom had to be replaced, because it came down with the Noro Virus. All the other rot in your stateroom evidently did not pose a health problem.


I have been in Staterooms 4119, 5156, and 5158 since 2004. I have to say they were not in the condition that you encountered in your A2 stateroom. To all that read this, write this kind of information on your Comment/Questionnaire provided.


The news media loves to report a Noro Virus outbreak on a cruise ship. No one pays any attention to restaurants, department stores, food markets, schools, hospitals, etc. that have made many of us sick. That is considered just a normal part of life.




Hi Terrance. Like you, we had not previously seen the condititons described in our last stateroom (8 voyages since 2007). And I sure Rob is right in saying the refurbishing next Fall will spruce things up nicely. I also read that many have said their cabins were recently refurbished which is good to know, although that doesn't alter what we experienced 27 Nov thru 18 Dec. BTW, I agree with you about the importance of completing the on-board Comment/Questionnaire.


You asked for comments about refurbishing, and I responded. Sorry if you don't like my response, but it was factual. I'm also sorry if I offended anyone by suggesting a sepearate thread so that we could read about the progress of refurbishing without having to read through the noro thread. As far as any connection between refurbishing and noro, I don't see one...but your joke about the TV was electric - I got a real charge out of it :)




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