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Homeland Security Policing Bags?

Colorado Kat

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I was just told that if I put bottled water (yes, truely water) in my checked bags that the Department of Homeland Security requires it's removal.


Am I being told a fairy tale?


My daughter has a medical condition that requires a large amount of bottled water, juices and sodas. She is not allowed to eat or drink anything off ship for 4 ports, so we were told we needed to bring our own unopened drinks, and sealed snacks. I do have a doctor's note stating that.


I have no problem purchasing and carrying on our own supplies. I think I will have a problem physically carrying on everything. She is still too weak to carry very many things. So I will already have a bag with all our electronics, jewelry, bathing suits, and many medications. I was hoping to bring a separate duffle bag, and put a case of bottled water in it, and check it at the pier.


We are flying in, so will have to shop after the plane lands.


I don't object to me needing to go to extra lengths to accomodate my daughter. I do object to being told things that are not true about Homeland Security.


For the record, I already spoke at length with a different person in the Carnival Special Needs Dept, before I even booked the cruise. But this morning, I am being told conflicting info.


Frustration! Any good advice?


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Carnival's policies are that all beverage have to be in your carry-on, you can not check them, so that may be what you're referring to. Each person is allowed 12 beverages (non-alcoholic) so you should be fine there.


There's another law that only packaged foods can be carried off the ship into port, so you should be okay there, too.


We have always been able to purchase sealed beverages and packaged food in port, so you should investigate that as well.


As long as you check with TSA, Carnival's rules, and the Port Rules, and obey them, you should be fine. It will require verification on your part, because if you unknowingly break the rules, you may have items taken away.


Bringing Alcohol On Board - Embarkation Day:


Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board. However, at the beginning of the cruise during embarkation day, guests (21 years of age and older) may bring on board one bottle (750ml) of wine or champagne, per person, only in their carry-on luggage. A $10 corkage fee per bottle will be charged should you wish to consume this wine in the main dining room; $14 corkage fee per bottle in the steakhouse. (A corkage fee is a charge exacted at a restaurant for every bottle of liquor served that was not bought on the premises)


On embarkation day, guests may bring a small quantity (package of 12 per person) of non-alcoholic beverages onboard, only in their carry-on luggage.


All alcohol/hard liquor/beer (sealed, unopened bottles/cans), wine/champagne over the allowable 1-bottle per guest (sealed, unopened bottles) or excessive quantities of non-alcoholic beverages (over 12 per person, sealed, unopened bottles/cans) will be confiscated and stored for safekeeping until the end of the voyage. The retained item(s) will be delivered to the guest’s stateroom on the last night of the cruise. Unsealed liquids that are prohibited will be discarded, as well as any unclaimed items left after the voyage, and no compensation will be given in either case.

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I'm fine if they confiscate my non-alcoholic soda and water, and I have to go somewhere to retrieve them. I have permission from Carnival to bring more than 12 per person.


But the question was if The Dept of Homeland Security insists that it be removed before boarding? Why?

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The only reason that they would insist upon removal would be if it wasn't carried on. It can not be checked. If it's checked, and removed, you probably won't get it back. I think that's where your confusion is. Homeland Security or whomever it is can remove it if it's checked.

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I'm fine if they confiscate my non-alcoholic soda and water, and I have to go somewhere to retrieve them. I have permission from Carnival to bring more than 12 per person.


But the question was if The Dept of Homeland Security insists that it be removed before boarding? Why?


People have just explained to you its Carnival's rule to CARRY on your beverages only.


I think someone.. whomever told you .. is confusing port authority with homeland security.


It will be port reps who make you throw it away or find a way to carry it if its in your checked bags. Because it isnt allowed in them.

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Whenever someone asks when is the latest you can book, there is always someone who pipes up with the false rumor that homeland security requires the manifest 48 hours before the cruise, so you cant book after that .. which isnt true. (you can book the day of the cruise)


I think people just repeat things that they hear incorrectly or from people who dont know stuff .. they will swear they know its true after 9/11 ..

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There is absolutely NO Homeland Security rule about this. No ifs, ands, or buts. Whoever told you this is lying.


Carnival may not like it - oh well. Lock you suitcase.




put it in your carry on.


The security screeners (also NOT homeland Security) don't like OPEN containers going through the xray machines, but if they don't see it until after it has been xrayed, oh well. Too late now :p

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I'm fine if they confiscate my non-alcoholic soda and water, and I have to go somewhere to retrieve them. I have permission from Carnival to bring more than 12 per person.


But the question was if The Dept of Homeland Security insists that it be removed before boarding? Why?

Nothing to do with Homeland Security. These are Carnival rules.


You will need to carry your water with you, but there is bottled water available on the ship. As I recall it was not cheap.


You can pack your sealed snacks in your checked bags, just any beverages will need to be carried. This is relatively new -- you used to be able to just throw a tag on a case of water.

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My advice would be that if you have documented permission from Carnival to take more than the usual 12 bottles of water with you, then I would go back to that same person and clarify if the extra can go in checked baggage so you don't have to carry the extra weight. Since it's Carnival's rules and not the Port Authority or Homeland Security that prevents checking beverages, then they can waive the requirement. I would make sure you carry documented proof of this authorization, though, and still be prepared for a battle with uninformed employees at the port.

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I'm fine if they confiscate my non-alcoholic soda and water, and I have to go somewhere to retrieve them. I have permission from Carnival to bring more than 12 per person.


But the question was if The Dept of Homeland Security insists that it be removed before boarding? Why?


Homeland Security has nothing to do with what goes on the ship, those are decisions that Carnival makes.

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The airport is where the security is the tightest You can bring some snacks like granola bars, chocolate bars, bagged candy (like jelly beans/skittles), but no liquids over the allotted 3oz. You should be able to buy bottles of water after you clear security and board the plane, but remember if you have a connecting flight and have to clear security the same rule applies.


Port--you have to carry on the soda/water, but I have a suggest that might work out better than hauling that much water. The ships water is safe and quite good. You can buy reusable containers in varying sizes (I bought a 2L one at Walmart, but they also had a 500ml and 1L size too) and that would save on plastic bottles and only need you to carry one bottle. The Caribbean at this time of year will still be fairly warm, so a 500ml bottle of water would disappear quite fast in the hot sun.


If you are dead set on buying water and bringing it aboard get bottles that are slightly thicker plastic (like Evian, Volvic, or Fiji water bottles) and they can be refilled as the cruise goes on. A 12 pack of water may only last one or two ports, thus, a refillable bottle is a good idea.


Snacks--packaged food snacks are no problem to get off the ship, but no food from the food areas of the ship can go ashore--not even a deli sandwich and no fruit for sure! Be sure to bring enough packaged snacks cuz they will be expensive ashore, but if going to St Thomas or San Juan there is a CVS Pharmacy a few minutes away from the port in case you need more. The shop onboard the ship also sells some candy/chocolate bars, but they are a little more expensive.....


Happy cruisin!

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You could lock your suitcase, so if they deem it needs to be searched, they can't do it without you in the naughty room, and bring your note.

I would also put a copy of the note inside the suitcase/duffel that you pack the water in, so if they DO open it (if it's locked, they aren't supposed to), the note is there.

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You should contact Carnival's "special needs" dept...they can help you with all of this....

There's really no limit to how much you can bring onto the ship....now, an airplane is a different story...but on the ship, bring what you like. They are mainly concerned with alcohol, and if there's a medical need, you can bring pretty much whatever.

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Hi, we have a similar medical condition (GI?) with our two year old. We have purchased, flown and checked all of her items, 40+ bottles of food, 24 packs of bottled water.. We can talk offline if you we can help with additional some way. We even travel onboard the airplane with water bottles and 4 food containers, and aerosol hand cleaner due to her medical condition. Experience of 6 plus r/t flights including international and a cruise.

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Hi, we have a similar medical condition (GI?) with our two year old. We have purchased, flown and checked all of her items, 40+ bottles of food, 24 packs of bottled water.. We can talk offline if you we can help with additional some way. We even travel onboard the airplane with water bottles and 4 food containers, and aerosol hand cleaner due to her medical condition. Experience of 6 plus r/t flights including international and a cruise.


Iv seen people with a dolly .. to take extra liquids onto their cruise .. they still followed the rules and took it on themselves.


Why should you feel you cant take it onto the ship by yourself, thats what people are saying. no problem taking extra, carnival doesnt care .. but carry it onto the ship yourself.

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I was just told that if I put bottled water (yes, truely water) in my checked bags that the Department of Homeland Security requires it's removal.


Am I being told a fairy tale?


My daughter has a medical condition that requires a large amount of bottled water, juices and sodas. She is not allowed to eat or drink anything off ship for 4 ports, so we were told we needed to bring our own unopened drinks, and sealed snacks. I do have a doctor's note stating that.


I have no problem purchasing and carrying on our own supplies. I think I will have a problem physically carrying on everything. She is still too weak to carry very many things. So I will already have a bag with all our electronics, jewelry, bathing suits, and many medications. I was hoping to bring a separate duffle bag, and put a case of bottled water in it, and check it at the pier.


We are flying in, so will have to shop after the plane lands.


I don't object to me needing to go to extra lengths to accomodate my daughter. I do object to being told things that are not true about Homeland Security.


For the record, I already spoke at length with a different person in the Carnival Special Needs Dept, before I even booked the cruise. But this morning, I am being told conflicting info.


Frustration! Any good advice?




Carnival's security and bag screening is provided by a third party company, not Homeland Security or the TSA. You're allowed to bring a twelve pack of soda or water per person so you will be fine, just make sure it's in your carry on and not your checked luggage. It would be confiscated from your checked bags...

All the best for a wonderful voyage and I hope your daughter's health improves soon...


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I already spoke to the Special Needs Department, even before I booked the cruise. That agent gave me permission to bring on as much water as I wanted, and that I could check it thru with luggage. He said I needed a note from the doctors, which I now have.


I called to double-check something. The New agent from Special Needs today is now contradicting everything I was told by the first agent. She is the one who told me Homeland Security did not permit liquids in checked luggage.


Since the new agent today has told me one thing that doesn't ring true (Homeland Security prohibiting water in checked luggage), I am not sure I believe other things she is telling me. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions about the Homeland Security story.

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I already spoke to the Special Needs Department, even before I booked the cruise. That agent gave me permission to bring on as much water as I wanted, and that I could check it thru with luggage. He said I needed a note from the doctors, which I now have.


I called to double-check something. The New agent from Special Needs today is now contradicting everything I was told by the first agent. She is the one who told me Homeland Security did not permit liquids in checked luggage.


Since the new agent today has told me one thing that doesn't ring true (Homeland Security prohibiting water in checked luggage), I am not sure I believe other things she is telling me. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions about the Homeland Security story.


Unfortunately, this is standard operating procedure with Carnival, as much as I love 'em. Quite frequently you will get a different answer from each one of them. I think you're covered with the note, etc. And contrary to their "rules", they don't seem to enforce their own rule about non-alocoholic beverages in your checked luggage. Many have reported on here, myself included, that they are able to get them on in their checked luggage. Maybe they didn't get the memo? ;)

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Carry on bag with wheels is your best friend...

Would hold a Case of water easy. The rest of your bags will be sent to your Cabin,

So you would only be dealing with that one case on wheels.

Have a great cruise.

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I'm fine if they confiscate my non-alcoholic soda and water, and I have to go somewhere to retrieve them. I have permission from Carnival to bring more than 12 per person.


But the question was if The Dept of Homeland Security insists that it be removed before boarding? Why?


I had a similar situation...this is what I did. I packed my liquids in a duffle bag, included the letter from carnival allowing the excess and wrote on the letter in big red letters...PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE REMOVING - MEDICAL ISSUE...and checked the bag. The bag arrived at our room...with no problem. Keep an extra copy of the letter with you in case it is removed, so you can retrieve. Homeland Security will not be removing water, it is not against their regulations, it is against Carnival's Beverage Policy. Don't worry...should be fine.

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If you need to bring more than two 12 pack of water and don't think it is going to fit in the carry on with everything else, as well as be extremely heavy you can buy a collapsable luggage cart at any luggage store and stack up to four 12 packs of water on one and they will be secured with the two bungee cords. I have one at work to go back and forth to the other office and it is nice and small when it folds down. It also convenient to pull rather than carry....


Still, isn't it a wiser idea to buy less and keep refilling the bottles instead. I can drink at least a litre or more of water at meals only and find my 1L metal water bottle perfect to bring ashore and the water stays nice and cold on those hot hot hot Caribbean days!

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