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Cash Tips?


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I'm a Newbie to NCL , I need some guidance on cash tipping!:confused:


We have pre-paid all of our $12.00 PD service charges and are wondering about giving out additional "on the spot" cash tips to NCL service staff like our room steward.


I thought I read somewhere on CC or maybe NCL directly that cash tipping was not a prefered method and that additional gratuities should be added to the on-board room account.


So do you cash tip?


If so for what services and how much?

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If you're having room service delivered, you might want to have some $1 bills on hand as a "thank you". If you receive outstanding service in a restaurant, you can always slip your server a few dollars as well. You may want to have something extra for your cabin steward also.l


While there is no "need" to tip above-beyond the DSC for those crew that are in the tip pool, we just prefer to add a little something. Certain crew are not part of the tip pool (butler, concierge, kids crew) and if you utilize any of their services you may want to tip them also.


The amount to tip is a personal decision/choice - there really isn't any standard.

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I hand out cash in envelopes the last night to whatever staff I am tipping over and above the DSC. I've learned through CC to tip staff that I believe did an outstanding job. I also fill out & turn in style cards IN ADDITION to any cash tips. It costs me nothing but might mean additional $ for them, and good service deserves to be recognized. I always am very specific on the style card - I don't just say that I had a good steward, but I say what he did that I thought was so good.


For lurkers who might be reading this posting, keep in mind that you still have to pay the DSC in addition to any cash tips. From postings on here, evidently if you remove the DSC then no staff member can keep their cash tips, they have to turn them in. Don't confuse one with the other.

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I'm a Newbie to NCL , I need some guidance on cash tipping!:confused:


We have pre-paid all of our $12.00 PD service charges and are wondering about giving out additional "on the spot" cash tips to NCL service staff like our room steward.


I thought I read somewhere on CC or maybe NCL directly that cash tipping was not a prefered method and that additional gratuities should be added to the on-board room account.


So do you cash tip?


If so for what services and how much?


1. I take dollar bills with us and use them for room service.


2. When we've had a good room steward I use cash to give him/her an

extra tip at the end of the cruise, or at the time if I ask for some special service (like getting a coffee pot for me in an oceanview room).


3. When we won a bottle of champagne and the bartender iced it for us, provided glasses for our group and served the 6 of us with that champagne we gave him a cash tip.


4. When we've had outstanding or special service at specialty restaurant we've left a cash tip on the table.



I've never heard of adding the additional gratuities to onboard account. How would you know who got them?

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I've never heard of adding the additional gratuities to onboard account. How would you know who got them?


We've tipped our concierge by adding to the onboard account when we didn't have enough cash. The reception desk has forms you fill out, indicating the amount and to whom the tip should go. You can do it for anyone if you know their name.

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I hand out cash in envelopes the last night to whatever staff I am tipping over and above the DSC. I've learned through CC to tip staff that I believe did an outstanding job. I also fill out & turn in style cards IN ADDITION to any cash tips. It costs me nothing but might mean additional $ for them, and good service deserves to be recognized. I always am very specific on the style card - I don't just say that I had a good steward, but I say what he did that I thought was so good.


For lurkers who might be reading this posting, keep in mind that you still have to pay the DSC in addition to any cash tips. From postings on here, evidently if you remove the DSC then no staff member can keep their cash tips, they have to turn them in. Don't confuse one with the other.


I am learning all I can after our first NCL cruise last month...we paid our DSC in advance and had a Courtyard Villa so we tipped accordingly there. If I am reading this right then your are saying that if I had taken my DSC off and gave my room steward lets say $100 he has to turn that in? And just how do they monitor this..or is it the honor system..or is this just one of those crazy things started on a post one day that grew? This sounds like a legend that is meant to scare people. I am really curious now!

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I am learning all I can after our first NCL cruise last month...we paid our DSC in advance and had a Courtyard Villa so we tipped accordingly there. If I am reading this right then your are saying that if I had taken my DSC off and gave my room steward lets say $100 he has to turn that in? And just how do they monitor this..or is it the honor system..or is this just one of those crazy things started on a post one day that grew? This sounds like a legend that is meant to scare people. I am really curious now!

Thats a very good question. My TA said to go to the desk and get the DSC taken off and to hand out envelopes instead. We have cruised previously (4 years ago) the the tipping was never on the cabin automatically. We used the envelopes. What happens if you have really crappy service? Does the ship give you money back? I wouldn't think so.

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Thats a very good question. My TA said to go to the desk and get the DSC taken off and to hand out envelopes instead. We have cruised previously (4 years ago) the the tipping was never on the cabin automatically. We used the envelopes. What happens if you have really crappy service? Does the ship give you money back? I wouldn't think so.



Whilst you will have the same room steward each day of your cruise, with "Freestyle Dining" you will have a different waiter for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. A lot easier to have NCL distribute the basic service charge/tips in a fair manner.. Imagine how many waitstaff you would need chase down and hand envelopes too on the last night?? (And how many envelopes you would need to stuff)




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Thats a very good question. My TA said to go to the desk and get the DSC taken off and to hand out envelopes instead. We have cruised previously (4 years ago) the the tipping was never on the cabin automatically. We used the envelopes. What happens if you have really crappy service? Does the ship give you money back? I wouldn't think so.


I think that's a TA with very little experience with NCL. If you have a service issue, they would like you to bring it up to them. If it cannot be resolved to your satisfaction they will remove part or all of the DSC, but this is pretty unusual. My problem with envelopes, besides the inconvenience, is that now matter how hard I try, I will never get to everyone who helped to make my cruise special and it would cost me a lot more even if I could.

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I am learning all I can after our first NCL cruise last month...we paid our DSC in advance and had a Courtyard Villa so we tipped accordingly there. If I am reading this right then your are saying that if I had taken my DSC off and gave my room steward lets say $100 he has to turn that in? And just how do they monitor this..or is it the honor system..or is this just one of those crazy things started on a post one day that grew? This sounds like a legend that is meant to scare people. I am really curious now!


I was curious about this too and searched around... this seems to come entirely from people who claim some kind of inside information (with no proof, of course) that tell others to "trust them" - well, I don't know you, why should I trust you :confused:


I would never remove the DSC because it does go to tip people you wouldn't normally see to hand cash tips to and I would never want to imply that I was receiving sub-par service, not because I believe everything I read on the internet.

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I hand out cash in envelopes the last night to whatever staff I am tipping over and above the DSC. I've learned through CC to tip staff that I believe did an outstanding job. I also fill out & turn in style cards IN ADDITION to any cash tips. It costs me nothing but might mean additional $ for them, and good service deserves to be recognized. I always am very specific on the style card - I don't just say that I had a good steward, but I say what he did that I thought was so good.


For lurkers who might be reading this posting, keep in mind that you still have to pay the DSC in addition to any cash tips. From postings on here, evidently if you remove the DSC then no staff member can keep their cash tips, they have to turn them in. Don't confuse one with the other.


Just checking - Newbie Here ;) - style cards are comment cards? If so, are they located throughout the ship at different service points or do you only have the opportunity to fill one out at the end of your cruise? Do you fill out one for each crew member?

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Just checking - Newbie Here ;) - style cards are comment cards? If so, are they located throughout the ship at different service points or do you only have the opportunity to fill one out at the end of your cruise? Do you fill out one for each crew member?


Sometimes STYLE (or comment) cards are available throughout the ship and/or in your cabin. But sometimes, inexplicably, we don't see any. So, we ask for them at reception. They'll give you as many as you want throughout the cruise. And you can turn them back in at reception. We try to do this for any crew member who has been special for us. It has been reported that they are posted in the crew area and count toward raises and promotions. We have often had crew express that they mean as much, if not more, to them than cash tips.

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So how many extra dollar bills is considered appropriate for a room service tip? For faster drink service?


They're already getting 15% - 18% I think on drinks, so I don't typically tip there unless someone is delivering to my room. I generally tip $3-$5 for room service


By the way, when I read posts like the one above about removing the DSC I typically will stop reading a thread because it makes me so angry. To the poster of that message, your TA clearly has little idea how things work on NCL, and I suggest you do NOT take their advice. If you have a service problem, go get it taken care of it early. The other part of the statement is wrong too...yes, they will give it back or adjust it if your problem cannot be resolved or you insist on it. Another moment of brilliance from your TA.

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Just this week, NCL advised us that the $12.00 service charge per passenger, per cabin, per day is now MANDATORY and cannot be removed. NCL said it will be charged to our on board ship account. However, if we still want to extra tip our cabin steward etc. we can do so.


Has anyone else been told the same by NCL recently?

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Just this week, NCL advised us that the $12.00 service charge per passenger, per cabin, per day is now MANDATORY and cannot be removed. NCL said it will be charged to our on board ship account. However, if we still want to extra tip our cabin steward etc. we can do so.


Has anyone else been told the same by NCL recently?


Both the Service Charge FAQ and the Guest Ticket Contract posted on the NCL Web site state that the service charge is adjustable, so I question the accuracy of what you were told. Was it a telephone customer service rep that told you that? They are notorious for giving out incorrect information. It is mandatory for it to be charged to your account (maybe that's what you were told?)...you can't tell NCL not to do it...but it can be adjusted.

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thanks all who comented! A few points were brought up that I hadn't thought of. I will be leaving the charge on my account! Didn't mean to upset anyone..:(....just lack of knowledge on my own part, and how different things are with different cruise lines (what what has changed:D since we last sailed) That's why I love these boards. You learn soooo much!:)

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Just this week, NCL advised us that the $12.00 service charge per passenger, per cabin, per day is now MANDATORY and cannot be removed. NCL said it will be charged to our on board ship account. However, if we still want to extra tip our cabin steward etc. we can do so.


Has anyone else been told the same by NCL recently?


I very much hope this is true and would be delighted if it is. I always thought that this never should have been able to be done in the first place. If there was a problem with cabin or service from one employee then that should be brought to NCL's attention and they should either take care of it or the one person should be dealt with accordingly. I always hate when all are punished for one person's failure to perform. As far as if you should get some sort of compensation for problems that should be up to the powers that be to see that you are somehow compensated. There also are those that dramatize their "horrible" experience just so that they can be the cheap ___ that they are.


So if it is true... I say Hooray! and about time! :D


To the OP... good for you for prepaying the service charges. I know there are those that say why should you give money before it is due and I normally agree with that philosophy. On the other hand we did prepay ours on our last cruise and I loved it as we only had one page for all of our charges which was nice as the service charges were always added onto the bill daily and it just cluttered it all up.


Happy cruising!

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thanks all who comented! A few points were brought up that I hadn't thought of. I will be leaving the charge on my account! Didn't mean to upset anyone..:(....just lack of knowledge on my own part, and how different things are with different cruise lines (what what has changed:D since we last sailed) That's why I love these boards. You learn soooo much!:)


That's why I think tipping threads (as frustrating and hostile as they sometimes become) are important. I think most people want to tip properly, but education is needed for those in this situation for the first time. Its just those few who DON'T want to tip properly that get people upset. ;)

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I ALWAYS tip extra when I see someone doing a good job. When I worked on the Pride of Hawaii (now the Norwegian Jade), all of the service charge was split between 1,000 people. I always worked very hard to keep my rooms (I was a Stateroom Steward) clean and I always tried to accommodate guest when they had special requests. Cash is always a nice way of letting the workers know you recognize their extra hard work.

I usually break my tips down like this:

Stateroom Steward: at least an extra $20 at the end of the cruise, more than that often times, though.

Waiters: $3 or $4

Blue Lagoon and Buffet: I always try to leave at least $1 or $2. Poor guys and girls there never seem to get any tips and they're hard at work bussing tables and getting coffee, etc.

Bartenders: $1 a drink, same with coffee baristas

Room Service: $1 for every delivery, sometimes $2 if I have them bringing me meals instead of snacks.

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