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Whatever happened to.....


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Why don't you use all the words I typed to describe the posts.:rolleyes: Not just one that you picked out. As I said, disrespectful, uncalled for and someone else called some of the posts vicious.

And as also stated, you would not get it even when pointed out to you.:rolleyes:






As I said to diva. I called the posts several things. Not just vicious and that was a word used by another member. Also if you read my post properly, I pointed out the one statement I found uncalled for and disrespectful. The last one. Should I post the definition for the word "disrespectful" for both of you?


And speaking of disrespectful :rolleyes:.




You must be really fun at a party!



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Boy - I sure hope folks realized my previous post was complete sarcasm... Still LMAO a day later....ummm, the original poster left....and probably is the type of person who drives crappy, causing accidents behind him and oblivious to anything that he actually did.

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Boy - I sure hope folks realized my previous post was complete sarcasm... Still LMAO a day later....ummm, the original poster left....and probably is the type of person who drives crappy, causing accidents behind him and oblivious to anything that he actually did.


LMAO. I was going to stay out of this thread by not posting but after all the comments I have read and laughed at this one wins the prize :)

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Gotcha. So you had none.


Congratulations and thanks so much for making my point.


"Gotcha" is an interesting term. Unfortunately it is not valid in this context. I am fairly sure that you do not understand what you just did.


There are some here on these boards who will actually understand my point or head to a dictionary to understand the terms I used. They might then get a good laugh at the post you made here or they might learn something. I hope so. Then this silly thread, discourse that I have allowed myself to engage in, will have been worth something.


Enjoy your day

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I'm sailing on Glory, December 11. I'll have a balcony. I hereby resolve NOT to drag deck chairs; however, if for some reason I manage to annoy my fellow passengers, let it herewith be known: Sarcasm is my native tongue and I encourage all those who attempt it as sign of their desire to learn more about my culture and ways. :p


LOL! A little sarcasm never killed anyone:D

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Why don't you use all the words I typed to describe the posts.:rolleyes: Not just one that you picked out. As I said, disrespectful, uncalled for and someone else called some of the posts vicious.

And as also stated, you would not get it even when pointed out to you.:rolleyes:






As I said to diva. I called the posts several things. Not just vicious and that was a word used by another member. Also if you read my post properly, I pointed out the one statement I found uncalled for and disrespectful. The last one. Should I post the definition for the word "disrespectful" for both of you?


And speaking of disrespectful :rolleyes:.


Why D-Roc I could be wrong but.......you sound a little disrespectful:D

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LOL I never said it was you who was being vicious. Since you are claiming that is what I am doing, then maybe there is some truth to it, but again, I never mentioned you at all.


Some posts were respectful and fine. Others not so much. I think one thing the OP learned is that the internet allows many people to display the lack of manners they have.


I did contribute to the thread and you were the one to start quoting my posts and replying to me.


So since you are unable to look through the previous posts and comprehend the disrespectful and vicious posts I decided to point you to some of the posts on just the first 2 pages. Two of them only have one liners that were uncalled for so I pointed them out for you. You know, to save you the trouble. The only one failing here is you, but you should be use to it by now.



4. Nice Thesaurus





34. Good extended family role modeling? Ah...Nope.







I don't think any of the posts have been disrespecful at all.


I think the OP came across as high and mighty for thinking he had good manners when in fact he caused the problem.


Most of us agree he was in the wong. That's all.


I think the OP didn't expect the reactions he got.

Hopefully, this will be a lesson so his future cruises will be more enjoyable.


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Congratulations and thanks so much for making my point.


"Gotcha" is an interesting term. Unfortunately it is not valid in this context. I am fairly sure that you do not understand what you just did.


There are some here on these boards who will actually understand my point or head to a dictionary to understand the terms I used. They might then get a good laugh at the post you made here or they might learn something. I hope so. Then this silly thread, discourse that I have allowed myself to engage in, will have been worth something.


Enjoy your day




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Agreed. Some of these comments are vicious. I really don't think the OP meant any malice; just a bit of complaining.


I agree as well. I'm still stuck on the fact that it was okay for the man complaining to handle the situation they way he choose to handle it, but the OP was at fault for handling the situation his way. Good grief people, we all handle situations differently. That doesn't make it right or wrong.


Thanks for making my constructive criticism point.


Thank you for my morning chuckle! :D

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I don't think any of the posts have been disrespecful at all.


I think the OP came across as high and mighty for thinking he had good manners when in fact he caused the problem.


Most of us agree he was in the wong. That's all.


I think the OP didn't expect the reactions he got.

Hopefully, this will be a lesson so his future cruises will be more enjoyable.




Interesting. The snarky, harsh comments that were made I found highly disrespectful, regardless of how the OP came across and if he was wrong.

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Why D-Roc I could be wrong but.......you sound a little disrespectful:D



I am surprise you were even able to identify a comment that was disresepctful, when you found none in previous posts.


I believe his point was the sense of humor gene by passed you:p



Regardless of his point (as he had none) I have a great sense of humour.

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I agree as well. I'm still stuck on the fact that it was okay for the man complaining to handle the situation they way he choose to handle it, but the OP was at fault for handling the situation his way. Good grief people, we all handle situations differently. That doesn't make it right or wrong.




Thank you for my morning chuckle! :D



I think most of us believe that they were both wrong. The issue is the OP doesn't think he did anything wrong and he states that he had "proper manners" when most of us see his initial action of scraping the chair as rude and that he continued to be rude after it was brought to his attention (sarcastic as it was).

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I am surprise you were even able to identify a comment that was disresepctful, when you found none in previous posts.





Regardless of his point (as he had none) I have a great sense of humour.


But why were you being disrespectful:confused: Did you not get the humor:confused:

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Interesting. The snarky, harsh comments that were made I found highly disrespectful, regardless of how the OP came across and if he was wrong.


Maybe you can e-mail the mods and ask them to let you know when they have an opening.........then you can apply:)

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I agree as well. I'm still stuck on the fact that it was okay for the man complaining to handle the situation they way he choose to handle it, but the OP was at fault for handling the situation his way. Good grief people, we all handle situations differently. That doesn't make it right or wrong.





I agree with warmbreezes........I believe the op couldn't recognize what he was doing was wrong otherwise I don't think he would have started this thread.

Alot of us on here book balcony cabins and truely know how irritating that sound is and can't understand how anyone can be oblivious to it. Especially the op who had a bad experience with it himself.

People react in different ways........and also people take reactions in different ways.......

I would have yelled "sorry" and it would have been a running joke if I saw them in the hallways......afterall he just made comment it's night like he attacked him.....

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Interesting. The snarky, harsh comments that were made I found highly disrespectful, regardless of how the OP came across and if he was wrong.


Believe me, this is nothing compared to how some of the threads can be. :eek:


Most of us here think he was in the wrong.

You can't control what others do or say but you can control how you handle it. He handled it like a child would have.


Another poster that said something like " kill em with kindess". That would have been the best response.


Any halfway intelligent person would get the hint when the downstairs guy made his sarcastic remark. Whether it was right or wrong, the OP could have taken the hint and had the whole thing stop. I can't understand how he could be so oblivious to the noise in the first place.


There were no manners displayed in this whole scenario.


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Hmmmm... I skipped to the end and from the looks of some of these last posts, I think I'm glad I did. :)


To the OP...


I agree with you about manners. I too was raised with an emphasis on proper manners, courtesy, and respect. Being confident that I am well mannered and a large number of people aren't, however, does not mean that I shouldn't respond when someone voices an issue.


The only person whose behaviour we have any control over is ourself, and if it is important to us to respect others, then it is our responsibility to put effort into that - no matter how they may be acting themselves.


In the situation described, when the individual below initially made the sarcastic remark (about moving the chairs around), I would have leaned over my balcony and laughed and attempted to engage them in conversation. I would have apologized and explained that I really was doing my best not to make undue noise and would continue to do so. As a result, one of two things would have happened:


1) We would have tossed jokes back and forth about my inability to keep quiet for the rest of the cruise.


2) It wouldn't have helped and the individual would have been a jerk anyway.


Based on my own experience, I believe it would have been the former. By not responding directly, and clearly not being successful at moving the chairs silently from then on, the person undoubtedly felt like they were being ignored, and they went from sarcasm - an attempt to handle a potentially difficult situation with humour - to angry utterances.


Being well mannered and respectful of others isn't restricted to using proper language and avoiding profanity. It means taking responsibility and acknowledging when we have affected someone - whether on purpose or not - and whether they express it to you the way you want them to or not. As far as your neighbor could tell, you neither accepted responsibility nor discontinued the behaviour, and I can understand if they got angry about it. As far as they were concerned, you were exactly what they were saying you were (f-ing a-word), and clearly they wanted you to know how they felt. If only you'd spoken to them rather than expecting them to just understand that you had heard them and were doing your best to accommodate them - even though you didn't apologize, didn't acknowledge them, and continued to make noise, I am confident that you would have had a completely different experience. :cool:

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Yeah, I was wondering why you felt the need to keep explaining yourself. What would this doofus had done if he was below the pool deck like I was on my last cruise? I hadn't really thought about it when I "upgraded" my cabin and honestly while we noticed the noise, we certainly didn't let it bother us.


Never heard from him before that. Is it possible....yes. But based on a lifetime of experience, I doubt it. The chair scraping was by no means constant. As I stated before, we have never received any complaints on any of our previous cruises.


That brings up another question......it's amazing that CCL with all the resources at their disposal can't specify deck chairs that can be moved about without making that annoying sound.


2 years ago we were in cabins on deck 8 on Carnival Legend and we worried about noise from chairs moving around on the Lido (deck 9). And we had no problems with noise. This time since our cabins were directly below the new "Adults only" Serenity deck, we anticipated even less noise. But the outcome was that we heard more chair-scraping than ever before. Perhaps I should have shouted rude and obscene language to those folks on the serenity deck..... I'm sure that would have produced positive results. :cool: Instead, we chose to just deal with it and not let it adversely affect our cruise.

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Hmmmm... I skipped to the end and from the looks of some of these last posts, I think I'm glad I did. :)


To the OP...


I agree with you about manners. I too was raised with an emphasis on proper manners, courtesy, and respect. Being confident that I am well mannered and a large number of people aren't, however, does not mean that I shouldn't respond when someone voices an issue.


The only person whose behaviour we have any control over is ourself, and if it is important to us to respect others, then it is our responsibility to put effort into that - no matter how they may be acting themselves.


In the situation described, when the individual below initially made the sarcastic remark (about moving the chairs around), I would have leaned over my balcony and laughed and attempted to engage them in conversation. I would have apologized and explained that I really was doing my best not to make undue noise and would continue to do so. As a result, one of two things would have happened:


1) We would have tossed jokes back and forth about my inability to keep quiet for the rest of the cruise.


2) It wouldn't have helped and the individual would have been a jerk anyway.


Based on my own experience, I believe it would have been the former. By not responding directly, and clearly not being successful at moving the chairs silently from then on, the person undoubtedly felt like they were being ignored, and they went from sarcasm - an attempt to handle a potentially difficult situation with humour - to angry utterances.


Being well mannered and respectful of others isn't restricted to using proper language and avoiding profanity. It means taking responsibility and acknowledging when we have affected someone - whether on purpose or not - and whether they express it to you the way you want them to or not. As far as your neighbor could tell, you neither accepted responsibility nor discontinued the behaviour, and I can understand if they got angry about it. As far as they were concerned, you were exactly what they were saying you were (f-ing a-word), and clearly they wanted you to know how they felt. If only you'd spoken to them rather than expecting them to just understand that you had heard them and were doing your best to accommodate them - even though you didn't apologize, didn't acknowledge them, and continued to make noise, I am confident that you would have had a completely different experience. :cool:




Ladies and Gentleman -- We have a winner of the most thoughtful, least disrespectful, least sarcastic, least snarky, most insightful and most logical post on this subject. Perhaps now that we do ... We could give the thread a natural death maybe?




What entertainment this has been

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