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Carnival sued over St. Thomas death


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Do you really think they are suing only for the 15k or so a funeral costs? Please, that wouldn't be worth the lawyer's time. They are looking for a tidy profit, otherwise they would sue the family of the person who actually killed their child.



I'm sure they are suing both. Hey you never know...they might create a scholarship fund in her name or even build a memorial garden. My point is you don't know what they will do with the money, so don't judge.


I just find it funny when people hear of lawsuits they are so quick to attack, but if they get into a small fender bender they are the first to call their lawyer to see how much they can get.


I feel for that family and I'm sorry they had to deal with a loss of a child. I hope they do walk away with a good sum of money and put it to good use.


Enjoy your day folks, I'm sure these people suffer the loss of their daughter every day.

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I feel for that family and I'm sorry they had to deal with a loss of a child. I hope they do walk away with a good sum of money and put it to good use.


I feel sorry for the family and their loss. But I hope they DON'T walk away with any money from Carnival for this. Yes, an extremely sad thing happened, but Carnival is not responsible for it. They weren't on a cruiseline excursion. They weren't on the ship.



Just because I bad thing happened doesn't mean the family deserves money.

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Whats unreal is how some of these posters think. There are children killed for whatever reason in many places around the world but that doesnt mean someone automatically should pay a huge lump of money to compensate. The only person responsible for make such payments are the persons who were directly responsible for the loss. Look how many people lost lives in the storms. Does it mean they should look for someone to pay them a lump sum? Say, the grocery store which collasped on a woman and her child and the child didnt make it? Sue them... or the trailer park where a whole family was lost? There are many cases where lawsuits are warranted and justified. The cruise linedoes have insurance to protect themselves from suits like this and this is what raises the fares along with many other reasons. I feel for the family and their loss but this suit just stinks and I agree with others, it kinda takes away that empathy. And when you really think about the situation and think what would I do...well it will show you just what kind of a person you really are.

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A person dies in a horrible violent situation. Sad, but that does not mean their family is "owed" any financial compensation, and certainly not from Carnival. I hope the cruise line sticks to their guns and does not offer a settlement just to make this situation go away. Rediculous!!

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I think calling these folks names is a bit unfair - they lost a daughter who had many years of life remaining.......


Carnival will not pay, the insurance company will pay - Carnival has liability insurance for just these things

And when Carnival's insurance premiums go up, they will raise their fares.


All those who think Carnival is liable for this death had best not complain when they have to pay more money to cruise.


If the girl had gone swimming at the beach and drowned, would Carnival be liable for that? :rolleyes:

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I was on this very cruise. It was very sad and tragic. They were on a private excursion, not through Carnival.


I will say I don't see how this is Carnival's fault. However, I do think cruise lines need to up the pressure on some of the POC's which have high crime to do something about the high crime. I really had no idea St. Thomas was so violent. I should have done some research prior to the cruise but so many people are quite naive about cruising destinations.

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I was on this very cruise. It was very sad and tragic. They were on a private excursion, not through Carnival.


I will say I don't see how this is Carnival's fault. However, I do think cruise lines need to up the pressure on some of the POC's which have high crime to do something about the high crime. I really had no idea St. Thomas was so violent. I should have done some research prior to the cruise but so many people are quite naive about cruising destinations.


i remember many people were saying that at the time, thinking how safe it was.


a simply google search was eye opening.

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Regardless of whether it was a Carnival Excursion or Private Excursion shouldn't really matter unless the operator was "negligent" and purposely leading the family in to a hazardous area which I really don't think it the case. Still it should be the "Tour Operators" responsibility. Maybe if there was an "uprising" prior to "docking" THEN I could see Carnival sharing some responsibility...Many a Captian has refused to stop at a Port because of news of "unrest" and he felt it was too much of a risk to passengers.


There would be a LOT more expenses involved in this matter than just funeral costs...maybe medical to try to save her, maybe transport back to the US (I doubt they got back on the ship), maybe "Carnival" mishandled theiry belongings on board after the incident...there could be a LOT of other factors involved. Maybe they took out "insurance" thru Carnival and it's not paying (technically I know it's another company providing the insurance but Carnival is probably more of a target). We just don't know the rest of the story.


Another thing too could be a very very VERY distraut family with the added stress of how they were going to pay for THOUSANDS to bury a CHILD and then all the added expenses of getting her back home and the legal issues surrounding that.. They probably had every lawyer in the country contacting them advising them to go after the "deep pocket".


I know I would just be so "angry"...when you've walked a mile in their shoes...you want someone to blame besides yourself. It's so hard to bring the world back into focus after something so tragic. Right or wrong...we're just human.


Technically this is a rather "nasty" one because Carnival would look evil and uncaring if they do nothing. I think they'll settle something out of court that will probably cover "expenses".

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Crime can and does happen anywhere. This in no way was Carnival's fault. This very tragic event could have happened at home or in front of a supermarket meeting their local congress person. I hope Carnival fights this case otherwise it opens up future suits from violence to robbery in port. While I feel for the expenses involved in the burial, this very issue is being faced by hundred of families in the south right now with only the hope of help from donations of others to help them.

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i remember many people were saying that at the time, thinking how safe it was.


a simply google search was eye opening.



I know! I didn't think the islands were so crime ridden but I didn't believe they were crime free. I was just shocked ( and mad at myself for not doing research) at how violent St. Thomas was. It is sooo beautiful it just amazes me how people can be so violent in paradise.


Again, I have great sympathy for this family as I was on the cruise when they were. It really stunned us all onboard.


I hope the main reason for the lawsuit is to pressure cruise lines to pressure the POC's into stepping up their actions against the high crime.

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Crime can and does happen anywhere. This in no way was Carnival's fault. This very tragic event could have happened at home or in front of a supermarket meeting their local congress person. I hope Carnival fights this case otherwise it opens up future suits from violence to robbery in port. While I feel for the expenses involved in the burial, this very issue is being faced by hundred of families in the south right now with only the hope of help from donations of others to help them.



I agree it is not Carnival's fault but I do hope this lawsuit was to pressure Carnival to pressure the POC's with high crime to do more about the crime in their ports.

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Crime can and does happen anywhere. This in no way was Carnival's fault. This very tragic event could have happened at home or in front of a supermarket meeting their local congress person. I hope Carnival fights this case otherwise it opens up future suits from violence to robbery in port. While I feel for the expenses involved in the burial, this very issue is being faced by hundred of families in the south right now with only the hope of help from donations of others to help them.


Perfectly put.....


It is a sad situation, but I am frankly stunned that ANY rationally thinking person could see any way that Carnival should have to pay 1 cent for this incident.



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Carnival will not pay, the insurance company will pay - Carnival has liability insurance for just these things


I used to work in a law office and the majority of the clients were INSURANCE Companies. I've seen cases where even though the company wasn't at fault it is sometimes cheaper to just settle. I've also seen cases where the company doesn't care how much the lawyers fees are, they want to fight it to keep their name clean. They will win, but the lawyers are the ones who make the $...


Unfortunately some lawyers will tell their grieving clients the protocol is to sue everyone who is remotely involved. I'm sure they are not only suing Carnival, but the safari bus company, the individuals, basically anyone and everyone.


The sad thing is the lawyers will make money on both sides of the case. Their baby girl will be gone forever. It's sad.

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Even if it was Carnival excursion, it is insurance who should pay, right?


Yes, it is the Insurance Companies that pay then in return Carnival ends up paying because of premium increases to cover claims.


I find it distrubing that this family thought getting money from Carnival would make them all better. This was not a Carnival sponsered excursion and Carnival should not be held laible whatsoever.

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Regardless of whether it was a Carnival Excursion or Private Excursion shouldn't really matter unless the operator was "negligent" and purposely leading the family in to a hazardous area which I really don't think it the case. Still it should be the "Tour Operators" responsibility. Maybe if there was an "uprising" prior to "docking" THEN I could see Carnival sharing some responsibility...Many a Captian has refused to stop at a Port because of news of "unrest" and he felt it was too much of a risk to passengers.


There would be a LOT more expenses involved in this matter than just funeral costs...maybe medical to try to save her, maybe transport back to the US (I doubt they got back on the ship), maybe "Carnival" mishandled theiry belongings on board after the incident...there could be a LOT of other factors involved. Maybe they took out "insurance" thru Carnival and it's not paying (technically I know it's another company providing the insurance but Carnival is probably more of a target). We just don't know the rest of the story.


Another thing too could be a very very VERY distraut family with the added stress of how they were going to pay for THOUSANDS to bury a CHILD and then all the added expenses of getting her back home and the legal issues surrounding that.. They probably had every lawyer in the country contacting them advising them to go after the "deep pocket".


I know I would just be so "angry"...when you've walked a mile in their shoes...you want someone to blame besides yourself. It's so hard to bring the world back into focus after something so tragic. Right or wrong...we're just human.


Technically this is a rather "nasty" one because Carnival would look evil and uncaring if they do nothing. I think they'll settle something out of court that will probably cover "expenses".

I agree. I think when a family is so grief stricken sometimes their anger & thoughts of who to blame can become misguided. Doesnt mean they are bad people or golddiggers. I cant even imagine what they have gone through so I wouldn't dream of judging their behavior.

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Yes, it is the Insurance Companies that pay then in return Carnival ends up paying because of premium increases to cover claims.


I find it distrubing that this family thought getting money from Carnival would make them all better. This was not a Carnival sponsered excursion and Carnival should not be held laible whatsoever.



Where in the article did it say anything about the family is doing this to "make them all better"? Please don't project such horrible intentions when you do not know their motivations.


Perhaps they are lashing out in grief? Or perhaps they are just trying to get Carnival's attention in getting them to pressure some of these POC's to do something about the violence in their countries. This is not Carnival's fault and they shouldn't pay a dime but if they DO pressure these POC's to improve their crime rates then it is a win-win for everyone.

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Or perhaps they are just trying to get Carnival's attention in getting them to pressure some of these POC's to do something about the violence in their countries. This is not Carnival's fault and they shouldn't pay a dime but if they DO pressure these POC's to improve their crime rates then it is a win-win for everyone.

I think this would leave every cruise ship sailing in circles at sea, because every port/country has crime/violence/deaths. Unfortunately I can't imagine CCL, or any other cruise line changing this fact, no matter how much pressure they put on a country.

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I think this would leave every cruise ship sailing in circles at sea, because every port/country has crime/violence/deaths. Unfortunately I can't imagine CCL, or any other cruise line changing this fact, no matter how much pressure they put on a country.


Sure they can. I am not talking about eliminating crime but from what I heard, St. Thomas officials "stepped up" fighting crime after this incident when several cruise lines openly discussed dropping this port.


This is a huge money maker for these islands/destinations. They lose tourists they lose their way of life. NYC famously cracked down on crime to improve tourism and it worked. These cruise lines can do wonders with helping clean up these ports if they pressured them.

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I'm sure they are suing both. Hey you never know...they might create a scholarship fund in her name or even build a memorial garden. My point is you don't know what they will do with the money, so don't judge.


I just find it funny when people hear of lawsuits they are so quick to attack, but if they get into a small fender bender they are the first to call their lawyer to see how much they can get.


I feel for that family and I'm sorry they had to deal with a loss of a child. I hope they do walk away with a good sum of money and put it to good use.


Enjoy your day folks, I'm sure these people suffer the loss of their daughter every day.


It does not matter what they do with the money!!! I can not believe you think that way. Everyone always thinks that since the Insurance Company pays for it then it is OK. If there is a car accident and the party is liable then yes you deserve the money to pay for medical bills. In this case Carnival was no way responsible for this terrible crime.


Also, how does walking away with a good sum of money help anyone? That frame of though is just sick.

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I 100% agree with you. They lost their daughter and yes Carnival is to a certain extent responsible because they were on an excursion through the cruise line if I remember correctly. And yes they will have their insurance company pay for this.


Nothing against the cruise line, but this family lost a child and they do need to be compensated by the cruise line and the killer. Remember they had to pay for burial of their CHILD never mind the grief they suffer daily.


Why do they need to be compensated by the cruise line? Just because they have insurance doesnt mean they should pay. That is part of the problem with society today, they feel they have to sue someone. It was tragic that the young gitl was killed but that is not Carnival's fault and they should in no way be held responsible. Who do you think pays in the long run......we do as customers.

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Where in the article did it say anything about the family is doing this to "make them all better"? Please don't project such horrible intentions when you do not know their motivations.


Perhaps they are lashing out in grief? Or perhaps they are just trying to get Carnival's attention in getting them to pressure some of these POC's to do something about the violence in their countries. This is not Carnival's fault and they shouldn't pay a dime but if they DO pressure these POC's to improve their crime rates then it is a win-win for everyone.


Your right it does ot say what their motivation is and I don't care. It is wrong because this had nothing to do with Carnival!!! If it had then it would be different. Lashing out in grief? Then sue St. Thomas police force. Why sue Carnival?? Because they are a big company with lots of money.

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I think this depends on whether this was a cruise line excursion, then yes they assume some responsibility. If it were a private excursion organized by the family then no there is no liability on the part of Carnival.


The same if it was booked through Carnival then they be on the hook for some $$$. If they are going to sue anyone it should be the gang banger.



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I think this depends on whether this was a cruise line excursion, then yes they assume some responsibility. If it were a private excursion organized by the family then no there is no liability on the part of Carnival.


It doesn't matter if the excursion was sponsored by Carnival at all. Only if Carnival was shown to be negligent would they be liable - like the driver was a convicted felon and he did the shooting. In that case it could be argued that Carnival was negligent for hiring a dangerous individual. If I get in a cab and the driver drops me off and I am shot, the cab driver showed no negligence and thus is not liable.


Carnival could not reasonably have expected gang activity to be taking place that day at Coki Beach. There are legal principles at work here.

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