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Things I will not pack next time

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I've realized I don't need TOO many shoes! :o Our first cruise I think I had 12 PAIRS of shoes. I packed several pairs of shoes that only matched one dress or one specific outfit.


Now I'm usually down to 6 - nude heels, black strappy sandals, 2 paris of nice flip-flops, sneakers & boat shoes.


As for the over-the-door hanger....LOVE IT!!! Everything is right at my fingertips next to the door. No looking for my sunglasses, my seapass card, post-its and a pen to leave the kids a note, and it's a great place to store my receipts so I can check my bill before we leave the ship!

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We also use the suitcase for dirty clothes. I have seen some pretty intense packing lists on here. I think you learn as you go and can eliminate what you did not use/need on future trips.


I was looking for a way to learn something here incase I was missing the boat, yes pun intended here. ;)


I can see where the hamper baggie thing would work for some but I'm OCD when it comes to packing. It all has a place and has to be in its place. DAILY, I pack anything not going to be worn again, usually when the DW is preparing herself for dinner.


For the over the door shoe hanger, yes I use one. We could do without it on most ships and in most cabins, it is just too darn convenient to know where EVERYTHING is. ;)



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One more vote for the over the door shoe hanger, for many of the reasons mentioned. No fishing around in drawers, keeps the desk space uncluttered, not forgetting where you put something in one of these dozens of little cubbies in the room.


It sounded like a good idea when I 1st read about it, and I've used the same one for at least 10 weeks at sea now, and it's holding up fine. It takes zero room in the suitcase because it folds so flat. In between cruises, it lives on one of my suitcases (along with the multi socket cord that has come in handy many times).


What is it good for? Chargers (phones, kindle, ipods), hair dryers/straightening irons, receipts, water bottles, brushes, tanning lotion, excursion tickets, Coupon booklets, seapass cards, hair clips, etc.. We hang it on the outside of the door, and it also makes getting ready for dinner go faster since we don't all need bathroom time and space.


What don't I take that I've decided wasn't needed? I have to agree, I was one of the 2-3 outfits a day crowd. Now, nothing goes in the suitcase if I can't get at least 2 wearings out of it. On warm weather cruises, I've just about eliminated shorts entirely. Shorts/shirts was the only thing I brought back unused from a 2 week B2B this May. Simple sundresses are so much easier, and in my opinion cooler. Not to mention, they work fine for casual dinner, then can get their 2nd or 3rd wearing out touring.

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We definitely are over packers and this year we vowed to cut down big time...one garment bag(check in) and 2 carry-ons with wheels. I bring my laptop bag with my tiny notebook computer in it and have plenty room for extra crap, I find it comes in handy for all the stuff in my pockets and my belt and cell phone when I go through security. I guess you can call it my Man bag:p.


We also bring a tiny over the door thingy for all the small stuff such as her make-up,contacs, tylenol, imodium etc... it makes it so easy to see everything. We also bring some zip lock baggies and a couple kitchen garbage bags for our dirty clothes.

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I always over pack. But you never know when your going to spill something on yourself. So I pack 3 pairs of shorts, a couple of button down shirts, at least 2 swim suits (because they get nasty after a few uses) worse in salt water, 2 pairs of shoes,2 pairs of khaki's, a sweatshirt and my shaving kit. But the best thing I found out for us men is get some of those Clima Cool shirts!!!! I can take about 10 of those and they are so small its like taking the space of at least 4 t shirts! Besides that they are more comfortable than a T. Even with all this my suitcase weighs in around 35 t0 40 lbs. I never been over 50 lbs. So to all you men get rid of the T's. you will save a lot of space just by using the Clima Cool shirts. Moisture wicking or what ever they are calling them now. I like the Addias, Nike, UA and some I got at a Old Navy for 5.00 a piece. One more thing a rain pancho. Never know when you need it. Got rid of my suit a long time ago. Long list but it all packs really well!

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For a seven night cruise we can manage really well with one suitcase and a couple carry-ons but for next year's 15 night (plus five port city nights) we appreciate every suggestion here. For the seven nighters we had a door hanging "train case" sort of thing than unzips to lay flat against the door but it is so heavy and large we are going to leave it. With 15 nights the investment in putting toiletries and medcines in the cabinet and drawers is worth it.


Also, we are sink laundry people and will be bringing clothes pins or chip-bag clamps to secure items to balcony chairs to dry overnight. We will ADD items to bring only if they allow a reduction elsewhere. Especially to reduce clothes packed. Underwear washes very easy and dries fast.


I know some people have to stay in touch, but we try to get away from the internet and cell phones on vacation, we see too much of that all normal weeks.


Unfortunately not an option. Employer mandates it as a condition of the time off. Fortunately they cover unlimited internet access for the entire cruise. Last TA we did I got an urgent email from our Sales Director while at hotel in London so I got online remoted into our servers and fixed up a report he needed. Pretty cool from 1/4 way around the world - he had no idea I could do that.


Not taking the little set of portable speakers for my iPod Touch. Earbuds will work fine this time.


And if I can convince my wife of the sanity of it we will pack NO formal wear. WJ or specialty restaurant will be fine or we will pack one set of almost formal and eat at table for two in MTD part of MDR. HUGE saving of space in bags.


Also not taking little foam cooler "lunch bags" since many ports won't allow bringing sandwiches off the ship.

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I have cut back considerably since my early days of cruising...now I can do 5nts or less with a rolling duffel bag...one thing I have stopped taking that I NEVER used was an insulated drinking mug...it always sounded like a great idea..keep your coffee hot or your lemonade cold while you lounged by the pool...but I never seemed to remember to bring it with me when I was headed for the WJ...


I do bring a little tiny flashlight though...it's handy for trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking up my room mate...

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We (My wife and I) each carry on a bag, bring two other suitcases and a garment bag.


We always seem to overpack ( for a 7-nite cruise). I wear a lot of tee-shirts which I collect.


We also always carry a lot of toiltries and a lot of medications which we seem to need.

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I have cut back considerably since my early days of cruising...now I can do 5nts or less with a rolling duffel bag...one thing I have stopped taking that I NEVER used was an insulated drinking mug...it always sounded like a great idea..keep your coffee hot or your lemonade cold while you lounged by the pool...but I never seemed to remember to bring it with me when I was headed for the WJ...


I do bring a little tiny flashlight though...it's handy for trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking up my room mate...


We never used our flashlight, we just left the bathroom light on and left the door ajar, just like home, the money you save on electric is well spent, who wants to stub a toe or worse in the dark. I use the flashlights for camping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything I take now is black. If something spills on it, it doesn't show. I pack three pairs of black pants: dressy, thin hiking-style pants with lots of pockets that dry overnight when washed; and a pair of black jeans. ALL the tops match these pants, including two tops for formal night that go with the dressier pants. Several T-shirt tops, both short sleeve and long sleeve. You can wear everything twice, and the hiking-style pants (available from outfitter stores like R.E.I.) wash and dry very quickly and are comfortable. Everything fits in a 24-inch pullman suitcase. The black jeans, one formal top, and two day tops and my pair of comfy day touring shoes go in the carryone so even if my suitcase is lost I'm still good to go!

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We brought way too much stuff on our first 2 cruises. Since then have done 3 cruises with just 1 carry-on each, including an 11 night Panama Canal cruise. Just roll everything. Even my formal dress. We rented my husbands tux, (cheaper than paying for baggage on the flight). That way he got pants, and 2 shirts. Tried to make everything do double duty. Tank with a sweater for evening and just the tank with shorts for the next day. We're doing a 13 night Mediterranean cruise in Sept. We may have to take at least 1 bag for that.

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I am so obessed with packing lightly that I was running out of clothing (yes, I wear what I can more than once) on many cruises.


The ship's laundry service can be a bargin when it comes to heavy and/or bulky items, like jeans. For a few dollars I have the jeans I fly in laundered on board. Having just completed an Alaska cruise, sweaters and jackets were also laundered. It is money well spent compared to baggage fees. I also use my airline credit card for flights to avoid fees for the first ( and only) piece of checked luggage. My carry-on doubles as a beach/excursion day bag.


My friend advises "don't be a slave to your luggage". I try to get by with indentured servitude.


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Thank you everybody--LOVE this thread!! We're long-time cruisers and still learned a lot from all of you. Our main packing philosophy is "disposable." We pack heavier going, leave a lot of stuff behind for the room steward, and pack light coming home.


Re: the purse issue, I leave my purse in the safe all week. On board, I have the tiniest little shoulder thing the size of a cell phone holder and it's just big enough for my must-haves like chapstick, sign & sail pass, and kleenex. It slings over my head and shoulder and is so light weight I can't even tell I'm wearing it. It lives on me the whole week.


Re: Dirty clothes bag. We just bring 13-gal kitchen trash bags. They take up no space in the suitcase at all. At the end of the cruise, we just sling the trash bag o' dirty clothes into one of the now empty suitcases. They are also handy to have if you end up with wet swimwear at the last minute.


Re: packing. There are still some things we can't live without, but we leave it behind when we're done. I have an obsession against messy,wet cake soap on the sink so I bring a small pumper bottle of hand soap for the sink. Can't live without Oust "stink" spray for the bathroom. We never have enough hangers, even when we ask steward for extra, so I bring the cheapest wire hangers known to man. I have trouble finding caffeine-free diet soda on board so I bring my own Diet Rite. Etc. But when we leave at the end of the cruise, we leave all that leftover stuff behind for the room steward and pack light for the trip home.


Cruise on!!!!

Craig & Joyce

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Would your New England cruise be on the QM2 from Southamptonon 20th Sept this year, we live on the Fylde Coast in England and are so looking forward to seeing "The Fall" and its wonderfull colours. We do have the Lake District near by which is lovely.

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This is a great thread to read since DH and I plan to pack this weekend for our cruise or at least begin the packing process. We are determined to get everything for our 7 night which is more of an 8 night since we are going into San Juan a day early into on checked bag and our carry ones.


I am a little concerned that our checked bag will be overweight but we will stuff as much as possible into our carry on to help with the weight.


* We do plan to take my laptop to download photos from the camera and from our Flip video camera.


* We will leave the over the door hanger at home and see how the trip is without it.


* Certinaly will take bags for dirty clothing and large ziplocks to get the air out of our dirties as well.


Can't wait to cruise! Thanks for all the tips.

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If (when) the power goes out you'll re-think leaving the flashlight out. Even if there are battery-powered emergency lights, you never know when you might have to find your way around in the dark -- on the ship, in a hotel room, or (heaven forbid) on an airplane. There are tiny LED lights that can go on a key ring and take up almost no space in your purse, cosmetic or shaving kit, etc.


If the ship sinks I may regret not carrying my own personal life raft with satellite phone.;) 6 cruises, no need, if I go 20 cruises and use it once, I then carried a useless item 19 times. I'll do without, after all, the nice thing about darkness is you get to feel your way around. "Pardon me maam, I thought you were an exit. "

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I'm with the pack light folks! I wear black sneakers, which also work with black dress pants and fancy top (and wear it for all formal nights), and bring a pair of sandals. I do pack my plastic box of OTC meds & cleaning wipes (box can double for tummy problems if needed...ahem...). Never used the over the door thing, don't use a travel alarm - wristwatch does well! I use either the bathroom light or TV as night light. I do take the travel power strip for cell phone, iPod (all my books on that!) and cameras. We're odd in that we don't unpack - we live out of our suitcases. I'm lazy & don't want to re-pack! I bring space bags which I hang on the hangers and toss dirty clothes into. Then, I just get rid of the air & toss 'em into my suitcase. I wear light jeans and pack khaki shorts so everything matches. I use travel size toiletries, so just abandon them at the end of the cruise and just let my hair air-dry. For formal nights, I only use lipstick and mascara and toss those at the end too. SO much nicer to just travel with a 22 in. suitcase (so I can check or not as I choose) and a tote bag with a small travel purse (all meds & electronics in tote)! (It's easier to remember what I DO pack than what I've tossed out!)

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My hubby has giant feet so packing light is always a problem. Every extra pair of shoes takes up a ton of space. One way he saved space on our last trip by only packing 1 t-shirt. :eek: What he ended up doing was combining souvenir shopping with packing. He bought a t-shirt in every port and wore it the next day. ;) BUT he had extra stuff to take home than he had going.


We downsized our electronics from laptop to iPad, 3-4 books to Kindles... etc. I realized that I do not need "daywear". We always do water stuff so a swimsuit and cover-up is all I need until naptime. I try to coordinate my evening attire in the brown catagory to mix & match.


We have also started utilizing the ships laundry as needed. It isn't that expensive.


I will NOT give up my french press. We are coffee snobs. Cannot stomach the stuff they serve on the ship. Bleck! We are in a suite for the first time on our next cruise and from some of the picks I have seen, it looks like there is already one in the room. I need verification on that one.

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The best thing I brought on our recent cruise on the wonderful oasis: the diffuser from my home hair dryer & duct tape. My hair gets flat & yucky if I don't use the diffuser. Its small and packs easily. Left the dryer @ home, and used 2 little pieces of the tape tot attach it to the ship's dryer. Easily removable. If you don't leave it taped for the whole cruise, it doesn't leave a residue. Also, no purse, but definitely some kind of bag to take on excursions. I have used my tennis shoes on every cruise, especially for some of the excursions, but on the ship, only in the gym. It was helpful to have a little plug with extra outlets, because there's only 1 outlet in the cabin. We used pretty much everything we brought, but packed fewer non-essentials this time than before.

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If (when) the power goes out you'll re-think leaving the flashlight out. Even if there are battery-powered emergency lights, you never know when you might have to find your way around in the dark -- on the ship, in a hotel room, or (heaven forbid) on an airplane. There are tiny LED lights that can go on a key ring and take up almost no space in your purse, cosmetic or shaving kit, etc.



I bring a book light along for that purpose-even though we get a balcony room and will always have some light-the book light is security

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Definitely don't pack to be fashionable. Before the last cruise, I made the mistake of going on the Fashion and Beauty thread. Just made me angry. If I were a violent person, there was one woman there...


For some, the whole plan was fashion over function. Especially just the "right" shoes -- no matter what foot issues one may have. Well, one day while walking back to the ship in port, I followed a woman who had a bandaged, bloody blister on each heel. I winced at each step she took. But she was wearing very fashionable shoes! :D


We pack light and go for comfort and common sense. Dressing correctly for dinner doesn't have to mean a different outfit for each night.

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Thanks to every one for my laugh of the day-I thought we were the only ones who keep down sizing and still have too many clothes along. A few cruises ago we upgraded to a balcony so that our swim suits would dry fast and we could bring fewer suits (I thought that was a good reason) Last cruise I really thought we did well with two big suitcases and a carryon but this next time I really think it will be one suitcase and two carryons-we do not appreciate dressing up! So this next trip we are not doing any formal nights-I love the ideas you all had-I will try the over the door shoe rack in the bathroom-I think that will be neat. I too carry the Rx bag-a few of everything in the medicine cabinet-we have never had to use it for ourselves, but it seams those we have cruised with never remember to bring anything with them. I am known as the pharmacy!:D

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We pack less each time we go on a cruise. I do take my iPad so I can download pictures and record the things we saw, makes it so easy when you get home. I use sneakers for touring, one pair of Mary Janes for the plane and daytime on ship. Water shoes if we are going to be in the ocean/pool and one dress sandals. That pretty much covers all possibilities. Some jeans, shorts, bathing suit and tops and I can get by with a couple of skirts for dress up. It all fits in one bag. I stopped buying souvenirs, no more room at home, I'm happy with pictures. I have a flashlight that fits on a keychain, which I keep in a backpack with travel documents, water bottle, camera, inflatable pillow, hand wash, meds and anything I may need on the airplane. The backpack doubles as a daypack when touring. I use the hotel/ship shampoo and hairdryer (short hair), when it doesn't look good, slap on a cap and keep going. Leave all jewelry at home and you don't have to worry about packing it or keeping it safe. Simplify is the name of the game.

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Instead of bringing a flashlight, I just use the flashlight in the Tactical Flash app on my iPhone! :)


Actually, the White Noise app comes in handy too. I'm a light sleeper (even at home!) and used to travel with a white noise machine/alarm clock combo, but now I can just use this.


I bring my phone anyway, even if I don't use it as a phone onboard, so might as well take advantage of some useful features! :D

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I laugh when I think about how much stuff we packed for our first cruise--The most ridiculous misconception was the need for different morning and afternoon clothes for sea days; the reality translated into the following: a swimsuit, coverup and sandals all day until changing for dinner. I think that I also brought a traveling French press coffee pot (guffaw!!!)


I do rely on my power strip--cell phones, camera, Kindle, and flat iron. I also grab a few clothes pins to clip my wet swimsuit to the back of the balcony chairs for overnight drying. (please no flames about offending the nighttime marine life with my "tacky" laundry drying on my balcony)


As far as storage, we've yet to fill all the space provided. I'm pretty proud of myself because as we almost exclusively sail out of Bayonne, and arrive there by car, I could pack so much more. I find that with each cruise, I bring less and less.



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