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My Sincerest Apologies


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Good to jump on the bandwagon Colette, but you were the one that did it? Are you happy now?


I only said I was proud of him for making an apology because of the courage it took to say it. If he felt he had to do it, then he felt that way. He never said anything to personally offend me so therefore, I feel he never had to apologize to me.


Yes, I am HAPPY for the fact that Folgy is feeling a little better knowing that he has the support of others on here.

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Oh Folgy, I'm so sorry...Andy and I lost our baby girl, Frankie, a couple of years ago, and reading your post brought back all the pain of watching our dear kitty go through the pain of kidney failure. Unfortunately, we caught it too late, and couldn't help her. For a few months after we put her to sleep, we'd swear we'd see her walking around the house, and I couple of times, I swore I felt her snuggle up against me while I was in bed. She was also missed by her three other kitty siblings, who seemed to look up to her as their "Momma".


It took a while, but eventually a new kitty came into our lives, and she has been such a joy. We think that Frankie led her to us, in that other than color, they have so many of the same mannerisms. And it's been stimulating for our older cats to have a new baby to terrorize them. :)


It's going to hurt for a long time, but hopefully a new kitty will come to you, through whatever mysterious means, and you'll find that the love for your new baby will help ease the pain of losing your Tommy.

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I am hoping it will be just that way . That the little fuzzy that needs a real good home wanders our way. I will never forget or stop loving my Tommy ...but I can love another or two :) just the same.

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You won't need to look very hard - they always seem to find you, not the other way around!


Let it happen. You will know it is the right one when it happens.

You won't even have a choice!



:) I think you are wiser than an owl. I am hoping for just that.

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I'm really sorry for your loss. It's amazing how a few lbs of fur and purrs can get into someones heart, but they always seem to. We also have an elderly cat named "Tommy" and know that the day is coming when we have to put him down and can only relish the time we have left with him.


take care


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You are so right . Cuddle your cat lots and lots. We just never know how much we have with a loved one.


I am so glad I met so many compassionate people. I feel renewed and restored in the ability of people to understand and feel for others.

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You won't need to look very hard - they always seem to find you, not the other way around!


Let it happen. You will know it is the right one when it happens.

You won't even have a choice!


You know I have to agree with this. I've always had dogs and was never really convinced I was a cat person. My dad never liked them so we were never allowed to have them. My husband and kids are major animal lovers and my husband's family always had a cat.


Well it was Jan 2, 2001 and my husband had gone off to work for the day - kids and I were home and I was starting to get dinner ready. I heard the garage door open and it seemed to be taking a really long time for him to come in. He poked just his head in the door and said Mar, come down here right now and don't bring the kids. I'm thinking what is he up to now. I stepped out into the garage and there he is holding this ridiculously skinny sick looking orange tabby. He said he was driving home down this terribly busy county road where the speed limit is 80 km/hr (about 50 mph for my American friends:) ) and there was this cat sitting in front of a snowbank about a foot off the road with cars speeding by. There are no houses or businesses anywhere near the area. He said he knew she was going to die there and he had to stop. The poor thing just sat on his lap and shivered the whole way home. He remembered that the crumb crunchers (that's for you Folgy:) ) had spilled a few teddy grahams on the back seat so he gave the cat some and she ate them like crazy.


Meanie that I am, I said, that cat is not coming into my house until it's been to a vet. At that point the kids came out into the garage, saw the cat and absolute pandemonium ensued. Off the three of them went to the vet with a bowl of water and some tuna for the road. The poor cat was severely dehydrated, malnourished and seriously underweight for her age (about 9 months), had worms, her claws were nearly gone and bloody, and I can't even remember what else was wrong with her. They cleaned her all up, gave her a ton of medicine and home she came. She followed my husband everywhere that first couple of weeks. You could just tell that he was her hero.


This animal has turned out to be the most amazing little creature we've ever had and I cannot imagine our home without her. She let my kids carry her around in a blanket for about the first whole month she was with us. I swear she's never forgotten her experience because she's just as sweet as can be and loves to sit on one of us all the time. That's probably why she's as fat as a house.


Like others have said I think they're sent to us when we don't even know we need them.

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Just checking in to see how you're doing Folgy.


We lost a cat several years ago. He suddenly went blind and we had to hand feed him. Eventually, though it was time to let go. We later adopted our DD's kitten since she couldn't have him in her apartment. He's quite the king of the house now. Just ask the dog!


Three years ago we lost our golden retriever to cancer. I was so broken up over her and didn't want another dog to replace her. My DH insisted we needed another dog, but it just didn't excite me in the least. Anyway, I went along with him to look at chocolate Lab puppies. Needless to say, she was the one that chose us. She grew in and around our hearts very quickly and gives us much love. She greets us every night with so much excitement and moves that would throw my back out of place. ;)


Give yourselves a few days then look for another furbaby who will love and be loved. You won't regret it!

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I am crying so hard right now I can hardly see my key board. That was absolutely inspiring.


I am so happy you shared that. I am smiling also at the same time. Your husband sounds like a very kind man. Thank him for me for saving that kittie.


I bet also my bottom dollar that you are also fantastic parents.

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Hi Folgy,icon7.gif


Hope the days are becoming a little easier for you. Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest "grown-up" things we have to suffer through. My dh and I have 2 kitties....Minxie and Chessie (a barn cat I adopted when I learned her sister had been taken off by a hawk!) Chessie is not real tame, but very loving. I think she must have some bobcat in her--a few generations back, of course. Oh, it doesn't matter how, what or who they are, we love them so very dearly. We all just have to try to be the best "people" our pets have.

God bless you.

And yes, I have often wished I could take my cat on the cruise. I really miss them when we are cruising. Don't miss the kids (they are grown) at all....isn't that "strange"??? Hang in there and know there are many of us that feel your loss and are thinking of you.

Alice in FL

cruising 4/19/05 and 5/07/05

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AliceN(quote)And yes, I have often wished I could take my cat on the cruise. I really miss them when we are cruising. Don't miss the kids (they are grown) at all....isn't that "strange"??? Hang in there and know there are many of us that feel your loss and are thinking of you.





I believe that one day, We all will be cruising together. There will be no complaints of anykind ..just joy



Thankyou AliceN

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To all of the posters who believe that animals find their way to us....you are so right. It happened to us. Our boxer, Yishia came to us two years ago under very bizzare circumstances. I won't go into it as it's such a long story, but I can just tell you "It was meant to be". We had not had a dog in our home in over thirty years......I did not particularly like boxers......did not want a big dog, and yet, there she was. She had lost everything....the people who loved and trained her so well (they had medical problems and could no longer care for her).....her companion of 6 years (a french bulldog, which is the dog I really wanted) died while the rescue people were trying to place both of them. Having suffered so much, she readily accepted us and immediately gave unconditional love. It was a learning experience for all of us. We were delighted when certain words got reactions from her. She seemed to understand everything we said. She was so well trained.... never bothered anything in the house except her own toys, she loved stuffed animals (we called them her babies because she carried them all over the house like they were puppies). The newest one was always her favorite.


My husband was recovering from a life threatening accident, a 22 ft fall that shattered his left hip and femur. Yishia came following his third major surgery, with many months of therapy and healing to come. She was his constant companion. She loved their morning walks down our long driveway to the mailbox to get the morning paper. She rode around with him in his old truck, sitting on the passenger side like a real person, patiently waiting for him as he ran his errands. She cheered him up when he got depressed. I really believe she was sent to help him heal. She did her job well....DH is totally recovered now and doing well.


Yishia died suddenly last month....a day after his birthday. Her job was done. We buried her in our back field, wrapped in her favorite blankets and surrounded by her "babies". We will never forget the beautiful brindle boxer that made such a difference in our lives. Oh, and we discovered that "Yishia" in Hebrew means "gift". She certainly was.

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I'm been away for a while (down taking care of elderly infirmed Mom and father's estate/sale of house matters).

I've always taken your "posts" with a grain of sugar (though you're more spicy lol) regarding children.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of you're beloved Tommy. Know that you did everything you could and though he's no longer with you and your wife he's at peace and hold on to all your wonderful memories. It takes time, though he'll always be in a special place in your heart (and yes, dear Folgy, no matter what @*&posts you place here we, faithful viewers, know that you do have a big heart).


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While we were cruising last week, and my husband was missing his dog, I commented that I bet a cruise line that had a "pets allowed" ship would be booked to the max!


I'm a bit surprised that one of the lines hasn't thought of it. Of course, there would have to be restrictions on the type of pet I suppose. (Or someone would bring their pet ostrich or something!!)

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I am crying so hard right now I can hardly see my key board. That was absolutely inspiring.


I am so happy you shared that. I am smiling also at the same time. Your husband sounds like a very kind man. Thank him for me for saving that kittie.


I bet also my bottom dollar that you are also fantastic parents.


I have to tell you Folgy, last year when we were planning our Jewel cruise and I was spending way too much time here, my fourteen year old son would sit and read posts with me from time to time to see what I was up to. He would always say, 'are there any good Folgy posts lately?' He got such a chuckle out of your poopaloopas and crumb crunchers and we'd sit and laugh together. Look at that, you inspired mother, son bonding.:D When I told him the other day about your Tommy he was so sad imagining how we would feel if we lost our Ginger or our big old lug of a lab Rosie and remembering how he felt when our old dog Sydney died 8 years ago. He said, 'you tell Folgy to go find himself a new but different cat to love. It'll help.' As we all know, time will tell you the right way to go. Still thinking about you and your wife here Folgy.

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You are so right . Cuddle your cat lots and lots. We just never know how much we have with a loved one.




Folgy you are soooo right about that one. When I lost my two furry faced girls last year (age 20, age 17) within 4 months of each other, I did not think

I could ever love another one (or two) like I loved them. I still love and miss them dearly, but with these two little sweethearts I have now, I just could not love them more. Now of course they get more than the average amount of love, cuddling and snuzzles from "Momma" because it is not only for them, but also for the love I still feel for my departed girls.


I know you need time to grieve for Tommy, as I did for mine. But when I was ready, I did indeed go to the ASPCA, and the humane society, and scanned the papers for 3 weeks. It took that long to find a new kitten, as it was not "kitten" season. Once I found Katie, our first new adoptee, at the ASPCA adoption center, both the DH and I knew she was the one. She had, and still does, the loudest purr I have ever heard. She will purr if you just look at her!


Our second girl, 4 months later, was the one that "found us" so to speak. I had made so many calls looking for our first one months ago, that one of the people from the newspaper that remembered me, called out of the blue and said she had a litter of unwanted kittens and "was I still interested?" I hesitated at first, not wanting to share the love of Katie with even another cat, but could not resist. This kitten was full of fleas, (the only one left by then), was malnurished, ear mites...the works. And positively fearless.

Straight to the Vet's with her to be sure she did not have any diseases to give to my precious Katie. Once checked out, home for a total cleaning, which she never complained about. Katie did not want anything to do with her, and I was still unsure that I made the right decision.


Two days later, Katie fell in love with her, as did I. I could not imagine my life without either one of them now. Little Moggy (so named by our British Vet's tech who said all Tabbies in England are called "Moggies") just added one more spot inside my heart along with Katie and all the previous precious babies I have been totally blessed to have enriched my life.


Good luck to you on your search for another love to add to your life, he/she is out there waiting for you!!



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Thinking of you - hope this poem brings you some comfort.


Poem For Cats


And God asked the feline spirit

Are you ready to come home?

Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul

And, as a cat, you know I am most able

To decide anything for myself.


Are you coming then? asked God.

Soon, replied the whiskered angel

But I must come slowly

For my human friends are troubled

For you see, they need me, quite certainly.


But don't they understand? asked God

That you'll never leave them?

That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?

That nothing is created or destroyed?

It just is....forever and ever and ever.


Eventually they will understand,

Replied the glorious cat

For I will whisper into their hearts

That I am always with them

I just am....forever and ever and ever.


Author Unknown

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