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What's your opinion on this? Ill passengers on excursions...


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I can't fathom why anyone would even remotely consider it Celebrity's responsibility to get someone who doesn't feel well while off the ship, whether on their own or on an excursion, back to the ship. Doesn't that fall under the category of personal responsibility? (Admittedly a near-dead concept but a concept nonetheless!) After all, we're not talking about three year olds on a nursery school trip to the park but rather adults who if they don't feel well should be considerate enough to remove themselves from the proximity of others and know enough to ask to be directed to a medical facility if it's something serious or simply ask for help (taxi comes to mind) to get themselves back to the ship. How does that become the cruise line's responsibility? Just MHO.

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So funny some of the comments here! I don't think anyone could possibly say to themselves "Gee, I would really like to vomit in front of 20 strangers today."


I never used to get motion sickness either. One day we went out to dinner with new friends and the husband drove. Not the best parting to wander away from your friends and go vomit on your lawn. I thought possibly it was something I ate, didn't connect it with anything. Not until after a few times did I realize...his driving makes me SO sick. He's not a bad driver, just SUPER fast. And it normally lasts all through dinner at least.


Now I try to meet them places, LOL

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I think there is a big difference between between feverish and vomiting and motion sickness and vomiting due to that. As far as your comment that 2 hours later she should have been fine - DH gets bad motion sickness and can be sick for several hours after (he was sick for hours after a bad flight, he is green all day after certain amusement park rides). I don't think you can say that b/c she was sick two hours later that she was exposing people to something unless you are a medical doctor and examined her to know the difference. I'm not certain celebrity has any obligation to do anything but even if it was motion sickness I would think it would be have been nice for them to offer the passenger a way back to the ship to lay down but I can't see that happening.


Honestly you don't know what anyone you come into contact with is carrying - the person next to you could be contagious even before showing symptoms. I would be upset if someone knowingly had a stomach bug and went on an excursion anyway - but honestly the only thing you can really do is make sure you really wash your hands frequently.

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Yes, I agree that any person next to me, who is not vomiting, could be carrying some contagious disease that is much worse!


Also, I truly didn't realize that some people are sick from motion sickness for hours after the motion ceases. I have suffered from this since I was little (and used to throw up on the bus ride to summer camp every day) and used my personal experience as a reference. I always feel much better about 15 minutes after the ride. I guess I should consider myself a "lucky" motion sickness sufferer!

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I'm not certain celebrity has any obligation to do anything but even if it was motion sickness I would think it would be have been nice for them to offer the passenger a way back to the ship to lay down but I can't see that happening.


Not sure I understand what you mean by it would have been "nice" for Celebrity to have offered the passenger a way back to the ship. You're assuming she wanted to return to the ship which doesn't appear to be the case; and even if she did want to return to the ship, how was the cruise line supposed to know that? IMHO it's unreasonable to expect the cruise line to stand at the ready to go out what in some instances may be a great distance, to retrieve a passenger who isn't feeling well; we're talking about a cruise line not the Red Cross. Where do you draw the line? Headache? Vomiting? Fever? Tired feet? Backache? Too hot/too cold/too wet/too tired? And who gets to decide if and when a passenger must return to the ship? I certainly wouldn't want someone making that decision for me.

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Do you have any idea if any of the tour people (driver, tour guide or Celebrity host) discussed this at all with the sick person?


Do you know one way or the other if an option to return was presented to the person or that the person wanted to return but was not able to?

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The person leading the excursion knew this woman was sick. The woman was throwing up about 3 seats away from her, and there was yelling for plastic bags and tissues. We were in the seats directly next to the couple.


When we got to Taormina, my hubby and I went off and didn't see what happened with them immediately. I saw them next about an hour later sitting on the curb with her head between her legs looking really ill. She was sipping gatorade and was pale and clearly felt terrible. I felt badly for her and would never want to be in her shoes! But, I think if it were me, I'd have called for a taxi to go back right away if possible. This woman was not having any fun at all and I could guess that she just wanted to go back. It was super hot in Taormina that day, about 95 degrees.


A half an hour later I saw her throwing up again on the side of the road. Before we boarded the bus, I overheard a little bit of the tour guide saying that ship officials would want to see them when they returned to the ship to check her out. Then, she got back on the bus with us and rode in the very front seat for the 45 minutes or whatever it was from Taormina back to the ship. My husband and I moved our seats to the back of the bus and I didn't see her again.

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As to the OP's question about posting this as an issue in their Review and providing a recommendation that Celebrity may/should consider providing backup transportation to get sick ones back to the ship, I'd say go ahead. It is worth sharing so those that don't feel well but may try to press on would consider the consequences, and your input that Celebrity should have ways of getting people back to the ship is certaininly something for them to consider and is your opinion. So go ahead.


But my personal opinion is it isn't Celebrity's responsibility and shouldn't set up some way of getting people off tours early. there would certainly be extra cost to have this option in place, and think about the logistics....there are many, many tours all over the port of call area, and many by non-bus/van convience (boats and so on). And many go for far distances, as your specific one to Mt Etna was, so the logistics would be tricky. And Celebrity wouldn't 'eat' the costs, it would be spread throughout the tour costs....all of us paying.


And consider another consequense of setting that up. A couple with a little less ethics go on a tour they decide is a waste. They know about the 'we'll take you back if you get sick' so they 'get ill' and demand to be taken back...and of course they will Demand it since they will be abusing a system and know it.


So my personal view is, if one of us gets ill on a tour, we'd ask the tour guide to help us get transportation back to the ship....taxi or whatever....and it would be on Our nickel. This option is already in place, I'm sure its been used and in my view, is the workable solution.


On one of our private tours, the weather was terrible and useless for sightseeing. The tour guide had no backup except to show us 'views' and tell us what we'd be able to see if the rain and clouds weren't there. We had 10 of us in the van. After the 3rd useless stop, we all voted to return. The guide checked with the tour operator and agreed. They reimbursed us a few bucks. Very nicely done.



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The person leading the excursion knew this woman was sick. The woman was throwing up about 3 seats away from her, and there was yelling for plastic bags and tissues. We were in the seats directly next to the couple.


When we got to Taormina, my hubby and I went off and didn't see what happened with them immediately. I saw them next about an hour later sitting on the curb with her head between her legs looking really ill. She was sipping gatorade and was pale and clearly felt terrible. I felt badly for her and would never want to be in her shoes! But, I think if it were me, I'd have called for a taxi to go back right away if possible. This woman was not having any fun at all and I could guess that she just wanted to go back. It was super hot in Taormina that day, about 95 degrees.


A half an hour later I saw her throwing up again on the side of the road. Before we boarded the bus, I overheard a little bit of the tour guide saying that ship officials would want to see them when they returned to the ship to check her out. Then, she got back on the bus with us and rode in the very front seat for the 45 minutes or whatever it was from Taormina back to the ship. My husband and I moved our seats to the back of the bus and I didn't see her again.


I had no trouble at all getting a taxi in Taormina the day we were there. I agree with the personal responsibility group.

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I was once on an excursion that had a 1 hour ride to Tulum, one of the ladies on the bus got physically sick on the bus on the way down and on the way back, turns out she had 3 bottles of wine the night before and was very hung over!

I think it's pretty irresponsible to assume this lady had noro or something contagious. I also think that those that labeled her stupid have very little second hand information to condemn the poor lady.


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Not sure I understand what you mean by it would have been "nice" for Celebrity to have offered the passenger a way back to the ship. You're assuming she wanted to return to the ship which doesn't appear to be the case; and even if she did want to return to the ship, how was the cruise line supposed to know that? IMHO it's unreasonable to expect the cruise line to stand at the ready to go out what in some instances may be a great distance, to retrieve a passenger who isn't feeling well; we're talking about a cruise line not the Red Cross. Where do you draw the line? Headache? Vomiting? Fever? Tired feet? Backache? Too hot/too cold/too wet/too tired? And who gets to decide if and when a passenger must return to the ship? I certainly wouldn't want someone making that decision for me.


I am not assuming anything nor was I suggesting in anyway that they "throw" someone off of a tour. I was making a blanket statement that if someone is unwell that while they do not have an obligation to get someone back before the tour returns, that it is at least a nice gesture for them to at least offer to help the person make arrangements IF they are wanted.


If someone is vomiting they might not wish to continue the tour but might feel trapped into doing so (while this woman continued the tour they might not have done so if an offer to arrange for a taxi to get them back at the passenger's expense was offered.) Since I was not there I can't begin to comment on what they were thinking or feeling so I'm making more of a general statement to someone who is not feeling well or who twists their ankle or whatever - be it motion sickness OR illness OR injury. Maybe they did not feel that it was easy to find transportation on their own back to the ship or maybe they did not feel comfortable leaving the group in a foreign country (sorry I don't remember what country this situation happened in) which maybe why they did not just leave on their own. While I don't believe they should kick someone off a tour, offering to help arrange for someone to get back to the ship is a nice gesture and one someone might take them up on. even if it is at the passenger's expense. If it is so easy to find taxi's as I think someone mentioned, then it would only take the tour guide a minute to say "would you like us to arrange for a taxi to take you back to the ship and then grab a taxi for them."


By the way there are pleasant ways to have a discussion even when you disagree with someone's point of view without making it sound like an attack. :)

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X can not be taken to task for what happens on tour if the tour comes off as advertised. They are no more responsible for this lady's return to the ship than my TA is for getting me home if I get sick on the ship. It is stated on the ticket that the Celebrity is acting as the agent for the tour company. If the tour is crap or not as advertised one can complain and MAYBE get some compensation. Enough complaints and X will drop that company. ~ Ric

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I am not assuming anything nor was I suggesting in anyway that they "throw" someone off of a tour. I was making a blanket statement that if someone is unwell that while they do not have an obligation to get someone back before the tour returns, that it is at least a nice gesture for them to at least offer to help the person make arrangements IF they are wanted.


If someone is vomiting they might not wish to continue the tour but might feel trapped into doing so (while this woman continued the tour they might not have done so if an offer to arrange for a taxi to get them back at the passenger's expense was offered.) Since I was not there I can't begin to comment on what they were thinking or feeling so I'm making more of a general statement to someone who is not feeling well or who twists their ankle or whatever - be it motion sickness OR illness OR injury. Maybe they did not feel that it was easy to find transportation on their own back to the ship or maybe they did not feel comfortable leaving the group in a foreign country (sorry I don't remember what country this situation happened in) which maybe why they did not just leave on their own. While I don't believe they should kick someone off a tour, offering to help arrange for someone to get back to the ship is a nice gesture and one someone might take them up on. even if it is at the passenger's expense. If it is so easy to find taxi's as I think someone mentioned, then it would only take the tour guide a minute to say "would you like us to arrange for a taxi to take you back to the ship and then grab a taxi for them."


By the way there are pleasant ways to have a discussion even when you disagree with someone's point of view without making it sound like an attack. :)


My apology if you found anything unpleasant or attack-like in my post; neither was my intent and after re-reading the post what I see is a respectful difference of opinion and nothing even close to being unpleasant or an attack.


I asked what you meant when you said it would be nice for the cruise line to offer an ill passenger a way back to the ship. My point was that while something may in fact be nice, it is not necessarily reasonable, practical or imcumbent upon someone else to assume responsibility for that nice-ity. You've come up with different scenarios to explain why the woman may have felt "felt trapped" into continuing the tour but you have completely overlooked the very real possibility that offers of help for medical assistance and/or transportation back to the ship were offered - and summarily declined(!). Like you, I wasn't there but I find it hard to imagine the tour guide (and driver if there was one) completely ignored the situation and didn't offer assistance; my guess is any offer was refused. All excuses aside, the ultimate responsibility rested with the passenger, who had she wanted to return to the ship, always had that option. JMHO.

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Jim, no need to get inflamed about the situation. It's just a discussion. And, I completely agree with you - I'm sure this poor lady just wanted to go back to her room. This is why I think everyone would benefit if Celebrity had a policy where, when possible, they send a taxi to fetch the ill passenger and take them back right away. I understand in some places like Mykonos, where there are only 35 taxis on the whole island, it's not possible. But this was Sicily, and taxis are plentiful. It would have been an option. I think Celebrity, being the well oiled machine that they are, might consider putting a plan in place so that everyone is comfortable - sick and healthy.


Did you know that sick passengers can be quarantined to their rooms for several days? Viruses spread quickly when people live, eat and play in close quarters.

Who is Jim?

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We were on the Athens bus with the sick lady. She left the bus to go to the ladies before it even left the port, then returned to the bus and was sick about 5 mins into the journey. On the return bus the Tour Guide asked the lady's husband how she was feeling but told him that she would be reporting her sickness to the ship's officials. I agree this is the right thing. Maybe she was quarantined for a couple of days? The customer had the right to continue with her trip but I don't know how she managed to spend a day in Athens, in that heat, feeling bad, the dehydration of both the heat and the sickness could have made her very ill indeed, and the Tour Guide did the right thing by reporting it.

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That's not necessarily true. Our daughter when she was in her 20s had never gotten motion sick. She went snorkling and got motion sick. A few months later she got sick on a plane. Then she began getting sick when she rode in the back seat of a car. Each one of these instances began without her even thinking she was a person who got motion sick.


It can happen out of the blue to people who have never had a problem with it. Here's a funny story. I went to a 3-D movie which involved watching bobsledding with a 3-D effect. I took a Dramamine before the group went. Everyone laughed at me. Two other people in the group got sick :rolleyes:. They weren't laughing then. They had no idea something like that would make them sick.


Plus, it is rather condescending for you to imply that people who get motion sick would not take precautions and they are inconsiderate for not doing so. I don't think anyone would do that on purpose. Motion sickness is one of the worst feelings in the world. A lot of people who have it just want to die it's so bad. For me a bad case of motion sickness is worse than child birth and I do everything in my power to avoid it.


Anyone who has a history of motion sickness would not knowingly expose themselves to this sickness.

Agree 100%. Motion sickness is a horrible, horrible feeling and no one who knows they might experience it would ever willingly take the chance of getting it without precautions.


One thing talked about but not emphasized was the 95 degree heat. Did anyone consider the fact that this poor woman might have been experiencing heat exhaustion? Vomiting is one of the symptoms. If that is the case she was in fact truly putting her life in danger. Left to continue, that can be fatal. We do not know what conversations/options were discussed between her and the tour director. Perhaps continuing was the appropriate answer at the time it was made; albeit in the end perhaps not the best. If she truly thought it was motion sickness (and it may still have been), then she may have taken medication and thought (hoped) it would solve the problem. Without being in her shoes we really cannot judge.


I do sympathize greatly with those on the tour, especially those sitting close by, as well as the woman herself. I do not, feel, however, that it was Celebrity's responsibility to find a way to bring her back. As others have said, she is an adult and in that particular port could have arranged to be brought back if she thought she could not continue. Again, she may have thought it was truly motion sickness and medication would make it better - in the end she thought wrong about the latter at least but we can't know what was in her mind.

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I'd like to offer a different spin to all of this.


I'm in agreement that it's not the responsibility of the cruise line, or really even the tour operator, but I wonder, maybe there's an opportunity for improvement here.


Maybe either the tour operator, or the cruise line, could provide a transportation option for each port - for example - if you need to return to the ship due to illness call Ted's Taxi Service at XXXX whatever. I don't know how pheasable this information would be for each port, given how far a person could go, but I guess it could be a "Nice to have".


Else, people could take the onus of responsibility on themselves (unlikely thought, right lol) and write this information down for themselves for each port and bring it with them on the day of. We have a wealth of info available to us these days, so it's pretty probable that one could find the info on CC or other websites.


I feel bad for the person who was ill, and the people who were inconvenienced.


Now for a short story from my last cruise. On the way home from an excursion last year I started sneezing incessantly. I have severe airborn allergies, and it very well could have been that, or it could have been that I caught the cold that was going around the ship (I believe it was the latter -- several people seemed to have it around the ship before I did -- and several disembarked with the tell tale cough). In my case, I wanted nothing more to be back in my cabin, but we were on our way back from whereever we were (i can't remember I want to say it was Corfu, Greece but I could be wrong) so I had to just deal with the sneezing. Yes I had tissues and yes I was sneezing into them, but I'm sure I scared passengers around me, unfortunately.


If i could have told my body to stop sneezing until I was back in my cabin, believe me, I would have. Nobody likes knowing they are the cause of anyone elses discomfort. :(


So, unfortunately I can understand the issue from both sides of the arguement. I had no symptoms on the way to the excursion, or even on the actual excursion. It started on the way home. I hope to never have to deal with getting sick in public again, no matter the severity. Definitely not fun!

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My apology if you found anything unpleasant or attack-like in my post; neither was my intent and after re-reading the post what I see is a respectful difference of opinion and nothing even close to being unpleasant or an attack.


I asked what you meant when you said it would be nice for the cruise line to offer an ill passenger a way back to the ship. My point was that while something may in fact be nice, it is not necessarily reasonable, practical or imcumbent upon someone else to assume responsibility for that nice-ity. You've come up with different scenarios to explain why the woman may have felt "felt trapped" into continuing the tour but you have completely overlooked the very real possibility that offers of help for medical assistance and/or transportation back to the ship were offered - and summarily declined(!). Like you, I wasn't there but I find it hard to imagine the tour guide (and driver if there was one) completely ignored the situation and didn't offer assistance; my guess is any offer was refused. All excuses aside, the ultimate responsibility rested with the passenger, who had she wanted to return to the ship, always had that option. JMHO.


Sometimes the boards can come across differently than what one intends :)


Unfortunately I completely agree that we won't know and hopefully if an offer was made that it was done discreetly - but the OP phrased it such a why as to suggest that no help was offered and that was the premise that I was going on.:D


I do agree with the fact that ultimately it is the passengers responsibility - just offering another perspective of why they might not have accepted it. Often aside from convenience I think people take ship tours so that they have the comfort/security of not being on their own in a foreign country which could (speculating) be one reason the passenger didn't feel comfortable going back to the ship on their own.

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I did this exact trip about 6 weeks ago and because I know that I do not do well in buses but in this case DISTANCE and the time in port was the reason we wanted to use the ships tour (We have tried it on our own with a rented car and that was a terrible due to the local drivers!!!). I asked the tour deptment to reserve the front seat for me. I also took precautions and wore my sea bands. BUT I got to the bus with the group as ordered but some woman who had left the ship early to beat everyone to the bus had taken up the seat reserved for me and refused to move this left me almost at the back of the bus and yes the trip to the Etna was not nice but it got even worse on the way down due to all the serpantines.... I tried to sleep since I know this sometimes helps but I tooo was not doing very well in Tauomina. In fact this woman probably ruined the whole day for me. No I didn't have a virus and no I also have the front seat if I am not driving too so I know exactly WHY I try to take all those precautions.


There are however people who either have never experienced this or have even never been on a bus so they just don't know or like in my case some pompous --- you know what--- derails all well laid plays because they insist on thier "rights" and that they were there first bla bla .... I understand I am not the only one BUT then make arrangements and don't take matters into your own hands. The tour department had put me on THIS particular bus together with another couple with the same problem. This other woman would not budge even when asked to move by a X employee and since this was the last bus for this Itin we I was left with no alternative other than not going at all. I really did want to miss this excursion just because of this bleep bleep but I did pay a price for it. Oh by the way X also told me I would not get my money back if I decided not to go. All this had to be decided on the rush as not to cost to much time for the others so I gave in and went to the back of the bus....... consequenses and all.

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We were on the Athens bus with the sick lady. She left the bus to go to the ladies before it even left the port, then returned to the bus and was sick about 5 mins into the journey. On the return bus the Tour Guide asked the lady's husband how she was feeling but told him that she would be reporting her sickness to the ship's officials. I agree this is the right thing. Maybe she was quarantined for a couple of days? The customer had the right to continue with her trip but I don't know how she managed to spend a day in Athens, in that heat, feeling bad, the dehydration of both the heat and the sickness could have made her very ill indeed, and the Tour Guide did the right thing by reporting it.

This report puts a whole different light on it from the responsibility of the passenger in question. It certainly appears that she was knowingly sick before she boarded and should not have. That said, we cannot be clear of the cause - she may have had motion sickness onboard that had not dissipated. I would guess (admittedly only a guess) that was not the case based on this information and as such she should have skipped the outing. I normally would be very hesitant to blame someone for getting sick, but with this new information it certainly seems that if there is any blame to go around it rests on her shoulders. I do not agree that getting sick only five minutes into the trip she had a right to continue the journey. After getting sick so fast, the responsible thing to do would have been to work with the tour operator to find alternate transportation back if reasonably possible, which it appears it was.


I know I am basing these thoughts on what I know from this board, which may or may not be complete information. It would be interesting to hear the sick passenger's side of the story.

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We were on the Athens bus with the sick lady. She left the bus to go to the ladies before it even left the port, then returned to the bus and was sick about 5 mins into the journey. On the return bus the Tour Guide asked the lady's husband how she was feeling but told him that she would be reporting her sickness to the ship's officials. I agree this is the right thing. Maybe she was quarantined for a couple of days? The customer had the right to continue with her trip but I don't know how she managed to spend a day in Athens, in that heat, feeling bad, the dehydration of both the heat and the sickness could have made her very ill indeed, and the Tour Guide did the right thing by reporting it.


She left the bus ( before it even started, in port). I saw her get on the bus and thought to myself "wow she looks terrible! I didn't give it another thought till she threw up 5 minutes later. She did complete the tour but had to have been miserable. She could have been really hungover ; )

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This report puts a whole different light on it from the responsibility of the passenger in question. It certainly appears that she was knowingly sick before she boarded and should not have. That said, we cannot be clear of the cause - she may have had motion sickness onboard that had not dissipated. I would guess (admittedly only a guess) that was not the case based on this information and as such she should have skipped the outing. I normally would be very hesitant to blame someone for getting sick, but with this new information it certainly seems that if there is any blame to go around it rests on her shoulders. I do not agree that getting sick only five minutes into the trip she had a right to continue the journey. After getting sick so fast, the responsible thing to do would have been to work with the tour operator to find alternate transportation back if reasonably possible, which it appears it was.


I know I am basing these thoughts on what I know from this board, which may or may not be complete information. It would be interesting to hear the sick passenger's side of the story.


This is a different person and experience than the one the OP posted about. 2 days apart.


I did this exact trip about 6 weeks ago and because I know that I do not do well in buses but in this case DISTANCE and the time in port was the reason we wanted to use the ships tour (We have tried it on our own with a rented car and that was a terrible due to the local drivers!!!). I asked the tour deptment to reserve the front seat for me. I also took precautions and wore my sea bands. BUT I got to the bus with the group as ordered but some woman who had left the ship early to beat everyone to the bus had taken up the seat reserved for me and refused to move this left me almost at the back of the bus and yes the trip to the Etna was not nice but it got even worse on the way down due to all the serpantines.... I tried to sleep since I know this sometimes helps but I tooo was not doing very well in Tauomina. In fact this woman probably ruined the whole day for me. No I didn't have a virus and no I also have the front seat if I am not driving too so I know exactly WHY I try to take all those precautions.


There are however people who either have never experienced this or have even never been on a bus so they just don't know or like in my case some pompous --- you know what--- derails all well laid plays because they insist on thier "rights" and that they were there first bla bla .... I understand I am not the only one BUT then make arrangements and don't take matters into your own hands. The tour department had put me on THIS particular bus together with another couple with the same problem. This other woman would not budge even when asked to move by a X employee and since this was the last bus for this Itin we I was left with no alternative other than not going at all. I really did want to miss this excursion just because of this bleep bleep but I did pay a price for it. Oh by the way X also told me I would not get my money back if I decided not to go. All this had to be decided on the rush as not to cost to much time for the others so I gave in and went to the back of the bus....... consequenses and all.


So did the tour dept guarantee that you would have this seat? Did they put a sign on it for you? It would seem if they did then they should have refunded your money if you didn't want to go. Do you think it might have been a case of someone in the tour dept just telling you what you wanted to hear? It definitely sounds like you need private tours.

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I wonder if this lady is on Cruise Critic or if she knows that she is now famous on here for puking lol


I think it is very inconsiderate of anyone to continue with a tour if they knew they were sick before the bus even left the port. Very bizarre if you ask me. I would be mortified to be on a bus full of people while sick. If someone has motion sickness, of course, I would be sympathetic. But I do think the cruise line or tour company should require the guest to take alternate transportation back to the ship.


I am a flight attendant and it's amazing how many people come on the plane sick. We've had people throwing up all the way from New York to LA. And, no, it was not motion sickness. They admit they were not feeling well before the trip, but they just had to get from Point A to Point B that day. As miserable as it is for the sick person, it's even more miserable for the people sitting near them and have to endure the smell....or for me when I have to clean it up lol





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