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Joanie's Alaskan Adventure 2011 has begun:)


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Joanie, I'm sorry your dining experience at Tracy's Crab Shack was disappointing. I agree, it is a tad pricey. Perhaps their quality has gone down since I was there in July? I had a combo meal of 2 mini crab cakes, a cup of crab gumbo and a crab leg. It was so much food I couldn't finish it all. :) I thought everything was very yummy so it's really a shame you didn't experience the same.


I hope the weather in Juneau is better than when I was there. We had a steady downpour and it was cold. I actually blew off my whale watching and Mendenhall glacier hike because I was afraid I'd catch a rotten cold and be sick the rest of the cruise....and there was no way I was going to miss out on my bear watching excursion with Island Wings out of Ketchikan. ;)


I hope the rest of your cruise delivers calm seas and sunny skies. :)

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>>The waves were so high and coming at us from the South and South West at about 8-10 (Can someone explain that for me please, that knows what they are talking about??


The 8-10 refers to the Beaufort Scale used to measure wind speed.

Force 8 means winds of 39-46 mph (Gale or Fresh Gale)

Force 9 means winds of 47-54 mph (Strong Gale)

Force 10 means winds of 55-63 mph (Whole Gale or Storm)


BTW, here's QE2 with her bow under water in a hurricane (Hurricane Bertha) - I know "that" feeling!:eek:



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Sorry Joanie.


I had called Sunday and left a message on your phone but perhaps you did not have reception in Juneau. We had to cancel our Amsterdam cruise after we stalled out in an intersection in 2 feet of water on the way to the airport Thursday about 2PM due to a torrential monsoon storm. Had to make a quick decision about whether to cancel within the 24 HAL CPP timeframe. We did not think we could make it to Seattle in time considering we had to deal with getting the car out and all that goes with it. Hopefully, we can meet again on another cruise.



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Thank you Joanie for the reports.

We also read on here that the Statendam had to overnight in Seward because of te storm.

Years ago -- especially in Ft Lauderdale -- whenever we did back-to-back cruises -- we used to be able to get back on the ship after going through immigration via the crew quarters -- no matter how many of us there were.

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I was so excited when he gave me the 2 secrets to making Brotchen!! (A German Breakfast roll) *HUGE GRIN!!*


Joanie --


Would love this as I lived in Berlin & Augsburg for a total of 12 years, and miss my brotchen! And dont yo miss the Kristkindle Market during the holidays? Wonderful post, keep it coming!

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Wow Joanie: What a ride. Great reporting! According to a local meteorologist today, a couple of typhoons [Pacific name for huricane] from Japan are causing all this foul weather in Alaska & north coast of BC.:eek: No wonder you are rocking & rolling & not in the musical sense. Things should improve once you get to the inside passage after Port Hardy. From there south it's sunny & warm but rain on the way by Friday. Hope to still meet with you & Roger Saturday. Last night I was kept awake by a bad tooth - thank heaven for Orajel & Ibuprofen.:( I'll phone you at hotel on Saturday AM. Have really enjoyed your writings & for once, am glad I'm not on this final week of your cruise.:D

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I am enjoying your report!

We just experienced gale force winds that made Maasdam list on our August 27th cruise. We also had one night when the ship was rocking in all directions, enough so we could not sleep. Normal rocking puts me to sleep. I guess this is the year for it. I have been on other September cruises with no weather problems so you just never know.

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Joanie, I'm sorry your dining experience at Tracy's Crab Shack was disappointing. I agree, it is a tad pricey. Perhaps their quality has gone down since I was there in July? I had a combo meal of 2 mini crab cakes, a cup of crab gumbo and a crab leg. It was so much food I couldn't finish it all. :) I thought everything was very yummy so it's really a shame you didn't experience the same.


I think it would have tasted yummy if their prices had been more reasonable and if it had not been such a cold and miserably wet day... BUT it is Alaska so....There is just some thing about paying so much for so little.


I hope the weather in Juneau is better than when I was there. We had a steady downpour and it was cold. I actually blew off my whale watching and Mendenhall glacier hike because I was afraid I'd catch a rotten cold and be sick the rest of the cruise....and there was no way I was going to miss out on my bear watching excursion with Island Wings out of Ketchikan. ;)


I hope the rest of your cruise delivers calm seas and sunny skies. :)


I had no excursions for Juneau, which was smart on my part as it was hard enough just to get from the gangway to the Crab Shack... I'm in a scooter and in the rain....


There were so many excursions that were cancelled though, and more that should have been but were not:( Passengers were miserable...


I never let anything ruin my cruises:) I know that things can be good or bad, depending on the attitude and mine is things can also get worse or better, it depends on the person allowing things to be bad.


I learned today from Rene, the Event Planner, that tomorrow leaving Glacier bay throughout most of the evening to morrow, we are going to be getting some more intense weather.


Speaking of more intense weather... It is even more miserable here in Skagway today with temps in the high 40's, high winds around 50 mph and rain, rain and more rain.



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Wow Joanie: What a ride. Great reporting! According to a local meteorologist today, a couple of typhoons [Pacific name for huricane] from Japan are causing all this foul weather in Alaska & north coast of BC.:eek: No wonder you are rocking & rolling & not in the musical sense. Things should improve once you get to the inside passage after Port Hardy. From there south it's sunny & warm but rain on the way by Friday. Hope to still meet with you & Roger Saturday. Last night I was kept awake by a bad tooth - thank heaven for Orajel & Ibuprofen.:( I'll phone you at hotel on Saturday AM. Have really enjoyed your writings & for once, am glad I'm not on this final week of your cruise.:D


I sure hope Gail, that neither of the typhoons are named Joanie:) That explains all this weather though. Right now my stateroom feels like we are being lifted and then slammed back onto/into the water. I love it!! But some others might not...


I am so looking forward to meeting you my friend!! Get that toothache down and will see you PLEASE on Saturday:)



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Sorry Joanie.


I had called Sunday and left a message on your phone but perhaps you did not have reception in Juneau. We had to cancel our Amsterdam cruise after we stalled out in an intersection in 2 feet of water on the way to the airport Thursday about 2PM due to a torrential monsoon storm. Had to make a quick decision about whether to cancel within the 24 HAL CPP timeframe. We did not think we could make it to Seattle in time considering we had to deal with getting the car out and all that goes with it. Hopefully, we can meet again on another cruise.




Barbara, I have no idea how to check my voice mail on my new phone:(


I am glad to hear that you are ok though and your decision was the right one!!


We will meet again!!! Hey we may have to take a trip down Phoenix way via Tuscaon next year just to shop at IKEA:) I'll let you know!!



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Ugh... I got dizzy just reading about the storms! What an experience!


Heard from anyone taking the extended ship tour? Enjoying your posts.


Sorry, not heard from anyone that took the tour. I know that hubby mentioned there were still 5 spots left open yesterday and that they do not have the engine room itself listed as one of the places to tour.... so....



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Here is the description on tonight's menu in the MDR of the Chocolate Purse:


Crispy Bundle of Filo Dough filled with Chocolate Fudge. Served with a Saffron Sauce.


Let me tell ya all, that description does NOT do it justice!!!!!


I'll take photos of it tonight, before and after the first bite:)


Ruth the first bite will be as usual, dedicated to you!! The rest of the bites will be dedicated to ALL Chocolate lovers everywhere:)



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Here is the description on tonight's menu in the MDR of the Chocolate Purse:


Crispy Bundle of Filo Dough filled with Chocolate Fudge. Served with a Saffron Sauce.


Let me tell ya all, that description does NOT do it justice!!!!!


I'll take photos of it tonight, before and after the first bite:)


Ruth the first bite will be as usual, dedicated to you!! The rest of the bites will be dedicated to ALL Chocolate lovers everywhere:)




Oh my...that sounds deliciously decadent! Hoping it's on the menu in January on the Maasdam....

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Hello Joanie,

Well with your flight change and rental car fiasco to start your vacation. Now this weather to round things out you know one thing for sure. You'll never forget this cruise. I feel the way you get through these struggles defines you. I thank God that everybody is alright especially you. My prayers for a peaceful continuation of you voyage.


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Joanie - as you requested - The Beaufort Wind Scale.


Wind speed in knots - nautical miles per hour.


Force 1 1-3

Force 2 4-6

Force 3 7-10

Force 4 11-16

Force 5 17-21

Force 6 22-27

Force 7 near gale 28-33

Force 8 gale 34-40

Force 9 Strong Gale 41-47

Force 10 Storm 48-55

Force 11 Violent Storm 56-65

Force 12 Hurricane 64-71


Winds do go higher but annomometers usually break, visibility is limited by spray & water vapour & you hang on hoping the engines keep going.

Also it is hard to hear due to the noise of the wind.


You just got caught by some steep seas combining with the north Pacific swell. It can get far worse.


A roll on a cruise ship of 20 degrees is not good. -

but not as bad as 30 or 40degrees which can happen at sea.


Ships ROLL & PITCH - rock & roll is a dance.

A list is a fixed state - goes to one side & stays there.


Thanks for the great posts.


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Wednesday 21 September 2011 Glacier Bay Day


It is 4:39 a.m. on this, our final Glacier Bay day of the season for the Zuiderdam. I am excited as I always love the beauty of this region of the world. No matter the weather, it is awe enspiring to see and experience the prisitine beauty that is Alaska!!


I hope that the photos of my Chocolate Purse dessert from last night show correctly when I post this blog tomorrow will show. If not, y'all will just have to wait until I get home.














Skagway was so cold and miserably draining with rain yesterday. I could not believe just how tired and draining the cold, rain and 50+ mph winds could be, and I never even left the ship!! I stayed in my stateroom most of the day napping. About the only times I left was to go up to the Lido for coffee and to dinner last night in the MDR.


Speaking of the MDR, I talked with our Head MDR Steward, SaiPaul, prounounced SighPull, and he told me that he and all the other MDR stewards only have 5 tables to wait upon. He, SaiPaul and his Assistant Yoga, have 2 -2 tops, 1 -4 top and 2-10 top tables. I asked him many questions, one being how hard is it. His response was hard, but well worth it!! He was supposed to go home for vacation in January, but asked to stay on until May. He just received his approval for his extension yesterday. I asked him why he wanted to stay longer and his response was so that he can be home to watch the Olympics from the comfort of his own TV with his family... He and Yoga were supposed to switch from fixed seating last week (Deck 3) to the lower MDR (Deck 2) this week. But when I mentioned that I would be sad to lose them both, he said he'd prefer to stay upstairs and if I asked Chandra, one of the Assistant MDR Maitre' de's he might allow them to stay upstairs. I asked him if this is what he wanted and he said, "YES!" So I asked about their staying and they are still with us!!


Hubby and I are not eating in the MDR again until Friday night for the Master Chef's Dinner, (which we both love!!) and we will be at a 4 top across the dining room, or so I am told, so that we can enjoy the evening with Butterfly Girl and Mons, fellow CC members. And SaiPaul and Yoga asked Chandra if they could still wait on us. Now that made me feel extremely special *Grin*


Gonna go take a coffee break and be back in a bit to write more.


It is now 6:38 a.m. and we are now entering Glacier Bay. It is 50 degrees outside and raining. Daylight is supposed to be at 6:30 this morning, but no sign of sun yet.


Sean, Tinknock50, said that the weather reports for today (from last Saturday) stated that it was supposed to be 79 degrees here today.... I sure hope he is right. (After Note: It never got above 45 degrees, if even that! We had snow, sleet and rain for 90 percent of the day.)


Breakfast time for us. More later today.


It is now a little before 4 p.m. We are still in Glacier Bay headed to Icy Straights where we will then head to an Inside Passage for a bit of shelter from the high winds and seas. The Captain has closed all public Decks and asked passengers to stay indoors and off their verandahs due to the 81 mph winds hitting us on the port side of the ship and the 8 meter high swells. We still have our Naturalists, Park Ranger, Scientist and guides with us and will have them with us throughout the night and they will disembark in Ketchikan tomorrow morning. Hubby took a photo of the TV screen showing the wind speed of of 81 mph. If I remember from all of you, 75 mph winds is the equivalent of a Category 1 Hurricane *YIKES*


As I said, we are not going to be out in the Pacific Ocean or is it the Alaskan Sea... for very long. Captain Turner says that we are really going to be hitting some rough seas and weather around midnight as we empty our Gray Water. We are full and cannot empty the Gray water anywhere (on this trip) but the Pacific. He says the roughest weather should begin around 12 midnight and last around 3 hours.


Now back to our regularly scheduled semi live blog:)


It was another cold and rainy day in Alaska. But it is Alaska and even with all the freezing cold, rain and snow on this the 1st day of Fall/Winter. Yes 21 September marks the first day of Fall in most places, but according to the Park Ranger, here in Alaska it is Fall/Winter on the same day. Considering today's weather with beautiful termination dust quite obvious an most of the peaks and some of the lower rocks, I have to agree with her.


I passed a British lady this morning in the Crow's Nest and she was teribly disappointed that she did not get the beautiful sunshiney weather that the brochure showed. I stopped and asked her if Britan always had the beautiful sunshiney weather that their brochures showed and she said of course not, I smiled and said, well neither do we. She then laughed and said she understood, "You know Mother Nature, fickle as always." She was actually happy after that. I pointed out to her the beauty of the thin wispy clouds just at the tops or mid way down the mountains, the way the clouds hung to the tree branches and the waterfalls. I showed her things that many people do not look for when they look at the islands, the shoreline and the rock faces of the glacial walls. I showed her how to tell a Harbor Seal from a piece of flotsam, then she left to go and show her family and group how to really look at nature on a bad weather day.


We were able to get about 500 feet from both Lampaugh (spelling) and Marjorie Glaciers. Marjorie Glacier calved twice for us and was so absolutely gorgeous!! LVSue and Rhodi came from their starboard side aft wrap (same deck as ours) over to ours to watch the Princess ship with Gumballz on it pass by and to take photos of it leaving Marjorie Glacier as we'd promised to do. They, Sue and Rhodi, stayed with us through the beauty of the calving and waited with baited breath for more. I believe we on the port side of the ship had a much longer viewing time than the starboard side did. I saw a few sea lions or seals (I cannot tell them apart) but not the 200+ that we saw last week...


We were not able to get to John Hopkins Glacier this week. Last week we got to within a few hundred feet, but this week the closest we got was 3 and 1/2 miles. But the inlet was still awe inspiring to see.


I love this country of mine and cannot believe it has only been a National Park since the early to mid 1990's.


How could such a beautiful place have remained so pure and untouched for so long?? It is amazing to me that Donald Trump and his Grandfather (or was it his Great Grandfather??) did not turn this beautious country into a resort. That by the way is not a denigration of either of the Mr Trump (Trumf original spelling I believe), but "The Donald's" grandfather or great grandfather owned a hotel at the head of the Yukon (Skagway or the neighborhood of it) and sold it for $30,000 at the end of the Yukon Gold Rush sometime after 1890, he then left the area and I believe moved back east.


A special Hello to all Maasdamers from Anca in the Pinnacle Grill. She was talking to us about just how much she loved the Maasdam and those of you who've done the Boston-NE/Canada route.


Speaking of Anca, I know now why you all speak so highly of some of the PG Maitre De's. Anca is a special lady for sure!! We had Le Cirque there tonight and I love the new menu. Had an amuse of Pate de Foie Gras in Rhubarb, a Lobster salad, soup was a spoonfull of Huckleberry with dollop of sour cream and a pot of butternut squash poured into that OMG was that ever delicious!! Entree was Chateaubriand, which unfortunately was the only problem food I have had this entire cruise. Mine was overcooked twice and even though I told Anca that I would do without the meat, she refused to let it go and stood over the chef until he got my meat cooked to perfection. See, I like my meat so rare, it is still complaining about being killed to feed me. 3rd time is the charm and it was absolutely delicious!! We then had chocolate souffle for dessert.


It is 2:20 a.m. on Thursday 22 September and we must be in the Pacific right now, dumping our Gray Water. I say this because we are definitely rocking and rolling at the moment and a couple of things have hit the floor, to include my Oxygen concentrator, which is what woke me about 30 minutes ago.....OMG, the listing right now feels as bad as it was on Sunday.... Glad 99.99% of the passengers and crew are sleeping.....According to the Captain last night we should only experience this for about 3 hours or so, and then head back into an Inside Passage and be sheltered from all or most of this!!


We are due into Ketchikan around 9:30 this morning with passengers able to leave the ship around 10ish.


Because of my scent allergies, I have not been able to make any of the shows or Bar/Lounges and am only relying on other passengers opinions of the shows and music. They are all raving about how good it all is.


The only negativity I have heard at all is:


1. There are several (I counted at least 4) leaks in the Main Lido Mid Ship pool areas from where the Megradrome covers the Lido Mid Ship Pool area itself near the Hamburger/Taco Bar.


2. The high waves, wind and rain (Gimme a break people, we are in Alaska at the end of September with 2 typhoons joining and causing this.....)


3. Some excursions being cancelled in both Juneau and Skagway due to the weather.... Another Gimme a break.....


4. The seas being so bad and the Captain's inability to stop the ship and let the people that want off this ship right now, get off.....


5. Almost forgot that most of the British passengers are still complaining of the ship being to hot *YIKES* I am freezing, but then again.....


OK, enough for now. Will post this as soon as we dock and hubby hooks up the Hotspot. I will try to post more before we leave Ketchikan late this afternoon. If I cannot post before we leave, I will do so after I get home (but not before Monday)


We just docked in Ketchikan and while it was nice, slightly sunny weather when we were coming in, it has now started to rain. I guess that means the locals will not be kidnapping me after all. Hehehehe.


Got to send this off and will write more later. I am off to take sadvantage of being one of the last 2 ships in port today!!! My favorite 2 words today will be "CHARGE IT!!!"


Miss Y'all



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