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Just curious HOW the lady was holding 6 ROWS of Seats? Your original post said she was holding 8 seats? That's spreading pretty thin for just 1 person...


Get some of that yelow crime scene tape and rope it off.:eek:

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For years we laughed and shook our heads at "PC" speak....now it owns our society. We tolerated behaviors as people expressing themselves..now it comes home to roost...we set the new standards by not upholding the original ones ourselves.


DO NOT let people bully you....at a show, by the pool, on an elevator...stand up for what is right.




Good for you.


It is just not in me to let someone get the upper hand on me. Call it a flaw in my personality.


I can't just shuffle away from some loud mouth bully that thinks they OWN a row of seats, or a lounge chair or tries to cut in line.


I am a really nice guy (honest:)) And I would never instigate any kind of incident or start trouble . But if you cross a line with me , I am pushing you back on your side.

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This might not have been my finest moment, but I got into it last week with a guy on Allure over the whole seat saving thing.....I was cruising with my mother and it started the night we went to see Chicago. We lined up early for the doors to open as we had reservations. We noticed two little girls at the front who couldn't have been more then 7 years old. They had been standing at the doors for awhile. When they started to let people in they ran to the beginning of the middle section (right before it drops down a bit and a nice ledge is there). The spread out and sat on opposite sides of the row thereby saving around 8 seats total. Basically, all the seats in one of the prime spots in the theatre. The 6 or so adults finally arrived as the show was starting after the girls had sat there for 45 minutes telling people the seats were saved and causing a lot of commotion because people kept filling in to sit there.


A few nights later we went to see "Blue Planet" and the same exact thing happened. This time my mom and I sat in the same row, but near the aisle. The girls had come in first and proceeded to save the same 8 seats. The show was filling up fast and the girls kept running across us, out of the row and into the aisle to stop people from coming in. After awhile, it became a bit crazy as more and more people were coming in and everyone kept trying to come down our row to sit in the seats. They would make it down to the area and the girls would turn them away. We (my mother and I and another couple sitting on the other side of us) would have to stand up and let them pass each time. It was maddening after awhile.


About 10 minutes before the show, the mother and father come in and sit down, but we were still missing the other four people. The show was packed so more and more people kept coming in to sit down. One couple made it down there and the father told them that people were sitting there. I just told the couple to "sit down because the seats had been empty the whole time". I was tired of it.


This started a huge argument with the father who made a comment to me about "minding my own business". To which I said I would if they would stop being so rude and inconsiderate. Needless to say we got into it. It was pretty bad. He kept telling me they had a right to save seats because they had a "Gold colored sea pass (for having a suite)". I explained that only meant they had certain sections reserved for them at some shows, etc. It did not give them the right to be so rude and inconsiderate as to leave two young girls to save a chunk of seats for nearly an hour as they did what they pleased until they were ready to show up at the last minute.


This went on for awhile. The whole time this guy was yelling at me I could tell he was just trying to bully me and intimidate me, but I wouldn't back down. I just made a point of explaining that he knew it was wrong, everyone around us knew he was rude, and I was simply going to be the one who would say it to his face. There was more and it was very heated, but you get the idea.


At least it is a big ship and I never saw him again.


I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. You are totally wrong. I think it WAS your finest moment. ;)

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I thought I had seen everything before, but I was wrong.


When some people set foot on a cruise ship, does all reality and common sense go out the door?




Does it have to be about saving seats, or just "thought I had seen it all" cruiseship moments in general? LOL


I was eating dinner in the Windjammer one evening with my mom, and there was a (I'm guessing) mid-50's couple sitting just across the aisle from us. They really weren't speaking, but I didn't think anything of it. Until suddenly, the man *softly* said "If I've done something to upset or offend you in any way, I certainly didn't mean to." WHOOOO boy, was it all downhill from there!!! Clearly he HAD done something, whether he knew it or not! LOL. I'm pretty sure we sat right there and witnessed a couple divorcing before our eyes. And the longer the conversation went on, the louder the woman got. I remember her exact words at one point were "I cannot WAIT to be rid of you, every time I look at you...." and thankfully trailed off enough that I didn't hear much else regarding what she thinks when she looks at him. Granted he may have done something wrong in the past that she can't get over, because I heard several references to "elephant in the room" and the like. But WOW, holy uncomfortable! Mom and I quickly finished what was on our plates and scurried back up to the buffet for dessert, and picked a table WAY across the room when we sat back down. By the time we finished and were leaving, we of course looked over to see if they were still there but they were not. I still wonder if that was their choice or if someone eventually asked them to leave.

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Mom and I quickly finished what was on our plates and scurried back up to the buffet for dessert, and picked a table WAY across the room when we sat back down.


And I would have quickly scurried to your table and enjoyed the drama.:D

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Does anyone else here think that the cruise line is dropping the ball, by failing to have enough staff to help with seating in these venues? When we attended the (always packed) ice show on Liberty of the Seas, the only staff members in evidence (aside from the bar servers) were those members of the CD staff guarding the section reserved for Suites/D+. :rolleyes:


Think about it -- when you go to a high-priced show on land, there are usually ushers in the auditorium, to make sure that people get seated. So, with all of the drama, and near fist-fights breaking out in the various theaters, why doesn't RC do this? :confused:

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And I would have quickly scurried to your table and enjoyed the drama.:D


For a minute I did consider asking them, since they (well SHE) were talking so very openly, if they would just go ahead and share the whole story with us so we could at least get the background and take a side!


Even more interestingly, they ended up sitting in the same gate as us at the airport, as if they were waiting on the same flight. But then they eventually just got up and walked away, and never did come back. Who knows! :confused:

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For a minute I did consider asking them, since they (well SHE) were talking so very openly, if they would just go ahead and share the whole story with us so we could at least get the background and take a side!


Even more interestingly, they ended up sitting in the same gate as us at the airport, as if they were waiting on the same flight. But then they eventually just got up and walked away, and never did come back. Who knows! :confused:


LOL -- Sounds like an episode of the TV show "What Would You Do?" :D

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I know what you mean. While on our last cruise I wanted to take a seat and a woman said she was saving all the seats. I wanted to sit down anyway and try to force her to MAKE ME move. My hubby said, "Don't make a scene." So on our up coming cruise, I'm going to fib to darling hubby and tell him they changed the rules and said that if anyone tells you they are saving seats to ignore this and take a seat and if they keep on and on about it to get your cell phone out and tell them you are phoning security to get it straight. I think if we all did this around the pool or in the show area or anywhere, maybe they will take the HINT and stop with their RUDE behavior.


Ok folks, everyone that has a cell phone needs to take them on their cruise and call their bluff. I may go as far as to ask for their security phone number. I'm about "sick of the rude behavior" of others.



nice idea BUT you cant just pick up your cellphone and "call security" you would have to go to a ships phone outside of the theater and call the pursers desk..LOL I cant stand people that save the seats either..but I'd have to call your bluff on this one LOL just saying...........:D

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My favorite was the time there was a woman in front of us, in the right side aisle saving about 8 seats when several Japanese women came in from left and started to sit down in some of them. The Japanese women knew no English, and the seat saver knew no Japanese. She kept talking louder and louder, as if that would make them understand English, and they just kept bowing, nodding and smiling, but not moving.

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It's a sign of the times. I.E. no manners being instilled and the all important "entitlement" attitude.


I nearly came to blows with a woman who wanted on our elevator which was packed and she wanted all her relatives(children included) to squish in with us. I pointed to the plaque on the elevator wall that said the weight limit and 13 guests was all that they would allow. She was frightful! Glared at me and said "Whatever". When she left the elevator, the whole car cheered!


My favorite line from a movie was from Lonesome Dove, the scene where Captain Call beats the living cr-p out of a nasty man and says "I can't abide rudeness in a man!" Sometimes you just wanna bust some chops...know what I mean;):D


Love that line, and Lonesome Dove series. Not to menition Captain Call..;)

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The only enforcement that Royal ever does when it comes to seating in the theaters is in the reserved suite/diamond+ section...I have found this to be the only section that Royal patrols....not for seat saving but to make sure that who belongs there are the only people sitting there, and they will make people get up and move if they don't belong.....other than that it's a free for all at all the shows...they will never say a word to anyone even if they are saving an entire row of seats.

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Once on the Monarch, a woman and her daughter were beside us by the pool, and decided to go have a quick bite to eat.


This other woman and friend came immediately to their seats and sat down, on their towels and coverups, with no regard to their other items on the lounge chairs. Before the first ladies actually left, they saw what happened and came over and said "Excuse me? Those are our chairs" and the new couple said, "You can't save chairs, lady, they're ours now":eek:


Needless to say, an argument erupted, but happy to say the original owners of the lounge chairs were victorious. It must have been their battle cry..."Get your fat @$$&$ off my chairs!!!"

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. . . That person holding 6 rows for the evening show was so out of line. DH kept saying don't cause a scene and they didn't use all the seats after all. Even after that lady screamed and acted crazy they didn't use all the seats. Maybe that was her plan. Act crazy and no one would take a seat??


Maybe the seats went unused b/c her "friends" or family didn't want to be with her b/c she is crazy AND rude.

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My favorite was the time there was a woman in front of us, in the right side aisle saving about 8 seats when several Japanese women came in from left and started to sit down in some of them. The Japanese women knew no English, and the seat saver knew no Japanese. She kept talking louder and louder, as if that would make them understand English, and they just kept bowing, nodding and smiling, but not moving.



Haha! Maybe this will be my method if I crash the seat savers party on my next cruise. Of course, nobody is going to be confusing me for Japanese, but why let that get in the way?


The funny thing is, I would be pretty surprised if those Japanese guests didn't speak enough English to understand what the woman was upset about, and just played the situation to their advantage.

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Haha! Maybe this will be my method if I crash the seat savers party on my next cruise. Of course, nobody is going to be confusing me for Japanese, but why let that get in the way?


The funny thing is, I would be pretty surprised if those Japanese guests didn't speak enough English to understand what the woman was upset about, and just played the situation to their advantage.



Oh I would definately take a piece of that bet.



I have a friend that speaks perfect English, in fact that is the only language he speaks . But when her wants to annoy or avoid some dope who comes up to him , he fakes a heavy accent and then starts talking in some gibberish language like the old Sid Ceaser skits *LOL*



If he walked into the showroom and sat down and some chair hog gave him the "That seat is saved " routine . He would say (In said heavy accent) " Yes in chair I sit, is nice, in my country only party leader have chair. I like chair is nice to sit.


Of course the chair hog would start explaining that the seat is saved for their party.


Then my buddy would start " Mi stristsy uskey anna trotsky mi vota es gidda storsky"


It doesn't take long before they go away *LOL*

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Oh I would definately take a piece of that bet.



I have a friend that speaks perfect English, in fact that is the only language he speaks . But when her wants to annoy or avoid some dope who comes up to him , he fakes a heavy accent and then starts talking in some gibberish language like the old Sid Ceaser skits *LOL*



If he walked into the showroom and sat down and some chair hog gave him the "That seat is saved " routine . He would say (In said heavy accent) " Yes in chair I sit, is nice, in my country only party leader have chair. I like chair is nice to sit.


Of course the chair hog would start explaining that the seat is saved for their party.


Then my buddy would start " Mi stristsy uskey anna trotsky mi vota es gidda storsky"


It doesn't take long before they go away *LOL*


This made me LOL! Pure awesome.

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Not rude folks but purely nuts. While on an excursion at Mazatlan we were on an island that had some pretty strong undertow. I was sitting with family on beach chairs watching a 6 year old playing all by herself by the waters edge. Her parents were getting smashed at the bar. All of a sudden the little girl is pulled under the water. Luckily we were watching her and I was able to get her out of the water. Her parents had no idea why she was so full of sand and got angry with her when we brought her to them. Stupid.


The next day we were at the pool and guess what. Here was this little girl, all alone once again near the adult pool, with no one around while Mom and Dad were at the pool bar drinking away that day's drink special.


This time I had a long conversation with them that seemed to get their attention. Was I nice? Why of course. This old war horse has a way with words when dealing with stupid people.

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I read up on Cruise Critic before my first cruise in 2009. I was PARANOID about being a chair hog. I would take my stuff off the pool seat when I went to get a drink and find a new chair, in the fear someone would move my stuff.

And at the shows, if my partner had to use the bathroom I'd make him wait until the show starts, that way no-one thought I was saving a seat. lol.


He keeps telling me I need to relax, I'm on vacation.

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have had a few issues like that on RCL, could have forced the issue, but, it's not worth the aggravation to deal with these jerks.


Can tell you that we have cruised on Carnival extensively and there are many more episodes like this because of the low-rent types that seem to frequent Carnival

Dude, Carnival and RCL have the same clients.....not necessary worse on either line. Low rent? Really....same $ scales. People just need to grow up. It is not all about YOU. (in general, not the op or anyone else.)

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