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LIVE from the Pacific Princess - 31 days from Athens to Ft. Lauderdale


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Hi, Pia or anyone reading this --


We're with Linnie V. In Civitavecchia, and she's waiting desperately for a lost bag. Can Pia or anyone tell us the phone numbers for the Princess port agent in Civitavecchia? And, if possible, for the port agents in Livorno and Genoa?


Also, if possible, Pacific Princess's contact phone number, please.


Thanks very much -- Michael

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It’s Sunday and turnaround day in Civitavecchia. Fortunately we don’t have to move and have slept a little later than usual. Our steward padded up the bed for me last night and though I always like a firm mattress, I did sleep better than I have in the past few days. Mattress or meds? Whatever. It’s better. We also cannot go to the gym (me for medical reasons, Mike because it’s closed). The internet was turned off and so this posting is quite late and mostly copy and paste.


We are getting a new maitre d’ (Carlos Da Rosa) and a new CC hostess; Sandy Gunder. Otherwise all major staff remains the same. We saw Bruno this morning just before he got off the ship. Dressed in jeans and sport shirt we almost didn’t recognize him.


We were supposed to go into Rome today to pick up some friends at the airport and then go to some out of the way places before they have to check in here. Unfortunately, my sciatica has changed all plans and I will just vacillate on board. There’s an aircraft carrier parked right outside our window and intermittent announcements are being made. Inasmuch as my Italian is very minimal, I understand nothing.



The dining room was open for lunch and we went there instead of the buffet. Otherwise not much to do except rest, which is exactly what the doctor has ordered. Tonight’s welcome aboard show is still featuring Al Brown. He left and came back. Also, the featured movie is still “The Help.” I haven’t gotten the new TV guide yet and hope some of the offerings have changed. However, I will not be holding my breath waiting for it. Our room steward, waiter and table will remain the same; only change will be our jr. waiter who has gone home. Hope the replacement is good; this one was fabulous.



BIG NEWS: Elite, Suite and Platinum lounge drinks have been lowered to their original price - $2.99.



Just got internet back. The shoreside info on the Patter is:


Jugo Trumpy SRL

Lungoporto Gramsci 19 Civitavecchia Italy 00053

Telehone +39 0766 502322

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Hope you get better soon. There is nothing worse than pain everytime one moves.I know that because every now and again my back goes out and I cannot even walk properly....Mine probably due to my ancient age;)


There is a very expensive on shore excursion that Princess does in Rome over $300 and was wondering if it was worth it for those that have never been to that area of the world before?........Heather

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I can answer that. The Princess excursion to Rome couldn't even get the buses to the good places like Trevi Fountain, Spanish steps etc. We didn't do that but used Fabrizio from AllaroundItaly instead. I believe he was going to be picking up Pia today and she was going to tour with him after they made the pickup at the airport. Guess she isn't doing that today.

So Kruisey, if you go to Italy, get your Roll Call together and let Fabrizio take you around. We got to all the tourist places before the crowds. He took us around in several of our port stops two years ago.

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I can answer that. The Princess excursion to Rome couldn't even get the buses to the good places like Trevi Fountain, Spanish steps etc. We didn't do that but used Fabrizio from AllaroundItaly instead. I believe he was going to be picking up Pia today and she was going to tour with him after they made the pickup at the airport. Guess she isn't doing that today.

So Kruisey, if you go to Italy, get your Roll Call together and let Fabrizio take you around. We got to all the tourist places before the crowds. He took us around in several of our port stops two years ago.

Thank you .What a waste of money the other Princess trip would be.....:(

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Hi Pia, We have been home a week since our Hawaii/Tahiti cruise on the Sapphire and I have spent a better part of that week reading your "live froms". Good work on being numero uno!! I sure hope this finds you feeling better. It's a bummer to be sick and in pain on this wonderful cruise. Thanks so much for taking all of us along with you! :D

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We were supposed to go into Rome today to pick up some friends at the airport and then go to some out of the way places before they have to check in here. Unfortunately, my sciatica has changed all plans and I will just vacillate on board


I feel your pain :( Literally! Hope your's clears up soon.

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So sorry you missed your tour with Fabrizio. He is absolutely the best! We toured with him and Amelia several years ago. We had so much fun. Hope you are feeling better and please give our best to Amelia when she comes on board.


Helen and Jerry

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Welcome to cloudy and cool Livorno; gateway to Pisa and Florence. As tours are leaving to visit the Tower and David, I am contemplating another trip to the doctor. I thought I was getting better. I was mistaken. I had hoped to walk into town, a place I know well, and perhaps buy a heating pad. Right now walking anywhere is out of the question. I barely made it out of bed and just contemplating the Panorama.



On board today, besides trivia, is the movie “Crazy, Stupid, Love” in the afternoon and a female vocalist, Emily Reed as tonight’s Cabaret Lounge entertainment. There’s also Majority Rules games how at 9:45. That’s about it.



I would like to say I can continue this blog, but right now I know it’s pretty boring. Hopefully we will both get better.



BTW, Fabrizio really is a sweetie. He sent me a get well gift; two bottles of wine and a packet of Rome postcards.


jer: i will relay your regards.

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Welcome to cloudy and cool Livorno; gateway to Pisa and Florence. As tours are leaving to visit the Tower and David, I am contemplating another trip to the doctor. I thought I was getting better. I was mistaken. I had hoped to walk into town, a place I know well, and perhaps buy a heating pad. Right now walking anywhere is out of the question. I barely made it out of bed and just contemplating the Panorama.



On board today, besides trivia, is the movie “Crazy, Stupid, Love” in the afternoon and a female vocalist, Emily Reed as tonight’s Cabaret Lounge entertainment. There’s also Majority Rules games how at 9:45. That’s about it.



I would like to say I can continue this blog, but right now I know it’s pretty boring. Hopefully we will both get better.



BTW, Fabrizio really is a sweetie. He sent me a get well gift; two bottles of wine and a packet of Rome postcards.


jer: i will relay your regards.

Pia your blogs are never boring. You give me all the information and then I can decide how I spend my day on my virtual cruise:cool:I will maybe take your turn on the treadmill today:D Get well soon

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We were supposed to go into Rome today to pick up some friends at the airport and then go to some out of the way places before they have to check in here. Unfortunately, my sciatica has changed all plans and I will just vacillate on board.


Pia, I am so sorry to hear that you are having back problems. I hope they go away soon so you can enjoy the rest of the ports.


Did you happen to notice how early continuing passengers were able to disembark in Civitavecchia? John and I are thinking of taking the train into Rome on our turnaround day next May. Of course, we would like to get going as early as possible. (We have to get those walking miles in and Rome is a great place for that!)

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I’m jumping in just for a quickie bit of information for those who might be interested. The 2000 day travellers from Canada are aboard and though we didn’t win trivia this morning, neither did they. :D We have also been informed that we are number two this cruise; quite a bit of difference between their days and ours. I know that the luncheon will be on Dec. 12th, and when I find out the stats I will let you know.



Internet is very spotty and I’ve resorted to the freebie Princess postcards for some of my emails. This way cruise critic can have most of my minutes. And, I do feel a teeny bit better this afternoon.


Carolyn, you can get off in Civi at 7:30.

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Glad to hear you're feeling better! I was concerned when you said you were getting worse while already taking Cipro.


As to the others not winning trivia - does that mean there will be no "tips" for the crew this cruise. :p

Some poor cabin steward will go to sleep tonight without his lanyard tip. So Sad.

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I’m jumping in just for a quickie bit of information for those who might be interested. The 2000 day travellers from Canada are aboard and though we didn’t win trivia this morning, neither did they. :D We have also been informed that we are number two this cruise; quite a bit of difference between their days and ours. I know that the luncheon will be on Dec. 12th, and when I find out the stats I will let you know.



Internet is very spotty and I’ve resorted to the freebie Princess postcards for some of my emails. This way cruise critic can have most of my minutes. And, I do feel a teeny bit better this afternoon.


Carolyn, you can get off in Civi at 7:30.

I do hope you will not tar all Canadians with the same brush....Most of my pocket money goes on tipping....;) I have to fit in with the newbie team when I go to Trivia because I am rejected by the clever groups when I walk in the room..:o;)

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Roma, Roma, Roma


This is an account of our pre-cruise visit in Roma, we had 2 days there before we got on the ship and I thought I would share this info too, hope it's ok.


After a grueling 20 hours of cars, trams, and airplanes we finally made it to Roma, it was beautiful to behold even from the air. We were off the plane and got our checked luggage very quick and as we exited the baggage area we see Fabrizio (allarounditaly.net) running to us with the most welcoming smile and lots of hugs. He would not allow us to schlep our luggage and insisted on carrying our stuff to his van, all the while engaging us in conversation and catch-up. We zipped out of the airport and before we could say Mamma Mia we were in the Eternal City. Fabrizio insisted on showing us some sights, just quick drive bys, and then we went to our hotel, Hotel Pantheon smack in the middle of the ancient city center. Once again, Fabrizio would not allow us to touch our luggage and he dragged all our pieces to the lobby, we checked in and made a quick pit stop in the room, and then back out to go to dinner with Fabrizio. We went to a delightful restaurant close to the Pantheon called "I'angolette Romano" where we had an amazing and delicious dinner including antipasti, pasta, lemon Veal, wine, and a trio of desserts which completely hit the spot. The prices were very reasonable and the food was excellent. After dinner we went back to the hotel and parted from Fabrizio knowing we would see him again several times on this visit and cruise.


The hotel was nice, located right at the Pantheon, we had a nice room with a view of the lively Pantheon area streets which was just want we wanted. The hotel kept asking us if we wanted our welcome drink and we politely asked if we could have it the next day which was no problem. We went to sleep and got a good nights rest, waking up and feeling ready to tackle the city on foot.


We walked from our hotel to the king of Baroque churches called St. Ignacio, the Romans call this the 3D church because the artist Pozzo painted a fake dome which looks very much like a dome if you are standing in the proper place to see it. Its very cool, moving through the church you see it become distorted and even then it is something to behold. This church is painted very much like the Sistine Chapel with biblical scenes rising up the walls and onto the roof of the church. Don't forget to turn on the lights of the dome, they really illuminate it well and it only costs one euro. Beware of beggars, and do not pay them if they tell you there is a charge to see the church, all churches in Rome are free.


Next we head to the Ghetto area to visit the ancient Synogogue and Jewish museum which is right on the Tiber close to ponte Fabrizio. On the way we find the cat rescue place called Torre Argentina which is filled with ruins and cats! A must see for cat lovers.


The Synogogue and Museum are very interesting, we learn that Rome's Jews are some of the oldest Romans around, they came here long before the birth of Christ! We also learn the heartbreaking history of their lives in the prison like Ghetto which came after thousands of years of living as normal Romans. It was all very sad and I quickly became saturated and it was time to go cheer up. We walked the bridge and saw the walls that fortify and protect Rome from the flooding Tiber river. Then we walked through the Ghetto and noted a lively area filled with all kinds of people, shops selling Kosher foods and other items. There are many ruins close to this area where you can walk amongst the pillars and ancient remains of a theater. From here it was easy to walk up Capitol hill where the magnificent Campidoglio designed by Michaelangelo.


We had to walk around and see the great views of the Forum and Palatine hill before we decided to visit the Capitoline Museum. The museum was incredible, filled with some incredible pieces of sculptures, Bronzes, paintings, pottery and figurines, and murals. It took us hours to see all of it because we took our time and savored the beauty of the art. As we are walking through the upper floors I notice the sun is going dawn and I cannot believe it. Sunset was beautiful from the top of The hill and we see it set over St. Peters, as we decide to head back to the hotel for our welcome drink.


The walk back to the hotel is quick, and we see many Romans out for their nightly walk, and people are gathering in squares all over the city. We make a quick pit stop at our hotel, and they remind us of our welcome drink which really makes us feel good! We love our hotel, Hotel Pantheon, which is less than a minutes walk to the Pantheon, and is a small boutique like hotel with only 13 rooms, very quaint and clean. Our rate of 140 euros a night (prepaid) is great for the spectacular location and it includes a full breakfast served from 7am-10am. It's definitely a be-back kind of place.


The hotel recommends a wonderful restaurant called " The Popes Table" right around the corner and it is filled with locals and no tourists besides us. The food is so good and very reasonable and we will definitely eat here again before we leave Rome.


Tomorrow, Fabrizio picked us up to take us to Calcata, Lake Bracchiano, and a wonderful family run restaurant in Ceri called "Trattoria La Rocca" where we sit and enjoy a leisurely meal that is incredibly good, the Tiramisu is the best I have ever tasted in my life. Mamma Mia this is good food! The town of Calcata is a gem of a secret medieval town filled with artists and creatives and has quite an interesting past, something to do with an embarrassing relic that disappeared in the late 1970's.


Back in Rome, we say goodbye to Fabrizio but we know we will see him tomorrow when he picks up some friends at the ship, brings them to pick us up in Rome and takes us on a whirlwind tour of Roma, and where we all giggle with delight as dear Fabrizio teaches more and shows us delightful secret areas all around the city. We even hit the designer outlet mall as we head to the port, it's time to get on the ship. No worries though, Fabrizio is driving to Livorno tonight so he can pick us up and take us all on a tour of the super Tuscans areas. More on this tomorrow.



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Amelia, I have to tell you that when we ported in Naples in October I was on a private tour with a different company and when I exited the cruise terminal I was surprised by Fabrizio running up to me with a big hug. His tour met up with my tour at Ristorante da Costantino in Positano and we had a wonderful reunion. You were mentioned and he was looking forward to seeing you again.

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