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What is the best or worse thing a cabin neighbor has done?


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Had the occasional "honeymoon noises":eek:, but never anything real bad. Did have some nice neighbors on a cruise a couple of years ago. We had a cat. 11 suite on the Fascination(out of Jacksonville) and first night we met the couple next door, Mom and daughter... we are talking about ports and such, the daughter stops and says "Are you Bobsfamily?", to which I said yes. We had a laugh, she thanked me for all the advice about ports (Nassau and GB). Amazing how small the world can be,


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Only one time have we had problems on a cruise with a cabin next to us. There were three kids that shared an inside cabin next to ours while their parents had a balcony room across from them. On about the third night (morning actually since it was about 1a) I hear one of the kids, a boy about 16 swearing at his younger sister and brother. Then the mom came and banged on the door and asked what's going on and the kid told her (I don't know what language they spoke) to "Get the 'F" away from his room. She must have had her own key card because she opened the door and the kid started yelling, Get the "F" outta my room, you're a stupid "B##$$!" Then the father comes in and asks what's going on and the sister tells the father what happened. The father yells at her to shut up already with her complaining about the brother. The girl starts crying and the father tells her if she doesn't shut up he's going to hit her himself. :eek: The son says he's tired and when he came back to the cabin she was sitting on his bed and that's why he hit her. The father says to his daughter, "Stay off your brother's bed, why did you sit on his bed?" I'm like so wanting to go over there and just smack this man or say something, but the DH didn't want me to get involved. I have never heard a kid be so disrespectful to his mother or sister and I've never heard of a father letting a brother get away with hitting his sister like that. The father left the room and then the brother hit the sister again because she had told on him. After that I didn't hear anything else. The next night it was more of the same, but just as I was going to call security, I guess the people in the cabin on the other side must have already called because I heard them knock on the door. The kid told them to go away and security demanded he open the door. The father came out from across the hall and told them they had no right to knock on his kid's door. Security said they were getting complaints about the kid hitting his sister and said that one of the parents was going to have to stay in the room with them and send one of the other kids over to the other cabin. The father got really miffed and I don't know what else was said but the mother came over to stay with the younger kids and the son went across to stay with his dad in the other cabin. Then a couple of minutes went by and I hear a slap and the mother yell, "See what problems you make for your brother, you're a little bit##!" After that we never heard another peep from them. They were the most dysfunctional family I've ever come across in my life. Horrible people. The next morning when I left the room the mother came out at the same time and she said to me, "You bi#$%, you complain about my son." I just walked away because I didn't want to get into it with her. I never heard them again and boy am I glad. It was like the older boy was some kind of God to them and he could do no wrong. It was weird! The next day when we disembarked I left the room to go meet the DH and DS for breakfast and I saw them leaving and the brother was punching his sister in the arm. The sister moaned out loud and the father said, "Shut up you cry for nothing!" Then the son sees me and he's like, "What you looking at bit##, F off!" All I can say is I was glad the DH and DS were not with me at the time or that kid would have been toast! This was on an NCL cruise several years ago.


O-M-G! All i can say is WOW!:eek::mad:

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I agree. None of those kids have half a chance with parents like that. Feel the worst for that poor girl, even the Mom scapegoats her. I wonder if she allows it because it would be her otherwise.


Mom is probably getting beat herself. Son thinks he can talk to mom and sister like that because dad already does do that to the women. totally lack of respect for women, period. Shame..:eek:

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We've never heard our neighbors more than a loud word or two here and there - like trying to talk through the bathroom door or something.... slamming doors from time to time... that's IT! I'm counting my blessings. I can only imagine how I'd react to any of the above....


Last cruise, I was afraid of being the bad neighbor with the baby. She ended up sleeping with us if she woke up in the middle of the night. At home, it takes about 5-10 min of crying TOPS and she puts herself back to sleep, but I was afraid to risk it on the cruise. First peep and we scooped her up in bed with us.

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DH and I went on a 3 day cruise on Paradise (out of Long Beach) for my birthday in 2008. Our neighbors across the hall and a few doors down (we weren't quite sure exactly where) were super loud in the hallways - early in the morning, late at night, and even mid-afternoon when I tried to take a nap. One morning they decided it would be great fun to march up and down the hallway blowing whistles:mad:.


Turns out they were a bunch of military buddies on board for their friend's batchelor party. DH went up, bought a bucket of beers, and went back down to their cabin Anyway, they were really appologetic, appreciative of the beer, and we didn't hear another peep out of them. Wish we had done the beer thing the first night, instead of the last!

Your DH sounds like a real smart guy. I'm still trying to learn the lesson that you catch

more fly's with honey then vinegar. I would have called security. His solution was better.

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We were on the Ecstasy and had a connecting room just were we ended up, not a choice of ours. The family in the connecting room allowed their young child to play with the door handle. We would be woken up by that door handle many times at night/early morning and it continued during the daytime too. Always sounded like someone was coming into our cabin. My cousin had stopped by my cabin to talk to me and was startled to see and hear just how much that child played with the door handle. We did mention it to the parents but they felt it didn't cause any harm and it kept the child quiet. No apologies. My DH found something that "jammed" the handle from our side so it wouldn't move (just temp and we removed it when we got off the cruise, no harm done to the door). Only thing we could do to get some sleep.

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We also had a cabin neighbor who would beat his wife each day (sometimes it sounded as if he would throw her up against the wall) all the while their infant son was in the room. This would proceed for approx 10 min and then would be followed by a make up "session" that was just as loud with her screaming F*#@ me, F*#@!

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We also had a cabin neighbor who would beat his wife each day (sometimes it sounded as if he would throw her up against the wall) all the while their infant son was in the room. This would proceed for approx 10 min and then would be followed by a make up "session" that was just as loud with her screaming F*#@ me, F*#@!




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Worst neighbor was on the Pride. We didn't know when we booked, but a majority of the ship had been reserved as a "singles cruise." The room next door had four single guys drinking, partying, etc etc. we wake up one morning and two of them are walking around on top of the lifeboats as we were sailing to Puerto Vallarta. One was looking in my balcony door as he was brushing his teeth.


I called security told them what was going on and they did nothing! When it happened again that afternoon, I demanded they do something.


Security searched there room and locked the door from outside so the guys could not re-enter unless security was there. There was definitely a scene in their room when they found out what was going on and that they were being removed from the ship the next day.


Get to port and there are our neighbors being taken off the ship luggage and all.


It was nice and quiet the rest of the trip not having neighbors anymore... :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The most annoying thing the people in the next cabin did was to constantly be going in and out on the balcony. The door would slam. They also were not quiet talkers, and thankfully they didn't speak English. The same people also seemed to like to slam the doors to the bathroom, and wardrobe, and drawers in the desk....oh my, they never knew how to be quiet.....


The funny thing is I had no cabins above me or on the otherside of me (Liberty 9294) ...the one cabin on the otherside was noisy enough!!


That is exactly what I was going to say.

Maybe it was the same family.


DH caught Mr Creepy India guy craning his neck around the balcony divider and peaking into our room on the first day.


That night something on their balcony banged continuously all night.


The kids ran in and out and in and out.


Mr and Mrs Creepy India guy had a big fight.

I couldn't understand the words, but she was mad...really mad.


I don't know how many people were in that cabin, but there were a lot!

There seemed to be Mr and Mrs, a bunch of kids, another adult man who seemed like a brother to Mr and some grandparents.

Maybe it was a suite or something.


That was the first and only time we will ever have a balcony.

Really not fun and creepy all around.


In inside rooms we have never had a problem with a neighbor.

Once there was someone with a bad cough, but that is not something a person can really help.

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We were in PH1 on the Inspiration and heard a huge blow against the closet door separating the two Penthouses. That was followed by a lady screaming and sounds of scrambling around.


My wife called security while my two sons and I started around the railing to the other door on the starboard side of the ship. About half way around the lady ran out and was grabbed by the husband from behind. I yelled to release her and he flung her by the shoulders back into the door.


I told the boys to restrain and apply passive control holds to the man while I checked the woman. She was stunned and semi conscious. Security arrived and called for medical and a ships officer. The man never said a word. They took a written report and kept him in a secured area until port and turned him over to local authorities. Ships personnel cleared the room and we said goodbye to the lady as she left to meet family flying in for her.


It appears she fractured a wrist and her clavicle.

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Wow I am shocked at some of these stories.

I haven't had any bad neighbors on a cruise, the last cruise had my relatives as neighbors. After reading all these bad balcony stories, I am glad we booked an inside cabin this time! ;)

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My first cruise we had a room across from a large group of girls that had no volume control. They, all together, had about 4 or 5 rooms total. On our last night, at about 1 or 2 am, we hear the girls yelling down the hall to each other instead of using their phones. This lasted about 5 minutes... until one girl got locked out by her friends. She banged on the door screaming until my boyfriend went out and just stared at her. She shut up instantly and her friends let her back in. That was the end of that.


Our last cruise our neighbor brought music with her out onto her balcony. It was pretty terrible. And we couldn't just hear it when we sat on the balcony, we could hear it in our room too. :(

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We have been pretty lucky with our neighbors. Most of the time we don't see or hear them.


However, on one cruise the family had a little boy about 5. He spent every moment the family was in the cabin on the balcony. Not normally a problem. Except that every time DH and I were on our balcony he would climb on the little table and peer around the divider and talk to us. NON STOP talk and questions. I was afraid he was going to fall off the balcony.


His parents were really nice but just a little naive about the safety issue. They would always tell him to, "leave the nice people alone" but they never made him leave us alone.


The dad was a chain smoker. I appreciated the fact that he asked us if it bothered us. I don't like smoke, and I told him it was not too much of a bother. So he said, "I will watch the wind and breeze and if it blows your way I will put it out." I thanked him and sure enough he followed through on his word. He did not have to and I let him know how much I appreciated his doing what he did.


I just wish he could have got his kid to quit staring at Dh and I and asking us all those questions. We left our kids at home and were looking forward to a child free week, but that kid had different plans for us. It got to be a game with DH and I to see if we could sneak out to the balcony without being heard-- nope did not happen once. Every time we were out if the kid was not already out he came out within a minute or less.


Kids can drive you nuts..even though we love them..you guys sound so nice appreciating the good with the bad and being kind anyway to the little kid and really appreciating the "good points" of your neighbors..I wish for you a miraculous quiet balcony/suite upgrade...THIS WAS A SWEET STORY to me, thanks.....Sarah

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Best - plunked myself down in a chair on the balcony in the late afternoon before dinner to gaze past the mirrored glass railings to stare at the ocean. Then a women on the balcony next to ours sat in exactly the right spot (you know, "angle of incidence equals angle of reflection") and decided to get some ... uh ... "extra sun".


Worst - can't really think of anything. My kids are usually next door and they're not too fond of picking up after themselves, so I have to police that a bit and make sure they're not being inconsiderate with the cabin steward. It's not his job to pick up their clothes and things.

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My first cruise back in December, my boyfriend and I were woken up in the middle of the night to bloody-murder screaming coming from a woman. We quickly heard others trying to calm her down from what sounded to be crew members/security but I guess her boyfriend/husband/something beat her up. Mind you, they were both drunk a few hours before as we heard the male involved talking a bunch of crap about her in the hall on the phone about how wasted she always gets. We also learned from another passenger on another site that the room was a bloody mess. I have never experienced something like that before and it was definitely unsettling. Won't stop me from cruising though! We had an amazing cruise, otherwise!

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We had some pretty funny neighbors on our last cruise.


The first night I was walking in the hall by myself to meet my husband on the Promenade. I hear "UH UH UH" and banging noises. I am totally cracking up at this point. I tell my husband that I heard some rough "marital activities" in the cabin next to ours, but he thought I was exaggerating. Well luckily when we walked back by she was still at it! His eyes went so wide and we both started giggling. We told our friends about it and when we all left for dinner they were still at it and had their door cracked! Our friend sorta pushed their door and we all ran off giggling.


The next day there was another guy (I'm assuming they met him on the boat) in their doorway. He asked the neighbor "Do you guys live together?" to which the neighbor answered yes. He responded "I bet you guys have some CRAZY sex." Again. Much giggling.


The last night as we're walking to dinner we hear the girl yelling, "SHOW ME YOUR D***!" Of course as we walk by she opens the door with her hand down his pants and turns around to us to say "Sorry guys"


It was hilarious ha ha

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On our first cruise we had a couple next to us that would yell at each other at 2am. It would start with her yelling "who turned off the light in the bathroom" and he would start yelling that it wasn't him (umm there wasn't anyone else in their cabin):rolleyes:


The way the lights worked in the bathrooms is there was a switch outside the door and if you were in there and someone on the outside shut the light off it was very very dark.


This happened 3 different nights. They both sounded very, very drunk. The first time it was comical but by the third time it grew old.

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not sure if this is a good or bad thing but on our last cruise our neighbor lady seranaded us on a regular basis. seemed like everytime we were in our cabin they were at it. walls are way too thin for a noisy couple. out of curiousity we tried to run into them leaving or retruning to their cain to see what they looked like but never did.

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