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Would you be upset/bothered by this?


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If people dont want other people's opinions then why do they ask the question at all? I wasnt being nasty, I was just saying what I think I would have done and what I think happened. I should probably know better than to think that posters actually want input and discussion or if posters just want people to agree with everything they post.


Your original question was would this bother you? Well, no, it wouldnt bother me because I wouldnt have eaten at the Chef's (?) table to begin with.

Wow.....not once did I say I was upset with your posting nor did I expect everyone to agree with me. Where in my posting did I say that? You posted your opinion, and I stated my opinion that this was about the chef's table and how more than likely only a few amount of chef's actually prepare or come in contact with the chef's table entrees. It's not like I posted this about an MDR entree and my friend blatantly ate shrimp and got sick from it and now I'm complaining about it. When a head chef tells me that there is no shellfish in a particular entree, should I just go and tell him that he is lying?

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I 100% agree....Sounds like your friend has some serious food allergies and maybe the chefs table is not the place for her to eat.

So maybe she should live in a bubble then and/or never eat out as well. You know, because almost every menu at restaurants serve SOME type of shellfish. If a patron informs the proper people of a shellfish - or ANY food - allergy, then that person/restaurant should say yes it can be accommodated or no it can't and we suggest you find another place to eat. Simple as that.

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I agree that is legalese for CYA. Does that make it right? No!


Carnival cannot have it both ways. Either ensure you do not kill your patrons or politely say we cannot accommodate you.


Once you say you will accommodate them, the onus is on you to follow through.


Cross contamination is unacceptable even without food allergies.

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I am so sorry you had to experience this! But (knew that was coming) I have a friend who has a severe peanut allergy and true stories here.


Kid down the road gives their dog peanut butter in a kong yum yum, dog goes outside with a little on its fur, neighbor kids play with dog, kids come to friends house have SMALL peanut residue on hands..friend goes into severe reaction.


Friend gets a pet for son, a rabbit, they putting bedding down for the rabbit, bedding is made in a factory that has peanuts, friends hand swelled to TWICE

their size.


My point with allergies, there are so many what ifs. The ONLY way to be sure is to remove ALL shell fish from the ship. You know what if, the chef working four stations down walks by and sees something out of place on the plates and uses his hand (gloved we hope) to straighten it, and he has fish on his gloves, for my friend that would be all it would take to put her into a reaction, if it was me I would not take the chance I would not eat in the MDR that day.


As for carnivals remark, I dunno, they hear so much, and as others said it was probably a form letter. They serve millions of customers a day so I would think that to even get a reply is good.


I am sorry though and hope next time you just fore-go the shrimp/shell fish night to be safe, personal responsibility begins at home.

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Wow.....not once did I say I was upset with your posting nor did I expect everyone to agree with me. Where in my posting did I say that? You posted your opinion, and I stated my opinion that this was about the chef's table and how more than likely only a few amount of chef's actually prepare or come in contact with the chef's table entrees. It's not like I posted this about an MDR entree and my friend blatantly ate shrimp and got sick from it and now I'm complaining about it. When a head chef tells me that there is no shellfish in a particular entree, should I just go and tell him that he is lying?



I agree that you have reason to be upset that this happened. I am not blaming your friend. I am just saying I am not surprised it happened...anywhere. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying, but just from dealing with my own daughter's allergy, I would have to say that I rather they think I am being a B than ever take a chance. I mean, how often do restaurants mess up regular orders? Pretty often. People just don't take the time to be sure they are correct. I have had waitresses tell us that they are SURE her tea doesn't contain sugar, but because she is so used to not having sugar, she can taste it immediately. I will take the blame myself and say, "I am so sorry, but I am just a little nervous so could you please throw this out and bring her a different glass? " I just don't take their word for it anymore.

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I agree that you have reason to be upset that this happened. I am not blaming your friend. I am just saying I am not surprised it happened...anywhere. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying, but just from dealing with my own daughter's allergy, I would have to say that I rather they think I am being a B than ever take a chance. I mean, how often do restaurants mess up regular orders? Pretty often. People just don't take the time to be sure they are correct. I have had waitresses tell us that they are SURE her tea doesn't contain sugar, but because she is so used to not having sugar, she can taste it immediately. I will take the blame myself and say, "I am so sorry, but I am just a little nervous so could you please throw this out and bring her a different glass? " I just don't take their word for it anymore.


Good for you. Nothing at all wrong in protecting your kid.

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I agree that you have reason to be upset that this happened. I am not blaming your friend. I am just saying I am not surprised it happened...anywhere. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying, but just from dealing with my own daughter's allergy, I would have to say that I rather they think I am being a B than ever take a chance. I mean, how often do restaurants mess up regular orders? Pretty often. People just don't take the time to be sure they are correct. I have had waitresses tell us that they are SURE her tea doesn't contain sugar, but because she is so used to not having sugar, she can taste it immediately. I will take the blame myself and say, "I am so sorry, but I am just a little nervous so could you please throw this out and bring her a different glass? " I just don't take their word for it anymore.

That response was not towards you, but towards lizjoemom who assumed I was upset with her posting or having people give me their opinions. I don't have any problem with anyones posting. I don't agree that it's my friends fault for going to the Chef's Table, but that's their opinion, not mine. But not once did I get upset over any of the posts.

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I am glad your friend was ok, that's the main thing.


I agree that Carnival went into CYA mode there


I honestly wonder IF they should not just limit the chef table in this regard tho? I have not been to it (no real desire) but from what I have read, it is pretty busy, moving from the galley to the area where chef makes the dishes, lots of "watching" him, presentation, etc...so more ways things may go wrong??


I have cruised with some people with allergies or dietary needs (gluten, shellfish) and they have done well...

BUT...on one of my cruises had a lady with us with severe allergies...after the first day she pretty much ate only in the dining room as that was the best way to make sure there wouldn't be a problem


The dining room will work with you, give you menus the night before.

In fact they pretty much told her that was the only way they could make CERTAIN was the dining room.

That was on Imagination.

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.................. all I would have wanted was an I'm sorry -




Response from Carnival;


we are very sorry that your dinner at the Chef's Table was an unhappy experience and we certainly empathize with your friend's discomfort





You got your desire fulfilled. Perhaps you were looking for an admission of guilt? I'm sure they don't know whether then are guilty and I'm sure you don't either so why would they admit something they aren't aware of?


As others have stated, cross contamination is NOT required for someone to have an allergic reaction; breathing vapors of allergens will induce an allergic reaction. Perhaps you have eaten allergens in front of her before, but was it a confined space where the items were freshly prepared?


I have treated several patients with food allergies who were simply nearby when friends, coworkers, or restaurant patrons ate things they were allergic to. In most but not all of those cases, it hadn't happened to them before either.

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Response from Carnival;







You got your desire fulfilled. Perhaps you were looking for an admission of guilt? I'm sure they don't know whether then are guilty and I'm sure you don't either so why would they admit something they aren't aware of?


As others have stated, cross contamination is NOT required for someone to have an allergic reaction; breathing vapors of allergens will induce an allergic reaction. Perhaps you have eaten allergens in front of her before, but was it a confined space where the items were freshly prepared?


I have treated several patients with food allergies who were simply nearby when friends, coworkers, or restaurant patrons ate things they were allergic to. In most but not all of those cases, it hadn't happened to them before either.

Yeah, I might have gotten my I'm sorry, but I didn't want an "I'm sorry, but really it was your fault" response. Carnival can't give it to me both ways.


Also, my friend would beg to differ about cross-contamination and her shellfish allergy. Just because you've only treated people who had a reaction to the vapor of the food, doesn't mean people don't have different severity to the said allergen. Some people break out in hives, some people get sick, some people have an upset stomach and some people die. Cross-contamination can cause an allergic reaction

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Yeah, I might have gotten my I'm sorry, but I didn't want an "I'm sorry, but really it was your fault" response. Carnival can't give it to me both ways.


Also, my friend would beg to differ about cross-contamination and her shellfish allergy. Just because you've only treated people who had a reaction to the vapor of the food, doesn't mean people don't have different severity to the said allergen. Some people break out in hives, some people get sick, some people have an upset stomach and some people die. Cross-contamination can cause an allergic reaction


I totally agree with you..



It amazes me how many who suffer with food allergies think that they they know your friends allergies better than your friend.


Cross contamination is real, and it shouldn't have happened. There is no excuse. This was a PAID EXTRA FOR meal and the OP was assured that proper steps were taken in order to protect her friend.

Cripes, they have 'nut free' tables at elementary schools, and even they know to use separate cleaning items...even the aides are assigned specifically to that table and not allowed to clean another one during lunch times to avoid cross contamination.


Carnival kitchen staff totally dropped the ball on this one. Totally.

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I know allergies can be life-threatening, if not lethal and should be taken seriously. I remember working at Subway and either due to allergies or other reasons, some people would ask for us to use a clean knife, new gloves, etc. No problem at all. Fast forward to my first cruise, I had asked about the "diet" desserts. Granted I am not allergic, but do get very sick from too much sugar. I was told they were "no sugar added" which is NOT the same as "sugar free". Even too much sugar alcohol can make me ill. Since Carnival does have a special needs department, I feel they are more than willing to make any accommodations necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable dining experience.

I'm sorry your friend got sick...so not pleasant at all! Even when accommodations are made, we still have to be diligent for our own health, however if the chef said "no shellfish" but cross contamination happened, I feel that is Carnival's fault. It's not like your friend could go back to watch the preparations to make 100% sure no allergens came in contact with her food. I'm not sure there is an easy answer to this, but I do feel that in addition to Carnival's "I'm sorry this happened" form letter, at the very least, a follow up phone call from someone should have taken place as well. There are many good lawyers who could get right past that form letter and would love to get a settlement out of this...unfortunately.

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Don't read too much into it. This is most likely just a standard form letter to protect the company in the event of a suit. After all, if Carnival had told you they are sorry, it is their fault, and they will be more careful next time, it can be used as an admission of fault should your friend somehow decide to sue the company for a million bucks.

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I understand your frustration with the response... But honestly, knowing these chef's cook for thousands...


Why even think about putting anything with the word "Shrimp", in the name of the item, if your allergic to shell fish? Even if they were attempting to make it special for you, you have to take into account that it is being made side by side, with SHRIMP.


Surely, that was a bad idea... Im truly sorry that your friend was ill during t he cruise.

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I understand your frustration with the response... But honestly, knowing these chef's cook for thousands...


Why even think about putting anything with the word "Shrimp", in the name of the item, if your allergic to shell fish? Even if they were attempting to make it special for you, you have to take into account that it is being made side by side, with SHRIMP.


Surely, that was a bad idea... Im truly sorry that your friend was ill during t he cruise.

But it wasn't a chef cooking for thousands of people. It was one entree at the chef's table specifically for 14 people. This didn't happen with a dish in the MDR...

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But it wasn't a chef cooking for thousands of people. It was one entree at the chef's table specifically for 14 people. This didn't happen with a dish in the MDR...


I get that, but first, you dont truly think that chef is ONLY cooking for those 14 people...


And reality is, if i was that allergic to a food, I wouldnt touch anything with the name of that food in it, if i were eating at a local restaurant back in the USA...


Im not saying that you were responsible, but surely you can see how taking a chance like that, while on vacation, may be a mistake...

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Sorry, but I agree with Carnival that it is up to the individual to decide if they are willing to chance it with eating something that may contain something that they are allergic too.

Why would someone with a serious food allergy even go to a gourmet tasting, which is apt to feature exotic foods that could trigger an allergic reaction? Chef's can try to accommodate special requests, but can't wipe down the whole kitchen because of a person's allergy.

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I'm allergic to FIN FISH, not shell fish. Once at lunch a co-worker ordered the salmon. We were at the same table. By the time lunch was over I was sick at my stomach. I ended up going home for the day and when I changed out of my work clothes I was covered in hives.


Apparently, breathing in the fumes/vapors off of food that one is allergic too can also cause an allergic reaction. I did not know this prior to this instance.


It wasn't necessarily cross-contamination that caused your friend to get sick w/ an allergic reaction, it could have simply been from being seated w/ others who were eating shellfish.


I am highly allergic to shellfish and seafood in general. This very same thing happens to me. If my husband has lobster or crab legs and the shells are nearby, I start having a reaction. It has even happened when other tables around us have shellfish or seafood.

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I get that, but first, you dont truly think that chef is ONLY cooking for those 14 people...


And reality is, if i was that allergic to a food, I wouldnt touch anything with the name of that food in it, if i were eating at a local restaurant back in the USA...


Im not saying that you were responsible, but surely you can see how taking a chance like that, while on vacation, may be a mistake...

*Just a disclaimer first - I'm not upset with your postings, and I'm not arguing with you - just having a discussion, so please don't take any of my responses to your posts the wrong way*


Now, I understand your point, but it's not like she specifically ordered a shrimp entree or appetizer and asked the chef to make it with ham or another meat instead - expecting it to be safe. It was one course within a 7 course meal, that was paid extra for. The Head Chef assured us that her dish was made with ham and not shrimp. If the Head Chef was not 100% sure, he should not have made those claims. If the Head Chef or bar manager who greeted us or even the person from the steakhouse re-confirming our Chef's Table reservation would have said, we can not be 100% sure that there will be no cross-contamination or any chance that your food will not come into contact with your specific allergen, we would have done one of two things: Either skip that course or skip the experience altogether - no harm, no foul. Instead, the response we got was yes, we will cater to your allergy, you don't have to worry. I understand this was a CYA response, but if I or my friend will be patronized for trusting that our food will be prepared safely, that's completely wrong. That's like a restaurant saying "we're sorry, but it's not our fault you got e.coli because we didn't take the proper precautions - you should have made more suitable food choices." It's the same response that Carnival is giving me.

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I, too, would have addressed the issue while on the ship. Heaven forbid that something worse than the hives had happened. I am also allergic to shrimp, but only shrimp. If I had eaten something with shrimp on it, I would have started with hives and gotten worse.


I don't think letting them know after the fact when you are back home means anything to Carnival. I think they have standard letters which absolve them from all blame and put it on the customer. Perhaps if it had been addressed as soon as the hives started, and the doctor or someone on the ship had seen your friend, something might have been done.


I'm sure you and your friend are very careful of the shellfish and did everything you could, but in today's world no one wants to take the blame for anything. How sad.

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*Just a disclaimer first - I'm not upset with your postings, and I'm not arguing with you - just having a discussion, so please don't take any of my responses to your posts the wrong way*


Now, I understand your point, but it's not like she specifically ordered a shrimp entree or appetizer and asked the chef to make it with ham or another meat instead - expecting it to be safe. It was one course within a 7 course meal, that was paid extra for. The Head Chef assured us that her dish was made with ham and not shrimp. If the Head Chef was not 100% sure, he should not have made those claims. If the Head Chef or bar manager who greeted us or even the person from the steakhouse re-confirming our Chef's Table reservation would have said, we can not be 100% sure that there will be no cross-contamination or any chance that your food will not come into contact with your specific allergen, we would have done one of two things: Either skip that course or skip the experience altogether - no harm, no foul. Instead, the response we got was yes, we will cater to your allergy, you don't have to worry. I understand this was a CYA response, but if I or my friend will be patronized for trusting that our food will be prepared safely, that's completely wrong. That's like a restaurant saying "we're sorry, but it's not our fault you got e.coli because we didn't take the proper precautions - you should have made more suitable food choices." It's the same response that Carnival is giving me.


Lol, naaa im ot taking it personally, and you shouldnt either :) Its just discussion... In fact I agree with you, it WAS the Chef's fault...


All I am saying is... If they had that bad a food alergy... Well you decided to take the chance that it may not go as well as you wanted, especially when the first thing oedered was a mistake...


All im saying is, you took the chance... So its "partially" your responsibility also...

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Yea the response stinks.....basic Carnival protocol...


However upon reading the story you presented, why go or put yourself or your friend, into that situation? The odds were they would screw up.

You were asking everyone to make numerous changes to accomodate one person.

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Why would someone with a serious food allergy even go to a gourmet tasting, which is apt to feature exotic foods that could trigger an allergic reaction? Chef's can try to accommodate special requests, but can't wipe down the whole kitchen because of a person's allergy.


I agree with this.

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